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  1. package command
  2. import (
  3. "net/http"
  4. "strconv"
  5. "strings"
  6. "time"
  7. ""
  8. ""
  9. ""
  10. ""
  11. ""
  12. )
  13. var (
  14. f FilerOptions
  15. )
  16. type FilerOptions struct {
  17. masters *string
  18. ip *string
  19. port *int
  20. grpcPort *int
  21. publicPort *int
  22. collection *string
  23. defaultReplicaPlacement *string
  24. redirectOnRead *bool
  25. disableDirListing *bool
  26. maxMB *int
  27. secretKey *string
  28. dirListingLimit *int
  29. dataCenter *string
  30. enableNotification *bool
  31. }
  32. func init() {
  33. cmdFiler.Run = runFiler // break init cycle
  34. f.masters = cmdFiler.Flag.String("master", "localhost:9333", "comma-separated master servers")
  35. f.collection = cmdFiler.Flag.String("collection", "", "all data will be stored in this collection")
  36. f.ip = cmdFiler.Flag.String("ip", "", "filer server http listen ip address")
  37. f.port = cmdFiler.Flag.Int("port", 8888, "filer server http listen port")
  38. f.grpcPort = cmdFiler.Flag.Int("port.grpc", 0, "filer grpc server listen port, default to http port + 10000")
  39. f.publicPort = cmdFiler.Flag.Int("port.public", 0, "port opened to public")
  40. f.defaultReplicaPlacement = cmdFiler.Flag.String("defaultReplicaPlacement", "000", "default replication type if not specified")
  41. f.redirectOnRead = cmdFiler.Flag.Bool("redirectOnRead", false, "whether proxy or redirect to volume server during file GET request")
  42. f.disableDirListing = cmdFiler.Flag.Bool("disableDirListing", false, "turn off directory listing")
  43. f.maxMB = cmdFiler.Flag.Int("maxMB", 32, "split files larger than the limit")
  44. f.secretKey = cmdFiler.Flag.String("secure.secret", "", "secret to encrypt Json Web Token(JWT)")
  45. f.dirListingLimit = cmdFiler.Flag.Int("dirListLimit", 100000, "limit sub dir listing size")
  46. f.dataCenter = cmdFiler.Flag.String("dataCenter", "", "prefer to write to volumes in this data center")
  47. }
  48. var cmdFiler = &Command{
  49. UsageLine: "filer -port=8888 -master=<ip:port>[,<ip:port>]*",
  50. Short: "start a file server that points to a master server, or a list of master servers",
  51. Long: `start a file server which accepts REST operation for any files.
  52. //create or overwrite the file, the directories /path/to will be automatically created
  53. POST /path/to/file
  54. //get the file content
  55. GET /path/to/file
  56. //create or overwrite the file, the filename in the multipart request will be used
  57. POST /path/to/
  58. //return a json format subdirectory and files listing
  59. GET /path/to/
  60. The configuration file "filer.toml" is read from ".", "$HOME/.seaweedfs/", or "/etc/seaweedfs/", in that order.
  61. The example filer.toml configuration file can be generated by "weed scaffold filer"
  62. `,
  63. }
  64. func runFiler(cmd *Command, args []string) bool {
  65. f.startFiler()
  66. return true
  67. }
  68. func (fo *FilerOptions) startFiler() {
  69. defaultMux := http.NewServeMux()
  70. publicVolumeMux := defaultMux
  71. if *fo.publicPort != 0 {
  72. publicVolumeMux = http.NewServeMux()
  73. }
  74. fs, nfs_err := weed_server.NewFilerServer(defaultMux, publicVolumeMux, &weed_server.FilerOption{
  75. Masters: strings.Split(*f.masters, ","),
  76. Collection: *fo.collection,
  77. DefaultReplication: *fo.defaultReplicaPlacement,
  78. RedirectOnRead: *fo.redirectOnRead,
  79. DisableDirListing: *fo.disableDirListing,
  80. MaxMB: *fo.maxMB,
  81. SecretKey: *fo.secretKey,
  82. DirListingLimit: *fo.dirListingLimit,
  83. DataCenter: *fo.dataCenter,
  84. })
  85. if nfs_err != nil {
  86. glog.Fatalf("Filer startup error: %v", nfs_err)
  87. }
  88. if *fo.publicPort != 0 {
  89. publicListeningAddress := *fo.ip + ":" + strconv.Itoa(*fo.publicPort)
  90. glog.V(0).Infoln("Start Seaweed filer server", util.VERSION, "public at", publicListeningAddress)
  91. publicListener, e := util.NewListener(publicListeningAddress, 0)
  92. if e != nil {
  93. glog.Fatalf("Filer server public listener error on port %d:%v", *fo.publicPort, e)
  94. }
  95. go func() {
  96. if e := http.Serve(publicListener, publicVolumeMux); e != nil {
  97. glog.Fatalf("Volume server fail to serve public: %v", e)
  98. }
  99. }()
  100. }
  101. glog.V(0).Infoln("Start Seaweed Filer", util.VERSION, "at port", strconv.Itoa(*fo.port))
  102. filerListener, e := util.NewListener(
  103. ":"+strconv.Itoa(*fo.port),
  104. time.Duration(10)*time.Second,
  105. )
  106. if e != nil {
  107. glog.Fatalf("Filer listener error: %v", e)
  108. }
  109. // starting grpc server
  110. grpcPort := *fo.grpcPort
  111. if grpcPort == 0 {
  112. grpcPort = *fo.port + 10000
  113. }
  114. grpcL, err := util.NewListener(":"+strconv.Itoa(grpcPort), 0)
  115. if err != nil {
  116. glog.Fatalf("failed to listen on grpc port %d: %v", grpcPort, err)
  117. }
  118. grpcS := util.NewGrpcServer()
  119. filer_pb.RegisterSeaweedFilerServer(grpcS, fs)
  120. reflection.Register(grpcS)
  121. go grpcS.Serve(grpcL)
  122. httpS := &http.Server{Handler: defaultMux}
  123. if err := httpS.Serve(filerListener); err != nil {
  124. glog.Fatalf("Filer Fail to serve: %v", e)
  125. }
  126. }