@ -43,19 +43,8 @@ func ParseUpload(r *http.Request, sizeLimit int64, bytesBuffer *bytes.Buffer) (p
if r . Method == http . MethodPost {
contentType := r . Header . Get ( "Content-Type" )
// If content-type is explicitly set, upload the file without parsing form-data
if contentType != "" && ! strings . Contains ( contentType , "form-data" ) {
e = parseRawPost ( r , sizeLimit , pu )
} else {
e = parseMultipart ( r , sizeLimit , pu )
e = parseUpload ( r , sizeLimit , pu )
} else {
e = parsePut ( r , sizeLimit , pu )
if e != nil {
@ -108,28 +97,21 @@ func ParseUpload(r *http.Request, sizeLimit int64, bytesBuffer *bytes.Buffer) (p
func parsePut ( r * http . Request , sizeLimit int64 , pu * ParsedUpload ) error {
pu . IsGzipped = r . Header . Get ( "Content-Encoding" ) == "gzip"
// pu.IsZstd = r.Header.Get("Content-Encoding") == "zstd"
pu . MimeType = r . Header . Get ( "Content-Type" )
pu . FileName = ""
dataSize , err := pu . bytesBuffer . ReadFrom ( io . LimitReader ( r . Body , sizeLimit + 1 ) )
if err == io . EOF || dataSize == sizeLimit + 1 {
io . Copy ( io . Discard , r . Body )
pu . Data = pu . bytesBuffer . Bytes ( )
r . Body . Close ( )
return nil
func parseUpload ( r * http . Request , sizeLimit int64 , pu * ParsedUpload ) ( e error ) {
func parseMultipart ( r * http . Request , sizeLimit int64 , pu * ParsedUpload ) ( e error ) {
defer func ( ) {
if e != nil && r . Body != nil {
io . Copy ( io . Discard , r . Body )
r . Body . Close ( )
} ( )
contentType := r . Header . Get ( "Content-Type" )
var dataSize int64
if r . Method == http . MethodPost && ( contentType == "" || strings . Contains ( contentType , "form-data" ) ) {
form , fe := r . MultipartReader ( )
if fe != nil {
glog . V ( 0 ) . Infoln ( "MultipartReader [ERROR]" , fe )
e = fe
@ -149,7 +131,6 @@ func parseMultipart(r *http.Request, sizeLimit int64, pu *ParsedUpload) (e error
pu . FileName = path . Base ( pu . FileName )
var dataSize int64
dataSize , e = pu . bytesBuffer . ReadFrom ( io . LimitReader ( part , sizeLimit + 1 ) )
if e != nil {
glog . V ( 0 ) . Infoln ( "Reading Content [ERROR]" , e )
@ -161,6 +142,8 @@ func parseMultipart(r *http.Request, sizeLimit int64, pu *ParsedUpload) (e error
pu . Data = pu . bytesBuffer . Bytes ( )
contentType = part . Header . Get ( "Content-Type" )
// if the filename is empty string, do a search on the other multi-part items
for pu . FileName == "" {
part2 , fe := form . NextPart ( )
@ -187,49 +170,38 @@ func parseMultipart(r *http.Request, sizeLimit int64, pu *ParsedUpload) (e error
// update
pu . Data = pu . bytesBuffer . Bytes ( )
pu . FileName = path . Base ( fName )
contentType = part . Header . Get ( "Content-Type" )
part = part2
pu . IsChunkedFile , _ = strconv . ParseBool ( r . FormValue ( "cm" ) )
pu . IsGzipped = part . Header . Get ( "Content-Encoding" ) == "gzip"
// pu.IsZstd = part.Header.Get("Content-Encoding") == "zstd"
if ! pu . IsChunkedFile {
} else {
disposition := r . Header . Get ( "Content-Disposition" )
dotIndex := strings . LastIndex ( pu . FileName , "." )
ext , mtype := "" , ""
if dotIndex > 0 {
ext = strings . ToLower ( pu . FileName [ dotIndex : ] )
mtype = mime . TypeByExtension ( ext )
contentType := part . Header . Get ( "Content-Type" )
if contentType != "" && contentType != "application/octet-stream" && mtype != contentType {
pu . MimeType = contentType // only return mime type if not deducible
mtype = contentType
if strings . Contains ( disposition , "name=" ) {
if ! strings . HasPrefix ( disposition , "inline" ) && ! strings . HasPrefix ( disposition , "attachment" ) {
disposition = "attachment; " + disposition
pu . IsGzipped = part . Header . Get ( "Content-Encoding" ) == "gzip"
// pu.IsZstd = part.Header.Get("Content-Encoding") == "zstd"
_ , mediaTypeParams , err := mime . ParseMediaType ( disposition )
func parseRawPost ( r * http . Request , sizeLimit int64 , pu * ParsedUpload ) ( e error ) {
if err == nil {
dpFilename , hasFilename := mediaTypeParams [ "filename" ]
dpName , hasName := mediaTypeParams [ "name" ]
defer func ( ) {
if e != nil && r . Body != nil {
io . Copy ( io . Discard , r . Body )
r . Body . Close ( )
if hasFilename {
pu . FileName = dpFilename
} else if hasName {
pu . FileName = dpName
} ( )
pu . FileName = r . Header . Get ( "Content-Disposition" )
if pu . FileName != "" && strings . Contains ( pu . FileName , "filename=" ) {
parts := strings . Split ( pu . FileName , "filename=" )
parts = strings . Split ( parts [ 1 ] , "\"" )
pu . FileName = parts [ 1 ]
} else {
pu . FileName = ""
@ -240,7 +212,6 @@ func parseRawPost(r *http.Request, sizeLimit int64, pu *ParsedUpload) (e error)
pu . FileName = path . Base ( r . URL . Path )
var dataSize int64
dataSize , e = pu . bytesBuffer . ReadFrom ( io . LimitReader ( r . Body , sizeLimit + 1 ) )
if e != nil {
@ -251,27 +222,32 @@ func parseRawPost(r *http.Request, sizeLimit int64, pu *ParsedUpload) (e error)
e = fmt . Errorf ( "file over the limited %d bytes" , sizeLimit )
pu . Data = pu . bytesBuffer . Bytes ( )
pu . MimeType = contentType
pu . IsGzipped = r . Header . Get ( "Content-Encoding" ) == "gzip"
// pu.IsZstd = r.Header.Get("Content-Encoding") == "zstd"
pu . IsChunkedFile , _ = strconv . ParseBool ( r . FormValue ( "cm" ) )
if ! pu . IsChunkedFile {
dotIndex := strings . LastIndex ( pu . FileName , "." )
ext , mtype := "" , ""
if dotIndex > 0 {
ext = strings . ToLower ( pu . FileName [ dotIndex : ] )
mtype = mime . TypeByExtension ( ext )
contentType := r . Header . Get ( "Content-Type" )
if contentType != "" && contentType != "application/octet-stream" && mtype != contentType {
pu . MimeType = contentType // only return mime type if not deducible
mtype = contentType
} else if mtype != "" && pu . MimeType == "" && mtype != "application/octet-stream" {
pu . MimeType = mtype
pu . IsGzipped = r . Header . Get ( "Content-Encoding" ) == "gzip"
// pu.IsZstd = r.Header.Get("Content-Encoding") == "zstd"