8 changed files with 862 additions and 910 deletions
@ -1,484 +0,0 @@ |
// Copyright 2015 Drew Short <drew@sothr.com>.
// Licensed under the MIT license<LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
// This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
use std::path::Path;
use std::f64;
use super::image;
use super::image::{GenericImage, Pixel, FilterType};
use super::dft;
use super::dft::Transform;
use cache::Cache;
// Used to get ranges for the precision of rounding floats
// Can round to 1 significant factor of precision
const FLOAT_PRECISION_MAX_1: f64 = f64::MAX / 10_f64;
const FLOAT_PRECISION_MIN_1: f64 = f64::MIN / 10_f64;
// Can round to 2 significant factors of precision
const FLOAT_PRECISION_MAX_2: f64 = f64::MAX / 100_f64;
const FLOAT_PRECISION_MIN_2: f64 = f64::MIN / 100_f64;
// Can round to 3 significant factors of precision
const FLOAT_PRECISION_MAX_3: f64 = f64::MAX / 1000_f64;
const FLOAT_PRECISION_MIN_3: f64 = f64::MIN / 1000_f64;
// Can round to 4 significant factors of precision
const FLOAT_PRECISION_MAX_4: f64 = f64::MAX / 10000_f64;
const FLOAT_PRECISION_MIN_4: f64 = f64::MIN / 10000_f64;
// Can round to 5 significant factors of precision
const FLOAT_PRECISION_MAX_5: f64 = f64::MAX / 100000_f64;
const FLOAT_PRECISION_MIN_5: f64 = f64::MIN / 100000_f64;
* Prepared image that can be used to generate hashes
pub struct PreparedImage<'a> {
orig_path: &'a str,
image: image::ImageBuffer<image::Luma<u8>, Vec<u8>>,
cache: &'a Cache<'a>,
* Wraps the various perceptual hashes
pub struct PerceptualHashes<'a> {
pub orig_path: &'a str,
pub ahash: u64,
pub dhash: u64,
pub phash: u64,
* All the supported precision types
* Low aims for 32 bit precision
* Medium aims for 64 bit precision
* High aims for 128 bit precision
pub enum Precision {
// Get the size of the required image
impl Precision {
fn get_size(&self) -> u32 {
match *self {
Precision::Low => 4,
Precision::Medium => 8,
Precision::High => 16,
* Types of hashes supported
pub enum HashType {
* Resonsible for parsing a path, converting an image and package it to be
* hashed.
* # Arguments
* * 'path' - The path to the image requested to be hashed
* * 'size' - The size that the image should be resize to, in the form of size x size
* # Returns
* A PreparedImage struct with the required information for performing hashing
pub fn prepare_image<'a>(path: &'a Path,
hash_type: &HashType,
precision: &Precision,
cache: &'a Cache<'a>)
-> PreparedImage<'a> {
let image_path = path.to_str().unwrap();
let size: u32 = match *hash_type {
HashType::Phash => precision.get_size() * 4,
_ => precision.get_size(),
// Check if we have the already converted image in a cache and use that if possible.
match cache.get_image_from_cache(&path, size) {
Some(image) => {
PreparedImage {
orig_path: &*image_path,
image: image,
cache: &cache
None => {
// Otherwise let's do that work now and store it.
let image = image::open(path).unwrap();
let small_image = image.resize_exact(size, size, FilterType::Lanczos3);
let grey_image = small_image.to_luma();
match cache.put_image_in_cache(&path, size, &grey_image) {
Ok(_) => {}
Err(e) => println!("Unable to store image in cache. {}", e),
PreparedImage {
orig_path: &*image_path,
image: grey_image,
cache: &cache,
* Get all perceptual hashes for an image
pub fn get_perceptual_hashes<'a>(path: &'a Path, precision: &Precision, cache: &Cache) -> PerceptualHashes<'a> {
let image_path = path.to_str().unwrap();
let ahash = AHash::new(&path, &precision, &cache).get_hash();
let dhash = DHash::new(&path, &precision, &cache).get_hash();
let phash = PHash::new(&path, &precision, &cache).get_hash();
PerceptualHashes {
orig_path: &*image_path,
ahash: ahash,
dhash: dhash,
phash: phash,
* Calculate the number of bits different between two hashes
* Add to the PerceptualHashTrait
pub fn calculate_hamming_distance(hash1: u64, hash2: u64) -> u64 {
// The binary xor of the two hashes should give us a number representing
// the differences between the two hashes. All that's left is to count
// the number of 1's in the difference to determine the hamming distance
let bin_diff = hash1 ^ hash2;
let bin_diff_str = format!("{:b}", bin_diff);
let mut hamming = 0u64;
for bit in bin_diff_str.chars() {
match bit {
'1' => hamming += 1,
_ => continue,
pub trait PerceptualHash {
fn get_hash(&self) -> u64;
pub struct AHash<'a> {
prepared_image: Box<PreparedImage<'a>>,
impl<'a> AHash<'a> {
pub fn new(path: &'a Path, precision: &Precision, cache: &'a Cache) -> Self {
AHash { prepared_image: Box::new(prepare_image(&path, &HashType::Ahash, &precision, &cache)) }
impl<'a> PerceptualHash for AHash<'a> {
* Calculate the ahash of the provided prepared image.
* # Returns
* A u64 representing the value of the hash
fn get_hash(&self) -> u64 {
let (width, height) = self.prepared_image.image.dimensions();
// calculating the average pixel value
let mut total = 0u64;
for pixel in self.prepared_image.image.pixels() {
let channels = pixel.channels();
// println!("Pixel is: {}", channels[0]);
total += channels[0] as u64;
let mean = total / (width * height) as u64;
// println!("Mean for {} is {}", prepared_image.orig_path, mean);
// Calculating a hash based on the mean
let mut hash = 0u64;
for pixel in self.prepared_image.image.pixels() {
let channels = pixel.channels();
let pixel_sum = channels[0] as u64;
if pixel_sum >= mean {
hash |= 1;
// println!("Pixel {} is >= {} therefore {:b}", pixel_sum, mean, hash);
} else {
hash |= 0;
// println!("Pixel {} is < {} therefore {:b}", pixel_sum, mean, hash);
hash <<= 1;
// println!("Hash for {} is {}", prepared_image.orig_path, hash);
pub struct DHash<'a> {
prepared_image: Box<PreparedImage<'a>>,
impl<'a> DHash<'a> {
pub fn new(path: &'a Path, precision: &Precision, cache: &'a Cache) -> Self {
DHash { prepared_image: Box::new(prepare_image(&path, &HashType::Dhash, &precision, &cache)) }
impl<'a> PerceptualHash for DHash<'a> {
* Calculate the dhash of the provided prepared image
* # Return
* Returns a u64 representing the value of the hash
fn get_hash(&self) -> u64 {
// Stored for later
let first_pixel_val = self.prepared_image.image.pixels().nth(0).unwrap().channels()[0];
let last_pixel_val = self.prepared_image.image.pixels().last().unwrap().channels()[0];
// Calculate the dhash
let mut previous_pixel_val = 0u64;
let mut hash = 0u64;
for (index, pixel) in self.prepared_image.image.pixels().enumerate() {
if index == 0 {
previous_pixel_val = pixel.channels()[0] as u64;
let channels = pixel.channels();
let pixel_val = channels[0] as u64;
if pixel_val >= previous_pixel_val {
hash |= 1;
} else {
hash |= 0;
hash <<= 1;
previous_pixel_val = channels[0] as u64;
if first_pixel_val >= last_pixel_val {
hash |= 1;
} else {
hash |= 0;
pub struct PHash<'a> {
prepared_image: Box<PreparedImage<'a>>,
impl<'a> PHash<'a> {
pub fn new(path: &'a Path, precision: &Precision, cache: &'a Cache) -> Self {
PHash { prepared_image: Box::new(prepare_image(&path, &HashType::Phash, &precision, &cache)) }
impl<'a> PerceptualHash for PHash<'a> {
* Calculate the phash of the provided prepared image
* # Return
* Returns a u64 representing the value of the hash
fn get_hash(&self) -> u64 {
// Get the image data into a vector to perform the DFT on.
let width = self.prepared_image.image.width() as usize;
let height = self.prepared_image.image.height() as usize;
// Get 2d data to 2d FFT/DFT
// Either from the cache or calculate it
// Pretty fast already, so caching doesn't make a huge difference
// Atleast compared to opening and processing the images
let mut data_matrix: Vec<Vec<f64>> = Vec::new();
match self.prepared_image.cache.get_matrix_from_cache(&Path::new(self.prepared_image.orig_path),
width as u32) {
Some(matrix) => data_matrix = matrix,
None => {
// Preparing the results
for x in 0..width {
for y in 0..height {
let pos_x = x as u32;
let pos_y = y as u32;
.get_pixel(pos_x, pos_y)
.channels()[0] as f64);
// Perform the 2D DFT operation on our matrix
calculate_2d_dft(&mut data_matrix);
// Store this DFT in the cache
match self.prepared_image.cache.put_matrix_in_cache(&Path::new(self.prepared_image.orig_path),
width as u32,
&data_matrix) {
Ok(_) => {}
Err(e) => println!("Unable to store matrix in cache. {}", e),
// Only need the top left quadrant
let target_width = (width / 4) as usize;
let target_height = (height / 4) as usize;
let dft_width = (width / 4) as f64;
let dft_height = (height / 4) as f64;
// Calculate the mean
let mut total = 0f64;
for x in 0..target_width {
for y in 0..target_height {
total += data_matrix[x][y];
let mean = total / (dft_width * dft_height);
// Calculating a hash based on the mean
let mut hash = 0u64;
for x in 0..target_width {
// println!("Mean: {} Values: {:?}",mean,data_matrix[x]);
for y in 0..target_height {
if data_matrix[x][y] >= mean {
hash |= 1;
// println!("Pixel {} is >= {} therefore {:b}", pixel_sum, mean, hash);
} else {
hash |= 0;
// println!("Pixel {} is < {} therefore {:b}", pixel_sum, mean, hash);
hash <<= 1;
// println!("Hash for {} is {}", prepared_image.orig_path, hash);
// Use a 1D DFT to cacluate the 2D DFT.
// This is achieved by calculating the DFT for each row, then calculating the
// DFT for each column of DFT row data. This means that a 32x32 image with have
// 1024 1D DFT operations performed on it. (Slightly caclulation intensive)
// This operation is in place on the data in the provided vector
// Inspired by:
// http://www.inf.ufsc.br/~visao/khoros/html-dip/c5/s2/front-page.html
// Checked with:
// http://calculator.vhex.net/post/calculator-result/2d-discrete-fourier-transform
fn calculate_2d_dft(data_matrix: &mut Vec<Vec<f64>>) {
// println!("{:?}", data_matrix);
let width = data_matrix.len();
let height = data_matrix[0].len();
let mut complex_data_matrix = Vec::with_capacity(width);
// Perform DCT on the columns of data
for x in 0..width {
let mut column: Vec<f64> = Vec::with_capacity(height);
for y in 0..height {
// Perform the DCT on this column
// println!("column[{}] before: {:?}", x, column);
let forward_plan = dft::Plan::new(dft::Operation::Forward, column.len());
let complex_column = dft::unpack(&column);
// println!("column[{}] after: {:?}", x, complex_column);
// Perform DCT on the rows of data
for y in 0..height {
let mut row = Vec::with_capacity(width);
for x in 0..width {
// Perform DCT on the row
// println!("row[{}] before: {:?}", y, row);
let forward_plan = dft::Plan::new(dft::Operation::Forward, row.len());
// println!("row[{}] after: {:?}", y, row);
// Put the row values back
for x in 0..width {
data_matrix[x][y] = round_float(row[x].re);
fn round_float(f: f64) -> f64 {
} else if f >= FLOAT_PRECISION_MAX_2 || f <= FLOAT_PRECISION_MIN_2 {
(f * 10_f64).round() / 10_f64
} else if f >= FLOAT_PRECISION_MAX_3 || f <= FLOAT_PRECISION_MIN_3 {
(f * 100_f64).round() / 100_f64
} else if f >= FLOAT_PRECISION_MAX_4 || f <= FLOAT_PRECISION_MIN_4 {
(f * 1000_f64).round() / 1000_f64
} else if f >= FLOAT_PRECISION_MAX_5 || f <= FLOAT_PRECISION_MIN_5 {
(f * 10000_f64).round() / 10000_f64
} else {
(f * 100000_f64).round() / 100000_f64
fn test_2d_dft() {
let mut test_matrix: Vec<Vec<f64>> = Vec::new();
test_matrix.push(vec![1f64, 1f64, 1f64, 3f64]);
test_matrix.push(vec![1f64, 2f64, 2f64, 1f64]);
test_matrix.push(vec![1f64, 2f64, 2f64, 1f64]);
test_matrix.push(vec![3f64, 1f64, 1f64, 1f64]);
println!("{:?}", test_matrix[0]);
println!("{:?}", test_matrix[1]);
println!("{:?}", test_matrix[2]);
println!("{:?}", test_matrix[3]);
println!("Performing 2d DFT");
calculate_2d_dft(&mut test_matrix);
println!("{:?}", test_matrix[0]);
println!("{:?}", test_matrix[1]);
println!("{:?}", test_matrix[2]);
println!("{:?}", test_matrix[3]);
assert!(test_matrix[0][0] == 24_f64);
assert!(test_matrix[0][1] == 0_f64);
assert!(test_matrix[0][2] == 0_f64);
assert!(test_matrix[0][3] == 0_f64);
assert!(test_matrix[1][0] == 0_f64);
assert!(test_matrix[1][1] == 0_f64);
assert!(test_matrix[1][2] == -2_f64);
assert!(test_matrix[1][3] == 2_f64);
assert!(test_matrix[2][0] == 0_f64);
assert!(test_matrix[2][1] == -2_f64);
assert!(test_matrix[2][2] == -4_f64);
assert!(test_matrix[2][3] == -2_f64);
assert!(test_matrix[3][0] == 0_f64);
assert!(test_matrix[3][1] == 2_f64);
assert!(test_matrix[3][2] == -2_f64);
assert!(test_matrix[3][3] == 0_f64);
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ |
// Copyright 2016 Drew Short <drew@sothr.com>.
// Licensed under the MIT license<LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
// This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
use super::{HashType, PerceptualHash, Precision, PreparedImage};
use super::prepare_image;
use super::image::{GenericImage, Pixel};
use std::path::Path;
use cache::Cache;
pub struct AHash<'a> {
prepared_image: Box<PreparedImage<'a>>,
impl<'a> AHash<'a> {
pub fn new(path: &'a Path, precision: &Precision, cache: &'a Cache) -> Self {
AHash { prepared_image: Box::new(prepare_image(&path, &HashType::AHash, &precision, &cache)) }
impl<'a> PerceptualHash for AHash<'a> {
* Calculate the ahash of the provided prepared image.
* # Returns
* A u64 representing the value of the hash
fn get_hash(&self) -> u64 {
let (width, height) = self.prepared_image.image.dimensions();
// calculating the average pixel value
let mut total = 0u64;
for pixel in self.prepared_image.image.pixels() {
let channels = pixel.channels();
// println!("Pixel is: {}", channels[0]);
total += channels[0] as u64;
let mean = total / (width * height) as u64;
// println!("Mean for {} is {}", prepared_image.orig_path, mean);
// Calculating a hash based on the mean
let mut hash = 0u64;
for pixel in self.prepared_image.image.pixels() {
let channels = pixel.channels();
let pixel_sum = channels[0] as u64;
if pixel_sum >= mean {
hash |= 1;
// println!("Pixel {} is >= {} therefore {:b}", pixel_sum, mean, hash);
} else {
hash |= 0;
// println!("Pixel {} is < {} therefore {:b}", pixel_sum, mean, hash);
hash <<= 1;
// println!("Hash for {} is {}", prepared_image.orig_path, hash);
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ |
// Copyright 2016 Drew Short <drew@sothr.com>.
// Licensed under the MIT license<LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
// This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
use super::{HashType, PerceptualHash, Precision, PreparedImage};
use super::prepare_image;
use super::image::{GenericImage, Pixel};
use std::path::Path;
use cache::Cache;
pub struct DHash<'a> {
prepared_image: Box<PreparedImage<'a>>,
impl<'a> DHash<'a> {
pub fn new(path: &'a Path, precision: &Precision, cache: &'a Cache) -> Self {
DHash { prepared_image: Box::new(prepare_image(&path, &HashType::DHash, &precision, &cache)) }
impl<'a> PerceptualHash for DHash<'a> {
* Calculate the dhash of the provided prepared image
* # Return
* Returns a u64 representing the value of the hash
fn get_hash(&self) -> u64 {
// Stored for later
let first_pixel_val = self.prepared_image.image.pixels().nth(0).unwrap().channels()[0];
let last_pixel_val = self.prepared_image.image.pixels().last().unwrap().channels()[0];
// Calculate the dhash
let mut previous_pixel_val = 0u64;
let mut hash = 0u64;
for (index, pixel) in self.prepared_image.image.pixels().enumerate() {
if index == 0 {
previous_pixel_val = pixel.channels()[0] as u64;
let channels = pixel.channels();
let pixel_val = channels[0] as u64;
if pixel_val >= previous_pixel_val {
hash |= 1;
} else {
hash |= 0;
hash <<= 1;
previous_pixel_val = channels[0] as u64;
if first_pixel_val >= last_pixel_val {
hash |= 1;
} else {
hash |= 0;
@ -0,0 +1,197 @@ |
// Copyright 2016 Drew Short <drew@sothr.com>.
// Licensed under the MIT license<LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
// This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
extern crate dft;
extern crate image;
mod ahash;
mod dhash;
mod phash;
use std::path::Path;
use std::f64;
use self::image::{Pixel, FilterType};
use cache::Cache;
// Constants //
// Used to get ranges for the precision of rounding floats
// Can round to 1 significant factor of precision
const FLOAT_PRECISION_MAX_1: f64 = f64::MAX / 10_f64;
const FLOAT_PRECISION_MIN_1: f64 = f64::MIN / 10_f64;
// Can round to 2 significant factors of precision
const FLOAT_PRECISION_MAX_2: f64 = f64::MAX / 100_f64;
const FLOAT_PRECISION_MIN_2: f64 = f64::MIN / 100_f64;
// Can round to 3 significant factors of precision
const FLOAT_PRECISION_MAX_3: f64 = f64::MAX / 1000_f64;
const FLOAT_PRECISION_MIN_3: f64 = f64::MIN / 1000_f64;
// Can round to 4 significant factors of precision
const FLOAT_PRECISION_MAX_4: f64 = f64::MAX / 10000_f64;
const FLOAT_PRECISION_MIN_4: f64 = f64::MIN / 10000_f64;
// Can round to 5 significant factors of precision
const FLOAT_PRECISION_MAX_5: f64 = f64::MAX / 100000_f64;
const FLOAT_PRECISION_MIN_5: f64 = f64::MIN / 100000_f64;
// Structs/Enums //
* Prepared image that can be used to generate hashes
pub struct PreparedImage<'a> {
orig_path: &'a str,
image: image::ImageBuffer<image::Luma<u8>, Vec<u8>>,
cache: &'a Cache<'a>,
* Wraps the various perceptual hashes
pub struct PerceptualHashes<'a> {
pub orig_path: &'a str,
pub ahash: u64,
pub dhash: u64,
pub phash: u64,
* All the supported precision types
* Low aims for 32 bit precision
* Medium aims for 64 bit precision
* High aims for 128 bit precision
pub enum Precision {
// Get the size of the required image
impl Precision {
fn get_size(&self) -> u32 {
match *self {
Precision::Low => 4,
Precision::Medium => 8,
Precision::High => 16,
* Types of hashes supported
pub enum HashType {
// Traits //
pub trait PerceptualHash {
fn get_hash(&self) -> u64;
// Functions //
* Resonsible for parsing a path, converting an image and package it to be
* hashed.
* # Arguments
* * 'path' - The path to the image requested to be hashed
* * 'size' - The size that the image should be resize to, in the form of size x size
* # Returns
* A PreparedImage struct with the required information for performing hashing
pub fn prepare_image<'a>(path: &'a Path,
hash_type: &HashType,
precision: &Precision,
cache: &'a Cache<'a>)
-> PreparedImage<'a> {
let image_path = path.to_str().unwrap();
let size: u32 = match *hash_type {
HashType::PHash => precision.get_size() * 4,
_ => precision.get_size(),
// Check if we have the already converted image in a cache and use that if possible.
match cache.get_image_from_cache(&path, size) {
Some(image) => {
PreparedImage {
orig_path: &*image_path,
image: image,
cache: &cache
None => {
// Otherwise let's do that work now and store it.
let image = image::open(path).unwrap();
let small_image = image.resize_exact(size, size, FilterType::Lanczos3);
let grey_image = small_image.to_luma();
match cache.put_image_in_cache(&path, size, &grey_image) {
Ok(_) => {}
Err(e) => println!("Unable to store image in cache. {}", e),
PreparedImage {
orig_path: &*image_path,
image: grey_image,
cache: &cache,
* Get a specific HashType hash
pub fn get_perceptual_hash<'a>(path: &'a Path, precision: &Precision, hash_type: &HashType, cache: &Cache) -> u64 {
match *hash_type {
HashType::AHash => ahash::AHash::new(&path, &precision, &cache).get_hash(),
HashType::DHash => dhash::DHash::new(&path, &precision, &cache).get_hash(),
HashType::PHash => phash::PHash::new(&path, &precision, &cache).get_hash()
* Get all perceptual hashes for an image
pub fn get_perceptual_hashes<'a>(path: &'a Path, precision: &Precision, cache: &Cache) -> PerceptualHashes<'a> {
let image_path = path.to_str().unwrap();
let ahash = ahash::AHash::new(&path, &precision, &cache).get_hash();
let dhash = dhash::DHash::new(&path, &precision, &cache).get_hash();
let phash = phash::PHash::new(&path, &precision, &cache).get_hash();
PerceptualHashes {
orig_path: &*image_path,
ahash: ahash,
dhash: dhash,
phash: phash,
* Calculate the number of bits different between two hashes
* Add to the PerceptualHashTrait
pub fn calculate_hamming_distance(hash1: u64, hash2: u64) -> u64 {
// The binary xor of the two hashes should give us a number representing
// the differences between the two hashes. All that's left is to count
// the number of 1's in the difference to determine the hamming distance
let bin_diff = hash1 ^ hash2;
let bin_diff_str = format!("{:b}", bin_diff);
let mut hamming = 0u64;
for bit in bin_diff_str.chars() {
match bit {
'1' => hamming += 1,
_ => continue,
@ -0,0 +1,219 @@ |
// Copyright 2016 Drew Short <drew@sothr.com>.
// Licensed under the MIT license<LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
// This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
use super::dft;
use super::dft::Transform;
use super::{HashType, PerceptualHash, Precision, PreparedImage};
use super::prepare_image;
use super::image::{GenericImage, Pixel};
use std::path::Path;
use cache::Cache;
pub struct PHash<'a> {
prepared_image: Box<PreparedImage<'a>>,
impl<'a> PHash<'a> {
pub fn new(path: &'a Path, precision: &Precision, cache: &'a Cache) -> Self {
PHash { prepared_image: Box::new(prepare_image(&path, &HashType::PHash, &precision, &cache)) }
impl<'a> PerceptualHash for PHash<'a> {
* Calculate the phash of the provided prepared image
* # Return
* Returns a u64 representing the value of the hash
fn get_hash(&self) -> u64 {
// Get the image data into a vector to perform the DFT on.
let width = self.prepared_image.image.width() as usize;
let height = self.prepared_image.image.height() as usize;
// Get 2d data to 2d FFT/DFT
// Either from the cache or calculate it
// Pretty fast already, so caching doesn't make a huge difference
// Atleast compared to opening and processing the images
let mut data_matrix: Vec<Vec<f64>> = Vec::new();
match self.prepared_image.cache.get_matrix_from_cache(&Path::new(self.prepared_image.orig_path),
width as u32) {
Some(matrix) => data_matrix = matrix,
None => {
// Preparing the results
for x in 0..width {
for y in 0..height {
let pos_x = x as u32;
let pos_y = y as u32;
.get_pixel(pos_x, pos_y)
.channels()[0] as f64);
// Perform the 2D DFT operation on our matrix
calculate_2d_dft(&mut data_matrix);
// Store this DFT in the cache
match self.prepared_image.cache.put_matrix_in_cache(&Path::new(self.prepared_image.orig_path),
width as u32,
&data_matrix) {
Ok(_) => {}
Err(e) => println!("Unable to store matrix in cache. {}", e),
// Only need the top left quadrant
let target_width = (width / 4) as usize;
let target_height = (height / 4) as usize;
let dft_width = (width / 4) as f64;
let dft_height = (height / 4) as f64;
// Calculate the mean
let mut total = 0f64;
for x in 0..target_width {
for y in 0..target_height {
total += data_matrix[x][y];
let mean = total / (dft_width * dft_height);
// Calculating a hash based on the mean
let mut hash = 0u64;
for x in 0..target_width {
// println!("Mean: {} Values: {:?}",mean,data_matrix[x]);
for y in 0..target_height {
if data_matrix[x][y] >= mean {
hash |= 1;
// println!("Pixel {} is >= {} therefore {:b}", pixel_sum, mean, hash);
} else {
hash |= 0;
// println!("Pixel {} is < {} therefore {:b}", pixel_sum, mean, hash);
hash <<= 1;
// println!("Hash for {} is {}", prepared_image.orig_path, hash);
// Use a 1D DFT to cacluate the 2D DFT.
// This is achieved by calculating the DFT for each row, then calculating the
// DFT for each column of DFT row data. This means that a 32x32 image with have
// 1024 1D DFT operations performed on it. (Slightly caclulation intensive)
// This operation is in place on the data in the provided vector
// Inspired by:
// http://www.inf.ufsc.br/~visao/khoros/html-dip/c5/s2/front-page.html
// Checked with:
// http://calculator.vhex.net/post/calculator-result/2d-discrete-fourier-transform
fn calculate_2d_dft(data_matrix: &mut Vec<Vec<f64>>) {
// println!("{:?}", data_matrix);
let width = data_matrix.len();
let height = data_matrix[0].len();
let mut complex_data_matrix = Vec::with_capacity(width);
// Perform DCT on the columns of data
for x in 0..width {
let mut column: Vec<f64> = Vec::with_capacity(height);
for y in 0..height {
// Perform the DCT on this column
// println!("column[{}] before: {:?}", x, column);
let forward_plan = dft::Plan::new(dft::Operation::Forward, column.len());
let complex_column = dft::unpack(&column);
// println!("column[{}] after: {:?}", x, complex_column);
// Perform DCT on the rows of data
for y in 0..height {
let mut row = Vec::with_capacity(width);
for x in 0..width {
// Perform DCT on the row
// println!("row[{}] before: {:?}", y, row);
let forward_plan = dft::Plan::new(dft::Operation::Forward, row.len());
// println!("row[{}] after: {:?}", y, row);
// Put the row values back
for x in 0..width {
data_matrix[x][y] = round_float(row[x].re);
fn round_float(f: f64) -> f64 {
if f >= super::FLOAT_PRECISION_MAX_1 || f <= super::FLOAT_PRECISION_MIN_1 {
} else if f >= super::FLOAT_PRECISION_MAX_2 || f <= super::FLOAT_PRECISION_MIN_2 {
(f * 10_f64).round() / 10_f64
} else if f >= super::FLOAT_PRECISION_MAX_3 || f <= super::FLOAT_PRECISION_MIN_3 {
(f * 100_f64).round() / 100_f64
} else if f >= super::FLOAT_PRECISION_MAX_4 || f <= super::FLOAT_PRECISION_MIN_4 {
(f * 1000_f64).round() / 1000_f64
} else if f >= super::FLOAT_PRECISION_MAX_5 || f <= super::FLOAT_PRECISION_MIN_5 {
(f * 10000_f64).round() / 10000_f64
} else {
(f * 100000_f64).round() / 100000_f64
fn test_2d_dft() {
let mut test_matrix: Vec<Vec<f64>> = Vec::new();
test_matrix.push(vec![1f64, 1f64, 1f64, 3f64]);
test_matrix.push(vec![1f64, 2f64, 2f64, 1f64]);
test_matrix.push(vec![1f64, 2f64, 2f64, 1f64]);
test_matrix.push(vec![3f64, 1f64, 1f64, 1f64]);
println!("{:?}", test_matrix[0]);
println!("{:?}", test_matrix[1]);
println!("{:?}", test_matrix[2]);
println!("{:?}", test_matrix[3]);
println!("Performing 2d DFT");
calculate_2d_dft(&mut test_matrix);
println!("{:?}", test_matrix[0]);
println!("{:?}", test_matrix[1]);
println!("{:?}", test_matrix[2]);
println!("{:?}", test_matrix[3]);
assert!(test_matrix[0][0] == 24_f64);
assert!(test_matrix[0][1] == 0_f64);
assert!(test_matrix[0][2] == 0_f64);
assert!(test_matrix[0][3] == 0_f64);
assert!(test_matrix[1][0] == 0_f64);
assert!(test_matrix[1][1] == 0_f64);
assert!(test_matrix[1][2] == -2_f64);
assert!(test_matrix[1][3] == 2_f64);
assert!(test_matrix[2][0] == 0_f64);
assert!(test_matrix[2][1] == -2_f64);
assert!(test_matrix[2][2] == -4_f64);
assert!(test_matrix[2][3] == -2_f64);
assert!(test_matrix[3][0] == 0_f64);
assert!(test_matrix[3][1] == 2_f64);
assert!(test_matrix[3][2] == -2_f64);
assert!(test_matrix[3][3] == 0_f64);
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