Drew Short
Working single and multi delete for files.
Laid the groundwork for other actions.
Started working on a logger for searches to update the GUI as necessary.
10 years ago
Drew Short
Working on selection in the ImageTilePane.
Added a deselect while holding control
Added some logic for opening files on different OS's
Added some OS specific variables and logging
10 years ago
Drew Short
Fixed sorting
10 years ago
Drew Short
Fixed annoying bug where if there were less images than the limit, the pagination would never render the content.
10 years ago
Drew Short
Trying to get sorting to work
10 years ago
Drew Short
Working example xontext menus\!
10 years ago
Drew Short
Added highlighting boxes around selection. Shift click for multi selection. Single click for single selection. Need to work on context menus next
10 years ago
Drew Short
Working on getting selections working in the tile pane. Limited the pagination to 9 pages at a time otherwise weird elipses appear for two digit values. Look into later. Also fixed the config file output to not inuclude comments as they bloated the file needlessly.
10 years ago
Drew Short
Working on some cleanup. Moved setup logic for the image tile into it's own class. Reduced the logic in the factory. Need to work on context menus and selectable items in the pane next. Might have to be done with a custom TilePane that allows selection.
10 years ago
Drew Short
Paginated the results for faster display and resizing.
Moved around some app configurations.
Worked on making the GUI a bit more usable.
10 years ago
Drew Short
Fixed the listeners not be attached the first time. DOH!
10 years ago
Drew Short
Added a finished message
10 years ago
Drew Short
Working progress bar and progress label implementation
10 years ago
Drew Short
Creating patch version 0.1.2-DEV
10 years ago
Drew Short
Finally think I might've solved the tagging issue
10 years ago
Drew Short
Creating patch version 0.1.1-DEV-23-b6aa85a
10 years ago
Drew Short
Continuing work on versioning
10 years ago
Drew Short
Working on getting the tagging system scripts to work...
10 years ago
Drew Short
Working on fixing the packaging script
10 years ago
Drew Short
Adding the cleaning script back
10 years ago
Drew Short
Preventing the saving of the resulting version and name files
10 years ago
Drew Short
Guess not?
10 years ago
Drew Short
Final working commit before merge?
10 years ago
Drew Short
More refactoring
10 years ago
Drew Short
Changing packages around to match new modules
10 years ago
Drew Short
Continuing work on the multi module layout
10 years ago
Drew Short
Fixed the issue with info files not being updated
10 years ago
Drew Short
Updated some scripts
10 years ago
Drew Short
Fixed A shell script that I had modified but accidentally restored from a previous commit. Working on getting versioning working again
10 years ago
Drew Short
Working on getting the README propigating properly
10 years ago
Drew Short
Workingon updating some of the scripts to make sense with the new structure
10 years ago
Drew Short
Working on creating a multi-module build of the project!
10 years ago
Drew Short
Fix for the concurrent engine.
Made the concurrent engine the default again.
Updated the license
Added a script to clean the logs in the base directory.
Updated the .gitignore to ignore configuration files in the base directory needed for individual runs from within intellij.
Improved the handling around cached images, falling back on restoring the data from the database when the ehcache fails.
10 years ago
Drew Short
Fixes for unmanaged FileInputStreams hogging file descriptors.
Misc UI fixes.
Temporary fallback to the sequential engine as it works on remote files and consistently.
Massive cleanup work.
Need to go through code and do a little more cleanup.
Need to inspect why the concurrent engine chokes on remote files and multiple runs. (Nothing helpful in logs as of yet.)
10 years ago
Drew Short
Working on getting directory browsing working.
10 years ago
Drew Short
Started work on a custom component for image tiles since no default exists
11 years ago
Drew Short
Missing image file for the proof of concept
11 years ago
Drew Short
Temporarilly adding an image to the app and some initialization code as a proof of concept for some of the functionality. Need to redesign the images in the tile view as a custom component with a label. Also selectable and interactable. Right click context aware and multi-seletable. For the List View in the tags tab, those need to be modified to be objects that store tag information as well... also sorting/filtering ability.
11 years ago
Drew Short
Fixed some additional small issues with the version updating build scripts
11 years ago
Drew Short
Creating patch version 0.1.1-DEV
11 years ago
Drew Short
Fixed a commit and tagging issue in the version update scripts
11 years ago
Drew Short
Revert "Fixed the DTD warning for Hibernate"
This reverts commit 1ff350ee97
11 years ago
Drew Short
Fixed the DTD warning for Hibernate
11 years ago
Drew Short
Removed the old versions of those build scripts
11 years ago
Drew Short
Moved some build files out of the way, and updated them to account for the directory change.
11 years ago
Drew Short
Additional Changes to the GUI layout.
Prototyping how tagging and searching will work.
11 years ago
Drew Short
More basic interface changes.
Proof of concept auto expanding frames.
Basic design in place.
Toolbar added for information.
Tabbed pane on left for example searching and sorting.
Tiled Pane on right for images.
11 years ago
Drew Short
Started doing some work on the GUI.
Added a markdown processor.
Change the about file to be a markdown file.
Got the about button to implement a parser and display a dialog.
Included an example of a utility dialog that loads a remote website.
11 years ago
Drew Short
Started work on abstracting out the messaging in the engine. Moving over to dedicated actor(s) for handling messages and progress.
11 years ago
Drew Short
Fixed an issue with the default logging. Also made some sort of basic change to the fxml for the main app.
11 years ago