"description":"Appears in the metadata row of bottom-most group: **mind the limited width**"
"message":"Strict HTTPS",
"message":"User agent spoofing",
@ -341,6 +349,14 @@
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia: “HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.</b>”</p><p>If this setting is checked, <i>µMatrix</i> will remove the HTTP referer information if <b>both</b> of the following conditions are true:<ul style='padding-left:1em;list-style-type:disc;'><li>The domain name of the HTTP referer does not match the domain name of the URL of the request (that is, the referer is third-party to the web page);<li>The hostname of the request is not whitelisted.</ul></p>",
"message":"Strict HTTPS: forbid mixed content.",
"message":"<p>From <a href='https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Security/MixedContent'>Mozilla Developer Network</a>:</p><blockquote>If [a] HTTPS page includes content retrieved through regular, cleartext HTTP, then the connection is only partially encrypted: the unencrypted content is accessible to sniffers and can be modified by man-in-the-middle attackers, and therefore the connection is not safeguarded anymore. When a webpage exhibits this behavior, it is called a mixed content page.</blockquote>",
"message":"Block all <a href='http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/links.html#hyperlink-auditing'>hyperlink auditing</a> attempts.",