@ -58,39 +58,39 @@ Ext.ux.MumbleChannelViewer = function( config ){ |
Ext.applyIf( this, { |
// This stuff needs the above applied already
bbar: { |
items: [ gettext("Auto-Refresh")+':', { |
xtype: "checkbox", |
ref: "../cbAutoRefresh", |
scope: this, |
handler: this.setAutoRefresh, |
checked: (this.refreshInterval > 0), |
}, { |
xtype: "numberfield", |
width: 30, |
value: this.refreshInterval / 1000, |
ref: "../nfAutoRefreshInterval", |
scope: this, |
listeners: { |
render: function(c) { |
Ext.QuickTips.register({ |
target: c.getEl(), |
text: gettext('Enter the interval in seconds in which the channel viewer should refresh and hit Enter.') |
}); |
}, |
specialkey: function( field, ev ){ |
if( ev.getKey() == ev.ENTER ){ |
this.scope.setAutoRefresh(); // lawl
} |
} |
// x-btn x-btn-noicon
bbar: [ gettext("Auto-Refresh")+':', { |
xtype: "checkbox", |
ref: "../cbAutoRefresh", |
scope: this, |
handler: this.setAutoRefresh, |
checked: (this.refreshInterval > 0), |
}, { |
xtype: "numberfield", |
width: 30, |
value: this.refreshInterval / 1000, |
ref: "../nfAutoRefreshInterval", |
scope: this, |
listeners: { |
render: function(c) { |
Ext.QuickTips.register({ |
target: c.getEl(), |
text: gettext('Enter the interval in seconds in which the channel viewer should refresh and hit Enter.') |
}); |
}, |
}, gettext("Seconds"), '->', { |
xtype: "button", |
text: gettext("Refresh"), |
handler: this.refresh, |
scope: this |
}] |
}, |
specialkey: function( field, ev ){ |
if( ev.getKey() == ev.ENTER ){ |
this.scope.setAutoRefresh(); // lawl
} |
} |
}, |
}, gettext("Seconds"), '->', { |
xtype: "button", |
template: null, |
text: gettext("Refresh"), |
handler: this.refresh, |
scope: this |
}] |
} ); |
Ext.ux.MumbleChannelViewer.superclass.constructor.call( this ); |