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implements get**** methods.

withgod 16 years ago
  1. 145


@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# mumble-django contributed by
import dbus
#zope.interface is good but don't standard interface library
#abc is better but 2.6 higher.
@ -84,6 +83,96 @@ class MumbleCtlBase ():
# ret = MumbleCtlIce()
return ret
import Ice
class MumbleCtlIce(MumbleCtlBase):
proxy = 'Meta:tcp -h -p 6502'
slice = '/usr/share/slice/'
meta = None
def __init__(self):
self.meta = self._getIceMeta()
def _getIceMeta(self):
ice = Ice.initialize()
import Murmur
prx = ice.stringToProxy(self.proxy)
return Murmur.MetaPrx.checkedCast(prx)
def _getIceServerObject(self, srvid):
if srvid not in self.getBootedServers():
raise Exception, 'No murmur process with the given server ID (%d) is running and attached to system dbus under %s.' % ( srvid, self.meta );
return self.meta.getServer(srvid);
def getBootedServers(self):
return range(1, len(self.meta.getBootedServers())+1)
def getAllServers(self):
return range(1, len(self.meta.getAllServers())+1)
def getRegisteredPlayers(self, srvid):
users = self._getIceServerObject(srvid).getRegisteredPlayers('')
ret = []
for user in users:
ret.append([user.playerid, unicode(, unicode(, unicode(])
return ret
def getChannels(self, srvid):
chans = self._getIceServerObject(srvid).getChannels()
ret = []
for x in chans:
chan = chans[x]
ret.append([, unicode(, chan.parent, chan.links])
return ret
def getPlayers(self, srvid):
users = self._getIceServerObject(srvid).getPlayers()
ret = []
for x in users:
user = users[x]
ret.append([user.session, user.mute, user.deaf, user.suppressed, user.selfMute, user.selfDeaf,, user.playerid, unicode(, user.onlinesecs, user.bytespersec])
return ret
def getACL(self, srvid, identifier):
import Murmur
acls = self._getIceServerObject(srvid).getACL(identifier)
ret = []
for x in acls:
if isinstance(x, list):
tmp = []
for y in x:
if y.__class__ is Murmur.ACL:
tmp.append([y.applyHere, y.applySubs, y.inherited, y.playerid, unicode(, y.allow, y.deny])
elif y.__class__ is Murmur.Group:
tmp.append([unicode(, y.inherited, y.inherit, y.inheritable, y.add, y.remove, y.members])
return ret
def getDefaultConf(self):
return MumbleCtlIce.setUnicodeFlag(self.meta.getDefaultConf())
def getAllConf(self, srvid):
return MumbleCtlIce.setUnicodeFlag(self._getIceServerObject(srvid).getAllConf())
def setUnicodeFlag(data):
ret = {}
for key in data.keys():
ret[unicode(key)] = unicode(data[key])
return ret
import dbus
class MumbleCtlDbus(MumbleCtlBase):
meta = None
@ -179,24 +268,52 @@ class MumbleCtlDbus(MumbleCtlBase):
return ret
if __name__ == "__main__":
print "--- test start"
print "--- Dbus test start"
#ctl = MumbleCtlBase.newInstance()
ctl = MumbleCtlDbus()
print ctl
print ctl.meta
print "booted server", ctl.getBootedServers()
dbusCtl = MumbleCtlDbus()
print dbusCtl
print dbusCtl.meta
print "booted server", dbusCtl.getBootedServers()
print "chans"
print dbusCtl.getChannels(1)
print "users"
print dbusCtl.getPlayers(1)
print "getACL", dbusCtl.getACL(1, 0)
print dbusCtl.getACL(1, 0)[0].__class__ is dbus.Array
print "getAllServers()"
print dbusCtl.getAllServers()
print "getDefaultConf()"
print dbusCtl.getDefaultConf()
print "getAllConf(1)"
print dbusCtl.getAllConf(1)
print "--Dbus end--"
print "--- Ice test start"
iceCtl = MumbleCtlIce()
print iceCtl
print iceCtl.meta
print "booted server", iceCtl.getBootedServers()
print "chans"
print ctl.getChannels(1)
print iceCtl.getChannels(1)
print "users"
print ctl.getPlayers(1)
print "getACL", ctl.getACL(1, 0)
print ctl.getACL(1, 0)[0].__class__ is dbus.Array
print iceCtl.getPlayers(1)
print "getACL", iceCtl.getACL(1, 0)
print iceCtl.getACL(1, 0)[0].__class__ is dbus.Array
print "getAllServers()"
print ctl.getAllServers()
print iceCtl.getAllServers()
print "getDefaultConf()"
print ctl.getDefaultConf()
print iceCtl.getDefaultConf()
print "getAllConf(1)"
print ctl.getAllConf(1)
print iceCtl.getAllConf(1)
print "--- Ice test end"
print "equal test ---"
print "getBootedServers [%s]" % (dbusCtl.getBootedServers() == iceCtl.getBootedServers())
print "getChannels [%s]" % (dbusCtl.getChannels(1) == iceCtl.getChannels(1))
print "getPlayers [%s]" % (dbusCtl.getPlayers(1) == iceCtl.getPlayers(1))
print "getACL(1, 0) [%s]" % (dbusCtl.getACL(1, 0) == iceCtl.getACL(1, 0))
print "getAllServers [%s]" % (dbusCtl.getAllServers() == iceCtl.getAllServers())
print "getDefaultConf [%s]" % (dbusCtl.getDefaultConf() == iceCtl.getDefaultConf())
print "getAllConf(1) [%s]" % (dbusCtl.getAllConf(1) == iceCtl.getAllConf(1))
print "getRegisteredPlayers(1) [%s]" % (dbusCtl.getRegisteredPlayers(1) == iceCtl.getRegisteredPlayers(1))
print "--- test end"