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Move 1-reply-flattening into mixin and simplify

eeldam is smarter than me and realized that there's a way easier way to
select the same comments without needing to chain all those :not()s - we
can just select all comments with a single reply that are nested inside
one with a minimum depth.

This commit changes the selector to use that new simplified method, as
well as moving the whole mess into a mixin, which can be re-used when we
want to start applying this at different depths on different screen
Deimos 5 years ago
  1. 55


@ -101,29 +101,6 @@
// This is some horrifying CSS.
// It makes it so that comments of a depth >= 4 will not indent their replies unless
// there is more than one reply. Instead, it adds text before the next comment (the
// single reply) indicating that it's a direct reply to the above comment.
.comment:not([data-comment-depth="0"]):not([data-comment-depth="1"]):not([data-comment-depth="2"]):not([data-comment-depth="3"]) {
&[data-comment-replies="1"] {
& > .comment-tree-replies {
margin-left: -1px; // compensate for border
& > .comment-tree-item > .comment > .comment-itself {
& > .comment-text::before,
& > header > .is-comment-deleted::before,
& > header > .is-comment-removed::before {
content: "(Reply to above comment)";
font-size: 0.6rem;
font-style: italic;
margin-right: 0.2rem;
.comment-tree-item {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
@ -262,3 +239,35 @@
border-left: 3px solid;
@mixin flatten-single-replies-above-depth($depth) {
// Makes it so that comments of the specified depth or greater will not indent
// their replies unless there is more than one reply. Instead, it adds text at the
// top of the next comment (the single reply) indicating that it's a direct reply to
// the above comment.
// We actually need the selector to check 1 level up from the specified starting
// depth because of how we're utilizing nesting.
$depth: $depth - 1;
.comment[data-comment-depth="#{$depth}"] {
.comment[data-comment-replies="1"] {
& > .comment-tree-replies {
margin-left: -1px; // compensate for border
& > .comment-tree-item > .comment > .comment-itself {
& > .comment-text::before,
& > header > .is-comment-deleted::before,
& > header > .is-comment-removed::before {
content: "(Reply to above comment)";
font-size: 0.6rem;
font-style: italic;
margin-right: 0.2rem;
@include flatten-single-replies-above-depth(4);