@ -119,68 +119,120 @@ |
xtype: "{{ RegForm|lower }}", |
xtype: "{{ RegForm|lower }}", |
pk: {% if MumbleAccount %}{{ MumbleAccount.id }}{% else %}-1{% endif %}, |
pk: {% if MumbleAccount %}{{ MumbleAccount.id }}{% else %}-1{% endif %}, |
labelWidth: 150, |
labelWidth: 150, |
baseParams: {serverid: {{MumbleServer.id}} } |
baseParams: {serverid: {{MumbleServer.id}} }, |
{% if not MumbleAccount %} |
listeners: { |
submitSuccess: function( form, action ){ |
window.location.reload(); |
} |
} |
{% else %} |
listeners: { |
submitSuccess: function( form, action ){ |
form.savetip = new Ext.ToolTip({ |
id: 'content-anchor-tip', |
target: '{{ RegForm }}_submit', |
anchor: 'right', |
html: gettext("Saved successfully."), |
width: 150, |
autoHide: true, |
listeners: { |
hide: function( ttip ){ |
form.savetip.destroy(); |
form.savetip = null; |
} |
} |
}); |
form.savetip.show(); |
} |
} |
{% endif %} |
}, |
}, |
{% if IsAdmin %} |
{% if IsAdmin %} |
{ |
{ |
title: gettext("Administration"), |
title: gettext("Administration"), |
pk: {{ MumbleServer.id }}, |
pk: {{ MumbleServer.id }}, |
labelWidth: 150, |
labelWidth: 150, |
xtype: 'mumbleform' |
xtype: 'mumbleform', |
listeners: { |
submitSuccess: function( form, action ){ |
form.savetip = new Ext.ToolTip({ |
id: 'content-anchor-tip', |
target: 'MumbleForm_submit', |
anchor: 'right', |
html: gettext("Saved successfully."), |
width: 150, |
autoHide: true, |
listeners: { |
hide: function( ttip ){ |
form.savetip.destroy(); |
form.savetip = null; |
} |
} |
}); |
form.savetip.show(); |
} |
} |
}, |
}, |
{% endif %} |
{% endif %} |
{% if MumbleAccount %} |
{% if MumbleAccount %} |
{ |
{ |
title: gettext("User texture"), |
title: gettext("User texture"), |
layout: "border", |
items: [{ |
region: "north", |
layout: "hbox", |
height: 200, |
{% if MumbleServer|mmversion_eq:"1.2.2" %} |
html: gettext( |
'Sorry, due to a bug in Murmur 1.2.2, displaying and setting the Texture is disabled.' |
) |
{% else %} |
layout: "border", |
items: [{ |
items: [{ |
flex: 1, |
height: 200, |
title: gettext("Texture"), |
html: String.format('<img src="{0}" alt="Avatar" id="img_avatar" />', |
"{% url mumble.views.showTexture MumbleServer.id MumbleAccount.id %}") |
}, { |
flex: 1, |
region: "north", |
layout: "hbox", |
height: 200, |
height: 200, |
title: gettext("Gravatar"), |
html: String.format('<img src="{0}" alt="grAvatar" />', "{{ MumbleAccount.gravatar }}") |
}] |
}, { |
region: "center", |
xtype: "form", |
labelWidth: 150, |
fileUpload: true, |
url: "{% url mumble.views.update_avatar MumbleAccount.id %}", |
items: [{ |
name: "usegravatar", |
fieldLabel: gettext("Use Gravatar"), |
xtype: "checkbox" |
items: [{ |
flex: 1, |
height: 200, |
title: gettext("Texture"), |
html: String.format('<img src="{0}" alt="Avatar" id="img_avatar" />', |
"{% url mumble.views.showTexture MumbleServer.id MumbleAccount.id %}") |
}, { |
flex: 1, |
height: 200, |
title: gettext("Gravatar"), |
html: String.format('<img src="{0}" alt="grAvatar" />', "{{ MumbleAccount.gravatar }}") |
}] |
}, { |
}, { |
name: "texturefile", |
fieldLabel: gettext("Upload Avatar"), |
xtype: "textfield", |
inputType: "file" |
}], |
buttons: [{ |
text: gettext('Submit'), |
handler: function(){ |
this.ownerCt.ownerCt.getForm().submit({ |
success: function(form, action){ |
var now = new Date(); |
var img = Ext.fly("img_avatar"); |
img.dom.src = String.format("{0}?_dc={1}", |
"{% url mumble.views.showTexture MumbleServer.id MumbleAccount.id %}", |
now.getTime() |
); |
} |
}); |
region: "center", |
xtype: "form", |
labelWidth: 150, |
fileUpload: true, |
url: "{% url mumble.views.update_avatar MumbleAccount.id %}", |
items: [{ |
name: "usegravatar", |
fieldLabel: gettext("Use Gravatar"), |
xtype: "checkbox" |
}, { |
name: "texturefile", |
fieldLabel: gettext("Upload Avatar"), |
xtype: "textfield", |
inputType: "file" |
}], |
buttons: [{ |
text: gettext('Submit'), |
handler: function(){ |
this.ownerCt.ownerCt.getForm().submit({ |
success: function(form, action){ |
var now = new Date(); |
var img = Ext.fly("img_avatar"); |
img.dom.src = String.format("{0}?_dc={1}", |
"{% url mumble.views.showTexture MumbleServer.id MumbleAccount.id %}", |
now.getTime() |
); |
} |
}); |
} |
} |
}] |
}] |
}] |
}] |
{% endif %} |
}, |
}, |
{% endif %} |
{% endif %} |
{% if IsAdmin %} |
{% if IsAdmin %} |