@ -27,13 +27,15 @@ User API |
"count": 1, |
"totalCount": 1, |
"lastPage": 1, |
"items" :[{ |
"items": [ |
{ |
"creationTime": "2018-07-29T11:58:17-05:00", |
"lastLoginTime": "2018-07-29T12:43:27-05:00", |
"name": "atheneum_administrator", |
"role": "ADMIN", |
"version": 0 |
}] |
} |
] |
} |
:query int page: User page to retrieve |
@ -234,3 +236,38 @@ User API |
:statuscode 200: Successfully deleted the user |
:statuscode 401: Authorization failed |
:statuscode 404: User doesn't exist |
User Object Models |
================== |
.. json:object:: Page<User> |
:showexample: |
Page<User> definition |
:property page: The page returned |
:proptype page: integer |
:property count: The number of items on this page |
:proptype count: integer |
:property totalCount: The total number of items available |
:proptype totalCount: integer |
:property lastPage: The last page that is accessible before 404 |
:proptype lastPage: integer |
:property items: The list of items on the page |
:proptype items: :json:list: 'User' |
.. json:object:: User |
:showexample: |
User definition |
:property name: The unique name of the user |
:proptype name: string |
:property creationTime: The time that the user was created |
:proptype creationTime: iso8601 |
:property lastLoginTime: The time that the user last logged in |
:proptype lastLoginTime: iso8601 |
:property version: An identifier for the user version |
:proptype version: integer |
:property role: The assigned role for the user |
:proptype role: string |