8 years ago
6 changed files with 340 additions and 4 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `filer_mapping` ( |
`id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, |
`uriPath` char(256) NOT NULL DEFAULT "" COMMENT 'http uriPath', |
`fid` char(36) NOT NULL DEFAULT "" COMMENT 'seaweedfs fid', |
`createTime` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'createdTime in unix timestamp', |
`updateTime` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'updatedTime in unix timestamp', |
`remark` varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT "" COMMENT 'reserverd field', |
`status` tinyint(2) DEFAULT '1' COMMENT 'resource status', |
PRIMARY KEY (`id`), |
UNIQUE KEY `index_uriPath` (`uriPath`) |
@ -0,0 +1,224 @@ |
package mysql_store |
import ( |
"database/sql" |
"fmt" |
"hash/crc32" |
"sync" |
"time" |
_ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql" |
) |
const ( |
sqlUrl = "%s:%s@tcp(%s:%d)/%s?charset=utf8" |
maxIdleConnections = 100 |
maxOpenConnections = 50 |
maxTableNums = 1024 |
tableName = "filer_mapping" |
) |
var ( |
_init_db sync.Once |
_db_connections []*sql.DB |
) |
type MySqlConf struct { |
User string |
Password string |
HostName string |
Port int |
DataBase string |
} |
type MySqlStore struct { |
dbs []*sql.DB |
} |
func getDbConnection(confs []MySqlConf) []*sql.DB { |
_init_db.Do(func() { |
for _, conf := range confs { |
sqlUrl := fmt.Sprintf(sqlUrl, conf.User, conf.Password, conf.HostName, conf.Port, conf.DataBase) |
var dbErr error |
_db_connection, dbErr := sql.Open("mysql", sqlUrl) |
if dbErr != nil { |
_db_connection.Close() |
_db_connection = nil |
panic(dbErr) |
} |
_db_connection.SetMaxIdleConns(maxIdleConnections) |
_db_connection.SetMaxOpenConns(maxOpenConnections) |
_db_connections = append(_db_connections, _db_connection) |
} |
}) |
return _db_connections |
} |
func NewMysqlStore(confs []MySqlConf) *MySqlStore { |
ms := &MySqlStore{ |
dbs: getDbConnection(confs), |
} |
for _, db := range ms.dbs { |
for i := 0; i < maxTableNums; i++ { |
if err := ms.createTables(db, tableName, i); err != nil { |
fmt.Printf("create table failed %s", err.Error()) |
} |
} |
} |
return ms |
} |
func (s *MySqlStore) hash(fullFileName string) (instance_offset, table_postfix int) { |
hash_value := crc32.ChecksumIEEE([]byte(fullFileName)) |
instance_offset = int(hash_value) % len(s.dbs) |
table_postfix = int(hash_value) % maxTableNums |
return |
} |
func (s *MySqlStore) parseFilerMappingInfo(path string) (instanceId int, tableFullName string, err error) { |
instance_offset, table_postfix := s.hash(path) |
instanceId = instance_offset |
tableFullName = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%04d", tableName, table_postfix) |
return |
} |
func (s *MySqlStore) Get(fullFilePath string) (fid string, err error) { |
instance_offset, tableFullName, err := s.parseFilerMappingInfo(fullFilePath) |
if err != nil { |
return "", err |
} |
fid, err = s.query(fullFilePath, s.dbs[instance_offset], tableFullName) |
if err == sql.ErrNoRows { |
//Could not found
err = nil |
} |
return fid, err |
} |
func (s *MySqlStore) Put(fullFilePath string, fid string) (err error) { |
var tableFullName string |
instance_offset, tableFullName, err := s.parseFilerMappingInfo(fullFilePath) |
if err != nil { |
return err |
} |
if old_fid, localErr := s.query(fullFilePath, s.dbs[instance_offset], tableFullName); localErr != nil && localErr != sql.ErrNoRows { |
err = localErr |
return |
} else { |
if len(old_fid) == 0 { |
err = s.insert(fullFilePath, fid, s.dbs[instance_offset], tableFullName) |
} else { |
err = s.update(fullFilePath, fid, s.dbs[instance_offset], tableFullName) |
} |
} |
return |
} |
func (s *MySqlStore) Delete(fullFilePath string) (err error) { |
var fid string |
instance_offset, tableFullName, err := s.parseFilerMappingInfo(fullFilePath) |
if err != nil { |
return err |
} |
if fid, err = s.query(fullFilePath, s.dbs[instance_offset], tableFullName); err != nil { |
return err |
} else if fid == "" { |
return nil |
} |
if err := s.delete(fullFilePath, s.dbs[instance_offset], tableFullName); err != nil { |
return err |
} else { |
return nil |
} |
} |
func (s *MySqlStore) Close() { |
for _, db := range s.dbs { |
db.Close() |
} |
} |
var createTable = ` |
id bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, |
uriPath char(256) NOT NULL DEFAULT "" COMMENT 'http uriPath', |
fid char(36) NOT NULL DEFAULT "" COMMENT 'seaweedfs fid', |
createTime int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'createdTime in unix timestamp', |
updateTime int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'updatedTime in unix timestamp', |
remark varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT "" COMMENT 'reserverd field', |
status tinyint(2) DEFAULT '1' COMMENT 'resource status', |
UNIQUE KEY index_uriPath (uriPath) |
` |
func (s *MySqlStore) createTables(db *sql.DB, tableName string, postfix int) error { |
stmt, err := db.Prepare(fmt.Sprintf(createTable, tableName, postfix)) |
if err != nil { |
return err |
} |
defer stmt.Close() |
_, err = stmt.Exec() |
if err != nil { |
return err |
} |
return nil |
} |
func (s *MySqlStore) query(uriPath string, db *sql.DB, tableName string) (string, error) { |
sqlStatement := "SELECT fid FROM %s WHERE uriPath=?" |
row := db.QueryRow(fmt.Sprintf(sqlStatement, tableName), uriPath) |
var fid string |
err := row.Scan(&fid) |
if err != nil { |
return "", err |
} |
return fid, nil |
} |
func (s *MySqlStore) update(uriPath string, fid string, db *sql.DB, tableName string) error { |
sqlStatement := "UPDATE %s SET fid=?, updateTime=? WHERE uriPath=?" |
res, err := db.Exec(fmt.Sprintf(sqlStatement, tableName), fid, time.Now().Unix(), uriPath) |
if err != nil { |
return err |
} |
_, err = res.RowsAffected() |
if err != nil { |
return err |
} |
return nil |
} |
func (s *MySqlStore) insert(uriPath string, fid string, db *sql.DB, tableName string) error { |
sqlStatement := "INSERT INTO %s (uriPath,fid,createTime) VALUES(?,?,?)" |
res, err := db.Exec(fmt.Sprintf(sqlStatement, tableName), uriPath, fid, time.Now().Unix()) |
if err != nil { |
return err |
} |
_, err = res.RowsAffected() |
if err != nil { |
return err |
} |
return nil |
} |
func (s *MySqlStore) delete(uriPath string, db *sql.DB, tableName string) error { |
sqlStatement := "DELETE FROM %s WHERE uriPath=?" |
res, err := db.Exec(fmt.Sprintf(sqlStatement, tableName), uriPath) |
if err != nil { |
return err |
} |
_, err = res.RowsAffected() |
if err != nil { |
return err |
} |
return nil |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ |
package mysql_store |
import ( |
"encoding/json" |
"hash/crc32" |
"testing" |
) |
/* |
To improve performance when storing billion of files, you could shar |
At each mysql instance, we will try to create 1024 tables if not exist, table name will be something like: |
filer_mapping_0000 |
filer_mapping_0001 |
..... |
filer_mapping_1023 |
sample conf should be |
>$cat filer_conf.json |
{ |
"mysql": [ |
{ |
"User": "root", |
"Password": "root", |
"HostName": "", |
"Port": 3306, |
"DataBase": "seaweedfs" |
}, |
{ |
"User": "root", |
"Password": "root", |
"HostName": "", |
"Port": 3306, |
"DataBase": "seaweedfs" |
} |
] |
} |
*/ |
func TestGenerateMysqlConf(t *testing.T) { |
var conf MySqlConf |
conf = append(conf, MySqlInstConf{ |
User: "root", |
Password: "root", |
HostName: "localhost", |
Port: 3306, |
DataBase: "seaweedfs", |
}) |
body, err := json.Marshal(conf) |
if err != nil { |
t.Errorf("json encoding err %s", err.Error()) |
} |
t.Logf("json output is %s", string(body)) |
} |
func TestCRC32FullPathName(t *testing.T) { |
fullPathName := "/prod-bucket/law632191483895612493300-signed.pdf" |
hash_value := crc32.ChecksumIEEE([]byte(fullPathName)) |
table_postfix := int(hash_value) % 1024 |
t.Logf("table postfix %d", table_postfix) |
} |
Reference in new issue