@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package shell
import (
import (
@ -481,6 +482,7 @@ func countShardsByRack(vid needle.VolumeId, locations []*EcNode) map[string]int
} )
} )
// TODO: Maybe remove averages constraints? We don't need those anymore now that we're properly balancing shards.
func doBalanceEcShardsAcrossRacks ( commandEnv * CommandEnv , collection string , vid needle . VolumeId , locations [ ] * EcNode , racks map [ RackId ] * EcRack , applyBalancing bool ) error {
func doBalanceEcShardsAcrossRacks ( commandEnv * CommandEnv , collection string , vid needle . VolumeId , locations [ ] * EcNode , racks map [ RackId ] * EcRack , applyBalancing bool ) error {
// calculate average number of shards an ec rack should have for one volume
// calculate average number of shards an ec rack should have for one volume
averageShardsPerEcRack := ceilDivide ( erasure_coding . TotalShardsCount , len ( racks ) )
averageShardsPerEcRack := ceilDivide ( erasure_coding . TotalShardsCount , len ( racks ) )
@ -527,6 +529,7 @@ func doBalanceEcShardsAcrossRacks(commandEnv *CommandEnv, collection string, vid
return nil
return nil
// TOOD: Return an error with details upon failure to resolve a destination rack.
func pickRackToBalanceShardsInto ( rackToEcNodes map [ RackId ] * EcRack , rackToShardCount map [ string ] int , replicaPlacement * super_block . ReplicaPlacement , averageShardsPerEcRack int ) RackId {
func pickRackToBalanceShardsInto ( rackToEcNodes map [ RackId ] * EcRack , rackToShardCount map [ string ] int , replicaPlacement * super_block . ReplicaPlacement , averageShardsPerEcRack int ) RackId {
targets := [ ] RackId { }
targets := [ ] RackId { }
targetShards := - 1
targetShards := - 1
@ -575,10 +578,7 @@ func balanceEcShardsWithinRacks(commandEnv *CommandEnv, allEcNodes []*EcNode, ra
for vid , locations := range vidLocations {
for vid , locations := range vidLocations {
// see the volume's shards are in how many racks, and how many in each rack
// see the volume's shards are in how many racks, and how many in each rack
rackToShardCount := groupByCount ( locations , func ( ecNode * EcNode ) ( id string , count int ) {
shardBits := findEcVolumeShards ( ecNode , vid )
return string ( ecNode . rack ) , shardBits . ShardIdCount ( )
} )
rackToShardCount := countShardsByRack ( vid , locations )
rackEcNodesWithVid := groupBy ( locations , func ( ecNode * EcNode ) string {
rackEcNodesWithVid := groupBy ( locations , func ( ecNode * EcNode ) string {
return string ( ecNode . rack )
return string ( ecNode . rack )
} )
} )
@ -711,37 +711,75 @@ func doBalanceEcRack(commandEnv *CommandEnv, ecRack *EcRack, applyBalancing bool
return nil
return nil
func pickOneEcNodeAndMoveOneShard ( commandEnv * CommandEnv , averageShardsPerEcNode int , existingLocation * EcNode , collection string , vid needle . VolumeId , shardId erasure_coding . ShardId , possibleDestinationEcNodes [ ] * EcNode , applyBalancing bool ) error {
func pickEcNodeToBalanceShardsInto ( vid needle . VolumeId , existingLocation * EcNode , possibleDestinations [ ] * EcNode , replicaPlacement * super_block . ReplicaPlacement , averageShardsPerEcNode int ) ( * EcNode , error ) {
if existingLocation == nil {
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "INTERNAL: missing source nodes" )
if len ( possibleDestinations ) == 0 {
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "INTERNAL: missing destination nodes" )
nodeShards := map [ * EcNode ] int { }
for _ , node := range possibleDestinations {
nodeShards [ node ] = findEcVolumeShards ( node , vid ) . ShardIdCount ( )
sortEcNodesByFreeslotsDescending ( possibleDestinationEcNodes )
skipReason := ""
for _ , destEcNode := range possibleDestinationEcNodes {
targets := [ ] * EcNode { }
targetShards := - 1
for _ , shards := range nodeShards {
if shards > targetShards {
targetShards = shards
if destEcNode . info . Id == existingLocation . info . Id {
details := ""
for _ , node := range possibleDestinations {
if node . info . Id == existingLocation . info . Id {
if node . freeEcSlot <= 0 {
details += fmt . Sprintf ( " Skipped %s because it has no free slots\n" , node . info . Id )
if destEcNode . freeEcSlot <= 0 {
skipReason += fmt . Sprintf ( " Skipping %s because it has no free slots\n" , destEcNode . info . Id )
shards := nodeShards [ node ]
if replicaPlacement != nil && shards >= replicaPlacement . SameRackCount {
details += fmt . Sprintf ( " Skipped %s because shards %d >= replica placement limit for the rack (%d)\n" , node . info . Id , shards , replicaPlacement . SameRackCount )
if findEcVolumeShards ( de stEcNode , vid ) . S hardIdCount ( ) >= averageShardsPerEcNode {
skipReason += fmt . Sprintf ( " Skipping %s because it %d >= avern ageShards (%d)\n" ,
destEcN ode. info . Id , findEcVolumeShards ( destEcNode , vid ) . S hardIdCount ( ) , averageShardsPerEcNode )
if shards >= averageShardsPerEcNode {
details += fmt . Sprintf ( " Skipped %s because shards %d >= aver ageShards (%d)\n" ,
n ode. info . Id , s hards , averageShardsPerEcNode )
fmt . Printf ( "%s moves ec shard %d.%d to %s\n" , existingLocation . info . Id , vid , shardId , destEcNode . info . Id )
if shards < targetShards {
// Favor nodes with less shards, to ensure an uniform distribution.
targets = nil
targetShards = shards
if shards == targetShards {
targets = append ( targets , node )
err := moveMountedShardToEcNode ( commandEnv , existingLocation , collection , vid , shardId , destEcNode , applyBalancing )
if err != nil {
return err
if len ( targets ) == 0 {
return nil , errors . New ( details )
return targets [ rand . IntN ( len ( targets ) ) ] , nil
// TODO: Maybe remove averages constraints? We don't need those anymore now that we're properly balancing shards.
func pickOneEcNodeAndMoveOneShard ( commandEnv * CommandEnv , averageShardsPerEcNode int , existingLocation * EcNode , collection string , vid needle . VolumeId , shardId erasure_coding . ShardId , possibleDestinationEcNodes [ ] * EcNode , applyBalancing bool ) error {
// TODO: consider volume replica info when balancing nodes
destNode , err := pickEcNodeToBalanceShardsInto ( vid , existingLocation , possibleDestinationEcNodes , nil , averageShardsPerEcNode )
if err != nil {
fmt . Printf ( "WARNING: Could not find suitable taget node for %d.%d:\n%s" , vid , shardId , err . Error ( ) )
return nil
return nil
fmt . Printf ( "WARNING: Could not find suitable taget node for %d.%d:\n%s" , vid , shardId , skipReason )
return nil
fmt . Printf ( "%s moves ec shard %d.%d to %s\n" , existingLocation . info . Id , vid , shardId , destNode . info . Id )
return moveMountedShardToEcNode ( commandEnv , existingLocation , collection , vid , shardId , destNode , applyBalancing )
func pickNEcShardsToMoveFrom ( ecNodes [ ] * EcNode , vid needle . VolumeId , n int ) map [ erasure_coding . ShardId ] * EcNode {
func pickNEcShardsToMoveFrom ( ecNodes [ ] * EcNode , vid needle . VolumeId , n int ) map [ erasure_coding . ShardId ] * EcNode {