Browse Source

translation work from

gorhill 10 years ago
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@ -1,93 +1,93 @@
µMatrix: A point-and-click matrix-based firewall, with many privacy-enhancing tools. For advanced users.
µMatrix: firewall tunjuk-dan-klik berbasis matriks, dengan banyak peralatan privasi yang ditingkatkan. Untuk pengguna tingkat lanjut.
µMatrix put you in full control of where your browser is allowed to connect, what type of data it is allowed to download, and what it is allowed to execute. Nobody else decides for you: You choose. You are in full control of your privacy.
µMatrix memberikan anda kontrol penuh kemana peramban anda diizinkan untuk berhubungan, tipe data apa yang diizinkan untuk diunduh, dan apa yang diizinkan untuk dieksekusi. Tidak ada orang lain yang memutuskan untuk anda: Anda sendiri yang memilih. Anda mengontrol penuh privasi anda sendiri.
Out of the box, µMatrix works in relax block-all/allow-exceptionally mode, meaning web sites which require 3rd-party scripts are likely to be "broken". With two clicks, µMatrix can be set to work in allow-all/block-exceptionally mode, which generally will not break web sites. See for more details on this topic.
Secara bawaan, µMatrix bekerja dalam mode blokir-semua/perbolehkan-beberapa yang agak ketat, artinya situs web yang membutuhkan skrip pihak ketiga besar kemungkinan menjadi "rusak". Dengan dua klik, µMatrix dapat diatur untuk bekerja dalam mode perbolehkan-semua/blokir-beberapa, yang pada umumnya tidak akan membuat rusak situs web. Lihat untuk penjelasan lebih rinci perihal topik ini.
Regarding the myth that "Chromium-based browsers can't reliably block javascript", see: Summary: Yes, javascript can be blocked reliably in Chromium.
Mengenai mitos "Peramban barbasis Chromium tidak dapat dengan handal memblokir javascript", lihat: Ringkasan: Ya, javascript dapat diblokir dengan handal di Chromium.
* See ALL the remote connections, failed or attempted, depending on whether they were blocked or allowed (you decide).
* Lihat SEMUA koneksi asing, yang gagal atau percobaan, tergantung dari apakah mereka diblokir atau diizinkan (anda memutuskan).
* A single-click to whitelist/blacklist one or multiple classes of requests according to the destination and type of data (a blocked request will NEVER leave your browser).
* Sekali klik untuk mendaftar-putih/hitamkan satu atau banyak permintaan menurut destinasi dan jenis data (permintaan yang diblokir TIDAK AKAN PERNAH meninggalkan peramban anda).
* Efficient blacklisting: cookies won't leave your browser, javascript won't execute, plugins won't play, tracking pixels won't download, etc.
* Pendaftar-hitaman yang efisien: kuki tidak akan meninggalkan peramban anda, javascript tidak akan dieksekusi, plugin tidak akan memutar, piksel pelacakan tidak akan diunduh, dll.
* You do not have to solely rely on just one particular curated blacklist (arguably with many missing entries) outside which nothing else can be blocked: You are in full control.
* Anda tidak harus bergantung hanya pada daftar-hitam tertentu (dengan alasan banyak entri yang hilang) selain tidak ada lagi yang dapat diblokir: Anda dalam kontrol penuh.
* Ease of use: µMatrix lets you easily whitelist/blacklist net requests which originate from within a web page according to a point-and-click matrix:
* Mudah dalam penggunaan: µMatrix memungkinkan anda dengan mudah mendaftar-putih/hitamkan permintaan jaringan yang berasal dari laman web menurut matriks tunjuk-dan-klik:
- domain names (left column)
* from very specific
* to very generic
- nama ranah (kolom kiri)
* dari sangat spesifik
* ke sangat umum
- type of requests (top row)
* cookies
* CSS-related resources (stylesheets and web fonts)
* images
* plugins
* scripts
* XHR (requests made by scripts)
* frames
* others
- jenis permintaan (baris atas)
* kuki
* sumber daya terkait CSS (stylesheet dan fon web)
* gambar
* pengaya
* skrip
* XHR (permintaan yang dibuat oleh skrip)
* frame
* lainnya
You can blacklist/whitelist a single cell, an entire row, a group of rows, an entire column, or the whole matrix with just one click.
Anda dapat mendaftar-hitam/putihkan satu sel, seluruh baris, satu grup dari baris, seluruh kolom, atau seluruh matriks hanya dengan satu klik.
µMatrix's filtering engine uses precedence logic to evaluate what is blocked/allowed according to which cells are blacklisted/whitelisted. For example, this allows you to whitelist a whole page with one click, without having to repeatedly whitelist whatever new data appear on the page.
Mesin penyaringan µMatrix mendahulukan penggunaan logika untuk mengevaluasi apa yang diblokir/diizinkan sesuai dengan sel mana yang di daftar-hitam/putih. Sebagai contoh, berikut ini memungkinkan anda mendaftar-putihkan seluruh laman dengan satu klik, tanpa perlu berulang-ulang mendaftar-putihkan data baru apapun yang muncul di halaman.
All rules are scoped. For example, you can block `` and `` everywhere except when visiting a page on ``. This way Facebook won't be able to build a profile of your browsing habits.
Mencakup semua aturan. Sebagai contoh, anda dapat memblokir `` dan `` di manapun kecuali ketika mengunjungi sebuah laman di ``. Dengan cara ini Facebook tidak akan bisa membangun profil mengenai kebiasaan penjelajahan anda.
The goal of this extension is to make the allowing or blocking of web sites, wholly or partly, as straightforward as possible, so as to encourage users to care about their privacy.
Tujuan dari ekstensi ini adalah untuk mengizinkan atau memblokir situs web, sepenuhnya atau sebagian, sesederhana mungkin, sehingga mendorong para pengguna untuk lebih peduli tentang privasi mereka.
The extension comes with 3rd-party hosts files totaling over 58,000 distinct hostnames (lists can be selectively disabled/enabled according to your choice).
Ekstensi ini hadir bersama berkas host pihak ketiga dengan total lebih dari 58,000 nama host yang berbeda (daftar dapat secara selektif dinonaktif/aktifkan sesuai dengan pilihan anda).
Ultimately, you can choose however you browse the net:
Pada akhirnya, Anda dapat memilih sebagaimana anda menjelajah internet:
* Blacklist all by default, and whitelist as needed (default mode).
* Daftar-hitamkan semua secara bawaan, dan daftar-putihkan sesuai kebutuhan (mode bawaan).
* Whitelist all by default, and blacklist as needed.
* Daftar-putihkan semua secara bawaan, dan daftar-hitamkan sesuai kebutuhan.
Either way, you still benefit from the preset blacklists so that at least you get basic protection from trackers, malware sites, etc. Or you can disable all of these preset blacklists.
Dengan cara manapun, anda masih diuntungkan dari aturan bawaan daftar-hitam sehingga paling tidak anda tetap mendapatkan perlindungan mendasar dari pelacak, situs malware, dll. Atau anda dapat menonaktifkan semua aturan bawaan daftar-hitam tersebut.
Your choice.
Pilihan anda.
Randomly assembled documentation:
Secara acak menghimpun dokumentasi:
For any question/issue you might have, use the "Send Feedback" button on the right, in order for me to be able to answer readily. I can't answer directly to reviews, but I will be more than happy to answer you directly in the feedback section.
Untuk pertanyaan/masalah yang mungkin anda dapat, gunakan tombol "Kirim Umpan Balik" di sebelah kanan, agar saya dapat menjawab dengan mudah. Saya tidak dapat menjawab secara langsung untuk ulasan, tapi saya akan lebih dari senang untuk menjawab anda secara langsung di bagian umpan balik.
You are very welcomed to contribute your views on open issues and suggestions, various arguments for/against help me in deciding what is needed to improve the extension.
Anda sangat diterima untuk berkontribusi mengenai pandangan anda pada masalah yang belum terselesaikan dan saran, argumen apapun baik membangun/kontra membantu saya memutuskan apa yang diperlukan untuk memperbaiki ekstensi ini.
Ease of use is the primary goal. I've seen users give up on Firefox's NoScript because it gets too much in the way according to them, so rather than blame these users for poor security habits, I prefer to blame developers and this project is a tentative to address the issues which cause some users to give up on basic security.
Mudah dalam penggunaan adalah tujuan utama. Saya telah melihat banyak pengguna menggunakan NoScript pada Firefox karena semakin banyak halangan yang terjadi menurut mereka, jadi dari pada menyalahkan para pengguna atas kebiasaan keamanan yang buruk, saya memilih menyalahkan pengembang dan proyek ini adalah eksperimen untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut yang menyebabkan beberapa pengguna menyerah pada keamanan dasar.
This extension is also useful to understand what the web page in your browser is doing, often without your knowledge. You have full ability to see and decide with whom a web page communicates, and to restrict these communications to specific classes of objects within the web page.
Ekstensi ini juga bermanfaat untuk memahami apa yang laman web lakukan di peramban anda, seringkali tanpa sepengetahuan anda. Anda mempunyai kemampuan penuh untuk melihat dan memutuskan dengan siapa sebuah laman web berkomunikasi, dan membatasi komunikasi ini hanya untuk kelas obyek yang spesifik dalam laman web.
The number which appear in the extension icon correspond to the total number of distinct requests attempted (successfully or not depending on whether these were allowed or blocked) by the web page.
Angka yang muncul pada ikon ekstensi berhubungan dengan jumlah total percobaan permintaan yang berbeda (sukses atau tidak tergantung pada apakah hal tersebut diizinkan atau diblokir) oleh laman web.
Simply click on the appropriate entry in the matrix in order to white-, black- or graylist a component. Graylisting means the blocked or allowed status will be inherited from another cell with higher precedence in the matrix.
Cukup klik pada entri yang sesuai dalam matriks untuk memutihkan, menghitamkan, mengabu-abukan sebuah komponen. Mendaftar-abukan berarti status diblokir atau diizinkan akan diturunkan dari sel lainnya dengan urutan prioritas yang lebih tinggi dalam matriks.
Red square = effectively blacklisted, i.e. requests are prevented from reaching their intended destination:
* Dark red square: the domain name and/or type of request is specifically blacklisted.
* Faded red square: the blacklist status is inherited because the entry is graylisted.
Persegi merah = didaftar-hitamkan dengan efektif, contoh. permintaan dicegah untuk mencapai destinasi yang dinginkan:
* Persegi merah gelap: nama ranah dan/atau jenis permintaan secara spesifik didaftar-hitamkan.
* Persegi merah pudar: status daftar-hitam diturunkan karena entri berada di daftar abu-abu.
Green square = effectively whitelisted, i.e. requests are allowed to reach their intended destination:
* Dark green square: the domain name and/or type of request is specifically whitelisted.
* Faded green square: the whitelist status is inherited because the entry is graylisted.
Persegi hijau = didaftar-putihkan dengan efektif, contoh. permintaan diizinkan untuk mencapai destinasi yang diinginkan:
* Persegi hijau gelap: nama ranah dan/atau jenis permintaan secara spesifik didaftar-putihkan.
* Persegi hijau pudar: status daftar-putih diturunkan karena entri berada di daftar abu-abu.
The top-left cell in the matrix, the "all" cell, represents the default global setting, which allows you to choose whether allowing or blocking everything is the default behavior. Some prefer to allow everything while blocking exceptionally. My personal preference is of course the reverse, blocking everything and allowing exceptionally.
Sel kiri atas dalam matriks, sel "semua", mewakili pengaturan global bawaan, yang memungkinkan anda memilih apakah mengizinkan atau memblokir semuanya sebagai perilaku/tindakan bawaan. Beberapa memilih mengizinkan semuanya sambil memblokir secukupnya. Preferensi personal saya adalah tentu saja kebalikannya, memblokir semuanya dan mengizinkan secukupnya.
This extension is also useful if you wish to speed up your browsing, by globally blocking all requests for images as an example.
Ekstensi ini juga berguna jika anda ingin mempercepat penjelajahan anda, dengan secara global memblokir semua permintaan untuk gambar sebagai contohnya.


@ -64,30 +64,30 @@ Bachi, problemi, consigli:
You are very welcomed to contribute your views on open issues and suggestions, various arguments for/against help me in deciding what is needed to improve the extension.
Chiunque può contribuire al lavoro, con suggerimenti, segnalazione di problemi, argomentazioni pro/contro, per aiutarmi a decidere quali migliorie fare nell'estensione.
Ease of use is the primary goal. I've seen users give up on Firefox's NoScript because it gets too much in the way according to them, so rather than blame these users for poor security habits, I prefer to blame developers and this project is a tentative to address the issues which cause some users to give up on basic security.
La facilità di utilizzo è il primo obiettivo. Ho visto utilizzatori rinunciare ad usare NoScript per Firefox perché complesso, quindi invece di accusare questi utilizzatori di avere abitudini non sicure, preferisco accusare gli sviluppatori e questo progetto vuole essere un tentativo di risolvere quei problemi che hanno determinato la rinuncia ad impiegare una sicurezza di base.
This extension is also useful to understand what the web page in your browser is doing, often without your knowledge. You have full ability to see and decide with whom a web page communicates, and to restrict these communications to specific classes of objects within the web page.
Questa estensione è anche utile per capire cosa una pagina web fa effettivamente nel browser, spesso senza la vostra conoscenza. Voi avete la piena abilità di vedere e decidere con chi la pagina web comunica e restringere queste comunicazioni a specifiche classi di oggetti all'interno della pagina.
The number which appear in the extension icon correspond to the total number of distinct requests attempted (successfully or not depending on whether these were allowed or blocked) by the web page.
Il numero che appare nella nell'icona dell'estensione corrisponde al numero complessivo di distinte richieste tentate (con successo o meno, dipendendo se queste siano permesse o bloccate) dalla pagina web.
Simply click on the appropriate entry in the matrix in order to white-, black- or graylist a component. Graylisting means the blocked or allowed status will be inherited from another cell with higher precedence in the matrix.
Semplicente fare click nella appropriata cella della matrice per permettere mettere un elemento in white-, black- o grey list. La lista grigia (Graylisting) significa che lo stato di bloccato o permesso viene ereditato da un'altra cella con più alta priorità nella matrice.
Red square = effectively blacklisted, i.e. requests are prevented from reaching their intended destination:
* Dark red square: the domain name and/or type of request is specifically blacklisted.
* Faded red square: the blacklist status is inherited because the entry is graylisted.
Cella rossa = effettivamente bloccata, cioè alle richieste viene impedito di raggiungere la loro destinazione.
* Cella rosso scuro: il dominio o il tipo di richiesta è specificamente bloccata.
* Cella rossa opaca: lo stato di blocco (blacklist) è ereditato perchè l'elemento è in grey list.
Green square = effectively whitelisted, i.e. requests are allowed to reach their intended destination:
* Dark green square: the domain name and/or type of request is specifically whitelisted.
* Faded green square: the whitelist status is inherited because the entry is graylisted.
Cella verde = effettivamente permesso, cioè alle richieste è permesso raggiungere la loro destinazione:
* Cella verde scuro: il dominio e/o il tipo di richiesta è specificamente permessa (whitelist).
* Cella vedre opaca: lo stato di permesso è ereditato perchè l'elemento è in grey list.
The top-left cell in the matrix, the "all" cell, represents the default global setting, which allows you to choose whether allowing or blocking everything is the default behavior. Some prefer to allow everything while blocking exceptionally. My personal preference is of course the reverse, blocking everything and allowing exceptionally.
La cella in alto a sinistra nella matrice, la cella "tutto", rappresenta il setting globale di default, che permette di scegliere se permettere o bloccare tutto. Alcuni preferiscono permettere tutto e bloccare in casi specifici. La mia preferenza personale è naturalmente il contrario, bloccare tutto e permettere in casi specifici.
This extension is also useful if you wish to speed up your browsing, by globally blocking all requests for images as an example.
Questa estensione è inoltre utile se volete accelerare la vostra navigazione, bloccando tutte le richieste delle immagini, per esempio.


@ -88,6 +88,6 @@ This extension is also useful if you wish to speed up your browsing, by globally
소스 코드: (GPLv3)


@ -10,27 +10,27 @@ Regarding the myth that "Chromium-based browsers can't reliably block javascript
* A single-click to whitelist/blacklist one or multiple classes of requests according to the destination and type of data (a blocked request will NEVER leave your browser).
* Efficient blacklisting: cookies won't leave your browser, javascript won't execute, plugins won't play, tracking pixels won't download, etc.
* Efektīgs melnais saraksts: "cepumiņi" nepametīs jūsu pārlūku, javascripts netiks izpildīts, spraudņi netiks palaisti, sekošanas pikseļi netiks novilkti, u.t.t.
* You do not have to solely rely on just one particular curated blacklist (arguably with many missing entries) outside which nothing else can be blocked: You are in full control.
* Ease of use: µMatrix lets you easily whitelist/blacklist net requests which originate from within a web page according to a point-and-click matrix:
- domain names (left column)
* from very specific
* to very generic
- domēnu vārdi (kreisajā kolonnā)
* sākot ar ļoti specifiskiem
* beidzot ar ļoti vispārējiem
- type of requests (top row)
* cookies
- Pieprasījumu veidi (augšējā rinda)
* "cepumiņi"
* CSS-related resources (stylesheets and web fonts)
* images
* plugins
* scripts
* XHR (requests made by scripts)
* frames
* others
* attēli
* spraudņi
* "skriptus"
* XHR ("skriptu" pieprasījumus)
* rāmji
* citi
You can blacklist/whitelist a single cell, an entire row, a group of rows, an entire column, or the whole matrix with just one click.
Jūs variet iekļaut atsevišķas šūnas, veselu vai vairākas rindas, veselu kolonnu vai visu matriksu melnajā/baltajā sarakstā tikai are vienu peles klikšķi.
µMatrix's filtering engine uses precedence logic to evaluate what is blocked/allowed according to which cells are blacklisted/whitelisted. For example, this allows you to whitelist a whole page with one click, without having to repeatedly whitelist whatever new data appear on the page.
@ -48,19 +48,19 @@ Ultimately, you can choose however you browse the net:
Either way, you still benefit from the preset blacklists so that at least you get basic protection from trackers, malware sites, etc. Or you can disable all of these preset blacklists.
Your choice.
Jūsu izvēle.
Randomly assembled documentation:
Nejauši apkopota dokumentācija:
For any question/issue you might have, use the "Send Feedback" button on the right, in order for me to be able to answer readily. I can't answer directly to reviews, but I will be more than happy to answer you directly in the feedback section.
Jebkuriem jautājumiem/problēmām izmantojot "Nosūtīt Atsauksmes" pogu labajā malā, lai man būtu vieglāk jums atbildēt. Es nevaru tieši atbildēt uz jūsu recenzijām, taču būšu vairāk kā priecīgs atbildēt jums tieši atsauksmju sadaļā.
@ -84,10 +84,10 @@ Green square = effectively whitelisted, i.e. requests are allowed to reach their
The top-left cell in the matrix, the "all" cell, represents the default global setting, which allows you to choose whether allowing or blocking everything is the default behavior. Some prefer to allow everything while blocking exceptionally. My personal preference is of course the reverse, blocking everything and allowing exceptionally.
This extension is also useful if you wish to speed up your browsing, by globally blocking all requests for images as an example.
Šis paplašinājums ir arī noderīgs, ja vēlaties paātrināt savu "sērfošanas" ātrumu, piemēram, bloķējot globāli visus pieprasījumus pēc attēliem.
Pirmkods: (GPLv3)
Izmaiņu žurnāls:


@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
µMatrix: A point-and-click matrix-based firewall, with many privacy-enhancing tools. For advanced users.
µMatrix er et pek-og-klikk matrise basert brannmur, med mange fler personverns verktøy. For avanserte brukere.
µMatrix put you in full control of where your browser is allowed to connect, what type of data it is allowed to download, and what it is allowed to execute. Nobody else decides for you: You choose. You are in full control of your privacy.
µMatrix gir deg full kontroll over din nettlesers tilkoblinger og hvilke typer data den får lov til å laste ned eller kjøre. Ingen bestemmer for deg. Og du vil være i full kontroll over ditt eget privatliv.
Out of the box, µMatrix works in relax block-all/allow-exceptionally mode, meaning web sites which require 3rd-party scripts are likely to be "broken". With two clicks, µMatrix can be set to work in allow-all/block-exceptionally mode, which generally will not break web sites. See for more details on this topic.


@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
µMatrix: A point-and-click matrix-based firewall, with many privacy-enhancing tools. For advanced users.
µMatrix: 一个靠点击工作的矩阵防火墙,拥有许多隐私保护工具 面向高级用户
µMatrix put you in full control of where your browser is allowed to connect, what type of data it is allowed to download, and what it is allowed to execute. Nobody else decides for you: You choose. You are in full control of your privacy.
µMatrix让你控制你的浏览器可以连接哪里,可以请求哪些数据并控制何时执行 没有人替你做决定:一切由你选择 你可以完全控制你的个人隐私
Out of the box, µMatrix works in relax block-all/allow-exceptionally mode, meaning web sites which require 3rd-party scripts are likely to be "broken". With two clicks, µMatrix can be set to work in allow-all/block-exceptionally mode, which generally will not break web sites. See for more details on this topic.
@ -20,15 +20,15 @@ Regarding the myth that "Chromium-based browsers can't reliably block javascript
* from very specific
* to very generic
- type of requests (top row)
* cookies
* CSS-related resources (stylesheets and web fonts)
* images
* plugins
* scripts
* XHR (requests made by scripts)
* CSS相关资源(样式表和字体)
* frames
* others
You can blacklist/whitelist a single cell, an entire row, a group of rows, an entire column, or the whole matrix with just one click.
@ -54,13 +54,13 @@ Randomly assembled documentation:
For any question/issue you might have, use the "Send Feedback" button on the right, in order for me to be able to answer readily. I can't answer directly to reviews, but I will be more than happy to answer you directly in the feedback section.
@ -82,12 +82,12 @@ Green square = effectively whitelisted, i.e. requests are allowed to reach their
* Dark green square: the domain name and/or type of request is specifically whitelisted.
* Faded green square: the whitelist status is inherited because the entry is graylisted.
The top-left cell in the matrix, the "all" cell, represents the default global setting, which allows you to choose whether allowing or blocking everything is the default behavior. Some prefer to allow everything while blocking exceptionally. My personal preference is of course the reverse, blocking everything and allowing exceptionally.
The top-left cell in the matrix, the "all" cell, represents the default global setting, which allows you to choose whether allowing or blocking everything is the default behavior. Some prefer to allow everything while blocking exceptionally. 我的个人倾向当然与此相反,拦截一切和放行例外
This extension is also useful if you wish to speed up your browsing, by globally blocking all requests for images as an example.
源代码: (GPLv3)


@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"description":"this will be used as short description in web stores: MUST BE 132 characters OR LESS"
"message":"µMatrix — Dashboard",
"message":"uMatrix — Dashboard",
@ -76,21 +76,17 @@
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.\nRequests blocked through matrix filtering on this page: {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
"message":"Save all temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the persist button"
"message":"Remove temporary changes for this scope.",
"message":"Revert temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"message":"Reload the page.",
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
@ -105,18 +101,30 @@
"message":"Strict HTTPS",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"User agent spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Referrer spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to request log",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to dashboard",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix – Statistics",
"message":"uMatrix – Statistics",
@ -156,7 +164,7 @@
"message":"Chromium: Behind the scene",
"message":"Behind the scene",
@ -228,7 +236,7 @@
"description":"Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>µMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>uMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"description":"To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
@ -236,7 +244,7 @@
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Settings",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Settings",
@ -280,7 +288,7 @@
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
@ -291,8 +299,16 @@
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Show the number of distinct requests on the icon",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Collapse placeholder of blocked elements",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
@ -300,7 +316,7 @@
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>µMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>µMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>µMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>uMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>uMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>uMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
@ -312,7 +328,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> when using a Chromium-based browser. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> in some browsers. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
@ -332,7 +348,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>µMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>uMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
@ -340,7 +356,7 @@
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
@ -372,11 +388,11 @@
"message":"Chromium: behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"Behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"<p>According to <a href='https:\/\/\/intl\/en\/chrome\/browser\/privacy\/whitepaper.html'>Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper<\/a>, <i>Chromium<\/i> might send HTTP requests to <i>Google<\/i> without the user expressly visiting a web page. Let's call these special requests <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests. Also, other installed browser extensions can send <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> HTTP requests.<\/p><p><i>µMatrix<\/i> lets you intercept and treat these requests like any other request: they can be processed in order to allow\/block them as per your whitelist\/blacklist.<\/p><p>Click the extension icon while viewing this page to get started. Required reading: <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Behind-the-scene-requests'>Behind-the-scene requests<\/a>.<\/p><div class='warn'><p><span style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>Beware!<\/span> Blocking <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> net requests is potentially causing <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/issues\/27'>an issue<\/a> when the user wants to install an extension from the Chrome store (including maybe preventing extensions from being updated), hence the ability to disable the feature here. Blocking can also cause other installed extensions to not work properly (those querying for remote data).<\/p><p>Even if this feature is not enabled, <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests are still logged by <i>µMatrix<\/i>. You can inspect these requests on the <a href='dashboard.html#statistics'>Statistics<\/a> page.<\/p>",
@ -435,6 +451,10 @@
"message":"{{used}} used out of {{total}}",
"message":"Last update: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Apply changes",
@ -528,7 +548,7 @@
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and µMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and uMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
@ -547,8 +567,48 @@
"message":"Caution! this will remove all your custom settings. Are you sure you want to proceed?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"filter expression(s)",
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"message":"spoofing user agent with: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"cookie deleted: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"browser cache cleared",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"failed to delete cookie: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"asset updated: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"Because of the following rule",
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"message":"Go back",
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes",
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
@ -563,6 +623,38 @@
"message":"Open dashboard",
"message":"a minute ago",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} minutes ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"an hour ago",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"{{value}} hours ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"a day ago",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"{{value}} days ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"Network error: Unable to connect to {{url}}",


@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"description":"this will be used as short description in web stores: MUST BE 132 characters OR LESS"
"message":"µMatrix — Dashboard",
"message":"uMatrix — Dashboard",
@ -76,21 +76,17 @@
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.\nRequests blocked through matrix filtering on this page: {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
"message":"Save all temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the persist button"
"message":"Remove temporary changes for this scope.",
"message":"Revert temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"message":"Reload the page.",
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
@ -105,18 +101,30 @@
"message":"Strict HTTPS",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"User agent spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Referrer spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to request log",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to dashboard",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
@ -156,7 +164,7 @@
"message":"Chromium: Behind the scene",
"message":"Behind the scene",
@ -228,7 +236,7 @@
"description":"Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>µMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>uMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"description":"To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
@ -236,7 +244,7 @@
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Settings",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Settings",
@ -280,7 +288,7 @@
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
@ -291,8 +299,16 @@
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Show the number of distinct requests on the icon",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Collapse placeholder of blocked elements",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
@ -300,7 +316,7 @@
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>µMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>µMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>µMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>uMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>uMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>uMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
@ -312,7 +328,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> when using a Chromium-based browser. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> in some browsers. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
@ -332,7 +348,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>µMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>uMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
@ -340,7 +356,7 @@
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
@ -372,11 +388,11 @@
"message":"Chromium: behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"Behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"<p>According to <a href='https:\/\/\/intl\/en\/chrome\/browser\/privacy\/whitepaper.html'>Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper<\/a>, <i>Chromium<\/i> might send HTTP requests to <i>Google<\/i> without the user expressly visiting a web page. Let's call these special requests <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests. Also, other installed browser extensions can send <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> HTTP requests.<\/p><p><i>µMatrix<\/i> lets you intercept and treat these requests like any other request: they can be processed in order to allow\/block them as per your whitelist\/blacklist.<\/p><p>Click the extension icon while viewing this page to get started. Required reading: <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Behind-the-scene-requests'>Behind-the-scene requests<\/a>.<\/p><div class='warn'><p><span style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>Beware!<\/span> Blocking <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> net requests is potentially causing <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/issues\/27'>an issue<\/a> when the user wants to install an extension from the Chrome store (including maybe preventing extensions from being updated), hence the ability to disable the feature here. Blocking can also cause other installed extensions to not work properly (those querying for remote data).<\/p><p>Even if this feature is not enabled, <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests are still logged by <i>µMatrix<\/i>. You can inspect these requests on the <a href='dashboard.html#statistics'>Statistics<\/a> page.<\/p>",
@ -435,6 +451,10 @@
"message":"{{used}} used out of {{total}}",
"message":"Last update: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Apply changes",
@ -528,7 +548,7 @@
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and µMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and uMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
@ -547,8 +567,48 @@
"message":"Caution! this will remove all your custom settings. Are you sure you want to proceed?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"filter expression(s)",
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"message":"spoofing user agent with: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"cookie deleted: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"browser cache cleared",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"failed to delete cookie: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"asset updated: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"Because of the following rule",
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"message":"Go back",
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes",
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
@ -563,6 +623,38 @@
"message":"Open dashboard",
"message":"a minute ago",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} minutes ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"an hour ago",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"{{value}} hours ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"a day ago",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"{{value}} days ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"Network error: Unable to connect to {{url}}",


@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"description":"this will be used as short description in web stores: MUST BE 132 characters OR LESS"
"message":"µMatrix — Dashboard",
"message":"uMatrix — Dashboard",
@ -76,21 +76,17 @@
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.\nRequests blocked through matrix filtering on this page: {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
"message":"Save all temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the persist button"
"message":"Remove temporary changes for this scope.",
"message":"Revert temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"message":"Reload the page.",
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
@ -105,18 +101,30 @@
"message":"Strict HTTPS",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"User agent spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Referrer spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to request log",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to dashboard",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
@ -156,7 +164,7 @@
"message":"Chromium: Behind the scene",
"message":"Behind the scene",
@ -228,7 +236,7 @@
"description":"Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>µMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>uMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"description":"To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
@ -236,7 +244,7 @@
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Settings",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Settings",
@ -280,7 +288,7 @@
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
@ -291,8 +299,16 @@
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Show the number of distinct requests on the icon",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Collapse placeholder of blocked elements",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
@ -300,7 +316,7 @@
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>µMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>µMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>µMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>uMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>uMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>uMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
@ -312,7 +328,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> when using a Chromium-based browser. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> in some browsers. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
@ -332,7 +348,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>µMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>uMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
@ -340,7 +356,7 @@
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
@ -372,11 +388,11 @@
"message":"Chromium: behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"Behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"<p>According to <a href='https:\/\/\/intl\/en\/chrome\/browser\/privacy\/whitepaper.html'>Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper<\/a>, <i>Chromium<\/i> might send HTTP requests to <i>Google<\/i> without the user expressly visiting a web page. Let's call these special requests <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests. Also, other installed browser extensions can send <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> HTTP requests.<\/p><p><i>µMatrix<\/i> lets you intercept and treat these requests like any other request: they can be processed in order to allow\/block them as per your whitelist\/blacklist.<\/p><p>Click the extension icon while viewing this page to get started. Required reading: <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Behind-the-scene-requests'>Behind-the-scene requests<\/a>.<\/p><div class='warn'><p><span style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>Beware!<\/span> Blocking <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> net requests is potentially causing <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/issues\/27'>an issue<\/a> when the user wants to install an extension from the Chrome store (including maybe preventing extensions from being updated), hence the ability to disable the feature here. Blocking can also cause other installed extensions to not work properly (those querying for remote data).<\/p><p>Even if this feature is not enabled, <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests are still logged by <i>µMatrix<\/i>. You can inspect these requests on the <a href='dashboard.html#statistics'>Statistics<\/a> page.<\/p>",
@ -435,6 +451,10 @@
"message":"{{used}} used out of {{total}}",
"message":"Last update: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Apply changes",
@ -528,7 +548,7 @@
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and µMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and uMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
@ -547,8 +567,48 @@
"message":"Caution! this will remove all your custom settings. Are you sure you want to proceed?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"filter expression(s)",
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"message":"spoofing user agent with: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"cookie deleted: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"browser cache cleared",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"failed to delete cookie: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"asset updated: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"Because of the following rule",
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"message":"Go back",
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes",
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
@ -563,6 +623,38 @@
"message":"Open dashboard",
"message":"a minute ago",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} minutes ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"an hour ago",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"{{value}} hours ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"a day ago",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"{{value}} days ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"Network error: Unable to connect to {{url}}",


@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"description":"this will be used as short description in web stores: MUST BE 132 characters OR LESS"
"message":"µMatrix — Dashboard",
"message":"uMatrix — Dashboard",
@ -76,21 +76,17 @@
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.\nRequests blocked through matrix filtering on this page: {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
"message":"Save all temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the persist button"
"message":"Remove temporary changes for this scope.",
"message":"Revert temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"message":"Reload the page.",
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
@ -105,18 +101,30 @@
"message":"Strict HTTPS",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"User agent spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Referrer spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to request log",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to dashboard",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
@ -156,7 +164,7 @@
"message":"Chromium: Behind the scene",
"message":"Behind the scene",
@ -228,7 +236,7 @@
"description":"Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>µMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>uMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"description":"To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
@ -236,7 +244,7 @@
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Settings",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Settings",
@ -280,7 +288,7 @@
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
@ -291,8 +299,16 @@
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Show the number of distinct requests on the icon",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Collapse placeholder of blocked elements",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
@ -300,7 +316,7 @@
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>µMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>µMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>µMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>uMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>uMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>uMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
@ -312,7 +328,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> when using a Chromium-based browser. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> in some browsers. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
@ -332,7 +348,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>µMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>uMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
@ -340,7 +356,7 @@
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
@ -372,11 +388,11 @@
"message":"Chromium: behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"Behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"<p>According to <a href='https:\/\/\/intl\/en\/chrome\/browser\/privacy\/whitepaper.html'>Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper<\/a>, <i>Chromium<\/i> might send HTTP requests to <i>Google<\/i> without the user expressly visiting a web page. Let's call these special requests <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests. Also, other installed browser extensions can send <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> HTTP requests.<\/p><p><i>µMatrix<\/i> lets you intercept and treat these requests like any other request: they can be processed in order to allow\/block them as per your whitelist\/blacklist.<\/p><p>Click the extension icon while viewing this page to get started. Required reading: <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Behind-the-scene-requests'>Behind-the-scene requests<\/a>.<\/p><div class='warn'><p><span style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>Beware!<\/span> Blocking <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> net requests is potentially causing <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/issues\/27'>an issue<\/a> when the user wants to install an extension from the Chrome store (including maybe preventing extensions from being updated), hence the ability to disable the feature here. Blocking can also cause other installed extensions to not work properly (those querying for remote data).<\/p><p>Even if this feature is not enabled, <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests are still logged by <i>µMatrix<\/i>. You can inspect these requests on the <a href='dashboard.html#statistics'>Statistics<\/a> page.<\/p>",
@ -435,6 +451,10 @@
"message":"{{used}} used out of {{total}}",
"message":"Last update: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Apply changes",
@ -528,7 +548,7 @@
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and µMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and uMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
@ -547,8 +567,48 @@
"message":"Caution! this will remove all your custom settings. Are you sure you want to proceed?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"filter expression(s)",
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"message":"spoofing user agent with: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"cookie deleted: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"browser cache cleared",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"failed to delete cookie: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"asset updated: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"Because of the following rule",
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"message":"Go back",
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes",
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
@ -563,6 +623,38 @@
"message":"Open dashboard",
"message":"a minute ago",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} minutes ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"an hour ago",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"{{value}} hours ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"a day ago",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"{{value}} days ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"Network error: Unable to connect to {{url}}",


@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"description":"this will be used as short description in web stores: MUST BE 132 characters OR LESS"
"message":"µMatrix — Dashboard",
"message":"uMatrix — Dashboard",
@ -76,21 +76,17 @@
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.\nRequests blocked through matrix filtering on this page: {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
"message":"Save all temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the persist button"
"message":"Remove temporary changes for this scope.",
"message":"Revert temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"message":"Reload the page.",
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
@ -105,18 +101,30 @@
"message":"Strict HTTPS",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"User agent spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Referrer spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to request log",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to dashboard",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
@ -156,7 +164,7 @@
"message":"Chromium: Behind the scene",
"message":"Behind the scene",
@ -228,7 +236,7 @@
"description":"Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>µMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>uMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"description":"To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
@ -236,7 +244,7 @@
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Settings",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Settings",
@ -280,7 +288,7 @@
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
@ -291,8 +299,16 @@
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Show the number of distinct requests on the icon",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Collapse placeholder of blocked elements",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
@ -300,7 +316,7 @@
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>µMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>µMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>µMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>uMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>uMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>uMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
@ -312,7 +328,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> when using a Chromium-based browser. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> in some browsers. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
@ -332,7 +348,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>µMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>uMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
@ -340,7 +356,7 @@
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
@ -372,11 +388,11 @@
"message":"Chromium: behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"Behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"<p>According to <a href='https:\/\/\/intl\/en\/chrome\/browser\/privacy\/whitepaper.html'>Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper<\/a>, <i>Chromium<\/i> might send HTTP requests to <i>Google<\/i> without the user expressly visiting a web page. Let's call these special requests <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests. Also, other installed browser extensions can send <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> HTTP requests.<\/p><p><i>µMatrix<\/i> lets you intercept and treat these requests like any other request: they can be processed in order to allow\/block them as per your whitelist\/blacklist.<\/p><p>Click the extension icon while viewing this page to get started. Required reading: <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Behind-the-scene-requests'>Behind-the-scene requests<\/a>.<\/p><div class='warn'><p><span style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>Beware!<\/span> Blocking <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> net requests is potentially causing <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/issues\/27'>an issue<\/a> when the user wants to install an extension from the Chrome store (including maybe preventing extensions from being updated), hence the ability to disable the feature here. Blocking can also cause other installed extensions to not work properly (those querying for remote data).<\/p><p>Even if this feature is not enabled, <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests are still logged by <i>µMatrix<\/i>. You can inspect these requests on the <a href='dashboard.html#statistics'>Statistics<\/a> page.<\/p>",
@ -435,6 +451,10 @@
"message":"{{used}} used out of {{total}}",
"message":"Last update: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Apply changes",
@ -528,7 +548,7 @@
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and µMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and uMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
@ -547,8 +567,48 @@
"message":"Caution! this will remove all your custom settings. Are you sure you want to proceed?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"filter expression(s)",
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"message":"spoofing user agent with: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"cookie deleted: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"browser cache cleared",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"failed to delete cookie: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"asset updated: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"Because of the following rule",
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"message":"Go back",
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes",
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
@ -563,6 +623,38 @@
"message":"Open dashboard",
"message":"a minute ago",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} minutes ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"an hour ago",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"{{value}} hours ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"a day ago",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"{{value}} days ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"Network error: Unable to connect to {{url}}",


@ -76,8 +76,8 @@
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.\nRequests blocked through matrix filtering on this page: {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
"message":"Uložit dočasné změny v tomto kontextu.",
@ -87,16 +87,12 @@
"message":"Zrušit dočasné změny v tomto kontextu.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"message":"Zrušit všechny dočasné změny.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"message":"Obnovit stránku.",
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
"message":"vlastní doména",
@ -105,15 +101,27 @@
"message":"Striktní HTTPS",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Podvrhovat identifikaci prohlížeče",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Podvrhovat adresy odkazujících stránek",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to request log",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to dashboard",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix – Statistiky",
@ -228,7 +236,7 @@
"description":"Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>µMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>uMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"description":"To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
@ -280,7 +288,7 @@
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
@ -291,6 +299,14 @@
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Show the number of distinct requests on the icon",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Collapse placeholder of blocked elements",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix – Soukromí",
@ -300,7 +316,7 @@
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>µMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>µMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>µMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>uMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>uMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>uMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
@ -312,7 +328,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> when using a Chromium-based browser. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> in some browsers. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
@ -332,7 +348,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>µMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>uMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
@ -340,7 +356,7 @@
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
@ -372,11 +388,11 @@
"message":"Chromium: behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"Behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"<p>According to <a href='https:\/\/\/intl\/en\/chrome\/browser\/privacy\/whitepaper.html'>Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper<\/a>, <i>Chromium<\/i> might send HTTP requests to <i>Google<\/i> without the user expressly visiting a web page. Let's call these special requests <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests. Also, other installed browser extensions can send <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> HTTP requests.<\/p><p><i>µMatrix<\/i> lets you intercept and treat these requests like any other request: they can be processed in order to allow\/block them as per your whitelist\/blacklist.<\/p><p>Click the extension icon while viewing this page to get started. Required reading: <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Behind-the-scene-requests'>Behind-the-scene requests<\/a>.<\/p><div class='warn'><p><span style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>Beware!<\/span> Blocking <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> net requests is potentially causing <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/issues\/27'>an issue<\/a> when the user wants to install an extension from the Chrome store (including maybe preventing extensions from being updated), hence the ability to disable the feature here. Blocking can also cause other installed extensions to not work properly (those querying for remote data).<\/p><p>Even if this feature is not enabled, <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests are still logged by <i>µMatrix<\/i>. You can inspect these requests on the <a href='dashboard.html#statistics'>Statistics<\/a> page.<\/p>",
@ -435,6 +451,10 @@
"message":"Použito {{used}} z {{total}}",
"message":"Poslední aktualizace: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Uložit změny",
@ -528,7 +548,7 @@
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and µMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and uMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
@ -544,27 +564,99 @@
"description":"English: Reset to default settings"
"message":"Caution! this will remove all your custom settings. Are you sure you want to proceed?",
"message":"Varování: Tento příkaz odstraní všechna vaše nastavení. Jste si jisti, že chcete pokračovat?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"filter expression(s)",
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"message":"spoofing user agent with: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"cookie deleted: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"browser cache cleared",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"failed to delete cookie: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"asset updated: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"Because of the following rule",
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes",
"message":"Zrušit všechny dočasné změny",
"message":"Temporarily whitelist page domain",
"message":"Dočasně povolit doménu stránky",
"message":"Temporarily whitelist all",
"message":"Dočasně povolit všechny",
"message":"Otevřít panel",
"message":"před minutou",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"před {{value}} minutami",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"před hodinou",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"před {{value}} hodinami",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"před {{value}} dny",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"Network error: Unable to connect to {{url}}",
"message":"Chyba sítě: Nelze se připojit k {{url}}",


@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"description":"this will be used as short description in web stores: MUST BE 132 characters OR LESS"
"message":"µMatrix — Dashboard",
"message":"uMatrix — Dashboard",
@ -76,21 +76,17 @@
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.\nRequests blocked through matrix filtering on this page: {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
"message":"Save all temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the persist button"
"message":"Remove temporary changes for this scope.",
"message":"Revert temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"message":"Reload the page.",
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
@ -105,18 +101,30 @@
"message":"Strict HTTPS",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"User agent spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Referrer spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to request log",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to dashboard",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
@ -156,7 +164,7 @@
"message":"Chromium: Behind the scene",
"message":"Behind the scene",
@ -228,7 +236,7 @@
"description":"Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>µMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>uMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"description":"To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
@ -236,7 +244,7 @@
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Settings",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Settings",
@ -280,7 +288,7 @@
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
@ -291,8 +299,16 @@
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Show the number of distinct requests on the icon",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Collapse placeholder of blocked elements",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
@ -300,7 +316,7 @@
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>µMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>µMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>µMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>uMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>uMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>uMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
@ -312,7 +328,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> when using a Chromium-based browser. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> in some browsers. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
@ -332,7 +348,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>µMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>uMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
@ -340,7 +356,7 @@
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
@ -372,11 +388,11 @@
"message":"Chromium: behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"Behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"<p>According to <a href='https:\/\/\/intl\/en\/chrome\/browser\/privacy\/whitepaper.html'>Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper<\/a>, <i>Chromium<\/i> might send HTTP requests to <i>Google<\/i> without the user expressly visiting a web page. Let's call these special requests <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests. Also, other installed browser extensions can send <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> HTTP requests.<\/p><p><i>µMatrix<\/i> lets you intercept and treat these requests like any other request: they can be processed in order to allow\/block them as per your whitelist\/blacklist.<\/p><p>Click the extension icon while viewing this page to get started. Required reading: <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Behind-the-scene-requests'>Behind-the-scene requests<\/a>.<\/p><div class='warn'><p><span style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>Beware!<\/span> Blocking <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> net requests is potentially causing <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/issues\/27'>an issue<\/a> when the user wants to install an extension from the Chrome store (including maybe preventing extensions from being updated), hence the ability to disable the feature here. Blocking can also cause other installed extensions to not work properly (those querying for remote data).<\/p><p>Even if this feature is not enabled, <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests are still logged by <i>µMatrix<\/i>. You can inspect these requests on the <a href='dashboard.html#statistics'>Statistics<\/a> page.<\/p>",
@ -435,6 +451,10 @@
"message":"{{used}} used out of {{total}}",
"message":"Last update: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Apply changes",
@ -528,7 +548,7 @@
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and µMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and uMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
@ -547,8 +567,48 @@
"message":"Caution! this will remove all your custom settings. Are you sure you want to proceed?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"filter expression(s)",
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"message":"spoofing user agent with: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"cookie deleted: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"browser cache cleared",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"failed to delete cookie: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"asset updated: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"Because of the following rule",
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"message":"Go back",
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes",
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
@ -563,6 +623,38 @@
"message":"Open dashboard",
"message":"a minute ago",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} minutes ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"an hour ago",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"{{value}} hours ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"a day ago",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"{{value}} days ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"Network error: Unable to connect to {{url}}",


@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"description":"this will be used as short description in web stores: MUST BE 132 characters OR LESS"
"message":"µMatrix — Dashboard",
"message":"uMatrix — Dashboard",
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
"message":"Aktiviere\/deaktiviere die Matrix-Filter für diesen Geltungsbereich.\nDurch die Matrix-Filter blockierte Anfragen auf dieser Seite: {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
"message":"Speichere alle temporären Änderungen für diesen Geltungsbereich.",
@ -87,10 +87,6 @@
"message":"Entferne temporäre Änderungen für diesen Geltungsbereich.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"message":"Entferne alle temporären Änderungen.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"message":"Seite neu laden.",
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
@ -105,15 +101,27 @@
"message":"Nur HTTPS",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"User-Agent verschleiern",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Mache alle temporären Änderungen rückgängig",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Gehe zu den protokollierten Anfragen",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Gehe zum Dashboard",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Statistik",
@ -216,7 +224,7 @@
"message":"Protokoll der Anfragen",
@ -291,6 +299,14 @@
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Zeige die Zahl der einzelnen Anfragen auf dem Icon an",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Verstecke die Platzhalter für blockierte Elemente",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Privatsphäre",
@ -435,6 +451,10 @@
"message":"{{used}} benutzt aus {{total}}",
"message":"Letztes Update: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Änderungen anwenden",
@ -456,7 +476,7 @@
@ -547,6 +567,46 @@
"message":"Vorsicht! Dies wird alle deine individuellen Einstellungen entfernen. Bist du sicher, dass du weitermachen willst?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"message":"Verschleiere den User-Agent mit: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"Cookie gelöscht: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"Browser-Cache geleert",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"Löschen des Cookies fehlgeschlagen: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"Hosts-Dateien aktualisiert: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix hat das Laden der folgende Seite verhindert:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"Aufgrund der folgenden Regel",
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"message":"Gehe zurück",
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"Entferne alle temporären Änderungen",
@ -563,6 +623,38 @@
"message":"Dashboard öffnen",
"message":"vor einer Minute",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"vor {{value}} Minuten",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"vor einer Stunde",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"vor {{value}} Stunden",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"vor einem Tag",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"vor {{value}} Tagen",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"Netzwerkfehler: konnte nicht zu {{url}} verbinden",


@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"description":"this will be used as short description in web stores: MUST BE 132 characters OR LESS"
"message":"µMatrix — Dashboard",
"message":"uMatrix — Dashboard",
@ -76,21 +76,17 @@
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.\nRequests blocked through matrix filtering on this page: {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
"message":"Save all temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the persist button"
"message":"Remove temporary changes for this scope.",
"message":"Revert temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"message":"Reload the page.",
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
@ -105,18 +101,30 @@
"message":"Strict HTTPS",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"User agent spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Referrer spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to request log",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to dashboard",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
@ -156,7 +164,7 @@
"message":"Chromium: Behind the scene",
"message":"Behind the scene",
@ -228,7 +236,7 @@
"description":"Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>µMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>uMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"description":"To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
@ -236,7 +244,7 @@
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Settings",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Settings",
@ -280,7 +288,7 @@
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
@ -291,8 +299,16 @@
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Show the number of distinct requests on the icon",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Collapse placeholder of blocked elements",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
@ -300,7 +316,7 @@
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>µMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>µMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>µMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>uMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>uMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>uMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
@ -312,7 +328,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> when using a Chromium-based browser. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> in some browsers. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
@ -332,7 +348,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>µMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>uMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
@ -340,7 +356,7 @@
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
@ -372,11 +388,11 @@
"message":"Chromium: behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"Behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"<p>According to <a href='https:\/\/\/intl\/en\/chrome\/browser\/privacy\/whitepaper.html'>Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper<\/a>, <i>Chromium<\/i> might send HTTP requests to <i>Google<\/i> without the user expressly visiting a web page. Let's call these special requests <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests. Also, other installed browser extensions can send <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> HTTP requests.<\/p><p><i>µMatrix<\/i> lets you intercept and treat these requests like any other request: they can be processed in order to allow\/block them as per your whitelist\/blacklist.<\/p><p>Click the extension icon while viewing this page to get started. Required reading: <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Behind-the-scene-requests'>Behind-the-scene requests<\/a>.<\/p><div class='warn'><p><span style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>Beware!<\/span> Blocking <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> net requests is potentially causing <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/issues\/27'>an issue<\/a> when the user wants to install an extension from the Chrome store (including maybe preventing extensions from being updated), hence the ability to disable the feature here. Blocking can also cause other installed extensions to not work properly (those querying for remote data).<\/p><p>Even if this feature is not enabled, <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests are still logged by <i>µMatrix<\/i>. You can inspect these requests on the <a href='dashboard.html#statistics'>Statistics<\/a> page.<\/p>",
@ -435,6 +451,10 @@
"message":"{{used}} used out of {{total}}",
"message":"Last update: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Apply changes",
@ -528,7 +548,7 @@
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and µMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and uMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
@ -547,8 +567,48 @@
"message":"Caution! this will remove all your custom settings. Are you sure you want to proceed?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"filter expression(s)",
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"message":"spoofing user agent with: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"cookie deleted: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"browser cache cleared",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"failed to delete cookie: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"asset updated: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"Because of the following rule",
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"message":"Go back",
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes",
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
@ -563,6 +623,38 @@
"message":"Open dashboard",
"message":"a minute ago",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} minutes ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"an hour ago",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"{{value}} hours ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"a day ago",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"{{value}} days ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"Network error: Unable to connect to {{url}}",


@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"description":"this will be used as short description in web stores: MUST BE 132 characters OR LESS"
"message":"µMatrix — Panel de control",
"message":"uMatrix — Panel de control",
@ -76,21 +76,17 @@
"message":"Deshabilita\/habilita el filtrado en este ámbito.\nPeticiones bloqueadas mediante el filtrado de matriz en esta página: {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"message":"Deshabilita\/habilita el filtrado por matriz en este ámbito.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
"message":"Guardar cambios temporales para este ámbito.",
"description":"Tool tip for the persist button"
"message":"Eliminar cambios temporales para este ámbito.",
"message":"Revertir cambios temporales para este ámbito.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"message":"Eliminar todos los cambios temporales.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"message":"Recargar la página.",
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
@ -105,18 +101,30 @@
"message":"HTTPS estricto",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Falsificar cadena User-Agent",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Falsificar Referer",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Revertir todos los cambios temporales",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Ir al registro de peticiones",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Ir al Panel de control",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Estadísticas",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Estadísticas",
@ -228,7 +236,7 @@
"description":"Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"<p>Permite inspeccionar los detalles de las peticiones HTTP directas más recientes hechas por una página web (ver debajo).<\/p><p>Útil sobre todo para usuarios avanzados que deseen investigar qué, exactamente, ha estado haciendo una página. Sin embargo, registrar tales peticiones HTTP requiere memoria, que puede terminar siendo malgastada si dicha información técnica no es de su interés.<\/p><p>Por ello este campo le permite ajustar el número máximo de peticiones HTTP recientes que se van a registrar para una inspección ulterior.<\/p><p>Introduzca &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; para desactivar el registro detallado (con el consecuente ahorro de memoria de <i>µMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Permite inspeccionar los detalles de las peticiones HTTP directas más recientes hechas por una página web (ver debajo).<\/p><p>Útil sobre todo para usuarios avanzados que deseen investigar qué, exactamente, ha estado haciendo una página. Sin embargo, registrar tales peticiones HTTP requiere memoria, que puede terminar siendo malgastada si dicha información técnica no es de su interés.<\/p><p>Por ello este campo le permite ajustar el número máximo de peticiones HTTP recientes que se van a registrar para una inspección ulterior.<\/p><p>Introduzca &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; para desactivar el registro detallado (con el consecuente ahorro de memoria de <i>uMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"description":"To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
@ -236,7 +244,7 @@
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Configuración",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Configuración",
@ -280,7 +288,7 @@
"message":"Cada vez que se hagan cambios en la matriz que puedan afectar la visualización y\/o el comportamiento de una o más páginas, <i>µMatrix<\/i> recargará automáticamente las páginas afectadas una vez se cierre la matriz.",
"message":"Cada vez que se hagan cambios en la matriz que puedan afectar la visualización y\/o el comportamiento de una o más páginas, <i>uMatrix<\/i> recargará automáticamente las páginas afectadas una vez se cierre la matriz.",
@ -291,8 +299,16 @@
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Mostrar el número de peticiones distintas en el icono",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Colapsar marcadores de posición de los elementos bloqueados",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Privacidad",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Privacidad",
@ -300,7 +316,7 @@
"message":"<p><i>µMatrix<\/i> no previene la entrada al navegador de <i>cookies<\/i> en la lista negra, pero sí su salida, que es lo que realmente importa. El hecho de no bloquear las <i>cookies<\/i> antes de su entrada, da la oportunidad de saber si un sitio intenta usar <i>cookies<\/i>, e inspeccionar su contenido si se desea.<\/p><p>Una vez que tales <i>cookies<\/i> han sido detectadas por <i>µMatrix<\/i>, las mismas pueden ser eliminadas del navegador si lo decide.<\/p><p><b>Nota importante:<\/b> Las extensiones pueden hacer peticiones web como parte de su normal operación. Estas peticiones pueden resultar en la creación de <i>cookies<\/i> dentro del navegador. Si el nombre de <i>host<\/i> a partir del cual se generó la <i>cookie<\/i> no está en la lista de permitidos, la <i>cookie<\/i> será eliminada por <i>µMatrix<\/i> mientras esta opción esté activa. Así que asegúrese de permitir los nombres de <i>host<\/i> con los cuales se comunica una extensión determinada.<\/p>",
"message":"<p><i>uMatrix<\/i> no previene la entrada al navegador de <i>cookies<\/i> en la lista negra, pero sí su salida, que es lo que realmente importa. El hecho de no bloquear las <i>cookies<\/i> antes de su entrada, da la oportunidad de saber si un sitio intenta usar <i>cookies<\/i>, e inspeccionar su contenido si se desea.<\/p><p>Una vez que tales <i>cookies<\/i> han sido detectadas por <i>uMatrix<\/i>, las mismas pueden ser eliminadas del navegador si lo decide.<\/p><p><b>Nota importante:<\/b> Las extensiones pueden hacer peticiones web como parte de su normal operación. Estas peticiones pueden resultar en la creación de <i>cookies<\/i> dentro del navegador. Si el nombre de <i>host<\/i> a partir del cual se generó la <i>cookie<\/i> no está en la lista de permitidos, la <i>cookie<\/i> será eliminada por <i>uMatrix<\/i> mientras esta opción esté activa. Así que asegúrese de permitir los nombres de <i>host<\/i> con los cuales se comunica una extensión determinada.<\/p>",
@ -332,15 +348,15 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"message":"<p>Algunos sitios web están tan enfocados en rastrearle, que usarán ciertos trucos bastantes sucios para burlar cualquier medida que se tome para evitar ser rastreado.<\/p><p>Unos cuantos de estos trucos se basan<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> en la <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Cach%C3%A9_web'>caché del navegador<\/a>, cuyo contenido como norma es perdurable, ya que raramente los usuarios se toman el trabajo de limpiarlo de forma regular.<\/p><p>Limpiar la caché de manera regular es bastante fácil (probablemente ni siquiera lo perciba cuando ocurra), con el beneficio de impedir a estos molestos rastreadores invadir su privacidad.<\/p><p>Active esta opción para que <i>µMatrix<\/i> lo haga por usted, en el intervalo deseado.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"<p>Algunos sitios web están tan enfocados en rastrearle, que usarán ciertos trucos bastantes sucios para burlar cualquier medida que se tome para evitar ser rastreado.<\/p><p>Unos cuantos de estos trucos se basan<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> en la <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Cach%C3%A9_web'>caché del navegador<\/a>, cuyo contenido como norma es perdurable, ya que raramente los usuarios se toman el trabajo de limpiarlo de forma regular.<\/p><p>Limpiar la caché de manera regular es bastante fácil (probablemente ni siquiera lo perciba cuando ocurra), con el beneficio de impedir a estos molestos rastreadores invadir su privacidad.<\/p><p>Active esta opción para que <i>uMatrix<\/i> lo haga por usted, en el intervalo deseado.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"Falsificar información de los <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Referer_%28Cabecera_HTTP%29'>HTTP referer<\/a> de terceros de las peticiones a nombres de dominios no permitidos.",
"message":"Falsificar información del <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Referer_%28Cabecera_HTTP%29'>HTTP referer<\/a> en las peticiones a nombres de dominios de terceros.",
"message":"<p>Según Wikipedia: &ldquo;Un HTTP referer... identifica la dirección de la página web (es decir, la URI o IRI) que creó el vínculo con el recurso que está siendo solicitado. ... <b>Ya que esta información desata preocupaciones en cuanto a la privacidad, algunos navegadores permiten al usuario deshabilitar el envío de este campo.<\/b>&rdquo;<\/p><p>Si se selecciona esta opción, <i>µMatrix<\/i> eliminará la información del HTTP referer si <b>ambas<\/b> de estas condiciones son verdaderas:<ul style='padding-left:1em;list-style-type:disc;'><li>El nombre de dominio del HTTP referer no concuerda con el nombre de dominio de la URL pedida (o sea, el creador del vínculo es un tercero respecto a la página web);<li>El nombre de <i>host<\/i> de la petición no está en la lista de permitidos.<\/ul><\/p>",
"message":"<p>Según Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>Un HTTP referer... identifica la dirección de la página web (es decir, la URI o IRI) que creó el vínculo con el recurso que está siendo solicitado. ... <b>Esto desata preocupaciones en cuanto a la privacidad, y como resultado... algunos navegadores web otorgan a sus usuarios la opción de eliminar el campo referer del encabezado de su solicitud.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>Si se selecciona esta opción, <i>uMatrix<\/i> falsificará la información del HTTP referer si el nombre de dominio del HTTP referer no concuerda con el nombre de dominio de la URL pedida (o sea, el creador del vínculo es un tercero respecto a la página web).<\/p>",
@ -372,11 +388,11 @@
"message":"Chromium: peticiones ocultas (behind-the-scene)",
"message":"Chromium: peticiones entre bambalinas (behind-the-scene)",
"message":"<p>Según <a href='https:\/\/\/intl\/es\/chrome\/browser\/privacy\/whitepaper.html'>Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper<\/a>, <i>Chromium<\/i> podría enviar peticiones HTTP a <i>Google<\/i> sin que el usuario visite expresamente una página web. Estas <strong>peticiones ocultas o behind-the-scene<\/strong> también pueden ser enviadas por otras extensiones instaladas en el navegador.<\/p><p><i>µMatrix<\/i> le permite interceptar este tipo de peticiones y tratarlas como cualquier otra petición normal: permitirlas o no de acuerdo a la lista negra o lista de sitios aprobados.<\/p><p>Para comenzar, haga clic en el icono de la extensión mientras se encuentra en esta página. Lectura requerida (en inglés): <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Behind-the-scene-requests'>Behind-the-scene requests<\/a>.<\/p><div class='warn'><p><span style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>¡Cuidado!<\/span> Bloquear las peticiones tipo <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> puede potencialmente provocar <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/issues\/27'>un problema<\/a> cuando el usuario desea instalar una extensión desde \"Chrome store\" (o incluso quizá impedir la actualización de extensiones), por lo que se ofrece la posibilidad de deshabilitar esta característica. El bloqueo también puede causar el mal funcionamiento de otras extensiones ya instaladas (aquellas que solicitan datos remotos).<\/p><p>Incluso si esta característica se encuentra deshabilitada, las peticiones <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> serán registradas por <i>µMatrix<\/i>. Puede inspeccionar estas peticiones en la página <a href='dashboard.html#statistics'>Estadísticas<\/a>.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Según <a href='https:\/\/\/intl\/es\/chrome\/browser\/privacy\/whitepaper.html'>Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper<\/a>, <i>Chromium<\/i> podría enviar peticiones HTTP a <i>Google<\/i> sin que el usuario visite expresamente una página web. Estas <strong>peticiones ocultas o behind-the-scene<\/strong> también pueden ser enviadas por otras extensiones instaladas en el navegador.<\/p><p><i>uMatrix<\/i> le permite interceptar este tipo de peticiones y tratarlas como cualquier otra petición normal: permitirlas o no de acuerdo a la lista negra o lista de sitios aprobados.<\/p><p>Para comenzar, haga clic en el icono de la extensión mientras se encuentra en esta página. Lectura requerida (en inglés): <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Behind-the-scene-requests'>Behind-the-scene requests<\/a>.<\/p><div class='warn'><p><span style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>¡Cuidado!<\/span> Bloquear las peticiones tipo <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> puede potencialmente provocar <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/issues\/27'>un problema<\/a> cuando el usuario desea instalar una extensión desde \"Chrome store\" (o incluso quizá impedir la actualización de extensiones), por lo que se ofrece la posibilidad de deshabilitar esta característica. El bloqueo también puede causar el mal funcionamiento de otras extensiones ya instaladas (aquellas que solicitan datos remotos).<\/p><p>Incluso si esta característica se encuentra deshabilitada, las peticiones <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> serán registradas por <i>uMatrix<\/i>. Puede inspeccionar estas peticiones en la página <a href='dashboard.html#statistics'>Estadísticas<\/a>.<\/p>",
@ -435,6 +451,10 @@
"message":"{{used}} usados de un total de {{total}}",
"message":"Última actualización: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Aplicar cambios",
@ -528,7 +548,7 @@
"message":"Todos sus ajustes serán sobrescritos usando los datos respaldados en {{time}}, y µMatrix se reiniciará.\n\n¿Sobrescribir todos los ajustes actuales usando los datos de respaldo?",
"message":"Todos sus ajustes serán sobrescritos usando los datos respaldados en {{time}}, y uMatrix se reiniciará.\n\n¿Sobrescribir todos los ajustes actuales usando los datos de respaldo?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
@ -547,8 +567,48 @@
"message":"Atención! Esto eliminará todos sus ajustes personalizados. ¿Seguro desea continuar?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"message":"falsificar cadena User-Agent con: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"cookie eliminada: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"vaciada caché del navegador",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"fallo intentando eliminar cookie: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"recurso actualizado: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix previno la carga de la siguiente página:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"de acuerdo con la regla",
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"message":"Ir atrás",
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"Eliminar todos los cambios temporales",
"message":"Revertir todos los cambios temporales",
@ -563,6 +623,38 @@
"message":"Abrir Panel de control",
"message":"hace un minuto",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"hace {{value}} minutos",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"hace una hora",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"hace {{value}} horas",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"hace un día",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"hace {{value}} días",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"Error de red: Imposible conectar con {{url}}",


@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
"message":"Selle määratluse puhul keela\/luba maatriksiline filtreerimine.\nMaatriksilise filtreerimise blokeeritud ühendused selles portaalis: {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
"message":"Salvesta ajutiselt kõik selle määratluse muudatused.",
@ -87,10 +87,6 @@
"message":"Eemalda selle määratluse ajutised muudatused.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"message":"Eemalda kõik ajutised muudatused.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"message":"Värskenda lehekülge.",
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
@ -105,15 +101,27 @@
"message":"Range HTTPS",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Kasutajaagendi ninanips",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Viitaja narritamine",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to request log",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to dashboard",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; statistika",
@ -152,11 +160,11 @@
"message":"Chromium: Behind the scene",
"message":"Behind the scene",
@ -228,7 +236,7 @@
"description":"Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>µMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>uMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"description":"To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
@ -236,7 +244,7 @@
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Settings",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Settings",
@ -280,7 +288,7 @@
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
@ -291,8 +299,16 @@
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Show the number of distinct requests on the icon",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Collapse placeholder of blocked elements",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
@ -300,7 +316,7 @@
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>µMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>µMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>µMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>uMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>uMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>uMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
@ -312,7 +328,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> when using a Chromium-based browser. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> in some browsers. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
@ -332,7 +348,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>µMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>uMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
@ -340,7 +356,7 @@
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
@ -372,11 +388,11 @@
"message":"Chromium: behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"Behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"<p>According to <a href='https:\/\/\/intl\/en\/chrome\/browser\/privacy\/whitepaper.html'>Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper<\/a>, <i>Chromium<\/i> might send HTTP requests to <i>Google<\/i> without the user expressly visiting a web page. Let's call these special requests <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests. Also, other installed browser extensions can send <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> HTTP requests.<\/p><p><i>µMatrix<\/i> lets you intercept and treat these requests like any other request: they can be processed in order to allow\/block them as per your whitelist\/blacklist.<\/p><p>Click the extension icon while viewing this page to get started. Required reading: <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Behind-the-scene-requests'>Behind-the-scene requests<\/a>.<\/p><div class='warn'><p><span style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>Beware!<\/span> Blocking <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> net requests is potentially causing <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/issues\/27'>an issue<\/a> when the user wants to install an extension from the Chrome store (including maybe preventing extensions from being updated), hence the ability to disable the feature here. Blocking can also cause other installed extensions to not work properly (those querying for remote data).<\/p><p>Even if this feature is not enabled, <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests are still logged by <i>µMatrix<\/i>. You can inspect these requests on the <a href='dashboard.html#statistics'>Statistics<\/a> page.<\/p>",
@ -435,6 +451,10 @@
"message":"{{used}} used out of {{total}}",
"message":"Last update: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Apply changes",
@ -528,7 +548,7 @@
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and µMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and uMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
@ -547,8 +567,48 @@
"message":"Caution! this will remove all your custom settings. Are you sure you want to proceed?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"filter expression(s)",
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"message":"spoofing user agent with: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"cookie deleted: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"browser cache cleared",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"failed to delete cookie: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"asset updated: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"Because of the following rule",
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"message":"Go back",
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes",
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
@ -563,6 +623,38 @@
"message":"Open dashboard",
"message":"a minute ago",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} minutes ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"an hour ago",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"{{value}} hours ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"a day ago",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"{{value}} days ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"Network error: Unable to connect to {{url}}",


@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"description":"this will be used as short description in web stores: MUST BE 132 characters OR LESS"
"message":"µMatrix — Dashboard",
"message":"uMatrix — Dashboard",
@ -76,21 +76,17 @@
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.\nRequests blocked through matrix filtering on this page: {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
"message":"Save all temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the persist button"
"message":"Remove temporary changes for this scope.",
"message":"Revert temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"message":"Reload the page.",
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
@ -105,18 +101,30 @@
"message":"Strict HTTPS",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"User agent spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Referrer spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to request log",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to dashboard",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
@ -156,7 +164,7 @@
"message":"Chromium: Behind the scene",
"message":"Behind the scene",
@ -228,7 +236,7 @@
"description":"Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>µMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>uMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"description":"To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
@ -236,7 +244,7 @@
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Settings",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Settings",
@ -280,7 +288,7 @@
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
@ -291,8 +299,16 @@
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Show the number of distinct requests on the icon",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Collapse placeholder of blocked elements",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
@ -300,7 +316,7 @@
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>µMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>µMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>µMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>uMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>uMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>uMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
@ -312,7 +328,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> when using a Chromium-based browser. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> in some browsers. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
@ -332,7 +348,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>µMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>uMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
@ -340,7 +356,7 @@
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
@ -372,11 +388,11 @@
"message":"Chromium: behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"Behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"<p>According to <a href='https:\/\/\/intl\/en\/chrome\/browser\/privacy\/whitepaper.html'>Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper<\/a>, <i>Chromium<\/i> might send HTTP requests to <i>Google<\/i> without the user expressly visiting a web page. Let's call these special requests <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests. Also, other installed browser extensions can send <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> HTTP requests.<\/p><p><i>µMatrix<\/i> lets you intercept and treat these requests like any other request: they can be processed in order to allow\/block them as per your whitelist\/blacklist.<\/p><p>Click the extension icon while viewing this page to get started. Required reading: <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Behind-the-scene-requests'>Behind-the-scene requests<\/a>.<\/p><div class='warn'><p><span style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>Beware!<\/span> Blocking <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> net requests is potentially causing <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/issues\/27'>an issue<\/a> when the user wants to install an extension from the Chrome store (including maybe preventing extensions from being updated), hence the ability to disable the feature here. Blocking can also cause other installed extensions to not work properly (those querying for remote data).<\/p><p>Even if this feature is not enabled, <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests are still logged by <i>µMatrix<\/i>. You can inspect these requests on the <a href='dashboard.html#statistics'>Statistics<\/a> page.<\/p>",
@ -435,6 +451,10 @@
"message":"{{used}} used out of {{total}}",
"message":"Last update: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Apply changes",
@ -528,7 +548,7 @@
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and µMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and uMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
@ -547,8 +567,48 @@
"message":"Caution! this will remove all your custom settings. Are you sure you want to proceed?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"filter expression(s)",
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"message":"spoofing user agent with: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"cookie deleted: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"browser cache cleared",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"failed to delete cookie: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"asset updated: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"Because of the following rule",
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"message":"Go back",
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes",
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
@ -563,6 +623,38 @@
"message":"Open dashboard",
"message":"a minute ago",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} minutes ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"an hour ago",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"{{value}} hours ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"a day ago",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"{{value}} days ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"Network error: Unable to connect to {{url}}",


@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"description":"this will be used as short description in web stores: MUST BE 132 characters OR LESS"
"message":"µMatrix — Dashboard",
"message":"uMatrix — Dashboard",
@ -76,21 +76,17 @@
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.\nRequests blocked through matrix filtering on this page: {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
"message":"Save all temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the persist button"
"message":"Remove temporary changes for this scope.",
"message":"Revert temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"message":"Reload the page.",
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
@ -105,18 +101,30 @@
"message":"Strict HTTPS",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"User agent spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Referrer spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to request log",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to dashboard",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
@ -156,7 +164,7 @@
"message":"Chromium: Behind the scene",
"message":"Behind the scene",
@ -228,7 +236,7 @@
"description":"Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>µMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>uMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"description":"To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
@ -236,7 +244,7 @@
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Settings",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Settings",
@ -280,7 +288,7 @@
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
@ -291,8 +299,16 @@
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Show the number of distinct requests on the icon",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Collapse placeholder of blocked elements",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
@ -300,7 +316,7 @@
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>µMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>µMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>µMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>uMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>uMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>uMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
@ -312,7 +328,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> when using a Chromium-based browser. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> in some browsers. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
@ -332,7 +348,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>µMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>uMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
@ -340,7 +356,7 @@
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
@ -372,11 +388,11 @@
"message":"Chromium: behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"Behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"<p>According to <a href='https:\/\/\/intl\/en\/chrome\/browser\/privacy\/whitepaper.html'>Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper<\/a>, <i>Chromium<\/i> might send HTTP requests to <i>Google<\/i> without the user expressly visiting a web page. Let's call these special requests <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests. Also, other installed browser extensions can send <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> HTTP requests.<\/p><p><i>µMatrix<\/i> lets you intercept and treat these requests like any other request: they can be processed in order to allow\/block them as per your whitelist\/blacklist.<\/p><p>Click the extension icon while viewing this page to get started. Required reading: <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Behind-the-scene-requests'>Behind-the-scene requests<\/a>.<\/p><div class='warn'><p><span style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>Beware!<\/span> Blocking <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> net requests is potentially causing <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/issues\/27'>an issue<\/a> when the user wants to install an extension from the Chrome store (including maybe preventing extensions from being updated), hence the ability to disable the feature here. Blocking can also cause other installed extensions to not work properly (those querying for remote data).<\/p><p>Even if this feature is not enabled, <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests are still logged by <i>µMatrix<\/i>. You can inspect these requests on the <a href='dashboard.html#statistics'>Statistics<\/a> page.<\/p>",
@ -435,6 +451,10 @@
"message":"{{used}} used out of {{total}}",
"message":"Last update: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Apply changes",
@ -528,7 +548,7 @@
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and µMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and uMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
@ -547,8 +567,48 @@
"message":"Caution! this will remove all your custom settings. Are you sure you want to proceed?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"filter expression(s)",
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"message":"spoofing user agent with: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"cookie deleted: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"browser cache cleared",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"failed to delete cookie: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"asset updated: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"Because of the following rule",
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"message":"Go back",
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes",
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
@ -563,6 +623,38 @@
"message":"Open dashboard",
"message":"a minute ago",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} minutes ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"an hour ago",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"{{value}} hours ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"a day ago",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"{{value}} days ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"Network error: Unable to connect to {{url}}",


@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"description":"this will be used as short description in web stores: MUST BE 132 characters OR LESS"
"message":"µMatrix — Dashboard",
"message":"uMatrix — Dashboard",
@ -76,21 +76,17 @@
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.\nRequests blocked through matrix filtering on this page: {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
"message":"Save all temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the persist button"
"message":"Remove temporary changes for this scope.",
"message":"Revert temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"message":"Reload the page.",
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
@ -105,18 +101,30 @@
"message":"Strict HTTPS",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"User agent spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Referrer spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to request log",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to dashboard",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
@ -156,7 +164,7 @@
"message":"Chromium: Behind the scene",
"message":"Behind the scene",
@ -228,7 +236,7 @@
"description":"Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>µMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>uMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"description":"To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
@ -236,7 +244,7 @@
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Settings",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Settings",
@ -280,7 +288,7 @@
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
@ -291,8 +299,16 @@
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Show the number of distinct requests on the icon",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Collapse placeholder of blocked elements",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
@ -300,7 +316,7 @@
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>µMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>µMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>µMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>uMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>uMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>uMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
@ -312,7 +328,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> when using a Chromium-based browser. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> in some browsers. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
@ -332,7 +348,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>µMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>uMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
@ -340,7 +356,7 @@
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
@ -372,11 +388,11 @@
"message":"Chromium: behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"Behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"<p>According to <a href='https:\/\/\/intl\/en\/chrome\/browser\/privacy\/whitepaper.html'>Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper<\/a>, <i>Chromium<\/i> might send HTTP requests to <i>Google<\/i> without the user expressly visiting a web page. Let's call these special requests <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests. Also, other installed browser extensions can send <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> HTTP requests.<\/p><p><i>µMatrix<\/i> lets you intercept and treat these requests like any other request: they can be processed in order to allow\/block them as per your whitelist\/blacklist.<\/p><p>Click the extension icon while viewing this page to get started. Required reading: <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Behind-the-scene-requests'>Behind-the-scene requests<\/a>.<\/p><div class='warn'><p><span style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>Beware!<\/span> Blocking <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> net requests is potentially causing <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/issues\/27'>an issue<\/a> when the user wants to install an extension from the Chrome store (including maybe preventing extensions from being updated), hence the ability to disable the feature here. Blocking can also cause other installed extensions to not work properly (those querying for remote data).<\/p><p>Even if this feature is not enabled, <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests are still logged by <i>µMatrix<\/i>. You can inspect these requests on the <a href='dashboard.html#statistics'>Statistics<\/a> page.<\/p>",
@ -435,6 +451,10 @@
"message":"{{used}} used out of {{total}}",
"message":"Last update: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Apply changes",
@ -528,7 +548,7 @@
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and µMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and uMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
@ -547,8 +567,48 @@
"message":"Caution! this will remove all your custom settings. Are you sure you want to proceed?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"filter expression(s)",
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"message":"spoofing user agent with: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"cookie deleted: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"browser cache cleared",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"failed to delete cookie: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"asset updated: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"Because of the following rule",
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"message":"Go back",
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes",
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
@ -563,6 +623,38 @@
"message":"Open dashboard",
"message":"a minute ago",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} minutes ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"an hour ago",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"{{value}} hours ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"a day ago",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"{{value}} days ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"Network error: Unable to connect to {{url}}",


@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"description":"this will be used as short description in web stores: MUST BE 132 characters OR LESS"
"message":"µMatrix — Tableau de bord",
"message":"uMatrix — Tableau de bord",
@ -76,8 +76,8 @@
"message":"Cliquez pour activer\/désactiver les filtres matriciels pour le contexte actuel. Nombre de requêtes bloquées via les filtres matriciels : {{count}}",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"message":"Activer\/Désactiver les filtres matriciels pour le contexte actuel. Nombre de requêtes bloquées via les filtres matriciels : {{count}}",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
"message":"Conserver définitivement les changements du contexte actuel",
@ -87,10 +87,6 @@
"message":"Annuler les changements temporaires (contexte actuel)",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"message":"Annuler les changements temporaires (tous les contextes)",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"message":"Actualiser la page",
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
@ -105,18 +101,30 @@
"message":"Trafic HTTPS uniquement",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Modifier l'Identification du navigateur",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Modifier le Référant HTTP",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Annuler tous les changements temporaires",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Aller au journal des requêtes",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Aller au Tableau de bord",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Statistiques",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Statistiques",
@ -228,7 +236,7 @@
"description":"Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"<p>Cette option vous permet de saisir le nombre de plus récentes requêtes HTTP à journaliser pour une inspection ultérieure.<\/p><p>Ceci est particulièrement utile pour les utilisateurs expérimentés qui veulent déterminer ce que fait précisément une page Web. Mais le processus de journalisation nécessite de la mémoire vive, et si vous ne vous souciez guère de ces informations, la mémoire utilisée dans ce but est gaspillée.<\/p><p>Pour désactiver cette fonctionnalité et ainsi réduire l'empreinte mémoire de <i>µMatrix<\/i>, saisissez &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo;.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Cette option vous permet de saisir le nombre de plus récentes requêtes HTTP à journaliser pour une inspection ultérieure.<\/p><p>Ceci est particulièrement utile pour les utilisateurs expérimentés qui veulent déterminer ce que fait précisément une page Web. Mais le processus de journalisation nécessite de la mémoire vive, et si vous ne vous souciez guère de ces informations, la mémoire utilisée dans ce but est gaspillée.<\/p><p>Pour désactiver cette fonctionnalité et ainsi réduire l'empreinte mémoire de <i>uMatrix<\/i>, saisissez &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo;.<\/p>",
"description":"To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
@ -236,7 +244,7 @@
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Réglages",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Réglages",
@ -280,7 +288,7 @@
"message":"Lorsque vous avez modifié des permissions susceptibles d'affecter l'apparence et\/ou le comportement d'une page Web, <i>µMatrix<\/i> rechargera automatiquement une ou plusieurs page(s) Web concernée(s) (selon votre choix) en fermant la matrice. Si l'option Aucune page est sélectionnée, vous devrez actualiser la page Web vous-même pour appliquer les modifications.",
"message":"Lorsque vous avez modifié des permissions susceptibles d'affecter l'apparence et\/ou le comportement d'une page Web, <i>uMatrix<\/i> rechargera automatiquement une ou plusieurs page(s) Web concernée(s) à la fermeture de la matrice. Si l'option Aucune page est sélectionnée, vous devrez actualiser la page Web vous-même pour appliquer les modifications.",
@ -291,8 +299,16 @@
"message":"Opacité :",
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Montrer le nombre de requêtes distinctes sur l'icône",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Cacher les espaces réservés aux éléments bloqués",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Confidentialité",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Confidentialité",
@ -300,7 +316,7 @@
"message":"<p><i>µMatrix<\/i> n'empêche pas les cookies bloqués 'd'entrer' dans votre navigateur, mais les empêche d'en 'repartir', et c'est cela qui importe. 'Laisser venir' les cookies vous permet de savoir lorsqu'un site essaye d'en utiliser, ou même d'en inspecter le contenu si vous le désirez.<\/p><p>Une fois que les cookies bloqués ont été pris en compte par <i>µMatrix<\/i>, ils peuvent être supprimés de votre navigateur si vous le souhaitez.<\/p><p><b>Note importante<\/b> : Les extensions peuvent faire des requêtes Web au cours de leurs opérations ordinaires. Ces requêtes peuvent entraîner la création de cookies dans le navigateur. Si cette fonctionnalité est activée et que le nom d'hôte originel du cookie n'est pas sur liste blanche, le cookie sera supprimé du navigateur par <i>µMatrix<\/i>, alors assurez-vous que le(s) nom(s) d'hôte(s) avec le(s)quel(s) l'extension interagit soit\/soient sur liste blanche.<\/p>",
"message":"<p><i>uMatrix<\/i> n'empêche pas les cookies bloqués 'd'entrer' dans votre navigateur, mais les empêche d'en 'repartir', et c'est cela qui importe. 'Laisser venir' les cookies vous permet de savoir lorsqu'un site essaye d'en utiliser, ou même d'en inspecter le contenu si vous le désirez.<\/p><p>Une fois que les cookies bloqués ont été pris en compte par <i>uMatrix<\/i>, ils peuvent être supprimés de votre navigateur si vous le souhaitez.<\/p><p><b>Note importante<\/b> : Les extensions peuvent faire des requêtes Web au cours de leurs opérations ordinaires. Ces requêtes peuvent entraîner la création de cookies dans le navigateur. Si cette fonctionnalité est activée et que le nom d'hôte originel du cookie n'est pas sur liste blanche, le cookie sera supprimé du navigateur par <i>uMatrix<\/i>, alors assurez-vous que le(s) nom(s) d'hôte(s) avec le(s)quel(s) l'extension interagit soit\/soient sur liste blanche.<\/p>",
@ -332,7 +348,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"message":"<p>Certains sites Web sont déterminés à connaître votre vie privée en ligne, quitte à employer des méthodes peu orthodoxes pour contrer les dispositions que vous avez prises pour ne pas être victime de pistage.<\/p><p>Certaines de ces techniques exploitent<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> le <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Cache_web'>cache du navigateur<\/a> dont le contenu perdure souvent un bon bout de temps, puisque les utilisateurs prennent rarement le temps de fréquemment vider leur cache de navigation.<\/p><p>Nettoyer régulièrement le cache du navigateur est un dérangement aux yeux de certaines personnes, même si cela empêche ces envahissants pisteurs de bafouer votre confidentialité.<\/p><p>Cochez cette option pour que <i>µMatrix<\/i> s'en occupe à votre place, suivant la fréquence de votre choix.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies”&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"<p>Certains sites Web sont déterminés à connaître votre vie privée en ligne, quitte à employer des méthodes peu orthodoxes pour contrer les dispositions que vous avez prises pour ne pas être victime de pistage.<\/p><p>Certaines de ces techniques exploitent<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> le <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Cache_web'>cache du navigateur<\/a> dont le contenu perdure souvent un bon bout de temps, puisque les utilisateurs prennent rarement le temps de fréquemment vider leur cache de navigation.<\/p><p>Nettoyer régulièrement le cache du navigateur est un dérangement aux yeux de certaines personnes, même si cela empêche ces envahissants pisteurs de bafouer votre confidentialité.<\/p><p>Cochez cette option pour que <i>uMatrix<\/i> s'en occupe à votre place, suivant la fréquence de votre choix.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies”&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
@ -340,7 +356,7 @@
"message":"<p>D'après Wikipédia :<\/p> <blockquote>Un référant HTTP est un champ dans l'entête HTTP, qui indique l'adresse de la page Web depuis laquelle on se connecte vers la ressource demandée[...] <b>Puisque les informations comprises dans un référant peuvent compromettre la vie privée, certains navigateurs Web permettent aux utilisateurs de désactiver l'envoi de ces données.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>Si ce paramètre est coché, <i>µMatrix<\/i> supprimera le référant HTTP si le nom de domaine du référant HTTP est différent du nom de domaine de la requête réseau (autrement dit, si vous venez d'un site différent de celui que vous visitez)<\/p>",
"message":"<p>D'après Wikipédia :<\/p> <blockquote>Un référant HTTP est un champ dans l'entête HTTP, qui indique l'adresse de la page Web depuis laquelle on se connecte vers la ressource demandée[...] <b>Puisque les informations comprises dans un référant peuvent compromettre la vie privée, certains navigateurs Web permettent aux utilisateurs de désactiver l'envoi de ces données.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>Si ce paramètre est coché, <i>uMatrix<\/i> supprimera le référant HTTP si le nom de domaine du référant HTTP est différent du nom de domaine de la requête réseau (autrement dit, si vous venez d'un site différent de celui que vous visitez)<\/p>",
@ -376,7 +392,7 @@
"message":"<p>Il faut savoir qu'un navigateur Web est susceptible d'émettre secrètement des requêtes HTTP, qui sont souvent nécessaires à son bon fonctionnement (c'est par exemple le cas de <a href='https:\/\/\/intl\/fr\/chrome\/browser\/privacy\/whitepaper.html'><i>Chromium<\/i><\/a>). Les extensions peuvent également recourir à ce procédé.<\/p><p>Qualifions ces requêtes singulières de <strong>requêtes en coulisses<\/strong>.<\/p><p><i>µMatrix<\/i> vous permet d'intercepter et de traiter ces requêtes comme toutes les autres, et peuvent donc être autorisées ou bloquées selon vos réglages.<\/p><p>Rendez-vous dans l'onglet Mes règles pour activer ou non le traitement des requêtes en coulisses et définir d'éventuelles règles de gestion adéquate.<\/p><div class='warn'><p><span style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>Veuillez trouver ci-après diverses informations susceptibles de s'appliquer à votre navigateur Web.<\/span> Utilisateurs de Chrome\/Chromium\/Dérivés de Chromium : Le blocage de certaines requêtes HTTP en coulisses peut empêcher l'ajout par l'utilisateur ou la mise à jour d'une extension depuis le Chrome Web Store, ainsi que des interférences sur d'autres extensions installées. En conséquence, définissez avec soin le traitement des requêtes en coulisses en appliquant les bonnes autorisations.<\/p><p>Utilisateurs d'Opera\/Opera beta\/Opera developer : Si vous activez la gestion des requêtes en coulisses, veuillez autoriser les requêtes en coulisses de type Autre afin de ne pas entraver la génération des miniatures de vos Accès Rapide. Si vous souhaitez utiliser la fonction Découvrir de votre navigateur, ajoutez la règle suivante dans Mes règles : \"* * allow\" (sans les guillemets). Le blocage de certaines requêtes en coulisses peut occasionner des dysfonctionnements sur autres extensions installées (celles requérant l'utilisation de données distantes). En conséquence, définissez avec soin le traitement des requêtes en coulisses en appliquant les bonnes autorisations.<\/p><p>Sachez que même si vous désactivez cette fonctionnalité, les <strong>requêtes en coulisses<\/strong> sont toujours journalisées par <i>µMatrix<\/i>, pour que vous puissez quand même les inspecter (depuis la page Statistiques).<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Il faut savoir qu'un navigateur Web est susceptible d'émettre secrètement des requêtes HTTP, qui sont souvent nécessaires à son bon fonctionnement (c'est par exemple le cas de <a href='https:\/\/\/intl\/fr\/chrome\/browser\/privacy\/whitepaper.html'><i>Chromium<\/i><\/a>). Les extensions peuvent également recourir à ce procédé.<\/p><p>Qualifions ces requêtes singulières de <strong>requêtes en coulisses<\/strong>.<\/p><p><i>uMatrix<\/i> vous permet d'intercepter et de traiter ces requêtes comme toutes les autres, et peuvent donc être autorisées ou bloquées selon vos réglages.<\/p><p>Rendez-vous dans l'onglet Mes règles pour activer ou non le traitement des requêtes en coulisses et définir d'éventuelles règles de gestion adéquates.<\/p><div class='warn'><p><span style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>Veuillez trouver ci-après diverses informations susceptibles de s'appliquer à votre navigateur Web.<\/span> Utilisateurs de Chrome\/Chromium\/Dérivés de Chromium : Le blocage de certaines requêtes HTTP en coulisses peut empêcher l'ajout par l'utilisateur ou la mise à jour d'une extension depuis le Chrome Web Store, ainsi que des interférences sur d'autres extensions installées. En conséquence, définissez avec soin le traitement des requêtes en coulisses en appliquant les bonnes autorisations.<\/p><p>Utilisateurs d'Opera\/Opera beta\/Opera developer : Si vous activez la gestion des requêtes en coulisses, veuillez autoriser les requêtes en coulisses de type Autre afin de ne pas entraver la génération des miniatures de vos Accès Rapide. Si vous souhaitez utiliser la fonction Découvrir de votre navigateur, ajoutez la règle suivante dans Mes règles : \"* * allow\" (sans les guillemets). Le blocage de certaines requêtes en coulisses peut occasionner des dysfonctionnements sur autres extensions installées (celles requérant l'utilisation de données distantes). En conséquence, définissez avec soin le traitement des requêtes en coulisses en appliquant les bonnes autorisations.<\/p><p>Sachez que même si vous désactivez cette fonctionnalité, les <strong>requêtes en coulisses<\/strong> sont toujours journalisées par <i>uMatrix<\/i>, pour que vous puissez quand même les inspecter (depuis la page Statistiques).<\/p>",
@ -435,6 +451,10 @@
"message":"{{used}} utilisé(s) sur un total de {{total}}",
"message":"Dernière mise à jour effectuée il y a : {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Appliquer les modifications",
@ -528,7 +548,7 @@
"message":"Toutes vos données seront remplacées par celles enregistrées le {{time}}, puis µMatrix redémarrera.\n\nDésirez-vous vraimant effectuer l'opération ?",
"message":"Toutes vos données seront remplacées par celles enregistrées le {{time}}, puis uMatrix redémarrera.\n\nDésirez-vous vraiment effectuer l'opération ?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
@ -547,8 +567,48 @@
"message":"Attention ! Cela supprimera tous vos paramétrages personnels. Désirez-vous vraiment réinitialiser ?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"Expression(s) de filtre",
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"message":"Remplacement de l'Identification du navigateur par : {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"Cookie supprimé : {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"Cache du navigateur nettoyé",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"Échec lors de la suppression du cookie : {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"Élément mis à jour : {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix a empêché le chargement de cette page :",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"À cause de la règle suivante",
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"Supprimer toutes les modifications temporaires",
"message":"Annuler toutes les modifications temporaires",
@ -563,6 +623,38 @@
"message":"Ouvrir le Tableau de bord",
"message":"une minute",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} minutes",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"une heure",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"{{value}} heures",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"un jour",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"{{value}} jours",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"Erreur réseau : Ne peut se connecter à {{url}}",


@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"description":"this will be used as short description in web stores: MUST BE 132 characters OR LESS"
"message":"µMatrix — Dashboard",
"message":"uMatrix — Dashboard",
@ -76,21 +76,17 @@
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.\nRequests blocked through matrix filtering on this page: {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
"message":"Save all temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the persist button"
"message":"Remove temporary changes for this scope.",
"message":"Revert temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"message":"Reload the page.",
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
@ -105,18 +101,30 @@
"message":"Strict HTTPS",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"User agent spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Referrer spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to request log",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to dashboard",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
@ -156,7 +164,7 @@
"message":"Chromium: Behind the scene",
"message":"Behind the scene",
@ -228,7 +236,7 @@
"description":"Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>µMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>uMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"description":"To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
@ -236,7 +244,7 @@
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Settings",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Settings",
@ -280,7 +288,7 @@
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
@ -291,8 +299,16 @@
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Show the number of distinct requests on the icon",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Collapse placeholder of blocked elements",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
@ -300,7 +316,7 @@
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>µMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>µMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>µMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>uMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>uMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>uMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
@ -312,7 +328,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> when using a Chromium-based browser. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> in some browsers. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
@ -332,7 +348,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>µMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>uMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
@ -340,7 +356,7 @@
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
@ -372,11 +388,11 @@
"message":"Chromium: behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"Behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"<p>According to <a href='https:\/\/\/intl\/en\/chrome\/browser\/privacy\/whitepaper.html'>Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper<\/a>, <i>Chromium<\/i> might send HTTP requests to <i>Google<\/i> without the user expressly visiting a web page. Let's call these special requests <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests. Also, other installed browser extensions can send <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> HTTP requests.<\/p><p><i>µMatrix<\/i> lets you intercept and treat these requests like any other request: they can be processed in order to allow\/block them as per your whitelist\/blacklist.<\/p><p>Click the extension icon while viewing this page to get started. Required reading: <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Behind-the-scene-requests'>Behind-the-scene requests<\/a>.<\/p><div class='warn'><p><span style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>Beware!<\/span> Blocking <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> net requests is potentially causing <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/issues\/27'>an issue<\/a> when the user wants to install an extension from the Chrome store (including maybe preventing extensions from being updated), hence the ability to disable the feature here. Blocking can also cause other installed extensions to not work properly (those querying for remote data).<\/p><p>Even if this feature is not enabled, <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests are still logged by <i>µMatrix<\/i>. You can inspect these requests on the <a href='dashboard.html#statistics'>Statistics<\/a> page.<\/p>",
@ -435,6 +451,10 @@
"message":"{{used}} used out of {{total}}",
"message":"Last update: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Apply changes",
@ -528,7 +548,7 @@
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and µMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and uMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
@ -547,8 +567,48 @@
"message":"Caution! this will remove all your custom settings. Are you sure you want to proceed?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"filter expression(s)",
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"message":"spoofing user agent with: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"cookie deleted: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"browser cache cleared",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"failed to delete cookie: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"asset updated: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"Because of the following rule",
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"message":"Go back",
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes",
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
@ -563,6 +623,38 @@
"message":"Open dashboard",
"message":"a minute ago",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} minutes ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"an hour ago",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"{{value}} hours ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"a day ago",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"{{value}} days ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"Network error: Unable to connect to {{url}}",


@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"description":"this will be used as short description in web stores: MUST BE 132 characters OR LESS"
"message":"µMatrix — פאנל הקונפיגורציות",
"message":"uMatrix — פאנל הקונפיגורציות",
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
"message":"כבה\/אפשר מטריצת פילטור עבור טווח זה.\nמספר הבקשות שנחסמו ע\"י מטריצת הפילטור בעמוד זה: {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
"message":"שמור את כל השינויים הזמניים עבור טווח זה.",
@ -87,10 +87,6 @@
"message":"מחק שינויים זמניים עבור טווח זה.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"message":"מחק את כל השינויים הזמניים.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"message":"טען מחדש את העמוד.",
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
@ -105,18 +101,30 @@
"message":"מצב HTTPS נוקשה",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"זיוף מזהה משתמש",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"זיוף מפנה",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to request log",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to dashboard",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; סטטיסטיקות",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; סטטיסטיקות",
@ -228,7 +236,7 @@
"description":"Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"<p>אתה יכול לבדוק את הפרטים של רוב בקשות HTTP הגולמיות האחרונות אשר יצאו מדף אינטרנט (ראה להלן).<\/p><p>זה שימושי בעיקר למשתמשים מתקדמים שרוצים לחקור בדיוק מה דף האינטרנט עשה. אבל רישום בקשות ה HTTP הללו דורש זיכרון, ואם לא אכפת לך מהמידע הטכני הזה, אז הזיכרון מתבזבז.<\/p><p>לכן קיימת אפשרות זו המאפשרת לך להתאים את המספר המרבי של בקשות ה HTTP הכי האחרונות שמיועדות להירשם לבדיקה נוספת.<\/p><p>הזן &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; כדי לכבות את הרישום המפורט (וכתוצאה מכך להפחית את השימוש בזיכרון של <i>µMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"message":"<p>אתה יכול לבדוק את הפרטים של רוב בקשות HTTP הגולמיות האחרונות אשר יצאו מדף אינטרנט (ראה להלן).<\/p><p>זה שימושי בעיקר למשתמשים מתקדמים שרוצים לחקור בדיוק מה דף האינטרנט עשה. אבל רישום בקשות ה HTTP הללו דורש זיכרון, ואם לא אכפת לך מהמידע הטכני הזה, אז הזיכרון מתבזבז.<\/p><p>לכן קיימת אפשרות זו המאפשרת לך להתאים את המספר המרבי של בקשות ה HTTP הכי האחרונות שמיועדות להירשם לבדיקה נוספת.<\/p><p>הזן &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; כדי לכבות את הרישום המפורט (וכתוצאה מכך להפחית את השימוש בזיכרון של <i>uMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"description":"To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
@ -236,7 +244,7 @@
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; הגדרות",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; הגדרות",
@ -280,7 +288,7 @@
"message":"בכל פעם שאתה עושה שינויים במטריצה אשר יכולים להשפיע על ההצגה ו\/או התנהגות של דף או יותר, <i>µMatrix<\/i> יטען מחדש את העמודים המושפעים אוטומטית כשתסגור את המטריצה.",
"message":"בכל פעם שאתה עושה שינויים במטריצה אשר יכולים להשפיע על ההצגה ו\/או התנהגות של דף או יותר, <i>uMatrix<\/i> יטען מחדש את העמודים המושפעים אוטומטית כשתסגור את המטריצה.",
@ -291,8 +299,16 @@
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Show the number of distinct requests on the icon",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Collapse placeholder of blocked elements",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; פרטיות",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; פרטיות",
@ -300,7 +316,7 @@
"message":"<p>עוגיות ברשימה השחורה לא נמנעות על ידי <i>µMatrix<\/i> מלהיכנס לדפדפן שלך. אולם הן כן מנועות מלצאת מהדפדפן שלך, וזה מה שחשוב באמת. לא לחסום עוגיות לפני שהן נכנסות לדפדפן שלך נותן לך את ההזדמנות להיות מודע לכך שאתר ניסה להשתמש בעוגיות, ויתר על כן כדי לבדוק את תוכנם, אם תרצה.<\/p><p>כאשר <i>µMatrix<\/i> נתקל בעוגייה שברשימה השחורה, הן יכולות להיות מוסרות מהדפדפן שלך אם תרצה בכך.<\/p><p><b>הערה חשובה:<\/b> תוספות יכולות לבצע בקשות רשת במהלך פעולתן הרגילה. בקשות אלה יכולות לגרום לכך שעוגיות יווצרו בדפדפן. אם הדומיין שממנה העוגייה הגיעה לא ברשימה הלבנה, העוגייה תמחק מהדפדפן על ידי <i>µMatrix<\/i> אם אפשרות זו מאופשרת. אז תהיה בטוח לגבי זה שהדומיין(ים) אשר איתם התוסף יכול לתקשר נמצא(ים) ברשימה הלבנה.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>עוגיות ברשימה השחורה לא נמנעות על ידי <i>uMatrix<\/i> מלהיכנס לדפדפן שלך. אולם הן כן מנועות מלצאת מהדפדפן שלך, וזה מה שחשוב באמת. לא לחסום עוגיות לפני שהן נכנסות לדפדפן שלך נותן לך את ההזדמנות להיות מודע לכך שאתר ניסה להשתמש בעוגיות, ויתר על כן כדי לבדוק את תוכנם, אם תרצה.<\/p><p>כאשר <i>uMatrix<\/i> נתקל בעוגייה שברשימה השחורה, הן יכולות להיות מוסרות מהדפדפן שלך אם תרצה בכך.<\/p><p><b>הערה חשובה:<\/b> תוספות יכולות לבצע בקשות רשת במהלך פעולתן הרגילה. בקשות אלה יכולות לגרום לכך שעוגיות יווצרו בדפדפן. אם הדומיין שממנה העוגייה הגיעה לא ברשימה הלבנה, העוגייה תמחק מהדפדפן על ידי <i>µMatrix<\/i> אם אפשרות זו מאופשרת. אז תהיה בטוח לגבי זה שהדומיין(ים) אשר איתם התוסף יכול לתקשר נמצא(ים) ברשימה הלבנה.<\/p>",
@ -332,7 +348,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"message":"<p>יש אתרי אינטרנט שממש רוצים לעקוב אחרייך, כל כך שהם ישתמשו בטריקים לא כל כך יפים על מנת לעקוף את כל הדברים שאתה עושה כדי לא להיות במעקב.<\/p><p>כמה מהטריקים האלה מתבססים<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> על <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>הזיכרון מטמון של הדפדפן<\/a>, אשר תוכנו לרוב נמצא הרבה זמן על המחשב מכיוון שלעיתים רחוקות משתמשים ישקיעו מזמנם לנקות באופן קבוע את הזיכרון מטמון של הדפדפן שלהם.<\/p><p>יש אי נעימות קלה לנקות את הזיכרון מטמון של הדפדפן באופן קבוע (רוב הסיכויים שלא תשים לב כשזה קורה), והתועלת היא במניעה של העוקבים המגעילים האלה מחדירה לפרטיות שלך.<\/p><p>אפשר אפשרות זו בשביל ש <i>µMatrix<\/i> יעשה את זה בשבילך, כל כמה זמן שתרצה.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1]<a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;מניעה מעקב אינטרנטי על ידי שימוש בזיכרון מטמון של הדפדפן&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2]<a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;עוגיות חסרי העוגיות&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"<p>יש אתרי אינטרנט שממש רוצים לעקוב אחרייך, כל כך שהם ישתמשו בטריקים לא כל כך יפים על מנת לעקוף את כל הדברים שאתה עושה כדי לא להיות במעקב.<\/p><p>כמה מהטריקים האלה מתבססים<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> על <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>הזיכרון מטמון של הדפדפן<\/a>, אשר תוכנו לרוב נמצא הרבה זמן על המחשב מכיוון שלעיתים רחוקות משתמשים ישקיעו מזמנם לנקות באופן קבוע את הזיכרון מטמון של הדפדפן שלהם.<\/p><p>יש אי נעימות קלה לנקות את הזיכרון מטמון של הדפדפן באופן קבוע (רוב הסיכויים שלא תשים לב כשזה קורה), והתועלת היא במניעה של העוקבים המגעילים האלה מחדירה לפרטיות שלך.<\/p><p>אפשר אפשרות זו בשביל ש <i>uMatrix<\/i> יעשה את זה בשבילך, כל כמה זמן שתרצה.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1]<a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;מניעה מעקב אינטרנטי על ידי שימוש בזיכרון מטמון של הדפדפן&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2]<a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;עוגיות חסרי העוגיות&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
@ -340,7 +356,7 @@
"message":"<p>מתוך ויקיפדיה:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer זוהי כותרת (header) של בקשת HTTP אשר מזהה את הכתובת של דף האינטרנט שמקושר למשאב שמבוקש. ... <b>משום שהמידע על המפנה (referer) יכול לפגוע בפרטיות, מספר דפדפנים מאפשרים למשתמש לבטל את השליחה של המידע של המפנה.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>אם אפשרות זו מאופשרת, <i>µMatrix<\/i> יזייף את המידע של ה HTTP referer אם שם הדומיין של ה HTTP referrer הוא צד שלישי לשם הדומיין של בקשת הרשת.",
"message":"<p>מתוך ויקיפדיה:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer זוהי כותרת (header) של בקשת HTTP אשר מזהה את הכתובת של דף האינטרנט שמקושר למשאב שמבוקש. ... <b>משום שהמידע על המפנה (referer) יכול לפגוע בפרטיות, מספר דפדפנים מאפשרים למשתמש לבטל את השליחה של המידע של המפנה.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>אם אפשרות זו מאופשרת, <i>uMatrix<\/i> יזייף את המידע של ה HTTP referer אם שם הדומיין של ה HTTP referrer הוא צד שלישי לשם הדומיין של בקשת הרשת.",
@ -376,7 +392,7 @@
"message":"<p>על פי <a href='https:\/\/\/intl\/iw\/chrome\/browser\/privacy\/whitepaper.html'>Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper<\/a>, <i>כרומיום<\/i> עשוי לשלוח בקשות HTTP ל <i>Google<\/i> מבלי שהמשתמש במפורש ביקר בדף אינטרנט. בואו נקרא לבקשות המיוחדות האלה בקשות <strong>מאחורי הקלעים<\/strong>. כמו כן, הרחבות דפדפן מותקנות אחרות יכולות לשלוח <strong>מאחורי הקלעים<\/strong> בקשות HTTP. <\/p><p><i>µMatrix<\/i> מאפשר לך ליירט ולטפל בבקשות אלה כמו כל בקשה אחרת: הן יכולות להיות מעובדות על מנת לאפשר\/לחסום אותן בהתאם לרשימה הלבנה\/השחורה שלך.<\/p><p>לחץ על אייקון התוסף בעת הצפייה בדף זה כדי להתחיל. קריאה נחוצה:<a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Behind-the-scene-requests'>בקשות מאחורי הקלעים.<\/a><\/p><div class='warn'><p><span style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>היזהר!<\/span> חסימה של בקשות <strong>מאחורי הקלעים<\/strong> יכולה פטונציאלית לגרום ל <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/issues\/27'>בעיה<\/a> כשהמשתמש רוצה להתקין תוסף מחנות האינטרנט של Google Chrome (ואפילו אולי לחסום מתוספים להתעדכן), ולכן יש את היכולת להשבית את היכולת הזאת מכאן. החסימה יכולה גם לגרום לתוספים אחרים שכבר מותקנים לא לעבוד כמו שצריך (אלה שמבקשים עבור נתונים מרוחקים).<\/p><p>אפילו אם תכונה זו אינה מאופשרת, <strong>מאחורי הקלעים<\/strong> בקשות עדיין נרשמות על ידי <i>µMatrix<\/i>. אתה יכול לבדוק את הבקשות האלה בעמוד <a href='dashboard.html#statistics'>הסטטיסטיקות.<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"<p>על פי <a href='https:\/\/\/intl\/iw\/chrome\/browser\/privacy\/whitepaper.html'>Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper<\/a>, <i>כרומיום<\/i> עשוי לשלוח בקשות HTTP ל <i>Google<\/i> מבלי שהמשתמש במפורש ביקר בדף אינטרנט. בואו נקרא לבקשות המיוחדות האלה בקשות <strong>מאחורי הקלעים<\/strong>. כמו כן, הרחבות דפדפן מותקנות אחרות יכולות לשלוח <strong>מאחורי הקלעים<\/strong> בקשות HTTP. <\/p><p><i>uMatrix<\/i> מאפשר לך ליירט ולטפל בבקשות אלה כמו כל בקשה אחרת: הן יכולות להיות מעובדות על מנת לאפשר\/לחסום אותן בהתאם לרשימה הלבנה\/השחורה שלך.<\/p><p>לחץ על אייקון התוסף בעת הצפייה בדף זה כדי להתחיל. קריאה נחוצה:<a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Behind-the-scene-requests'>בקשות מאחורי הקלעים.<\/a><\/p><div class='warn'><p><span style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>היזהר!<\/span> חסימה של בקשות <strong>מאחורי הקלעים<\/strong> יכולה פטונציאלית לגרום ל <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/issues\/27'>בעיה<\/a> כשהמשתמש רוצה להתקין תוסף מחנות האינטרנט של Google Chrome (ואפילו אולי לחסום מתוספים להתעדכן), ולכן יש את היכולת להשבית את היכולת הזאת מכאן. החסימה יכולה גם לגרום לתוספים אחרים שכבר מותקנים לא לעבוד כמו שצריך (אלה שמבקשים עבור נתונים מרוחקים).<\/p><p>אפילו אם תכונה זו אינה מאופשרת, <strong>מאחורי הקלעים<\/strong> בקשות עדיין נרשמות על ידי <i>uMatrix<\/i>. אתה יכול לבדוק את הבקשות האלה בעמוד <a href='dashboard.html#statistics'>הסטטיסטיקות.<\/a><\/p>",
@ -435,6 +451,10 @@
"message":"{{used}} בשימוש מתוך {{total}}",
"message":"Last update: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"החל שינויים",
@ -528,7 +548,7 @@
"message":"כל ההגדרות שלך יוחלפו בנתונים שגובו ב {{time}}, ו µMatrix יופעל מחדש.\n\nהאם להחליף את כל ההגדרות הקיימות בנתונים המגובים?",
"message":"כל ההגדרות שלך יוחלפו בנתונים שגובו ב {{time}}, ו uMatrix יופעל מחדש.\n\nהאם להחליף את כל ההגדרות הקיימות בנתונים המגובים?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
@ -547,6 +567,46 @@
"message":"אזהרה! פעולה זו תוביל למחיקה של כל ההגדרות המותאמות אישית שלך. האם אתה בטוח שאתה רוצה להמשיך?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"filter expression(s)",
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"message":"spoofing user agent with: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"cookie deleted: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"browser cache cleared",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"failed to delete cookie: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"asset updated: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"Because of the following rule",
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"message":"Go back",
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"מחק את כל ההגדרות הזמניות",
@ -563,6 +623,38 @@
"message":"פתח את פאנל הקונפיגורציות",
"message":"a minute ago",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} minutes ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"an hour ago",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"{{value}} hours ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"a day ago",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"{{value}} days ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"שגיאת רשת: לא הוצלח להתחבר ל {{url}}",


@ -76,21 +76,17 @@
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.\nRequests blocked through matrix filtering on this page: {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
"message":"Save all temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the persist button"
"message":"Remove temporary changes for this scope.",
"message":"Revert temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"message":"Reload the page.",
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
@ -105,18 +101,30 @@
"message":"Strict HTTPS",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"User agent spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Referrer spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to request log",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to dashboard",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
@ -156,7 +164,7 @@
"message":"Chromium: Behind the scene",
"message":"Behind the scene",
@ -228,7 +236,7 @@
"description":"Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>µMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>uMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"description":"To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
@ -280,7 +288,7 @@
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
@ -291,8 +299,16 @@
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Show the number of distinct requests on the icon",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Collapse placeholder of blocked elements",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
@ -300,7 +316,7 @@
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>µMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>µMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>µMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>uMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>uMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>uMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
@ -312,7 +328,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> when using a Chromium-based browser. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> in some browsers. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
@ -332,7 +348,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>µMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>uMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
@ -340,7 +356,7 @@
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
@ -372,11 +388,11 @@
"message":"Chromium: behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"Behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"<p>According to <a href='https:\/\/\/intl\/en\/chrome\/browser\/privacy\/whitepaper.html'>Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper<\/a>, <i>Chromium<\/i> might send HTTP requests to <i>Google<\/i> without the user expressly visiting a web page. Let's call these special requests <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests. Also, other installed browser extensions can send <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> HTTP requests.<\/p><p><i>µMatrix<\/i> lets you intercept and treat these requests like any other request: they can be processed in order to allow\/block them as per your whitelist\/blacklist.<\/p><p>Click the extension icon while viewing this page to get started. Required reading: <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Behind-the-scene-requests'>Behind-the-scene requests<\/a>.<\/p><div class='warn'><p><span style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>Beware!<\/span> Blocking <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> net requests is potentially causing <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/issues\/27'>an issue<\/a> when the user wants to install an extension from the Chrome store (including maybe preventing extensions from being updated), hence the ability to disable the feature here. Blocking can also cause other installed extensions to not work properly (those querying for remote data).<\/p><p>Even if this feature is not enabled, <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests are still logged by <i>µMatrix<\/i>. You can inspect these requests on the <a href='dashboard.html#statistics'>Statistics<\/a> page.<\/p>",
@ -435,6 +451,10 @@
"message":"{{used}} used out of {{total}}",
"message":"Last update: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Apply changes",
@ -528,7 +548,7 @@
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and µMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and uMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
@ -547,8 +567,48 @@
"message":"Caution! this will remove all your custom settings. Are you sure you want to proceed?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"filter expression(s)",
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"message":"spoofing user agent with: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"cookie deleted: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"browser cache cleared",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"failed to delete cookie: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"asset updated: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"Because of the following rule",
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"message":"Go back",
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes",
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
@ -563,6 +623,38 @@
"message":"Open dashboard",
"message":"a minute ago",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} minutes ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"an hour ago",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"{{value}} hours ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"a day ago",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"{{value}} days ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"Network error: Unable to connect to {{url}}",


@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"description":"this will be used as short description in web stores: MUST BE 132 characters OR LESS"
"message":"µMatrix — Dashboard",
"message":"uMatrix — Dashboard",
@ -76,21 +76,17 @@
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.\nRequests blocked through matrix filtering on this page: {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
"message":"Save all temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the persist button"
"message":"Remove temporary changes for this scope.",
"message":"Revert temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"message":"Reload the page.",
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
@ -105,18 +101,30 @@
"message":"Strict HTTPS",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"User agent spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Referrer spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to request log",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to dashboard",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
@ -156,7 +164,7 @@
"message":"Chromium: Behind the scene",
"message":"Behind the scene",
@ -228,7 +236,7 @@
"description":"Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>µMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>uMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"description":"To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
@ -236,7 +244,7 @@
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Settings",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Settings",
@ -280,7 +288,7 @@
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
@ -291,8 +299,16 @@
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Show the number of distinct requests on the icon",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Collapse placeholder of blocked elements",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
@ -300,7 +316,7 @@
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>µMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>µMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>µMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>uMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>uMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>uMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
@ -312,7 +328,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> when using a Chromium-based browser. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> in some browsers. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
@ -332,7 +348,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>µMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>uMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
@ -340,7 +356,7 @@
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
@ -372,11 +388,11 @@
"message":"Chromium: behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"Behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"<p>According to <a href='https:\/\/\/intl\/en\/chrome\/browser\/privacy\/whitepaper.html'>Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper<\/a>, <i>Chromium<\/i> might send HTTP requests to <i>Google<\/i> without the user expressly visiting a web page. Let's call these special requests <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests. Also, other installed browser extensions can send <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> HTTP requests.<\/p><p><i>µMatrix<\/i> lets you intercept and treat these requests like any other request: they can be processed in order to allow\/block them as per your whitelist\/blacklist.<\/p><p>Click the extension icon while viewing this page to get started. Required reading: <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Behind-the-scene-requests'>Behind-the-scene requests<\/a>.<\/p><div class='warn'><p><span style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>Beware!<\/span> Blocking <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> net requests is potentially causing <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/issues\/27'>an issue<\/a> when the user wants to install an extension from the Chrome store (including maybe preventing extensions from being updated), hence the ability to disable the feature here. Blocking can also cause other installed extensions to not work properly (those querying for remote data).<\/p><p>Even if this feature is not enabled, <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests are still logged by <i>µMatrix<\/i>. You can inspect these requests on the <a href='dashboard.html#statistics'>Statistics<\/a> page.<\/p>",
@ -435,6 +451,10 @@
"message":"{{used}} used out of {{total}}",
"message":"Last update: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Apply changes",
@ -528,7 +548,7 @@
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and µMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and uMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
@ -547,8 +567,48 @@
"message":"Caution! this will remove all your custom settings. Are you sure you want to proceed?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"filter expression(s)",
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"message":"spoofing user agent with: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"cookie deleted: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"browser cache cleared",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"failed to delete cookie: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"asset updated: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"Because of the following rule",
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"message":"Go back",
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes",
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
@ -563,6 +623,38 @@
"message":"Open dashboard",
"message":"a minute ago",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} minutes ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"an hour ago",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"{{value}} hours ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"a day ago",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"{{value}} days ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"Network error: Unable to connect to {{url}}",


@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"description":"this will be used as short description in web stores: MUST BE 132 characters OR LESS"
"message":"µMatrix — Dashboard",
"message":"uMatrix — Dashboard",
@ -76,21 +76,17 @@
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.\nRequests blocked through matrix filtering on this page: {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
"message":"Save all temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the persist button"
"message":"Remove temporary changes for this scope.",
"message":"Revert temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"message":"Reload the page.",
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
@ -105,18 +101,30 @@
"message":"Strict HTTPS",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"User agent spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Referrer spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to request log",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to dashboard",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
@ -156,7 +164,7 @@
"message":"Chromium: Behind the scene",
"message":"Behind the scene",
@ -228,7 +236,7 @@
"description":"Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>µMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>uMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"description":"To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
@ -236,7 +244,7 @@
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Settings",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Settings",
@ -280,7 +288,7 @@
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
@ -291,8 +299,16 @@
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Show the number of distinct requests on the icon",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Collapse placeholder of blocked elements",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
@ -300,7 +316,7 @@
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>µMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>µMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>µMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>uMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>uMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>uMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
@ -312,7 +328,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> when using a Chromium-based browser. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> in some browsers. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
@ -332,7 +348,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>µMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>uMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
@ -340,7 +356,7 @@
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
@ -372,11 +388,11 @@
"message":"Chromium: behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"Behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"<p>According to <a href='https:\/\/\/intl\/en\/chrome\/browser\/privacy\/whitepaper.html'>Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper<\/a>, <i>Chromium<\/i> might send HTTP requests to <i>Google<\/i> without the user expressly visiting a web page. Let's call these special requests <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests. Also, other installed browser extensions can send <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> HTTP requests.<\/p><p><i>µMatrix<\/i> lets you intercept and treat these requests like any other request: they can be processed in order to allow\/block them as per your whitelist\/blacklist.<\/p><p>Click the extension icon while viewing this page to get started. Required reading: <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Behind-the-scene-requests'>Behind-the-scene requests<\/a>.<\/p><div class='warn'><p><span style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>Beware!<\/span> Blocking <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> net requests is potentially causing <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/issues\/27'>an issue<\/a> when the user wants to install an extension from the Chrome store (including maybe preventing extensions from being updated), hence the ability to disable the feature here. Blocking can also cause other installed extensions to not work properly (those querying for remote data).<\/p><p>Even if this feature is not enabled, <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests are still logged by <i>µMatrix<\/i>. You can inspect these requests on the <a href='dashboard.html#statistics'>Statistics<\/a> page.<\/p>",
@ -435,6 +451,10 @@
"message":"{{used}} used out of {{total}}",
"message":"Last update: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Apply changes",
@ -528,7 +548,7 @@
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and µMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and uMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
@ -547,8 +567,48 @@
"message":"Caution! this will remove all your custom settings. Are you sure you want to proceed?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"filter expression(s)",
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"message":"spoofing user agent with: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"cookie deleted: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"browser cache cleared",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"failed to delete cookie: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"asset updated: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"Because of the following rule",
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"message":"Go back",
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes",
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
@ -563,6 +623,38 @@
"message":"Open dashboard",
"message":"a minute ago",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} minutes ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"an hour ago",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"{{value}} hours ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"a day ago",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"{{value}} days ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"Network error: Unable to connect to {{url}}",


@ -4,43 +4,43 @@
"message":"Point & click to forbid\/allow any class of requests made by your browser. Use it to block scripts, iframes, ads, facebook, etc.",
"message":"Tunjuk & klik untuk larang\/izinkan permintaan yang dibuat peramban anda. Gunakan untuk memblokir skrip, iframe, iklan, dll.",
"description":"this will be used as short description in web stores: MUST BE 132 characters OR LESS"
"message":"µMatrix — Dashboard",
"message":"µMatrix — Dasbor",
"description":"a tab in dashboard"
"description":"a tab in dashboard"
"description":"a tab in dashboard"
"message":"My rules",
"message":"Aturan saya",
"description":"a tab in dashboard"
"message":"Hosts files",
"message":"Berkas host",
"description":"a tab in dashboard"
"description":"a tab in dashboard"
"description":"HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
"description":"HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
@ -48,15 +48,15 @@
"description":"HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
"description":"HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
"description":"HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
"description":"HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
@ -68,123 +68,131 @@
"description":"HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
"description":"HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
"message":"No net traffic seen for this tab so far.",
"message":"Sejauh ini tidak terlihat lalu lintas jaringan untuk tab ini.",
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.\nRequests blocked through matrix filtering on this page: {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"message":"Nonaktif\/aktifkan penyaringan matriks untuk lingkup ini.\nPermintaan diblokir melalui penyaringan matriks di laman ini: {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
"message":"Save all temporary changes for this scope.",
"message":"Simpan semua perubahan sementara untuk lingkup ini.",
"description":"Tool tip for the persist button"
"message":"Remove temporary changes for this scope.",
"message":"Buang perubahan sementara untuk lingkup ini.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"message":"Reload the page.",
"message":"Muat ulang laman.",
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
"message":"pihak pertama",
"message":"{{count}} blacklisted hostname(s)",
"message":"{{count}} nama host di daftar hitam",
"description":"Appears in the metadata row of bottom-most group: **mind the limited width**"
"message":"Strict HTTPS",
"message":"HTTPS Ketat",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"User agent spoofing",
"message":"Pemalsuan user agent",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Referrer spoofing",
"message":"Pemalsuan pengacu",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to request log",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to dashboard",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Statistik",
"message":"Generic statistics",
"message":"Statistik umum",
"message":"<a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/HTTP_cookie'>HTTP cookie<\/a> headers foiled: {{count}}",
"message":"Tajuk <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Kuki_HTTP'>kuki HTTP<\/a> digagalkan: {{count}}",
"message":"<a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/HTTP_referer'>HTTP referer<\/a> headers foiled: {{count}}",
"message":"Tajuk <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/HTTP_referer'>pengacu HTTP<\/a> digagalkan: {{count}}",
"message":"<a href='http:\/\/\/specs\/web-apps\/current-work\/multipage\/links.html#hyperlink-auditing'>Hyperlink auditing<\/a> attempts foiled: {{count}}",
"message":"Percobaan <a href='http:\/\/\/specs\/web-apps\/current-work\/multipage\/links.html#hyperlink-auditing'>audit pranala<\/a> digagalkan: {{count}}",
"message":"Local cookies removed: {{count}}",
"message":"Kuki lokal dibuang: {{count}}",
"message":"<a href='http:\/\/\/storage.html'>Local storages<\/a> emptied: {{count}}",
"message":"<a href='http:\/\/\/storage.html'>Penyimpanan lokal<\/a> dikosongkan: {{count}}",
"message":"Browser caches cleared: {{count}}",
"message":"Tembolok peramban dibersihkan: {{count}}",
"message":"Detailed statistics",
"message":"Statistik terperinci",
"message":"Chromium: Behind the scene",
"message":"Chromium: Di balik layar",
"description":"header for the stat type column"
"description":"header for the allowed requests column"
"description":"header for the blocked requests column"
@ -192,59 +200,59 @@
"message":"Request log",
"message":"Permintaan jaringan",
"message":"Remember the last",
"description":"First part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"HTTP requests <b>per page<\/b>.",
"message":"permintaan HTTP <b>per halaman<\/b> yang terakhir.",
"description":"Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>µMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Anda dapat memeriksa rincian terkini permintaan mentah HTTP yang telah dibuat oleh laman web (lihat di bawah).<\/p><p>Hal ini sangat berguna untuk pengguna tingkat lanjut yang ingin menyelidiki secara pasti apa yang laman web lakukan. Tetapi, pencatatan permintaan HTTP ini memerlukan tambahan memori, dan jika anda tidak peduli tentang informasi teknis ini, maka memori akan terbuang percuma.<\/p><p>Oleh karena itu, ruas ini memungkinkan anda mengatur jumlah maksimum permintaan HTTP terbaru yang akan dicatat untuk pemeriksaan lebih lanjut.<\/p><p>Masukkan &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; untuk mematikan pencatatan terperinci (dan akan berakibat pada pengurangan penggunaan memori <i>µMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"description":"To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Settings",
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Pengaturan",
"message":"Text size:",
"message":"Ukuran teks:",
@ -252,71 +260,79 @@
"message":"Color-blind friendly",
"message":"Ramah buta warna",
"description":"English: Convenience"
"message":"When the matrix is closed, smart reload these tabs:",
"message":"Ketika matriks ditutup, muat ulang dengan pintar tab berikut:",
"message":"Tidak ada",
"message":"Saat ini",
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
"message":"Kapanpun anda membuat perubahan pada matriks yang dapat mempengaruhi tampilan dan\/atau perilaku satu atau lebih halaman, <i>µMatrix<\/i> akan memuat ulang laman yang terpengaruh secara otomatis ketika anda menutup matriks.",
"message":"Blocked frames:&ensp;Color",
"message":"Frame diblokir:&ensp;Warna",
"description":"English: Blocked frames:&ensp;Color"
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Show the number of distinct requests on the icon",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Collapse placeholder of blocked elements",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Privasi",
"message":"Delete blocked cookies.",
"message":"Hapus kuki yang diblokir.",
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>µMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>µMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>µMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Kuki dalam daftar hitam tidak dicegah <i>µMatrix<\/i> memasuki peramban anda. Namun, mereka dicegah untuk meninggalkan peramban anda, dan ini yang paling penting. Tidak memblokir kuki sebelum mereka memasuki peramban anda memberikan anda kesempatan mendapatkan informasi bahwa situs tersebut mencoba untuk menggunakan kuki, dan lebih lanjut memeriksa isi kuki tersebut jika anda inginkan.<\/p><p>Setelah kuki dalam daftar hitam ini dicatat oleh <i>µMatrix<\/i>, mereka dapat dihapus dari peramban anda jika anda menginginkannya.<\/p><p><b>Catatan Penting:<\/b> Ekstensi dapat membuat permintaan web selama operasi normal ekstensi berjalan. Permintaan ini dapat mengakibatkan beberapa kuki dibuat dalam peramban. Jika nama host dari mana kuki berasal tidak dalam daftar putih, kuki akan dibuang dari peramban oleh <i>µMatrix<\/i> jika opsi berikut dicentang. Jadi, pastikan nama host dengan yang ekstensi berkomunikasi masuk dalam daftar putih.<\/p>",
"message":"Delete non-blocked session cookies ",
"message":"Hapus sesi kuki yang tidak diblokir ",
"description":"First part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"message":" minutes after the last time they have been used.",
"message":" menit setelah terakhir mereka digunakan.",
"description":"Second part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> when using a Chromium-based browser. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;Kuki sesi ... dihapus ketika anda menutup sesi peramban. Kuki sesi disimpan di memori sementara dan tidak tinggal setelah peramban ditutup.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Kecuali untuk hal berikut<a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>mungkin tidak akan terjadi<\/a> ketika menggunakan peramban berbasis Chromium. Juga, bagi beberapa, menutup peramban untuk membersihkan kuki sesi mungkin tidak cukup cepat.<\/p>",
"message":"Delete <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_storage'>local storage<\/a> content set by blocked hostnames",
"message":"Hapus isi <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_storage'>penyimpanan lokal<\/a> yang disimpan oleh nama host yang diblokir",
@ -324,99 +340,99 @@
"message":"Clear browser cache every",
"message":"Bersihkan tembolok peramban setiap",
"description":"First part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"description":"Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>µMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"<p>Beberapa situs sangat lihai dalam melacak anda, amat sangat sampai meraka akan menggunakan cara-cara tidak baik untuk menghindari tindakan apapun yang anda lakukan agar tidak dilacak.<\/p><p>Beberapa cara-cara ini bergantung<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> pada <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>tembolok peramban<\/a>, yang isinya terkadang bertahan lama karena jarang pengguna akan menyempatkan waktu secara berkala membersihkan tembolok peramban mereka.<\/p><p>Ada sedikit ketidaknyamanan untuk membersihkan tembolok peramban secara berkala (kemungkinan adalah anda tidak akan tahu ketika hal tersebut terjadi), dan keuntungannya adalah untuk mencegah pelacak yang menjengkelkan ini melanggar privasi anda.<\/p><p>Centang opsi berikut untuk membuat <i>µMatrix<\/i> melakukannya untuk anda, pada jarak waktu yang anda inginkan.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Mencegah Pelacakan Web melalui Tembolok Web&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Kuki tanpa kuki&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"Spoof <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/HTTP_referer'>HTTP referrer<\/a> string of third-party requests.",
"message":"Palsukan <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/HTTP_referer'>pengacu HTTP<\/a> pada permintaan pihak ketiga.",
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
"message":"<p>Dari Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>Pengacu HTTP adalah sebuah ruas tajuk HTTP yang mengidentifikasi alamat dari laman web yang bertautan dengan sumber daya yang sedang diminta. ... <b>Karena informasi pengacu dapat melanggar privasi, beberapa peramban memperbolehkan pengguna untuk menonaktifkan pengiriman informasi pengacu.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>Jika aturan ini dicentang, <i>µMatrix<\/i> akan memalsukan informasi pengacu HTTP jika nama ranah pengacu HTTP adalah pihak ketiga dari nama ranah jaringan yang diminta.",
"message":"Strict HTTPS: forbid mixed content.",
"message":"HTTPS Ketat: larang konten campuran.",
"message":"<p>From <a href='https:\/\/\/en-US\/docs\/Security\/MixedContent'>Mozilla Developer Network<\/a>:<\/p><blockquote>If [a] HTTPS page includes content retrieved through regular, cleartext HTTP, then the connection is only partially encrypted: the unencrypted content is accessible to sniffers and can be modified by man-in-the-middle attackers, and therefore the connection is not safeguarded anymore. When a webpage exhibits this behavior, it is called a mixed content page.<\/blockquote>",
"message":"<p>Dari <a href='https:\/\/\/id\/docs\/Security\/MixedContent'>Jaringan Pengembang Mozilla<\/a>:<\/p><blockquote>Jika [a] laman HTTPS mengandung konten yang diambil melalui HTTP berteks jelas\/biasa, maka koneksi hanya dienkripsi sebagian: konten yang tidak dienkripsi tersedia bagi para pengendus jaringan dan dapat diubah oleh serangan orang ditengah, dan oleh karena itu koneksi menjadi tidak lagi aman. Ketika laman web memperlihatkan perilaku seperti ini, hal ini disebut laman dengan konten campuran tidak aman.<\/blockquote>",
"message":"Block all <a href='http:\/\/\/specs\/web-apps\/current-work\/multipage\/links.html#hyperlink-auditing'>hyperlink auditing<\/a> attempts.",
"message":"Blokir semua percobaan <a href='http:\/\/\/specs\/web-apps\/current-work\/multipage\/links.html#hyperlink-auditing'>audit pranala<\/a>.",
"message":"<p>Hyperlink auditing is a mechanism which allow a party, <b>any party<\/b>, to be informed about which link a user clicked on a particular web page. It is essentially a tracking feature: it allows a web site, or any third-party to that web site, to be informed about which link you clicked on which one of its web pages. The sole purpose is to track your browsing activity.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Mekanisme audit pranala yang memperbolehkan satu pihak, <b>pihak manapun<\/b>, mendapatkan informasi tentang tautan mana yang pengguna klik pada laman web tertentu. Hal ini pada dasarnya adalah fitur pelacakan: memperbolehkan sebuah situs web, atau pihak ketiga dari situs web tersebut, mendapatkan informasi tentang tautan mana di laman yang mana yang anda klik pada situs web tersebut. Tujuannya adalah untuk melacak aktifitas penjelajahan anda.<\/p>",
"message":"Spoof <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/User_agent'>User-Agent<\/a> string by randomly picking a new one below every",
"message":"Palsukan <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/User_agent'>User-Agent<\/a> dengan cara memilih acak salah satu yang baru di bawah setiap",
"description":"First part of UA-spoofing prompt"
"description":"Second part"
"message":"<a href='https:\/\/\/deeplinks\/2010\/01\/tracking-by-user-agent'>According to the <i>Electronic Frontier Foundation<\/i><\/a>: &ldquo;[...] your browser sends a &lsquo;User Agent&rsquo; header to the website saying precisely which operating system and web browser you are using. This information could help distinguish Internet users from one another because these versions differ, often considerably, from person to person. [...] <b>the User Agent string becomes a real privacy problem<\/b>.&rdquo;<p>This option allows you to address the privacy issue raised by the EFF.<\/p><p>You can supply your own list of user agent strings. One string per line. Blank lines and lines prefixed with &lsquo;#&rsquo; will be ignored.<\/p>",
"message":"<a href='https:\/\/\/deeplinks\/2010\/01\/tracking-by-user-agent'>Menurut <i>Electronic Frontier Foundation<\/i><\/a>: &ldquo;[...] peramban anda mengirimkan sebuah tajuk &lsquo;User Agent&rsquo; ke situs web dan menjelaskan secara akurat tentang sistem operasi dan peramban web yang anda gunakan. Informasi tersebut dapat membantu membedakan pengguna internet satu dengan yang lain karena versinya yang berbeda-beda, seringkali, orang per orang. [...] <b>Rangkaian User Agent adalah masalah utama privasi<\/b>.&rdquo;<p>Opsi ini membuat anda dapat mengatasi masalah privasi yang diangkat oleh EFF.<\/p><p>Anda dapat memberikan daftar rangkaian user agent anda sendiri. Satu rangkaian per baris. Baris kosong dan baris yang dimulai dengan &lsquo;#&rsquo; akan diabaikan.<\/p>",
"message":"Chromium: behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"Chromium: permintaan di balik layar",
"message":"<p>According to <a href='https:\/\/\/intl\/en\/chrome\/browser\/privacy\/whitepaper.html'>Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper<\/a>, <i>Chromium<\/i> might send HTTP requests to <i>Google<\/i> without the user expressly visiting a web page. Let's call these special requests <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests. Also, other installed browser extensions can send <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> HTTP requests.<\/p><p><i>µMatrix<\/i> lets you intercept and treat these requests like any other request: they can be processed in order to allow\/block them as per your whitelist\/blacklist.<\/p><p>Click the extension icon while viewing this page to get started. Required reading: <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Behind-the-scene-requests'>Behind-the-scene requests<\/a>.<\/p><div class='warn'><p><span style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>Beware!<\/span> Blocking <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> net requests is potentially causing <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/issues\/27'>an issue<\/a> when the user wants to install an extension from the Chrome store (including maybe preventing extensions from being updated), hence the ability to disable the feature here. Blocking can also cause other installed extensions to not work properly (those querying for remote data).<\/p><p>Even if this feature is not enabled, <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests are still logged by <i>µMatrix<\/i>. You can inspect these requests on the <a href='dashboard.html#statistics'>Statistics<\/a> page.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Menurut <a href='https:\/\/\/intl\/en\/chrome\/browser\/privacy\/whitepaper.html'>Laporan Privasi Google Chrome<\/a>, <i>Chromium<\/i> mungkin mengirimkan permintaan HTTP ke <i>Google<\/i> tanpa pengguna secara aktif mengunjungi laman web. Mari kita sebut permintaan spesial ini permintaan <strong>di balik layar<\/strong>. Juga, ekstensi peramban yang dipasang lainnya dapat mengirimkan permintaan HTTP <strong>di balik layar<\/strong>.<\/p><p><i>µMatrix<\/i> memungkinkan anda mencegat dan memperlakukan permintaan ini seperti permintaan apapun lainnya: permintaan tersebut dapat diproses untuk diizinkan\/diblokir sesuai dengan daftar putih\/hitam anda.<\/p><p>Klik ikon ekstensi saat melihat laman untuk memulai. Diperlukan membaca: <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Behind-the-scene-requests'>Permintaan di balik layar<\/a>.<\/p><div class='warn'><p><span style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>Hati-hati!<\/span> Memblokir permintaan jaringan <strong>di balik layar<\/strong> dapat mengakibatkan <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/issues\/27'>masalah<\/a> ketika pengguna ingin memasang ekstensi dari toko Chrome (termasuk mungkin mencegah ekstensi diperbarui), oleh karena itu terdapat opsi untuk menonaktifkan fitur tersebut di sini. Pemblokiran juga dapat menyebabkan ekstensi yang terpasang lainnya tidak bekerja sebagaimana mestinya (khususnya ekstensi yang meminta data ekstenal).<\/p><p>Walaupun fitur ini dinonaktifkan, permintaan <strong>di balik layar<\/strong> masih tetap di catat oleh <i>µMatrix<\/i>. Anda dapat memeriksa permintaan tersebut pada laman <a href='dashboard.html#statistics'>Statistik<\/a>.<\/p>",
"message":"Permanent rules",
"message":"Aturan permanen",
"message":"Temporary rules",
"message":"Aturan sementara",
"description":"Will remove all temporary rules"
"description":"Will save all temporary rules"
"description":"Will enable manual-edit mode (textarea)"
"description":"Will save manually-edited content and exit manual-edit mode"
"description":"Will discard manually-edited content and exit manual-edit mode"
"message":"Import from file...",
"message":"Impor dari berkas...",
"message":"Export to file...",
"message":"Ekspor ke berkas...",
"message":"See this page for rule syntax.",
"message":"Lihat laman ini untuk aturan sintaksis.",
@ -424,99 +440,103 @@
"description":"default file name to use"
"message":"All hostnames in a hosts file are loaded as blacklisted hostnames in the global scope.",
"message":"Semua nama host dalam berkas host dimuat sebagai nama host yang dicekal dalam lingkup global.",
"message":"{{blockedHostnameCount}} distinct blocked hostnames from:",
"message":"{{blockedHostnameCount}} nama host yang berbeda diblokir dari:",
"message":"{{used}} used out of {{total}}",
"message":"{{used}} digunakan dari {{total}}",
"message":"Last update: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Apply changes",
"message":"Terapkan perubahan",
"message":"Auto-update hosts files.",
"message":"Berkas host yang terbarui otomatis.",
"message":"Update now",
"message":"Perbarui sekarang",
"message":"Purge all caches",
"message":"Bersihkan semua tembolok",
"message":"One URL per line. Lines prefixed with &lsquo;#&rsquo; will be ignored. Invalid URLs will be silently ignored.",
"message":"Satu URL per baris. Baris yang diawali dengan &lsquo;#&rsquo; akan diabaikan. URL yang tidak valid akan diabaikan tanpa peringatan.",
"message":"purge cache",
"message":"bersihkan tembolok",
"message":"new version available",
"message":"versi baru tersedia",
"message":"<a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/uMatrix\/releases'>Change log<\/a>",
"message":"<a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/uMatrix\/releases'>Catatan perubahan<\/a>",
"message":"Storage used: {{storageUsed}} bytes",
"message":"Penyimpanan digunakan: {{storageUsed}} bita",
"message":"<a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/uMatrix\/wiki'>Documentation<\/a>",
"message":"<a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/uMatrix\/wiki'>Dokumentasi<\/a>",
"message":"<a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Permissions'>Permissions<\/a>",
"message":"<a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Permissions'>Perizinan<\/a>",
"message":"Source code (GPLv3)",
"message":"Kode sumber (GPLv3)",
"message":"Bugs and issues",
"message":"Bug dan masalah",
"description":"English: Contributors"
"message":"Your data",
"message":"Data anda",
"message":"Backup to file...",
"message":"Cadangkan ke berkas...",
@ -524,47 +544,119 @@
"description":"default filename to use"
"message":"Restore from file...",
"message":"Pulihkan dari berkas...",
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and µMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"message":"Semua pengaturan anda akan ditimpa menggunakan data yang dicadangkan pada {{time}}, dan µMatrix akan memulai ulang.\n\nTimpa semua aturan yang ada menggunakan data yang dicadangkan?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
"message":"The data could not be read or is invalid",
"message":"Data tidak dapat dibaca atau tidak valid",
"message":"... or ...",
"message":"... atau ...",
"description":"English: ... or ..."
"message":"Reset to default settings",
"message":"Kembalikan ke pengaturan bawaan",
"description":"English: Reset to default settings"
"message":"Caution! this will remove all your custom settings. Are you sure you want to proceed?",
"message":"Peringatan! ini akan membuang semua pengaturan tersesuai anda. Apakah anda yakin ingin melanjutkan?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"filter expression(s)",
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"message":"spoofing user agent with: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"cookie deleted: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"browser cache cleared",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"failed to delete cookie: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"asset updated: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"Because of the following rule",
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"message":"Go back",
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes",
"message":"Buang semua perubahan sementara",
"message":"Temporarily whitelist page domain",
"message":"Sementara daftar-putihkan ranah laman",
"message":"Temporarily whitelist all",
"message":"Sementara daftar-putihkan semua",
"message":"Open dashboard",
"message":"Buka dasbor",
"message":"a minute ago",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} minutes ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"an hour ago",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"{{value}} hours ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"a day ago",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"{{value}} days ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"Network error: Unable to connect to {{url}}",
"message":"Jaringan galat: Tidak dapat terhubung ke {{url}}",


@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
"message":"Disabilita\/abilita filtro a matrice per questa pagina.\nRichieste bloccate dal filtro a matrice in questa pagina: {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
"message":"Salva tutti i cambiamenti temporanei per questa pagina.",
@ -87,12 +87,8 @@
"message":"Rimuovi i cambiamenti temporanei per questa pagina.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"message":"Rimuovi tutti i cambiamenti temporanei.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"message":"RIcarica la pagina.",
"message":"Ricarica la pagina.",
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
@ -105,15 +101,27 @@
"message":"Strict HTTPS",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"User agent spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Referrer spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to request log",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to dashboard",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Statistiche",
@ -136,7 +144,7 @@
"message":"Local cookies eliminati: {{count}}",
"message":"Cookies locali eliminati: {{count}}",
@ -156,7 +164,7 @@
"message":"Chromium: Behind the scene",
"message":"Behind the scene",
@ -228,7 +236,7 @@
"description":"Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>µMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>uMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"description":"To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
@ -280,7 +288,7 @@
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
@ -291,6 +299,14 @@
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Show the number of distinct requests on the icon",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Collapse placeholder of blocked elements",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
@ -300,7 +316,7 @@
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>µMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>µMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>µMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>uMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>uMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>uMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
@ -312,7 +328,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> when using a Chromium-based browser. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> in some browsers. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
@ -332,7 +348,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>µMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>uMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
@ -340,7 +356,7 @@
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
@ -376,7 +392,7 @@
"message":"<p>According to <a href='https:\/\/\/intl\/en\/chrome\/browser\/privacy\/whitepaper.html'>Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper<\/a>, <i>Chromium<\/i> might send HTTP requests to <i>Google<\/i> without the user expressly visiting a web page. Let's call these special requests <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests. Also, other installed browser extensions can send <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> HTTP requests.<\/p><p><i>µMatrix<\/i> lets you intercept and treat these requests like any other request: they can be processed in order to allow\/block them as per your whitelist\/blacklist.<\/p><p>Click the extension icon while viewing this page to get started. Required reading: <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Behind-the-scene-requests'>Behind-the-scene requests<\/a>.<\/p><div class='warn'><p><span style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>Beware!<\/span> Blocking <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> net requests is potentially causing <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/issues\/27'>an issue<\/a> when the user wants to install an extension from the Chrome store (including maybe preventing extensions from being updated), hence the ability to disable the feature here. Blocking can also cause other installed extensions to not work properly (those querying for remote data).<\/p><p>Even if this feature is not enabled, <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests are still logged by <i>µMatrix<\/i>. You can inspect these requests on the <a href='dashboard.html#statistics'>Statistics<\/a> page.<\/p>",
@ -435,6 +451,10 @@
"message":"{{used}} usati su {{total}}",
"message":"Last update: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Salva i cambiamenti",
@ -547,6 +567,46 @@
"message":"Attenzione! Questo rimuoverà tutte le impostazioni personalizzate. Sei sicuro di voler procedere?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"filter expression(s)",
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"message":"spoofing user agent with: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"cookie deleted: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"browser cache cleared",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"failed to delete cookie: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"asset updated: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"Because of the following rule",
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"message":"Go back",
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"Rimuovi tutte le modifiche temporanee",
@ -563,6 +623,38 @@
"message":"Apri la dashboard",
"message":"a minute ago",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} minutes ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"an hour ago",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"{{value}} hours ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"a day ago",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"{{value}} days ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"Errore di rete: Impossibile connettersi a {{url}}",


@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"description":"this will be used as short description in web stores: MUST BE 132 characters OR LESS"
"message":"µMatrix — Dashboard",
"message":"uMatrix — Dashboard",
@ -76,21 +76,17 @@
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.\nRequests blocked through matrix filtering on this page: {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
"message":"Save all temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the persist button"
"message":"Remove temporary changes for this scope.",
"message":"Revert temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"message":"Reload the page.",
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
@ -105,18 +101,30 @@
"message":"Strict HTTPS",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"User agent spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Referrer spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to request log",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to dashboard",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
@ -156,7 +164,7 @@
"message":"Chromium: Behind the scene",
"message":"Behind the scene",
@ -228,7 +236,7 @@
"description":"Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>µMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>uMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"description":"To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
@ -236,7 +244,7 @@
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Settings",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Settings",
@ -280,7 +288,7 @@
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
@ -291,8 +299,16 @@
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Show the number of distinct requests on the icon",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Collapse placeholder of blocked elements",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
@ -300,7 +316,7 @@
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>µMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>µMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>µMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>uMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>uMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>uMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
@ -312,7 +328,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> when using a Chromium-based browser. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> in some browsers. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
@ -332,7 +348,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>µMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>uMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
@ -340,7 +356,7 @@
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
@ -372,11 +388,11 @@
"message":"Chromium: behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"Behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"<p>According to <a href='https:\/\/\/intl\/en\/chrome\/browser\/privacy\/whitepaper.html'>Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper<\/a>, <i>Chromium<\/i> might send HTTP requests to <i>Google<\/i> without the user expressly visiting a web page. Let's call these special requests <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests. Also, other installed browser extensions can send <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> HTTP requests.<\/p><p><i>µMatrix<\/i> lets you intercept and treat these requests like any other request: they can be processed in order to allow\/block them as per your whitelist\/blacklist.<\/p><p>Click the extension icon while viewing this page to get started. Required reading: <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Behind-the-scene-requests'>Behind-the-scene requests<\/a>.<\/p><div class='warn'><p><span style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>Beware!<\/span> Blocking <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> net requests is potentially causing <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/issues\/27'>an issue<\/a> when the user wants to install an extension from the Chrome store (including maybe preventing extensions from being updated), hence the ability to disable the feature here. Blocking can also cause other installed extensions to not work properly (those querying for remote data).<\/p><p>Even if this feature is not enabled, <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests are still logged by <i>µMatrix<\/i>. You can inspect these requests on the <a href='dashboard.html#statistics'>Statistics<\/a> page.<\/p>",
@ -435,6 +451,10 @@
"message":"{{used}} used out of {{total}}",
"message":"Last update: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Apply changes",
@ -528,7 +548,7 @@
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and µMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and uMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
@ -547,8 +567,48 @@
"message":"Caution! this will remove all your custom settings. Are you sure you want to proceed?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"filter expression(s)",
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"message":"spoofing user agent with: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"cookie deleted: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"browser cache cleared",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"failed to delete cookie: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"asset updated: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"Because of the following rule",
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"message":"Go back",
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes",
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
@ -563,6 +623,38 @@
"message":"Open dashboard",
"message":"a minute ago",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} minutes ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"an hour ago",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"{{value}} hours ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"a day ago",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"{{value}} days ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"Network error: Unable to connect to {{url}}",


@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"description":"this will be used as short description in web stores: MUST BE 132 characters OR LESS"
"message":"µMatrix — Dashboard",
"message":"uMatrix — Dashboard",
@ -76,21 +76,17 @@
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.\nRequests blocked through matrix filtering on this page: {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
"message":"Save all temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the persist button"
"message":"Remove temporary changes for this scope.",
"message":"Revert temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"message":"Reload the page.",
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
@ -105,18 +101,30 @@
"message":"Strict HTTPS",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"User agent spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Referrer spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to request log",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to dashboard",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
@ -156,7 +164,7 @@
"message":"Chromium: Behind the scene",
"message":"Behind the scene",
@ -228,7 +236,7 @@
"description":"Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>µMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>uMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"description":"To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
@ -236,7 +244,7 @@
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Settings",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Settings",
@ -280,7 +288,7 @@
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
@ -291,8 +299,16 @@
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Show the number of distinct requests on the icon",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Collapse placeholder of blocked elements",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
@ -300,7 +316,7 @@
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>µMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>µMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>µMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>uMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>uMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>uMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
@ -312,7 +328,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> when using a Chromium-based browser. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> in some browsers. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
@ -332,7 +348,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>µMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>uMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
@ -340,7 +356,7 @@
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
@ -372,11 +388,11 @@
"message":"Chromium: behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"Behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"<p>According to <a href='https:\/\/\/intl\/en\/chrome\/browser\/privacy\/whitepaper.html'>Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper<\/a>, <i>Chromium<\/i> might send HTTP requests to <i>Google<\/i> without the user expressly visiting a web page. Let's call these special requests <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests. Also, other installed browser extensions can send <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> HTTP requests.<\/p><p><i>µMatrix<\/i> lets you intercept and treat these requests like any other request: they can be processed in order to allow\/block them as per your whitelist\/blacklist.<\/p><p>Click the extension icon while viewing this page to get started. Required reading: <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Behind-the-scene-requests'>Behind-the-scene requests<\/a>.<\/p><div class='warn'><p><span style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>Beware!<\/span> Blocking <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> net requests is potentially causing <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/issues\/27'>an issue<\/a> when the user wants to install an extension from the Chrome store (including maybe preventing extensions from being updated), hence the ability to disable the feature here. Blocking can also cause other installed extensions to not work properly (those querying for remote data).<\/p><p>Even if this feature is not enabled, <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests are still logged by <i>µMatrix<\/i>. You can inspect these requests on the <a href='dashboard.html#statistics'>Statistics<\/a> page.<\/p>",
@ -435,6 +451,10 @@
"message":"{{used}} used out of {{total}}",
"message":"Last update: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Apply changes",
@ -528,7 +548,7 @@
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and µMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and uMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
@ -547,8 +567,48 @@
"message":"Caution! this will remove all your custom settings. Are you sure you want to proceed?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"filter expression(s)",
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"message":"spoofing user agent with: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"cookie deleted: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"browser cache cleared",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"failed to delete cookie: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"asset updated: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"Because of the following rule",
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"message":"Go back",
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes",
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
@ -563,6 +623,38 @@
"message":"Open dashboard",
"message":"a minute ago",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} minutes ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"an hour ago",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"{{value}} hours ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"a day ago",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"{{value}} days ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"Network error: Unable to connect to {{url}}",


@ -8,23 +8,23 @@
"description":"this will be used as short description in web stores: MUST BE 132 characters OR LESS"
"message":"µMatrix — Dashboard",
"message":"µMatrix — 대시보드",
"description":"a tab in dashboard"
"description":"a tab in dashboard"
"description":"a tab in dashboard"
"message":"My rules",
"message":"내 규칙",
"description":"a tab in dashboard"
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
"description":"a tab in dashboard"
"description":"a tab in dashboard"
@ -76,27 +76,23 @@
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.\nRequests blocked through matrix filtering on this page: {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
"message":"Save all temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the persist button"
"message":"Remove temporary changes for this scope.",
"message":"Revert temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"message":"Reload the page.",
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
@ -105,18 +101,30 @@
"message":"Strict HTTPS",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"User agent spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Referrer spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to request log",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to dashboard",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
@ -156,7 +164,7 @@
"message":"Chromium: Behind the scene",
"message":"Behind the scene",
@ -228,15 +236,15 @@
"description":"Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>µMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>uMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"description":"To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Settings",
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; 설정",
@ -244,11 +252,11 @@
"message":"Text size:",
"message":"글자 크기:",
@ -280,7 +288,7 @@
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
@ -291,8 +299,16 @@
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Show the number of distinct requests on the icon",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Collapse placeholder of blocked elements",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
@ -300,7 +316,7 @@
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>µMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>µMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>µMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>uMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>uMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>uMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
@ -312,7 +328,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> when using a Chromium-based browser. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> in some browsers. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
@ -332,7 +348,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>µMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>uMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
@ -340,7 +356,7 @@
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
@ -372,11 +388,11 @@
"message":"Chromium: behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"Behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"<p>According to <a href='https:\/\/\/intl\/en\/chrome\/browser\/privacy\/whitepaper.html'>Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper<\/a>, <i>Chromium<\/i> might send HTTP requests to <i>Google<\/i> without the user expressly visiting a web page. Let's call these special requests <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests. Also, other installed browser extensions can send <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> HTTP requests.<\/p><p><i>µMatrix<\/i> lets you intercept and treat these requests like any other request: they can be processed in order to allow\/block them as per your whitelist\/blacklist.<\/p><p>Click the extension icon while viewing this page to get started. Required reading: <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Behind-the-scene-requests'>Behind-the-scene requests<\/a>.<\/p><div class='warn'><p><span style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>Beware!<\/span> Blocking <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> net requests is potentially causing <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/issues\/27'>an issue<\/a> when the user wants to install an extension from the Chrome store (including maybe preventing extensions from being updated), hence the ability to disable the feature here. Blocking can also cause other installed extensions to not work properly (those querying for remote data).<\/p><p>Even if this feature is not enabled, <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests are still logged by <i>µMatrix<\/i>. You can inspect these requests on the <a href='dashboard.html#statistics'>Statistics<\/a> page.<\/p>",
@ -396,11 +412,11 @@
"description":"Will save all temporary rules"
"description":"Will enable manual-edit mode (textarea)"
"description":"Will save manually-edited content and exit manual-edit mode"
@ -412,7 +428,7 @@
"message":"Export to file...",
"message":"파일로 내보내기...",
@ -420,7 +436,7 @@
"description":"default file name to use"
@ -435,8 +451,12 @@
"message":"{{used}} used out of {{total}}",
"message":"Last update: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Apply changes",
"message":"변경사항 적용",
@ -444,7 +464,7 @@
"message":"Update now",
"message":"지금 업데이트하기",
@ -464,15 +484,15 @@
"message":"new version available",
"message":"새로운 버전이 나왔습니다",
"message":"<a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/uMatrix\/releases'>Change log<\/a>",
"message":"<a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/uMatrix\/releases'>변경사항<\/a>",
@ -508,7 +528,7 @@
@ -516,7 +536,7 @@
"message":"Backup to file...",
"message":"파일로 백업하기...",
@ -528,7 +548,7 @@
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and µMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"message":"{{time}}에 백업된 데이터가 모든 설정을 덮어쓰기한 뒤, µBlock이 재시작합니다.\n\n존재하는 모든 설정을 백업 데이터로 덮어쓰시겠습니까?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
@ -540,15 +560,55 @@
"description":"English: ... or ..."
"message":"Reset to default settings",
"message":"기본값 설정으로 초기화",
"description":"English: Reset to default settings"
"message":"Caution! this will remove all your custom settings. Are you sure you want to proceed?",
"message":"주의! 모든 개인설정이 제거됩니다. 정말로 계속하시겠습니까?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"filter expression(s)",
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"message":"spoofing user agent with: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"cookie deleted: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"browser cache cleared",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"failed to delete cookie: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"asset updated: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"Because of the following rule",
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"message":"Go back",
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes",
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
@ -560,9 +620,41 @@
"message":"Open dashboard",
"message":"대시보드 열기",
"message":"a minute ago",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} minutes ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"an hour ago",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"{{value}} hours ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"a day ago",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"{{value}} days ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"Network error: Unable to connect to {{url}}",


@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"description":"this will be used as short description in web stores: MUST BE 132 characters OR LESS"
"message":"µMatrix — Dashboard",
"message":"uMatrix — Dashboard",
@ -76,21 +76,17 @@
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.\nRequests blocked through matrix filtering on this page: {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
"message":"Save all temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the persist button"
"message":"Remove temporary changes for this scope.",
"message":"Revert temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"message":"Reload the page.",
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
@ -105,18 +101,30 @@
"message":"Strict HTTPS",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"User agent spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Referrer spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to request log",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to dashboard",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
@ -156,7 +164,7 @@
"message":"Chromium: Behind the scene",
"message":"Behind the scene",
@ -228,7 +236,7 @@
"description":"Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>µMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>uMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"description":"To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
@ -236,7 +244,7 @@
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Settings",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Settings",
@ -280,7 +288,7 @@
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
@ -291,8 +299,16 @@
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Show the number of distinct requests on the icon",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Collapse placeholder of blocked elements",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
@ -300,7 +316,7 @@
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>µMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>µMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>µMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>uMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>uMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>uMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
@ -312,7 +328,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> when using a Chromium-based browser. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> in some browsers. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
@ -332,7 +348,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>µMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>uMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
@ -340,7 +356,7 @@
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
@ -372,11 +388,11 @@
"message":"Chromium: behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"Behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"<p>According to <a href='https:\/\/\/intl\/en\/chrome\/browser\/privacy\/whitepaper.html'>Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper<\/a>, <i>Chromium<\/i> might send HTTP requests to <i>Google<\/i> without the user expressly visiting a web page. Let's call these special requests <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests. Also, other installed browser extensions can send <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> HTTP requests.<\/p><p><i>µMatrix<\/i> lets you intercept and treat these requests like any other request: they can be processed in order to allow\/block them as per your whitelist\/blacklist.<\/p><p>Click the extension icon while viewing this page to get started. Required reading: <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Behind-the-scene-requests'>Behind-the-scene requests<\/a>.<\/p><div class='warn'><p><span style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>Beware!<\/span> Blocking <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> net requests is potentially causing <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/issues\/27'>an issue<\/a> when the user wants to install an extension from the Chrome store (including maybe preventing extensions from being updated), hence the ability to disable the feature here. Blocking can also cause other installed extensions to not work properly (those querying for remote data).<\/p><p>Even if this feature is not enabled, <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests are still logged by <i>µMatrix<\/i>. You can inspect these requests on the <a href='dashboard.html#statistics'>Statistics<\/a> page.<\/p>",
@ -435,6 +451,10 @@
"message":"{{used}} used out of {{total}}",
"message":"Last update: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Apply changes",
@ -528,7 +548,7 @@
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and µMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and uMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
@ -547,8 +567,48 @@
"message":"Caution! this will remove all your custom settings. Are you sure you want to proceed?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"filter expression(s)",
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"message":"spoofing user agent with: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"cookie deleted: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"browser cache cleared",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"failed to delete cookie: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"asset updated: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"Because of the following rule",
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"message":"Go back",
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes",
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
@ -563,6 +623,38 @@
"message":"Open dashboard",
"message":"a minute ago",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} minutes ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"an hour ago",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"{{value}} hours ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"a day ago",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"{{value}} days ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"Network error: Unable to connect to {{url}}",


@ -8,39 +8,39 @@
"description":"this will be used as short description in web stores: MUST BE 132 characters OR LESS"
"message":"µMatrix — Dashboard",
"message":"µMatrix — Vadības panelis",
"description":"a tab in dashboard"
"description":"a tab in dashboard"
"description":"a tab in dashboard"
"message":"My rules",
"message":"Mani noteikumi",
"description":"a tab in dashboard"
"message":"Hosts files",
"message":"Hostu faili",
"description":"a tab in dashboard"
"description":"a tab in dashboard"
"description":"HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
"description":"HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
@ -48,15 +48,15 @@
"description":"HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
"description":"HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
"description":"HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
"description":"HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
@ -64,11 +64,11 @@
"description":"HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
"description":"HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
"description":"HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
@ -76,21 +76,17 @@
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.\nRequests blocked through matrix filtering on this page: {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
"message":"Save all temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the persist button"
"message":"Remove temporary changes for this scope.",
"message":"Revert temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"message":"Reload the page.",
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
@ -105,18 +101,30 @@
"message":"Strict HTTPS",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"User agent spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Referrer spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to request log",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to dashboard",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
@ -152,39 +160,39 @@
"message":"Chromium: Behind the scene",
"message":"Behind the scene",
"description":"header for the stat type column"
"description":"header for the allowed requests column"
"description":"header for the blocked requests column"
@ -192,15 +200,15 @@
@ -208,55 +216,55 @@
"message":"Request log",
"message":"Pieprasījumu žurnāls",
"message":"Remember the last",
"message":"Atcerēties pēdējo",
"description":"First part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"HTTP requests <b>per page<\/b>.",
"message":"HTTP pieprasījumi <b>pa lapai<\/b>.",
"description":"Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>µMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>uMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"description":"To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Settings",
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Iestatījumi",
"message":"Text size:",
"message":"Teksta lielums:",
"message":"Color-blind friendly",
"message":"Daltoniķiem draudzīgs",
@ -268,7 +276,7 @@
@ -280,7 +288,7 @@
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
@ -288,11 +296,19 @@
"description":"English: Blocked frames:&ensp;Color"
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Show the number of distinct requests on the icon",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Collapse placeholder of blocked elements",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Konfidencialitāte",
@ -300,7 +316,7 @@
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>µMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>µMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>µMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>uMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>uMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>uMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
@ -312,7 +328,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> when using a Chromium-based browser. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> in some browsers. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
@ -328,11 +344,11 @@
"description":"First part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"description":"Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>µMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>uMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
@ -340,7 +356,7 @@
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
@ -364,7 +380,7 @@
"description":"First part of UA-spoofing prompt"
"description":"Second part"
@ -372,11 +388,11 @@
"message":"Chromium: behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"Behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"<p>According to <a href='https:\/\/\/intl\/en\/chrome\/browser\/privacy\/whitepaper.html'>Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper<\/a>, <i>Chromium<\/i> might send HTTP requests to <i>Google<\/i> without the user expressly visiting a web page. Let's call these special requests <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests. Also, other installed browser extensions can send <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> HTTP requests.<\/p><p><i>µMatrix<\/i> lets you intercept and treat these requests like any other request: they can be processed in order to allow\/block them as per your whitelist\/blacklist.<\/p><p>Click the extension icon while viewing this page to get started. Required reading: <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Behind-the-scene-requests'>Behind-the-scene requests<\/a>.<\/p><div class='warn'><p><span style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>Beware!<\/span> Blocking <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> net requests is potentially causing <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/issues\/27'>an issue<\/a> when the user wants to install an extension from the Chrome store (including maybe preventing extensions from being updated), hence the ability to disable the feature here. Blocking can also cause other installed extensions to not work properly (those querying for remote data).<\/p><p>Even if this feature is not enabled, <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests are still logged by <i>µMatrix<\/i>. You can inspect these requests on the <a href='dashboard.html#statistics'>Statistics<\/a> page.<\/p>",
@ -388,7 +404,7 @@
"description":"Will remove all temporary rules"
@ -396,15 +412,15 @@
"description":"Will save all temporary rules"
"description":"Will enable manual-edit mode (textarea)"
"description":"Will save manually-edited content and exit manual-edit mode"
"description":"Will discard manually-edited content and exit manual-edit mode"
@ -412,15 +428,15 @@
"message":"Export to file...",
"message":"Eksportēt uz failu...",
"message":"See this page for rule syntax.",
"message":"Apskatīt šo lapu priekš noteikumu sintakses.",
"description":"default file name to use"
@ -432,23 +448,27 @@
"message":"{{used}} used out of {{total}}",
"message":"{{used}} izmantoti no kopējiem {{total}}",
"message":"Last update: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Apply changes",
"message":"Lietot izmaiņas",
"message":"Auto-update hosts files.",
"message":"Automātiski atjaunot resursdatora failus.",
"message":"Update now",
"message":"Atjaunināt tagad",
"message":"Purge all caches",
"message":"Iztīrīt visas kešatmiņas",
@ -456,115 +476,187 @@
"message":"purge cache",
"message":"Iztīrīt kešatmiņu",
"message":"new version available",
"message":"pieejama jauna versija",
"message":"<a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/uMatrix\/releases'>Change log<\/a>",
"message":"<a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/uMatrix\/releases'>Izmaiņu žurnāls<\/a>",
"message":"Storage used: {{storageUsed}} bytes",
"message":"Izmantotā atmiņa: {{storageUsed}} baiti",
"message":"<a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/uMatrix\/wiki'>Documentation<\/a>",
"message":"<a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/uMatrix\/wiki'>Dokumentācija<\/a>",
"message":"<a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Permissions'>Permissions<\/a>",
"message":"<a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Permissions'>Atļaujas<\/a>",
"message":"Source code (GPLv3)",
"message":"Pirmkods (GPLv3)",
"message":"Bugs and issues",
"message":"Kļūdas un problēmas",
"description":"English: Contributors"
"message":"Your data",
"message":"Jūsu dati",
"message":"Backup to file...",
"message":"Dublēt uz failu...",
"description":"default filename to use"
"message":"Restore from file...",
"message":"Atjaunot no faila...",
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and µMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"message":"Visi jūsu iestatījumi tiks pārrakstīti izmantojot rezerves kopijas datus {{time}} and µMatriks tiks restartēts.\n\nPārrakstīt visus esošos iestatījumus izmantojot rezerves kopijas datus?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
"message":"The data could not be read or is invalid",
"message":"Datus nevarēja nolasīt vai tie ir nederīgi",
"message":"... or ...",
"message":"... vai ...",
"description":"English: ... or ..."
"message":"Reset to default settings",
"message":"Atgriezt noklusējuma iestatījumus",
"description":"English: Reset to default settings"
"message":"Caution! this will remove all your custom settings. Are you sure you want to proceed?",
"message":"Uzmanību! tiks atcelti visi jūsu izveidotie iestatījumi. Vai vēlaties turpināt?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"filter expression(s)",
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"message":"spoofing user agent with: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"cookie deleted: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"browser cache cleared",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"failed to delete cookie: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"asset updated: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"Because of the following rule",
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"message":"Go back",
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes",
"message":"Atcelt visas pagaidu izmaiņas",
"message":"Temporarily whitelist page domain",
"message":"Uz laiku atļaut web lapas domēnu",
"message":"Temporarily whitelist all",
"message":"Uz laiku atļaut visu",
"message":"Open dashboard",
"message":"Atvērt vadības paneli",
"message":"a minute ago",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} minutes ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"an hour ago",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"{{value}} hours ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"a day ago",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"{{value}} days ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"Network error: Unable to connect to {{url}}",
"message":"Tīkla kļūda: Nespēja savienoties ar {{url}}",


@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"description":"this will be used as short description in web stores: MUST BE 132 characters OR LESS"
"message":"µMatrix — Dashboard",
"message":"uMatrix — Dashboard",
@ -76,21 +76,17 @@
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.\nRequests blocked through matrix filtering on this page: {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
"message":"Save all temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the persist button"
"message":"Remove temporary changes for this scope.",
"message":"Revert temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"message":"Reload the page.",
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
@ -105,18 +101,30 @@
"message":"Strict HTTPS",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"User agent spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Referrer spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to request log",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to dashboard",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
@ -156,7 +164,7 @@
"message":"Chromium: Behind the scene",
"message":"Behind the scene",
@ -228,7 +236,7 @@
"description":"Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>µMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>uMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"description":"To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
@ -236,7 +244,7 @@
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Settings",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Settings",
@ -280,7 +288,7 @@
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
@ -291,8 +299,16 @@
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Show the number of distinct requests on the icon",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Collapse placeholder of blocked elements",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
@ -300,7 +316,7 @@
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>µMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>µMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>µMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>uMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>uMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>uMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
@ -312,7 +328,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> when using a Chromium-based browser. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> in some browsers. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
@ -332,7 +348,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>µMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>uMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
@ -340,7 +356,7 @@
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
@ -372,11 +388,11 @@
"message":"Chromium: behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"Behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"<p>According to <a href='https:\/\/\/intl\/en\/chrome\/browser\/privacy\/whitepaper.html'>Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper<\/a>, <i>Chromium<\/i> might send HTTP requests to <i>Google<\/i> without the user expressly visiting a web page. Let's call these special requests <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests. Also, other installed browser extensions can send <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> HTTP requests.<\/p><p><i>µMatrix<\/i> lets you intercept and treat these requests like any other request: they can be processed in order to allow\/block them as per your whitelist\/blacklist.<\/p><p>Click the extension icon while viewing this page to get started. Required reading: <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Behind-the-scene-requests'>Behind-the-scene requests<\/a>.<\/p><div class='warn'><p><span style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>Beware!<\/span> Blocking <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> net requests is potentially causing <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/issues\/27'>an issue<\/a> when the user wants to install an extension from the Chrome store (including maybe preventing extensions from being updated), hence the ability to disable the feature here. Blocking can also cause other installed extensions to not work properly (those querying for remote data).<\/p><p>Even if this feature is not enabled, <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests are still logged by <i>µMatrix<\/i>. You can inspect these requests on the <a href='dashboard.html#statistics'>Statistics<\/a> page.<\/p>",
@ -435,6 +451,10 @@
"message":"{{used}} used out of {{total}}",
"message":"Last update: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Apply changes",
@ -528,7 +548,7 @@
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and µMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and uMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
@ -547,8 +567,48 @@
"message":"Caution! this will remove all your custom settings. Are you sure you want to proceed?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"filter expression(s)",
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"message":"spoofing user agent with: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"cookie deleted: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"browser cache cleared",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"failed to delete cookie: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"asset updated: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"Because of the following rule",
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"message":"Go back",
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes",
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
@ -563,6 +623,38 @@
"message":"Open dashboard",
"message":"a minute ago",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} minutes ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"an hour ago",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"{{value}} hours ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"a day ago",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"{{value}} days ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"Network error: Unable to connect to {{url}}",


@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"description":"this will be used as short description in web stores: MUST BE 132 characters OR LESS"
"message":"µMatrix — Dashboard",
"message":"uMatrix — Dashboard",
@ -76,21 +76,17 @@
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.\nRequests blocked through matrix filtering on this page: {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
"message":"Save all temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the persist button"
"message":"Remove temporary changes for this scope.",
"message":"Revert temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"message":"Reload the page.",
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
@ -105,18 +101,30 @@
"message":"Strict HTTPS",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"User agent spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Referrer spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to request log",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to dashboard",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
@ -156,7 +164,7 @@
"message":"Chromium: Behind the scene",
"message":"Behind the scene",
@ -228,7 +236,7 @@
"description":"Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>µMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>uMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"description":"To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
@ -236,7 +244,7 @@
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Settings",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Settings",
@ -280,7 +288,7 @@
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
@ -291,8 +299,16 @@
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Show the number of distinct requests on the icon",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Collapse placeholder of blocked elements",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
@ -300,7 +316,7 @@
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>µMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>µMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>µMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>uMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>uMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>uMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
@ -312,7 +328,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> when using a Chromium-based browser. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> in some browsers. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
@ -332,7 +348,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>µMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>uMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
@ -340,7 +356,7 @@
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
@ -372,11 +388,11 @@
"message":"Chromium: behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"Behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"<p>According to <a href='https:\/\/\/intl\/en\/chrome\/browser\/privacy\/whitepaper.html'>Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper<\/a>, <i>Chromium<\/i> might send HTTP requests to <i>Google<\/i> without the user expressly visiting a web page. Let's call these special requests <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests. Also, other installed browser extensions can send <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> HTTP requests.<\/p><p><i>µMatrix<\/i> lets you intercept and treat these requests like any other request: they can be processed in order to allow\/block them as per your whitelist\/blacklist.<\/p><p>Click the extension icon while viewing this page to get started. Required reading: <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Behind-the-scene-requests'>Behind-the-scene requests<\/a>.<\/p><div class='warn'><p><span style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>Beware!<\/span> Blocking <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> net requests is potentially causing <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/issues\/27'>an issue<\/a> when the user wants to install an extension from the Chrome store (including maybe preventing extensions from being updated), hence the ability to disable the feature here. Blocking can also cause other installed extensions to not work properly (those querying for remote data).<\/p><p>Even if this feature is not enabled, <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests are still logged by <i>µMatrix<\/i>. You can inspect these requests on the <a href='dashboard.html#statistics'>Statistics<\/a> page.<\/p>",
@ -435,6 +451,10 @@
"message":"{{used}} used out of {{total}}",
"message":"Last update: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Apply changes",
@ -528,7 +548,7 @@
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and µMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and uMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
@ -547,8 +567,48 @@
"message":"Caution! this will remove all your custom settings. Are you sure you want to proceed?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"filter expression(s)",
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"message":"spoofing user agent with: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"cookie deleted: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"browser cache cleared",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"failed to delete cookie: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"asset updated: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"Because of the following rule",
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"message":"Go back",
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes",
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
@ -563,6 +623,38 @@
"message":"Open dashboard",
"message":"a minute ago",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} minutes ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"an hour ago",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"{{value}} hours ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"a day ago",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"{{value}} days ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"Network error: Unable to connect to {{url}}",


@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"description":"this will be used as short description in web stores: MUST BE 132 characters OR LESS"
"message":"µMatrix — Dashboard",
"message":"uMatrix — Dashboard",
@ -76,21 +76,17 @@
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.\nRequests blocked through matrix filtering on this page: {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
"message":"Save all temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the persist button"
"message":"Remove temporary changes for this scope.",
"message":"Revert temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"message":"Reload the page.",
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
@ -105,18 +101,30 @@
"message":"Strict HTTPS",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"User agent spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Referrer spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to request log",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to dashboard",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
@ -156,7 +164,7 @@
"message":"Chromium: Behind the scene",
"message":"Behind the scene",
@ -228,7 +236,7 @@
"description":"Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>µMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>uMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"description":"To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
@ -236,7 +244,7 @@
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Settings",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Settings",
@ -280,7 +288,7 @@
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
@ -291,8 +299,16 @@
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Show the number of distinct requests on the icon",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Collapse placeholder of blocked elements",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
@ -300,7 +316,7 @@
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>µMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>µMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>µMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>uMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>uMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>uMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
@ -312,7 +328,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> when using a Chromium-based browser. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> in some browsers. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
@ -332,7 +348,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>µMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>uMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
@ -340,7 +356,7 @@
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
@ -372,11 +388,11 @@
"message":"Chromium: behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"Behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"<p>According to <a href='https:\/\/\/intl\/en\/chrome\/browser\/privacy\/whitepaper.html'>Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper<\/a>, <i>Chromium<\/i> might send HTTP requests to <i>Google<\/i> without the user expressly visiting a web page. Let's call these special requests <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests. Also, other installed browser extensions can send <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> HTTP requests.<\/p><p><i>µMatrix<\/i> lets you intercept and treat these requests like any other request: they can be processed in order to allow\/block them as per your whitelist\/blacklist.<\/p><p>Click the extension icon while viewing this page to get started. Required reading: <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Behind-the-scene-requests'>Behind-the-scene requests<\/a>.<\/p><div class='warn'><p><span style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>Beware!<\/span> Blocking <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> net requests is potentially causing <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/issues\/27'>an issue<\/a> when the user wants to install an extension from the Chrome store (including maybe preventing extensions from being updated), hence the ability to disable the feature here. Blocking can also cause other installed extensions to not work properly (those querying for remote data).<\/p><p>Even if this feature is not enabled, <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests are still logged by <i>µMatrix<\/i>. You can inspect these requests on the <a href='dashboard.html#statistics'>Statistics<\/a> page.<\/p>",
@ -435,6 +451,10 @@
"message":"{{used}} used out of {{total}}",
"message":"Last update: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Apply changes",
@ -528,7 +548,7 @@
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and µMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and uMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
@ -547,8 +567,48 @@
"message":"Caution! this will remove all your custom settings. Are you sure you want to proceed?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"filter expression(s)",
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"message":"spoofing user agent with: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"cookie deleted: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"browser cache cleared",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"failed to delete cookie: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"asset updated: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"Because of the following rule",
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"message":"Go back",
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes",
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
@ -563,6 +623,38 @@
"message":"Open dashboard",
"message":"a minute ago",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} minutes ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"an hour ago",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"{{value}} hours ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"a day ago",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"{{value}} days ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"Network error: Unable to connect to {{url}}",


@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"description":"this will be used as short description in web stores: MUST BE 132 characters OR LESS"
"message":"µMatrix — Dashboard",
"message":"uMatrix — Dashboard",
@ -76,21 +76,17 @@
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.\nRequests blocked through matrix filtering on this page: {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
"message":"Save all temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the persist button"
"message":"Remove temporary changes for this scope.",
"message":"Revert temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"message":"Reload the page.",
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
@ -105,18 +101,30 @@
"message":"Strict HTTPS",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"User agent spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Referrer spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to request log",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to dashboard",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
@ -156,7 +164,7 @@
"message":"Chromium: Behind the scene",
"message":"Behind the scene",
@ -228,7 +236,7 @@
"description":"Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>µMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>uMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"description":"To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
@ -236,7 +244,7 @@
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Settings",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Settings",
@ -280,7 +288,7 @@
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
@ -291,8 +299,16 @@
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Show the number of distinct requests on the icon",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Collapse placeholder of blocked elements",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
@ -300,7 +316,7 @@
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>µMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>µMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>µMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>uMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>uMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>uMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
@ -312,7 +328,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> when using a Chromium-based browser. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> in some browsers. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
@ -332,7 +348,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>µMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>uMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
@ -340,7 +356,7 @@
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
@ -372,11 +388,11 @@
"message":"Chromium: behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"Behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"<p>According to <a href='https:\/\/\/intl\/en\/chrome\/browser\/privacy\/whitepaper.html'>Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper<\/a>, <i>Chromium<\/i> might send HTTP requests to <i>Google<\/i> without the user expressly visiting a web page. Let's call these special requests <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests. Also, other installed browser extensions can send <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> HTTP requests.<\/p><p><i>µMatrix<\/i> lets you intercept and treat these requests like any other request: they can be processed in order to allow\/block them as per your whitelist\/blacklist.<\/p><p>Click the extension icon while viewing this page to get started. Required reading: <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Behind-the-scene-requests'>Behind-the-scene requests<\/a>.<\/p><div class='warn'><p><span style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>Beware!<\/span> Blocking <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> net requests is potentially causing <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/issues\/27'>an issue<\/a> when the user wants to install an extension from the Chrome store (including maybe preventing extensions from being updated), hence the ability to disable the feature here. Blocking can also cause other installed extensions to not work properly (those querying for remote data).<\/p><p>Even if this feature is not enabled, <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests are still logged by <i>µMatrix<\/i>. You can inspect these requests on the <a href='dashboard.html#statistics'>Statistics<\/a> page.<\/p>",
@ -435,6 +451,10 @@
"message":"{{used}} used out of {{total}}",
"message":"Last update: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Apply changes",
@ -528,7 +548,7 @@
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and µMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and uMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
@ -547,8 +567,48 @@
"message":"Caution! this will remove all your custom settings. Are you sure you want to proceed?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"filter expression(s)",
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"message":"spoofing user agent with: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"cookie deleted: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"browser cache cleared",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"failed to delete cookie: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"asset updated: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"Because of the following rule",
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"message":"Go back",
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes",
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
@ -563,6 +623,38 @@
"message":"Open dashboard",
"message":"a minute ago",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} minutes ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"an hour ago",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"{{value}} hours ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"a day ago",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"{{value}} days ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"Network error: Unable to connect to {{url}}",


@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"description":"this will be used as short description in web stores: MUST BE 132 characters OR LESS"
"message":"µMatrix — Dashboard",
"message":"uMatrix — Dashboard",
@ -76,21 +76,17 @@
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.\nRequests blocked through matrix filtering on this page: {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
"message":"Save all temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the persist button"
"message":"Remove temporary changes for this scope.",
"message":"Revert temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"message":"Reload the page.",
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
@ -105,18 +101,30 @@
"message":"Strict HTTPS",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"User agent spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Referrer spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to request log",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to dashboard",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
@ -156,7 +164,7 @@
"message":"Chromium: Behind the scene",
"message":"Behind the scene",
@ -228,7 +236,7 @@
"description":"Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>µMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>uMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"description":"To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
@ -236,7 +244,7 @@
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Settings",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Settings",
@ -280,7 +288,7 @@
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
@ -291,8 +299,16 @@
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Show the number of distinct requests on the icon",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Collapse placeholder of blocked elements",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
@ -300,7 +316,7 @@
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>µMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>µMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>µMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>uMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>uMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>uMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
@ -312,7 +328,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> when using a Chromium-based browser. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> in some browsers. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
@ -332,7 +348,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>µMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>uMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
@ -340,7 +356,7 @@
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
@ -372,11 +388,11 @@
"message":"Chromium: behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"Behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"<p>According to <a href='https:\/\/\/intl\/en\/chrome\/browser\/privacy\/whitepaper.html'>Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper<\/a>, <i>Chromium<\/i> might send HTTP requests to <i>Google<\/i> without the user expressly visiting a web page. Let's call these special requests <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests. Also, other installed browser extensions can send <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> HTTP requests.<\/p><p><i>µMatrix<\/i> lets you intercept and treat these requests like any other request: they can be processed in order to allow\/block them as per your whitelist\/blacklist.<\/p><p>Click the extension icon while viewing this page to get started. Required reading: <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Behind-the-scene-requests'>Behind-the-scene requests<\/a>.<\/p><div class='warn'><p><span style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>Beware!<\/span> Blocking <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> net requests is potentially causing <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/issues\/27'>an issue<\/a> when the user wants to install an extension from the Chrome store (including maybe preventing extensions from being updated), hence the ability to disable the feature here. Blocking can also cause other installed extensions to not work properly (those querying for remote data).<\/p><p>Even if this feature is not enabled, <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests are still logged by <i>µMatrix<\/i>. You can inspect these requests on the <a href='dashboard.html#statistics'>Statistics<\/a> page.<\/p>",
@ -435,6 +451,10 @@
"message":"{{used}} used out of {{total}}",
"message":"Last update: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Apply changes",
@ -528,7 +548,7 @@
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and µMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and uMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
@ -547,8 +567,48 @@
"message":"Caution! this will remove all your custom settings. Are you sure you want to proceed?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"filter expression(s)",
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"message":"spoofing user agent with: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"cookie deleted: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"browser cache cleared",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"failed to delete cookie: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"asset updated: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"Because of the following rule",
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"message":"Go back",
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes",
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
@ -563,6 +623,38 @@
"message":"Open dashboard",
"message":"a minute ago",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} minutes ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"an hour ago",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"{{value}} hours ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"a day ago",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"{{value}} days ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"Network error: Unable to connect to {{url}}",


@ -4,51 +4,51 @@
"message":"Point & click to forbid\/allow any class of requests made by your browser. Use it to block scripts, iframes, ads, facebook, etc.",
"message":"Wskaż i kliknij by zablokować\/zezwolić na jakikolwiek typ połączeń wykonywanych przez przeglądarkę. Użyj by blokować skrypty, ramki, reklamy, fecebooka itp.",
"description":"this will be used as short description in web stores: MUST BE 132 characters OR LESS"
"message":"µMatrix — Dashboard",
"message":"µMatrix — Kokpit",
"description":"a tab in dashboard"
"description":"a tab in dashboard"
"description":"a tab in dashboard"
"message":"My rules",
"message":"Moje reguły",
"description":"a tab in dashboard"
"message":"Hosts files",
"message":"Pliki hosts",
"description":"a tab in dashboard"
"message":"O rozszerzeniu",
"description":"a tab in dashboard"
"description":"HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
"description":"HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
"description":"HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
"description":"HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
"description":"HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
"description":"HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
@ -64,127 +64,135 @@
"description":"HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
"description":"HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
"description":"HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
"message":"No net traffic seen for this tab so far.",
"message":"Brak aktywności sieciowej dla tej karty.",
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.\nRequests blocked through matrix filtering on this page: {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"message":"Wyłącz\/włącz filtrowanie matrycowe dla tego kontekstu.\nŻądań zablokowanych przez filtrowanie matrycowe na tej stronie {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
"message":"Save all temporary changes for this scope.",
"message":"Zapisz wszystkie tymczasowe zmiany dla tego kontekstu.",
"description":"Tool tip for the persist button"
"message":"Remove temporary changes for this scope.",
"message":"Usuń tymczasowe zmiany dla tego kontekstu.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"message":"Reload the page.",
"message":"Przeładuj stronę.",
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
"message":"aktualna domena",
"message":"{{count}} blacklisted hostname(s)",
"message":"Zablokowane domeny: {{count}}",
"description":"Appears in the metadata row of bottom-most group: **mind the limited width**"
"message":"Strict HTTPS",
"message":"Wyłącznie HTTPS",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"User agent spoofing",
"message":"Podmiana user-agenta",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Referrer spoofing",
"message":"Podmiana referera",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Cofnij wszystkie tymczasowe zmiany",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Przejdź do dziennika żądań",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Przejdź do kokpitu",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Statystyki",
"message":"Generic statistics",
"message":"Ogólne statystyki",
"message":"<a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/HTTP_cookie'>HTTP cookie<\/a> headers foiled: {{count}}",
"message":"Powstrzymane nagłówki HTTP <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/HTTP_cookie'>cookie<\/a>: {{count}}",
"message":"<a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/HTTP_referer'>HTTP referer<\/a> headers foiled: {{count}}",
"message":"Powstrzymane nagłówki HTTP <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/HTTP_referer'>referer<\/a>: {{count}}",
"message":"<a href='http:\/\/\/specs\/web-apps\/current-work\/multipage\/links.html#hyperlink-auditing'>Hyperlink auditing<\/a> attempts foiled: {{count}}",
"message":"Powstrzymane próby <a href='http:\/\/\/specs\/web-apps\/current-work\/multipage\/links.html#hyperlink-auditing'>pingowania linków<\/a>: {{count}}",
"message":"Local cookies removed: {{count}}",
"message":"Usuniętych ciasteczek : {{count}}",
"message":"<a href='http:\/\/\/storage.html'>Local storages<\/a> emptied: {{count}}",
"message":"Opróżnione <a href='http:\/\/\/storage.html'>magazyny lokalne<\/a>: {{count}}",
"message":"Browser caches cleared: {{count}}",
"message":"Opróżnione pamięci podręczne przeglądarki: {{count}}",
"message":"Detailed statistics",
"message":"Szczegółowe statystyki",
"message":"Chromium: Behind the scene",
"message":"Chromium: ukryte połączenia",
"description":"header for the stat type column"
"description":"header for the allowed requests column"
"description":"header for the blocked requests column"
@ -192,71 +200,71 @@
"message":"Request log",
"message":"Dziennik żądań",
"message":"Remember the last",
"message":"Zapamiętaj ostatnie",
"description":"First part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"HTTP requests <b>per page<\/b>.",
"message":"Żądań HTTP <b>na stronę<\/b>.",
"description":"Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>µMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>uMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"description":"To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Settings",
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Ustawienia",
"message":"Text size:",
"message":"Rozmiar tekstu:",
"message":"Color-blind friendly",
"message":"Schemat kolorów przyjazny daltonistom",
@ -268,19 +276,19 @@
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
@ -288,31 +296,39 @@
"description":"English: Blocked frames:&ensp;Color"
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Show the number of distinct requests on the icon",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Collapse placeholder of blocked elements",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Prywatność",
"message":"Delete blocked cookies.",
"message":"Usuń zablokowane ciasteczka.",
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>µMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>µMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>µMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>uMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>uMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>uMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
"message":"Delete non-blocked session cookies ",
"message":"Usuń nie zablokowane ciasteczka sesyjne ",
"description":"First part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"message":" minutes after the last time they have been used.",
"message":" minut od ostatniego użycia.",
"description":"Second part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> when using a Chromium-based browser. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> in some browsers. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
@ -324,15 +340,15 @@
"message":"Clear browser cache every",
"message":"Wyczyść pamięć podręczną przeglądarki co",
"description":"First part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"description":"Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>µMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>uMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
@ -340,7 +356,7 @@
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
@ -364,7 +380,7 @@
"description":"First part of UA-spoofing prompt"
"description":"Second part"
@ -372,47 +388,47 @@
"message":"Chromium: behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"Behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"<p>According to <a href='https:\/\/\/intl\/en\/chrome\/browser\/privacy\/whitepaper.html'>Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper<\/a>, <i>Chromium<\/i> might send HTTP requests to <i>Google<\/i> without the user expressly visiting a web page. Let's call these special requests <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests. Also, other installed browser extensions can send <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> HTTP requests.<\/p><p><i>µMatrix<\/i> lets you intercept and treat these requests like any other request: they can be processed in order to allow\/block them as per your whitelist\/blacklist.<\/p><p>Click the extension icon while viewing this page to get started. Required reading: <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Behind-the-scene-requests'>Behind-the-scene requests<\/a>.<\/p><div class='warn'><p><span style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>Beware!<\/span> Blocking <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> net requests is potentially causing <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/issues\/27'>an issue<\/a> when the user wants to install an extension from the Chrome store (including maybe preventing extensions from being updated), hence the ability to disable the feature here. Blocking can also cause other installed extensions to not work properly (those querying for remote data).<\/p><p>Even if this feature is not enabled, <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests are still logged by <i>µMatrix<\/i>. You can inspect these requests on the <a href='dashboard.html#statistics'>Statistics<\/a> page.<\/p>",
"message":"Permanent rules",
"message":"Stałe zasady",
"message":"Temporary rules",
"message":"Tymczasowe zasady",
"description":"Will remove all temporary rules"
"description":"Will save all temporary rules"
"description":"Will enable manual-edit mode (textarea)"
"description":"Will save manually-edited content and exit manual-edit mode"
"description":"Will discard manually-edited content and exit manual-edit mode"
"message":"Import from file...",
"message":"Importuj z pliku...",
"message":"Export to file...",
"message":"Eksport do pliku...",
@ -435,8 +451,12 @@
"message":"{{used}} used out of {{total}}",
"message":"Last update: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Apply changes",
"message":"Zastosuj zmiany",
@ -444,7 +464,7 @@
"message":"Update now",
"message":"Aktualizuj teraz",
@ -464,7 +484,7 @@
"message":"new version available",
"message":"Dostępna jest nowa wersja",
@ -488,35 +508,35 @@
"message":"Source code (GPLv3)",
"message":"Kod źródłowy (GPLv3)",
"message":"Bugs and issues",
"message":"Błędy i problemy",
"description":"English: Contributors"
"message":"Your data",
"message":"Twoje dane",
"message":"Backup to file...",
"message":"Zapisz kopię zapasową...",
@ -524,47 +544,119 @@
"description":"default filename to use"
"message":"Restore from file...",
"message":"Przywróć kopię zapasową...",
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and µMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"message":"Wszystkie ustawienia zostaną nadpisane danymi z kopii z {{time}}, a następnie µMatrix zostanie zrestartowany.\n\nNadpisać aktualne ustawienia używając danych z kopii?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
"message":"The data could not be read or is invalid",
"message":"Dane nie mogą być odczytane lub są niepoprawne",
"message":"... or ...",
"message":"... lub ...",
"description":"English: ... or ..."
"message":"Reset to default settings",
"message":"Przywróć ustawienia domyślne",
"description":"English: Reset to default settings"
"message":"Caution! this will remove all your custom settings. Are you sure you want to proceed?",
"message":"Uwaga! Twoje ustawienia zostaną usunięte. Czy na pewno chcesz kontynuować?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"filter expression(s)",
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"message":"spoofing user agent with: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"cookie deleted: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"browser cache cleared",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"failed to delete cookie: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"asset updated: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"Because of the following rule",
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"message":"Go back",
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes",
"message":"Usuń wszystkie tymczasowe zmiany",
"message":"Temporarily whitelist page domain",
"message":"Tymczasowo dodaj tą domenę na białą listę",
"message":"Temporarily whitelist all",
"message":"Tymczasowo dodaj wszystko na białą listę",
"message":"Open dashboard",
"message":"Otwórz kokpit",
"message":"a minute ago",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} minutes ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"an hour ago",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"{{value}} hours ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"a day ago",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"{{value}} days ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"Network error: Unable to connect to {{url}}",
"message":"Błąd sieci: nie można połączyć z {{url}}",


@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
"message":"Desativar\/Ativar filtragem pela matrix para este escopo.\nPedidos bloqueados através da filtragem pela matrix nesta página: {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
"message":"Salvar todas mudanças temporárias para este escopo.",
@ -87,10 +87,6 @@
"message":"Remover mudanças temporárias para este escopo.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"message":"Remover todas mudanças temporárias.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"message":"Recarregar a página.",
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
@ -105,15 +101,27 @@
"message":"HTTPS Estrito",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Ocultação do User agent",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Ocultar Referrer",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Reverter todas mudanças temporárias",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Ir para o registro de pedidos",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Ir para o painel",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Estatísticas",
@ -291,6 +299,14 @@
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Exibir o número de pedidos distintos sob o ícone",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Agrupar espaço reservado de elementos bloqueados",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Privacidade",
@ -300,7 +316,7 @@
"message":"<p>Cookies na lista negra não estão impedidos por <i>µMatrix<\/i> de entrar em seu navegador. No entanto, eles estão impedidos de deixar o seu navegador, que é o que realmente importa. Não bloquear os cookies antes de introduzir o seu navegador lhe dá a oportunidade de ser informado de que um site tentou usar cookies, e além disso, para inspecionar o seu conteúdo, se desejar.<\/p><p>Uma vez que esses cookies lista negra foram contabilizados por <i>µMatrix<\/i>, eles podem ser removidos do seu navegador, se assim o desejar.<\/p><p><b>Nota importante:<\/b> As extensões podem fazer solicitações da web durante o curso de sua operação normal. Estes pedidos podem resultar em cookies que está sendo criado no navegador. Se o nome da máquina a partir de onde se originam um biscoito não está na lista branca, o cookie será removido a partir do navegador pelo <i>µMatrix<\/i> se esta opção estiver marcada. Então não se esqueça que o nome da máquina (s) com que uma extensão comunicar está na lista branca.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Cookies na lista negra não são impedidos pelo <i>µMatrix<\/i> de entrar em seu navegador. No entanto, eles estão impedidos de ficar no seu navegador, que é o que realmente importa. Não bloquear os cookies antes de introduzir o seu navegador lhe dá a oportunidade de ser informado de que um site tentou usar cookies, e além disso, para inspecionar o seu conteúdo, se desejar.<\/p><p>Uma vez que esses cookies lista negra foram contabilizados por <i>µMatrix<\/i>, eles podem ser removidos do seu navegador, se assim o desejar.<\/p><p><b>Nota importante:<\/b> As extensões podem fazer solicitações da web durante o curso de sua operação normal. Estes pedidos podem resultar em cookies que está sendo criado no navegador. Se o nome da máquina a partir de onde se originam um biscoito não está na lista branca, o cookie será removido a partir do navegador pelo <i>µMatrix<\/i> se esta opção estiver marcada. Então não se esqueça que o nome da máquina (s) com que uma extensão comunicar está na lista branca.<\/p>",
@ -312,7 +328,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;Um cookie de sessão ... é apagada quando você termina a sessão do navegador. O cookie de sessão é armazenado na memória temporária e não é mantida após o navegador é fechado.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Exceto para este <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>não pode estar acontecendo<\/a> quando utilizar um navegador baseado em Chromium. Além disso, para alguns, ter de fechar o navegador para que os cookies de sessão para limpar pode não ser suficientemente cedo.<\/p>",
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;Um cookie de sessão ... é apagado quando você termina a sessão do navegador. O cookie de sessão é armazenado na memória temporária e não é mantido após o navegador for fechado.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Exceto para este <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>não pode estar acontecendo<\/a> quando utilizar um navegador baseado em Chromium. Além disso, para alguns, é necessário fechar o navegador para limpar os cookies da sessão pode não ser suficientemente cedo.<\/p>",
@ -332,7 +348,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"message":"<p>Alguns sites são realmente empenhados em rastreamento de você, tanto que eles vão usar truques não tão agradáveis ​​para contornar as medidas de tomar, a fim de não ser rastreado.<\/p><p>Alguns desses truques confiar<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> no <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>cache do navegador<\/a>, que o conteúdo é muitas vezes de longa duração já que raramente os usuários irão tomar o tempo para limpar regularmente o seu cache do navegador.<\/p><p>Há pouco inconveniente para limpar o cache do navegador regularmente (mais provável é que você não vai notar quando isso acontece), e o benefício é para evitar que esses rastreadores detestáveis ​​de invadir a sua privacidade.<\/p><p>Marque esta opção para o <i>µMatrix<\/i> fazer isso por você, no intervalo que você desejar.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"<p>Alguns sites são realmente empenhados no seu rastreamento, tanto que eles vão usar truques não tão agradáveis ​​para contornar as medidas de tomar, a fim de não ser rastreado.<\/p><p>Alguns desses truques é usar<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> no <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>cache do navegador<\/a>, que o conteúdo é muitas vezes de longa duração já que raramente os usuários irão perder seu tempo para limpar regularmente o cache de seu navegador.<\/p><p>Há pouco inconveniente em limpar o cache do navegador regularmente (mais provável é que você não vai notar quando isso acontece), e o benefício é para evitar que esses rastreadores detestáveis ​​de invadir a sua privacidade.<\/p><p>Marque esta opção para o <i>µMatrix<\/i> fazer isso por você, no intervalo que você desejar.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
@ -435,6 +451,10 @@
"message":"{{used}} usado do total de {{total}}",
"message":"Última atualização: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Aplicar mudanças",
@ -547,6 +567,46 @@
"message":"Aviso! isso irá remover todas as suas configurações personalizadas. Você está certo que deseja continuar?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"filtrar expressão(ões)",
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"message":"disfarçar user agent com: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"cookie apagado: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"cache do navegador limpo",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"falha ao apagar cookie: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"ativo atualizado: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix impediu que a seguinte página fosse carregada:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"Por causa da regra a seguir",
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"Remover todas mudanças temporárias",
@ -563,6 +623,38 @@
"message":"Abrir Painel",
"message":"um minuto atrás",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} minutos atrás",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"uma hora atrás",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"{{value}} horas atrás",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"um dia atrás",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"{{value}} dias atrás",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"Erro na rede: Não foi possível conectar ao {{url}}",


@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
"message":"Desactiva\/Activa filtração matriz neste escopo.\nPedidos bloqueados através da filtração da matriz nesta página: {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
"message":"Guardar todas as modificações temporárias para este escopo.",
@ -87,10 +87,6 @@
"message":"Remover todas as modificações temporárias para este escopo.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"message":"Remover todas as modificações temporárias.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"message":"Recarregar a página.",
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
@ -105,15 +101,27 @@
"message":"HTTPS rigoroso",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Falsificação do User-Agent",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Falsificação do referrer",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to request log",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to dashboard",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Estatísticas",
@ -291,6 +299,14 @@
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Show the number of distinct requests on the icon",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Collapse placeholder of blocked elements",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Privacidade",
@ -435,6 +451,10 @@
"message":"{{used}} usados de {{total}}",
"message":"Last update: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Aplicar alterações",
@ -547,6 +567,46 @@
"message":"Aviso! isto irá remover todas as sua definições. Tem a certeza que pretende proceder?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"filter expression(s)",
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"message":"spoofing user agent with: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"cookie deleted: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"browser cache cleared",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"failed to delete cookie: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"asset updated: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"Because of the following rule",
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"message":"Go back",
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"Remover todas as modificações temporárias",
@ -563,6 +623,38 @@
"message":"Abrir painel",
"message":"a minute ago",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} minutes ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"an hour ago",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"{{value}} hours ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"a day ago",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"{{value}} days ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"Erro de rede: Incapaz de se conectar a {{url}}",


@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"description":"this will be used as short description in web stores: MUST BE 132 characters OR LESS"
"message":"µMatrix — Dashboard",
"message":"uMatrix — Dashboard",
@ -76,21 +76,17 @@
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.\nRequests blocked through matrix filtering on this page: {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
"message":"Save all temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the persist button"
"message":"Remove temporary changes for this scope.",
"message":"Revert temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"message":"Reload the page.",
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
@ -105,18 +101,30 @@
"message":"Strict HTTPS",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"User agent spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Referrer spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to request log",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to dashboard",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
@ -156,7 +164,7 @@
"message":"Chromium: Behind the scene",
"message":"Behind the scene",
@ -228,7 +236,7 @@
"description":"Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>µMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>uMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"description":"To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
@ -236,7 +244,7 @@
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Settings",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Settings",
@ -280,7 +288,7 @@
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
@ -291,8 +299,16 @@
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Show the number of distinct requests on the icon",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Collapse placeholder of blocked elements",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
@ -300,7 +316,7 @@
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>µMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>µMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>µMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>uMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>uMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>uMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
@ -312,7 +328,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> when using a Chromium-based browser. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> in some browsers. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
@ -332,7 +348,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>µMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>uMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
@ -340,7 +356,7 @@
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
@ -372,11 +388,11 @@
"message":"Chromium: behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"Behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"<p>According to <a href='https:\/\/\/intl\/en\/chrome\/browser\/privacy\/whitepaper.html'>Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper<\/a>, <i>Chromium<\/i> might send HTTP requests to <i>Google<\/i> without the user expressly visiting a web page. Let's call these special requests <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests. Also, other installed browser extensions can send <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> HTTP requests.<\/p><p><i>µMatrix<\/i> lets you intercept and treat these requests like any other request: they can be processed in order to allow\/block them as per your whitelist\/blacklist.<\/p><p>Click the extension icon while viewing this page to get started. Required reading: <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Behind-the-scene-requests'>Behind-the-scene requests<\/a>.<\/p><div class='warn'><p><span style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>Beware!<\/span> Blocking <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> net requests is potentially causing <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/issues\/27'>an issue<\/a> when the user wants to install an extension from the Chrome store (including maybe preventing extensions from being updated), hence the ability to disable the feature here. Blocking can also cause other installed extensions to not work properly (those querying for remote data).<\/p><p>Even if this feature is not enabled, <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests are still logged by <i>µMatrix<\/i>. You can inspect these requests on the <a href='dashboard.html#statistics'>Statistics<\/a> page.<\/p>",
@ -435,6 +451,10 @@
"message":"{{used}} used out of {{total}}",
"message":"Last update: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Apply changes",
@ -528,7 +548,7 @@
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and µMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and uMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
@ -547,8 +567,48 @@
"message":"Caution! this will remove all your custom settings. Are you sure you want to proceed?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"filter expression(s)",
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"message":"spoofing user agent with: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"cookie deleted: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"browser cache cleared",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"failed to delete cookie: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"asset updated: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"Because of the following rule",
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"message":"Go back",
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes",
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
@ -563,6 +623,38 @@
"message":"Open dashboard",
"message":"a minute ago",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} minutes ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"an hour ago",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"{{value}} hours ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"a day ago",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"{{value}} days ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"Network error: Unable to connect to {{url}}",


@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
"message":"Вкл\/выкл правил области\nОтклонённые запросы: {{count}}",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
"message":"Утвердить новые правила области",
@ -87,10 +87,6 @@
"message":"Отменить новые правила области",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"message":"Отменить все новые правила",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"message":"Обновить текущую страницу",
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
@ -105,15 +101,27 @@
"message":"Только HTTPS",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Подмена user agent",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Подмена referrer",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to request log",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to dashboard",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Статистика",
@ -291,6 +299,14 @@
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Show the number of distinct requests on the icon",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Collapse placeholder of blocked elements",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Безопасность",
@ -435,6 +451,10 @@
"message":"{{used}} из {{total}}",
"message":"Last update: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Применить изменения",
@ -547,6 +567,46 @@
"message":"Внимание! Это сбросит все ваши ручные настройки. Вы уверены?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"filter expression(s)",
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"message":"spoofing user agent with: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"cookie deleted: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"browser cache cleared",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"failed to delete cookie: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"asset updated: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"Because of the following rule",
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"message":"Go back",
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"Отменить все изменения",
@ -563,6 +623,38 @@
"message":"Открыть панель",
"message":"a minute ago",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} minutes ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"an hour ago",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"{{value}} hours ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"a day ago",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"{{value}} days ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"Ошибка сети: невозможно связаться с {{url}}",


@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"description":"this will be used as short description in web stores: MUST BE 132 characters OR LESS"
"message":"µMatrix — Dashboard",
"message":"uMatrix — Dashboard",
@ -76,21 +76,17 @@
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.\nRequests blocked through matrix filtering on this page: {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
"message":"Save all temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the persist button"
"message":"Remove temporary changes for this scope.",
"message":"Revert temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"message":"Reload the page.",
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
@ -105,18 +101,30 @@
"message":"Strict HTTPS",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"User agent spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Referrer spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to request log",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to dashboard",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
@ -156,7 +164,7 @@
"message":"Chromium: Behind the scene",
"message":"Behind the scene",
@ -228,7 +236,7 @@
"description":"Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>µMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>uMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"description":"To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
@ -236,7 +244,7 @@
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Settings",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Settings",
@ -280,7 +288,7 @@
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
@ -291,8 +299,16 @@
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Show the number of distinct requests on the icon",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Collapse placeholder of blocked elements",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
@ -300,7 +316,7 @@
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>µMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>µMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>µMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>uMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>uMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>uMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
@ -312,7 +328,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> when using a Chromium-based browser. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> in some browsers. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
@ -332,7 +348,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>µMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>uMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
@ -340,7 +356,7 @@
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
@ -372,11 +388,11 @@
"message":"Chromium: behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"Behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"<p>According to <a href='https:\/\/\/intl\/en\/chrome\/browser\/privacy\/whitepaper.html'>Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper<\/a>, <i>Chromium<\/i> might send HTTP requests to <i>Google<\/i> without the user expressly visiting a web page. Let's call these special requests <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests. Also, other installed browser extensions can send <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> HTTP requests.<\/p><p><i>µMatrix<\/i> lets you intercept and treat these requests like any other request: they can be processed in order to allow\/block them as per your whitelist\/blacklist.<\/p><p>Click the extension icon while viewing this page to get started. Required reading: <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Behind-the-scene-requests'>Behind-the-scene requests<\/a>.<\/p><div class='warn'><p><span style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>Beware!<\/span> Blocking <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> net requests is potentially causing <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/issues\/27'>an issue<\/a> when the user wants to install an extension from the Chrome store (including maybe preventing extensions from being updated), hence the ability to disable the feature here. Blocking can also cause other installed extensions to not work properly (those querying for remote data).<\/p><p>Even if this feature is not enabled, <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests are still logged by <i>µMatrix<\/i>. You can inspect these requests on the <a href='dashboard.html#statistics'>Statistics<\/a> page.<\/p>",
@ -435,6 +451,10 @@
"message":"{{used}} used out of {{total}}",
"message":"Last update: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Apply changes",
@ -528,7 +548,7 @@
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and µMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and uMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
@ -547,8 +567,48 @@
"message":"Caution! this will remove all your custom settings. Are you sure you want to proceed?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"filter expression(s)",
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"message":"spoofing user agent with: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"cookie deleted: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"browser cache cleared",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"failed to delete cookie: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"asset updated: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"Because of the following rule",
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"message":"Go back",
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes",
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
@ -563,6 +623,38 @@
"message":"Open dashboard",
"message":"a minute ago",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} minutes ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"an hour ago",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"{{value}} hours ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"a day ago",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"{{value}} days ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"Network error: Unable to connect to {{url}}",


@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"description":"this will be used as short description in web stores: MUST BE 132 characters OR LESS"
"message":"µMatrix — Dashboard",
"message":"uMatrix — Dashboard",
@ -76,21 +76,17 @@
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.\nRequests blocked through matrix filtering on this page: {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
"message":"Save all temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the persist button"
"message":"Remove temporary changes for this scope.",
"message":"Revert temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"message":"Reload the page.",
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
@ -105,18 +101,30 @@
"message":"Strict HTTPS",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"User agent spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Referrer spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to request log",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to dashboard",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
@ -156,7 +164,7 @@
"message":"Chromium: Behind the scene",
"message":"Behind the scene",
@ -228,7 +236,7 @@
"description":"Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>µMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>uMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"description":"To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
@ -236,7 +244,7 @@
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Settings",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Settings",
@ -280,7 +288,7 @@
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
@ -291,8 +299,16 @@
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Show the number of distinct requests on the icon",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Collapse placeholder of blocked elements",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
@ -300,7 +316,7 @@
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>µMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>µMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>µMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>uMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>uMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>uMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
@ -312,7 +328,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> when using a Chromium-based browser. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> in some browsers. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
@ -332,7 +348,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>µMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>uMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
@ -340,7 +356,7 @@
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
@ -372,11 +388,11 @@
"message":"Chromium: behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"Behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"<p>According to <a href='https:\/\/\/intl\/en\/chrome\/browser\/privacy\/whitepaper.html'>Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper<\/a>, <i>Chromium<\/i> might send HTTP requests to <i>Google<\/i> without the user expressly visiting a web page. Let's call these special requests <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests. Also, other installed browser extensions can send <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> HTTP requests.<\/p><p><i>µMatrix<\/i> lets you intercept and treat these requests like any other request: they can be processed in order to allow\/block them as per your whitelist\/blacklist.<\/p><p>Click the extension icon while viewing this page to get started. Required reading: <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Behind-the-scene-requests'>Behind-the-scene requests<\/a>.<\/p><div class='warn'><p><span style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>Beware!<\/span> Blocking <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> net requests is potentially causing <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/issues\/27'>an issue<\/a> when the user wants to install an extension from the Chrome store (including maybe preventing extensions from being updated), hence the ability to disable the feature here. Blocking can also cause other installed extensions to not work properly (those querying for remote data).<\/p><p>Even if this feature is not enabled, <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests are still logged by <i>µMatrix<\/i>. You can inspect these requests on the <a href='dashboard.html#statistics'>Statistics<\/a> page.<\/p>",
@ -435,6 +451,10 @@
"message":"{{used}} used out of {{total}}",
"message":"Last update: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Apply changes",
@ -528,7 +548,7 @@
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and µMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and uMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
@ -547,8 +567,48 @@
"message":"Caution! this will remove all your custom settings. Are you sure you want to proceed?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"filter expression(s)",
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"message":"spoofing user agent with: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"cookie deleted: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"browser cache cleared",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"failed to delete cookie: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"asset updated: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"Because of the following rule",
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"message":"Go back",
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes",
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
@ -563,6 +623,38 @@
"message":"Open dashboard",
"message":"a minute ago",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} minutes ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"an hour ago",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"{{value}} hours ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"a day ago",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"{{value}} days ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"Network error: Unable to connect to {{url}}",


@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"description":"this will be used as short description in web stores: MUST BE 132 characters OR LESS"
"message":"µMatrix — Dashboard",
"message":"uMatrix — Dashboard",
@ -76,21 +76,17 @@
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.\nRequests blocked through matrix filtering on this page: {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
"message":"Save all temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the persist button"
"message":"Remove temporary changes for this scope.",
"message":"Revert temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"message":"Reload the page.",
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
@ -105,18 +101,30 @@
"message":"Strict HTTPS",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"User agent spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Referrer spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to request log",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to dashboard",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
@ -156,7 +164,7 @@
"message":"Chromium: Behind the scene",
"message":"Behind the scene",
@ -228,7 +236,7 @@
"description":"Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>µMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>uMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"description":"To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
@ -236,7 +244,7 @@
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Settings",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Settings",
@ -280,7 +288,7 @@
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
@ -291,8 +299,16 @@
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Show the number of distinct requests on the icon",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Collapse placeholder of blocked elements",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
@ -300,7 +316,7 @@
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>µMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>µMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>µMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>uMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>uMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>uMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
@ -312,7 +328,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> when using a Chromium-based browser. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> in some browsers. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
@ -332,7 +348,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>µMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>uMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
@ -340,7 +356,7 @@
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
@ -372,11 +388,11 @@
"message":"Chromium: behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"Behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"<p>According to <a href='https:\/\/\/intl\/en\/chrome\/browser\/privacy\/whitepaper.html'>Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper<\/a>, <i>Chromium<\/i> might send HTTP requests to <i>Google<\/i> without the user expressly visiting a web page. Let's call these special requests <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests. Also, other installed browser extensions can send <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> HTTP requests.<\/p><p><i>µMatrix<\/i> lets you intercept and treat these requests like any other request: they can be processed in order to allow\/block them as per your whitelist\/blacklist.<\/p><p>Click the extension icon while viewing this page to get started. Required reading: <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Behind-the-scene-requests'>Behind-the-scene requests<\/a>.<\/p><div class='warn'><p><span style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>Beware!<\/span> Blocking <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> net requests is potentially causing <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/issues\/27'>an issue<\/a> when the user wants to install an extension from the Chrome store (including maybe preventing extensions from being updated), hence the ability to disable the feature here. Blocking can also cause other installed extensions to not work properly (those querying for remote data).<\/p><p>Even if this feature is not enabled, <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests are still logged by <i>µMatrix<\/i>. You can inspect these requests on the <a href='dashboard.html#statistics'>Statistics<\/a> page.<\/p>",
@ -435,6 +451,10 @@
"message":"{{used}} used out of {{total}}",
"message":"Last update: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Apply changes",
@ -528,7 +548,7 @@
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and µMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and uMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
@ -547,8 +567,48 @@
"message":"Caution! this will remove all your custom settings. Are you sure you want to proceed?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"filter expression(s)",
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"message":"spoofing user agent with: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"cookie deleted: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"browser cache cleared",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"failed to delete cookie: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"asset updated: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"Because of the following rule",
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"message":"Go back",
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes",
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
@ -563,6 +623,38 @@
"message":"Open dashboard",
"message":"a minute ago",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} minutes ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"an hour ago",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"{{value}} hours ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"a day ago",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"{{value}} days ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"Network error: Unable to connect to {{url}}",


@ -76,21 +76,17 @@
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.\nRequests blocked through matrix filtering on this page: {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
"message":"Save all temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the persist button"
"message":"Remove temporary changes for this scope.",
"message":"Revert temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"message":"Ta bort alla tillfälliga ändringar.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"message":"Uppdatera sidan.",
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
@ -105,18 +101,30 @@
"message":"Strict HTTPS",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"User agent spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Referrer spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to request log",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to dashboard",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
@ -156,7 +164,7 @@
"message":"Chromium: Behind the scene",
"message":"Behind the scene",
@ -228,7 +236,7 @@
"description":"Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>µMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>uMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"description":"To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
@ -236,7 +244,7 @@
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Settings",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Settings",
@ -280,7 +288,7 @@
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
@ -291,8 +299,16 @@
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Show the number of distinct requests on the icon",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Collapse placeholder of blocked elements",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
@ -300,7 +316,7 @@
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>µMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>µMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>µMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>uMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>uMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>uMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
@ -312,7 +328,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> when using a Chromium-based browser. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> in some browsers. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
@ -332,7 +348,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>µMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>uMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
@ -340,7 +356,7 @@
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
@ -372,11 +388,11 @@
"message":"Chromium: behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"Behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"<p>According to <a href='https:\/\/\/intl\/en\/chrome\/browser\/privacy\/whitepaper.html'>Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper<\/a>, <i>Chromium<\/i> might send HTTP requests to <i>Google<\/i> without the user expressly visiting a web page. Let's call these special requests <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests. Also, other installed browser extensions can send <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> HTTP requests.<\/p><p><i>µMatrix<\/i> lets you intercept and treat these requests like any other request: they can be processed in order to allow\/block them as per your whitelist\/blacklist.<\/p><p>Click the extension icon while viewing this page to get started. Required reading: <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Behind-the-scene-requests'>Behind-the-scene requests<\/a>.<\/p><div class='warn'><p><span style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>Beware!<\/span> Blocking <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> net requests is potentially causing <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/issues\/27'>an issue<\/a> when the user wants to install an extension from the Chrome store (including maybe preventing extensions from being updated), hence the ability to disable the feature here. Blocking can also cause other installed extensions to not work properly (those querying for remote data).<\/p><p>Even if this feature is not enabled, <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests are still logged by <i>µMatrix<\/i>. You can inspect these requests on the <a href='dashboard.html#statistics'>Statistics<\/a> page.<\/p>",
@ -435,6 +451,10 @@
"message":"{{used}} used out of {{total}}",
"message":"Last update: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Apply changes",
@ -528,7 +548,7 @@
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and µMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and uMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
@ -547,8 +567,48 @@
"message":"Caution! this will remove all your custom settings. Are you sure you want to proceed?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"filter expression(s)",
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"message":"spoofing user agent with: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"cookie deleted: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"browser cache cleared",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"failed to delete cookie: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"asset updated: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"Because of the following rule",
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"message":"Go back",
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes",
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
@ -563,6 +623,38 @@
"message":"Open dashboard",
"message":"a minute ago",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} minutes ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"an hour ago",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"{{value}} hours ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"a day ago",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"{{value}} days ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"Network error: Unable to connect to {{url}}",


@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"description":"this will be used as short description in web stores: MUST BE 132 characters OR LESS"
"message":"µMatrix — Dashboard",
"message":"uMatrix — Dashboard",
@ -76,21 +76,17 @@
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.\nRequests blocked through matrix filtering on this page: {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
"message":"Save all temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the persist button"
"message":"Remove temporary changes for this scope.",
"message":"Revert temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"message":"Reload the page.",
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
@ -105,18 +101,30 @@
"message":"Strict HTTPS",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"User agent spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Referrer spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to request log",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to dashboard",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
@ -156,7 +164,7 @@
"message":"Chromium: Behind the scene",
"message":"Behind the scene",
@ -228,7 +236,7 @@
"description":"Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>µMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>uMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"description":"To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
@ -236,7 +244,7 @@
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Settings",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Settings",
@ -280,7 +288,7 @@
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
@ -291,8 +299,16 @@
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Show the number of distinct requests on the icon",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Collapse placeholder of blocked elements",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
@ -300,7 +316,7 @@
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>µMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>µMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>µMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>uMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>uMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>uMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
@ -312,7 +328,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> when using a Chromium-based browser. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> in some browsers. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
@ -332,7 +348,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>µMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>uMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
@ -340,7 +356,7 @@
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
@ -372,11 +388,11 @@
"message":"Chromium: behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"Behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"<p>According to <a href='https:\/\/\/intl\/en\/chrome\/browser\/privacy\/whitepaper.html'>Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper<\/a>, <i>Chromium<\/i> might send HTTP requests to <i>Google<\/i> without the user expressly visiting a web page. Let's call these special requests <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests. Also, other installed browser extensions can send <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> HTTP requests.<\/p><p><i>µMatrix<\/i> lets you intercept and treat these requests like any other request: they can be processed in order to allow\/block them as per your whitelist\/blacklist.<\/p><p>Click the extension icon while viewing this page to get started. Required reading: <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Behind-the-scene-requests'>Behind-the-scene requests<\/a>.<\/p><div class='warn'><p><span style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>Beware!<\/span> Blocking <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> net requests is potentially causing <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/issues\/27'>an issue<\/a> when the user wants to install an extension from the Chrome store (including maybe preventing extensions from being updated), hence the ability to disable the feature here. Blocking can also cause other installed extensions to not work properly (those querying for remote data).<\/p><p>Even if this feature is not enabled, <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests are still logged by <i>µMatrix<\/i>. You can inspect these requests on the <a href='dashboard.html#statistics'>Statistics<\/a> page.<\/p>",
@ -435,6 +451,10 @@
"message":"{{used}} used out of {{total}}",
"message":"Last update: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Apply changes",
@ -528,7 +548,7 @@
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and µMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and uMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
@ -547,8 +567,48 @@
"message":"Caution! this will remove all your custom settings. Are you sure you want to proceed?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"filter expression(s)",
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"message":"spoofing user agent with: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"cookie deleted: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"browser cache cleared",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"failed to delete cookie: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"asset updated: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"Because of the following rule",
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"message":"Go back",
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes",
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
@ -563,6 +623,38 @@
"message":"Open dashboard",
"message":"a minute ago",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} minutes ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"an hour ago",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"{{value}} hours ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"a day ago",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"{{value}} days ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"Network error: Unable to connect to {{url}}",


@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"description":"this will be used as short description in web stores: MUST BE 132 characters OR LESS"
"message":"µMatrix — Dashboard",
"message":"uMatrix — Dashboard",
@ -76,21 +76,17 @@
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.\nRequests blocked through matrix filtering on this page: {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
"message":"Save all temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the persist button"
"message":"Remove temporary changes for this scope.",
"message":"Revert temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"message":"Reload the page.",
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
@ -105,18 +101,30 @@
"message":"Strict HTTPS",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"User agent spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Referrer spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to request log",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to dashboard",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
@ -156,7 +164,7 @@
"message":"Chromium: Behind the scene",
"message":"Behind the scene",
@ -228,7 +236,7 @@
"description":"Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>µMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>uMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"description":"To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
@ -236,7 +244,7 @@
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Settings",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Settings",
@ -280,7 +288,7 @@
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
@ -291,8 +299,16 @@
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Show the number of distinct requests on the icon",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Collapse placeholder of blocked elements",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
@ -300,7 +316,7 @@
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>µMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>µMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>µMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>uMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>uMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>uMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
@ -312,7 +328,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> when using a Chromium-based browser. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> in some browsers. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
@ -332,7 +348,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>µMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>uMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
@ -340,7 +356,7 @@
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
@ -372,11 +388,11 @@
"message":"Chromium: behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"Behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"<p>According to <a href='https:\/\/\/intl\/en\/chrome\/browser\/privacy\/whitepaper.html'>Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper<\/a>, <i>Chromium<\/i> might send HTTP requests to <i>Google<\/i> without the user expressly visiting a web page. Let's call these special requests <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests. Also, other installed browser extensions can send <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> HTTP requests.<\/p><p><i>µMatrix<\/i> lets you intercept and treat these requests like any other request: they can be processed in order to allow\/block them as per your whitelist\/blacklist.<\/p><p>Click the extension icon while viewing this page to get started. Required reading: <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Behind-the-scene-requests'>Behind-the-scene requests<\/a>.<\/p><div class='warn'><p><span style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>Beware!<\/span> Blocking <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> net requests is potentially causing <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/issues\/27'>an issue<\/a> when the user wants to install an extension from the Chrome store (including maybe preventing extensions from being updated), hence the ability to disable the feature here. Blocking can also cause other installed extensions to not work properly (those querying for remote data).<\/p><p>Even if this feature is not enabled, <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests are still logged by <i>µMatrix<\/i>. You can inspect these requests on the <a href='dashboard.html#statistics'>Statistics<\/a> page.<\/p>",
@ -435,6 +451,10 @@
"message":"{{used}} used out of {{total}}",
"message":"Last update: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Apply changes",
@ -528,7 +548,7 @@
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and µMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and uMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
@ -547,8 +567,48 @@
"message":"Caution! this will remove all your custom settings. Are you sure you want to proceed?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"filter expression(s)",
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"message":"spoofing user agent with: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"cookie deleted: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"browser cache cleared",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"failed to delete cookie: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"asset updated: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"Because of the following rule",
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"message":"Go back",
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes",
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
@ -563,6 +623,38 @@
"message":"Open dashboard",
"message":"a minute ago",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} minutes ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"an hour ago",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"{{value}} hours ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"a day ago",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"{{value}} days ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"Network error: Unable to connect to {{url}}",


@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"description":"this will be used as short description in web stores: MUST BE 132 characters OR LESS"
"message":"µMatrix — Dashboard",
"message":"uMatrix — Dashboard",
@ -76,21 +76,17 @@
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.\nRequests blocked through matrix filtering on this page: {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
"message":"Save all temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the persist button"
"message":"Remove temporary changes for this scope.",
"message":"Revert temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"message":"Reload the page.",
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
@ -105,18 +101,30 @@
"message":"Strict HTTPS",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"User agent spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Referrer spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to request log",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to dashboard",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
@ -156,7 +164,7 @@
"message":"Chromium: Behind the scene",
"message":"Behind the scene",
@ -228,7 +236,7 @@
"description":"Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>µMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>uMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"description":"To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
@ -236,7 +244,7 @@
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Settings",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Settings",
@ -280,7 +288,7 @@
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
@ -291,8 +299,16 @@
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Show the number of distinct requests on the icon",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Collapse placeholder of blocked elements",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
@ -300,7 +316,7 @@
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>µMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>µMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>µMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>uMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>uMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>uMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
@ -312,7 +328,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> when using a Chromium-based browser. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> in some browsers. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
@ -332,7 +348,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>µMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>uMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
@ -340,7 +356,7 @@
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
@ -372,11 +388,11 @@
"message":"Chromium: behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"Behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"<p>According to <a href='https:\/\/\/intl\/en\/chrome\/browser\/privacy\/whitepaper.html'>Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper<\/a>, <i>Chromium<\/i> might send HTTP requests to <i>Google<\/i> without the user expressly visiting a web page. Let's call these special requests <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests. Also, other installed browser extensions can send <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> HTTP requests.<\/p><p><i>µMatrix<\/i> lets you intercept and treat these requests like any other request: they can be processed in order to allow\/block them as per your whitelist\/blacklist.<\/p><p>Click the extension icon while viewing this page to get started. Required reading: <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Behind-the-scene-requests'>Behind-the-scene requests<\/a>.<\/p><div class='warn'><p><span style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>Beware!<\/span> Blocking <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> net requests is potentially causing <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/issues\/27'>an issue<\/a> when the user wants to install an extension from the Chrome store (including maybe preventing extensions from being updated), hence the ability to disable the feature here. Blocking can also cause other installed extensions to not work properly (those querying for remote data).<\/p><p>Even if this feature is not enabled, <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests are still logged by <i>µMatrix<\/i>. You can inspect these requests on the <a href='dashboard.html#statistics'>Statistics<\/a> page.<\/p>",
@ -435,6 +451,10 @@
"message":"{{used}} used out of {{total}}",
"message":"Last update: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Apply changes",
@ -528,7 +548,7 @@
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and µMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and uMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
@ -547,8 +567,48 @@
"message":"Caution! this will remove all your custom settings. Are you sure you want to proceed?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"filter expression(s)",
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"message":"spoofing user agent with: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"cookie deleted: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"browser cache cleared",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"failed to delete cookie: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"asset updated: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"Because of the following rule",
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"message":"Go back",
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes",
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
@ -563,6 +623,38 @@
"message":"Open dashboard",
"message":"a minute ago",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} minutes ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"an hour ago",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"{{value}} hours ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"a day ago",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"{{value}} days ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"Network error: Unable to connect to {{url}}",


@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"description":"this will be used as short description in web stores: MUST BE 132 characters OR LESS"
"message":"µMatrix — Dashboard",
"message":"uMatrix — Dashboard",
@ -76,21 +76,17 @@
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.\nRequests blocked through matrix filtering on this page: {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
"message":"Save all temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the persist button"
"message":"Remove temporary changes for this scope.",
"message":"Revert temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"message":"Reload the page.",
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
@ -105,18 +101,30 @@
"message":"Strict HTTPS",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"User agent spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Referrer spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to request log",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to dashboard",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
@ -156,7 +164,7 @@
"message":"Chromium: Behind the scene",
"message":"Behind the scene",
@ -228,7 +236,7 @@
"description":"Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>µMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>uMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"description":"To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
@ -236,7 +244,7 @@
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Settings",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Settings",
@ -280,7 +288,7 @@
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
@ -291,8 +299,16 @@
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Show the number of distinct requests on the icon",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Collapse placeholder of blocked elements",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
@ -300,7 +316,7 @@
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>µMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>µMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>µMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>uMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>uMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>uMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
@ -312,7 +328,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> when using a Chromium-based browser. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> in some browsers. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
@ -332,7 +348,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>µMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>uMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
@ -340,7 +356,7 @@
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
@ -372,11 +388,11 @@
"message":"Chromium: behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"Behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"<p>According to <a href='https:\/\/\/intl\/en\/chrome\/browser\/privacy\/whitepaper.html'>Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper<\/a>, <i>Chromium<\/i> might send HTTP requests to <i>Google<\/i> without the user expressly visiting a web page. Let's call these special requests <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests. Also, other installed browser extensions can send <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> HTTP requests.<\/p><p><i>µMatrix<\/i> lets you intercept and treat these requests like any other request: they can be processed in order to allow\/block them as per your whitelist\/blacklist.<\/p><p>Click the extension icon while viewing this page to get started. Required reading: <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Behind-the-scene-requests'>Behind-the-scene requests<\/a>.<\/p><div class='warn'><p><span style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>Beware!<\/span> Blocking <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> net requests is potentially causing <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/issues\/27'>an issue<\/a> when the user wants to install an extension from the Chrome store (including maybe preventing extensions from being updated), hence the ability to disable the feature here. Blocking can also cause other installed extensions to not work properly (those querying for remote data).<\/p><p>Even if this feature is not enabled, <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests are still logged by <i>µMatrix<\/i>. You can inspect these requests on the <a href='dashboard.html#statistics'>Statistics<\/a> page.<\/p>",
@ -435,6 +451,10 @@
"message":"{{used}} used out of {{total}}",
"message":"Last update: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Apply changes",
@ -528,7 +548,7 @@
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and µMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and uMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
@ -547,8 +567,48 @@
"message":"Caution! this will remove all your custom settings. Are you sure you want to proceed?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"filter expression(s)",
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"message":"spoofing user agent with: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"cookie deleted: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"browser cache cleared",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"failed to delete cookie: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"asset updated: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"Because of the following rule",
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"message":"Go back",
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes",
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
@ -563,6 +623,38 @@
"message":"Open dashboard",
"message":"a minute ago",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} minutes ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"an hour ago",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"{{value}} hours ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"a day ago",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"{{value}} days ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"Network error: Unable to connect to {{url}}",


@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
"description":"a tab in dashboard"
"message":"Alan dosyaları",
"message":"Alan adı dosyaları",
"description":"a tab in dashboard"
@ -76,8 +76,8 @@
"message":"Bu kapsam için matris süzgecini devre dışı bırak\/etkinleştir.\nBu sayfada matris süzgeciyle engellenen istekler: {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"message":"Bu kapsam için matris süzgecini devre dışı bırak\/etkinleştir.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
"message":"Bu kapsam için geçici değişikliklerin tümünü kaydet.",
@ -87,10 +87,6 @@
"message":"Bu kapsam için geçici değişiklikleri kaldır.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"message":"Geçici değişikliklerin tümünü kaldır.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"message":"Sayfayı yeniden yükle.",
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
@ -105,15 +101,27 @@
"message":"Katı HTTPS",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Kullanıcı aracı aldatma",
"message":"Kullanıcı aracı aldat",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Başvuran aldatma",
"message":"Başvuran aldat",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Geçici değişikliklerin tümünü geri al",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"İstek günlüğüne git",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Kontrol paneline git",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; İstatistikleri",
@ -280,7 +288,7 @@
"message":"Matristen bir veya daha fazla sayfanın görünümünü ve\/veya davranışını etkileyebilecek değişiklikler yapıldığında, <i>µMatrix<\/i> matris kapatıldığında etkilenen sayfaları yeniden yükleyecektir.",
"message":"Matristen sayfa görünümünü ve\/veya davranışını etkileyebilecek değişiklikler yaptığınızda, <i>µMatrix<\/i> bunlardan etkilenen sayfaları matris kapatıldığında otomatik olarak yeniden yükleyecektir.",
@ -291,6 +299,14 @@
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Farklı isteklerin sayısını simge üzerinde göster",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Engellenmiş elementlerin yertutucularını daralt",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Gizlilik",
@ -340,7 +356,7 @@
"message":"<p>Wikipedia'dan:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP başvuran bilgisi bir web sayfasına hangi bağlantıdan geldiğinizi içeren HTTP başlığıdır. ... <b>Çünkü başvuran bilgisi gizliliğinizi ihlal edebilir, bazı web tarayıcıları bu bilginin gönderimini devre dışı bırakmanıza izin verebilir.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>Bu ayar işaretliyse, <i>µMatrix<\/i> HTTP başvuran bilgisinin alan adı istek yapılan alan adına göre üçüncü taraf ise bu bilgiyi aldatacaktır.",
"message":"<p>Wikipedia'dan:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP başvuran bilgisi bir web sayfasına hangi bağlantıdan geldiğinizi içeren HTTP başlığıdır. ... <b>Çünkü başvuran bilgisi gizliliğinizi ihlal edebilir, bazı web tarayıcıları bu bilginin gönderimini devre dışı bırakmanıza izin verebilir.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>Bu ayar işaretliyse, <i>µMatrix<\/i> HTTP başvuran bilgisinin alan adı, istek yapılan alan adına göre üçüncü taraf ise bu bilgiyi aldatacaktır.",
@ -424,7 +440,7 @@
"description":"default file name to use"
"message":"Alan dosyasındaki tüm alan adları genel kapsamda kara listeye yüklenir.",
"message":"Alan adı dosyasındaki tüm alan adları genel kapsamda kara listeye yüklenir.",
@ -435,12 +451,16 @@
"message":"{{total}} süzgecin {{used}} adedi kullanıldı",
"message":"Son güncelleme: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Değişiklikleri uygula",
"message":"Alan dosyalarını otomatik olarak güncelle.",
"message":"Alan adı dosyalarını otomatik olarak güncelle.",
@ -547,8 +567,48 @@
"message":"Uyarı! Bu işlem tüm kişisel ayarlarınızı kaldıracaktır. Devam etmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"filtre ifadeleri",
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"message":"kullanıcı aracı bununla aldatılıyor: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"çerez silindi: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"tarayıcı önbelleği temizlendi",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"çerez silme başarısız: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"liste güncellendi: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix aşağıdaki sayfaların yüklenmesini engelledi:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"Bu kural nedeniyle",
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"message":"Geri git",
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"Geçici değişikliklerin tümünü kaldır",
"message":"Geçici değişikliklerin tümünü geri al",
@ -563,6 +623,38 @@
"message":"Kontrol paneli aç",
"message":"dakika önce",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} dakika önce",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"saat önce",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"{{value}} saat önce",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"gün önce",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"{{value}} gün önce",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"Ağ hatası: {{url}} sitesine bağlanılamıyor",


@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"description":"this will be used as short description in web stores: MUST BE 132 characters OR LESS"
"message":"µMatrix — Dashboard",
"message":"uMatrix — Dashboard",
@ -76,21 +76,17 @@
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.\nRequests blocked through matrix filtering on this page: {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
"message":"Save all temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the persist button"
"message":"Remove temporary changes for this scope.",
"message":"Revert temporary changes for this scope.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"message":"Reload the page.",
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
@ -105,18 +101,30 @@
"message":"Strict HTTPS",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"User agent spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Referrer spoofing",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to request log",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to dashboard",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
@ -156,7 +164,7 @@
"message":"Chromium: Behind the scene",
"message":"Behind the scene",
@ -228,7 +236,7 @@
"description":"Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>µMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>uMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"description":"To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
@ -236,7 +244,7 @@
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Settings",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Settings",
@ -280,7 +288,7 @@
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
@ -291,8 +299,16 @@
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Show the number of distinct requests on the icon",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Collapse placeholder of blocked elements",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
"message":"uMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
@ -300,7 +316,7 @@
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>µMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>µMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>µMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>uMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>uMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>uMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
@ -312,7 +328,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> when using a Chromium-based browser. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> in some browsers. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
@ -332,7 +348,7 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>µMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>uMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
@ -340,7 +356,7 @@
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
@ -372,11 +388,11 @@
"message":"Chromium: behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"Behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"<p>According to <a href='https:\/\/\/intl\/en\/chrome\/browser\/privacy\/whitepaper.html'>Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper<\/a>, <i>Chromium<\/i> might send HTTP requests to <i>Google<\/i> without the user expressly visiting a web page. Let's call these special requests <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests. Also, other installed browser extensions can send <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> HTTP requests.<\/p><p><i>µMatrix<\/i> lets you intercept and treat these requests like any other request: they can be processed in order to allow\/block them as per your whitelist\/blacklist.<\/p><p>Click the extension icon while viewing this page to get started. Required reading: <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Behind-the-scene-requests'>Behind-the-scene requests<\/a>.<\/p><div class='warn'><p><span style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>Beware!<\/span> Blocking <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> net requests is potentially causing <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/issues\/27'>an issue<\/a> when the user wants to install an extension from the Chrome store (including maybe preventing extensions from being updated), hence the ability to disable the feature here. Blocking can also cause other installed extensions to not work properly (those querying for remote data).<\/p><p>Even if this feature is not enabled, <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests are still logged by <i>µMatrix<\/i>. You can inspect these requests on the <a href='dashboard.html#statistics'>Statistics<\/a> page.<\/p>",
@ -435,6 +451,10 @@
"message":"{{used}} used out of {{total}}",
"message":"Last update: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Apply changes",
@ -528,7 +548,7 @@
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and µMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and uMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
@ -547,8 +567,48 @@
"message":"Caution! this will remove all your custom settings. Are you sure you want to proceed?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"filter expression(s)",
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"message":"spoofing user agent with: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"cookie deleted: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"browser cache cleared",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"failed to delete cookie: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"asset updated: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"Because of the following rule",
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"message":"Go back",
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes",
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
@ -563,6 +623,38 @@
"message":"Open dashboard",
"message":"a minute ago",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} minutes ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"an hour ago",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"{{value}} hours ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"a day ago",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"{{value}} days ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"Network error: Unable to connect to {{url}}",


@ -4,39 +4,39 @@
"message":"Point & click to forbid\/allow any class of requests made by your browser. Use it to block scripts, iframes, ads, facebook, etc.",
"message":"Di chuyển & click để chặn\/cho phép bất kỳ lớp yêu cầu nào được trình duyệt tạo ra. Dùng nó để chặn script, iframe, quảng cáo, facebook...",
"description":"this will be used as short description in web stores: MUST BE 132 characters OR LESS"
"message":"µMatrix — Dashboard",
"message":"µMatrix — Bảng điều khiển",
"message":"Cấu hình",
"description":"a tab in dashboard"
"message":"Riêng tư",
"description":"a tab in dashboard"
"message":"Thống kê",
"description":"a tab in dashboard"
"message":"My rules",
"message":"Quy tắc riêng",
"description":"a tab in dashboard"
"message":"Hosts files",
"message":"Tập tin máy chủ",
"description":"a tab in dashboard"
"message":"Thông tin",
"description":"a tab in dashboard"
"message":"tất cả",
"description":"HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
"description":"HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
"description":"HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
@ -68,123 +68,131 @@
"description":"HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
"description":"HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
"message":"No net traffic seen for this tab so far.",
"message":"Chưa phát hiện lưu lượng mạng trong thẻ này.",
"message":"Disable\/enable matrix filtering for this scope.\nRequests blocked through matrix filtering on this page: {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"message":"Vô hiệu\/kích hoạt lọc ma trận cho phạm vi này.\nYêu cầu đã chặn thông qua lọc ma trận trên trang này: {{count}}.",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
"message":"Save all temporary changes for this scope.",
"message":"Lưu tất cả thay đổi tạm thời cho phạm vi này.",
"description":"Tool tip for the persist button"
"message":"Remove temporary changes for this scope.",
"message":"Xoá thay đổi tạm thời của phạm vị này.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes.",
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"message":"Reload the page.",
"message":"Tải lại trang.",
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
"message":"bên thứ nhất",
"message":"{{count}} blacklisted hostname(s)",
"message":"{{count}} tên máy chủ trong danh sách đen",
"description":"Appears in the metadata row of bottom-most group: **mind the limited width**"
"message":"Strict HTTPS",
"message":"HTTPS nghiêm ngặt",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"User agent spoofing",
"message":"Giả đại diện trình duyệt",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Referrer spoofing",
"message":"Giả tham chiếu",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Revert all temporary changes",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to request log",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"Go to dashboard",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Statistics",
"message":"Thống kê µMatrix",
"message":"Generic statistics",
"message":"Thống kê tổng quát",
"message":"<a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/HTTP_cookie'>HTTP cookie<\/a> headers foiled: {{count}}",
"message":"<a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/HTTP_cookie'>Đầu mục cookie HTTP<\/a> bị chặn: {{count}}",
"message":"<a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/HTTP_referer'>HTTP referer<\/a> headers foiled: {{count}}",
"message":"<a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/HTTP_cookie'>Đầu mục tham chiếu HTTP<\/a> bị chặn: {{count}}",
"message":"<a href='http:\/\/\/specs\/web-apps\/current-work\/multipage\/links.html#hyperlink-auditing'>Hyperlink auditing<\/a> attempts foiled: {{count}}",
"message":"<a href='http:\/\/\/specs\/web-apps\/current-work\/multipage\/links.html#hyperlink-auditing'>Cố gắng kiểm tra siêu liên kết<\/a> bị chặn: {{count}}",
"message":"Local cookies removed: {{count}}",
"message":"Cookie trên máy đã xoá: {{count}}",
"message":"<a href='http:\/\/\/storage.html'>Local storages<\/a> emptied: {{count}}",
"message":"<a href='http:\/\/\/storage.html'>Lưu trữ trên máy<\/a> đã làm rỗng: {{count}}",
"message":"Browser caches cleared: {{count}}",
"message":"Bộ đệm trình duyệt đã xoá: {{count}}",
"message":"Detailed statistics",
"message":"Thống kê chi tiết",
"message":"Tất cả",
"message":"Chromium: Behind the scene",
"message":"Bí mật của Chromium",
"message":"Tổng quan",
"message":"Yêu cầu",
"description":"header for the stat type column"
"message":"Đã cho phép",
"description":"header for the allowed requests column"
"message":"Đã chặn",
"description":"header for the blocked requests column"
"message":"Tất cả",
@ -192,127 +200,135 @@
"message":"Request log",
"message":"Nhật ký yêu cầu",
"message":"Remember the last",
"message":"Nhớ mục cuối",
"description":"First part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"HTTP requests <b>per page<\/b>.",
"message":"Yêu cầu HTTP <b>mỗi trang<\/b>.",
"description":"Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>µMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter &ldquo;<code>0<\/code>&rdquo; to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>uMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"description":"To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
"message":"Tải lại",
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Settings",
"message":"Cài đặt µMatrix",
"message":"Diện mạo",
"message":"Text size:",
"message":"Cỡ chữ:",
"message":"Color-blind friendly",
"message":"Thân thiện với người mù màu",
"message":"Tiện lợi",
"description":"English: Convenience"
"message":"When the matrix is closed, smart reload these tabs:",
"message":"Khi đã đóng ma trận, tải lại thông minh những thẻ này:",
"message":"Không có",
"message":"Hiện tại",
"message":"Tất cả",
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
"message":"Bất cứ khi nào bạn tạo ra thay đổi trong ma trận có thể ảnh hưởng đến việc hiển thị và\/hoặc hành vi của một hoặc nhiều trang, <i>µMatrix<\/i> sẽ tự tải lại trang được ảnh hưởng khi bạn đóng ma trận.",
"message":"Blocked frames:&ensp;Color",
"message":"Đã chặn frame:&ensp;Màu",
"description":"English: Blocked frames:&ensp;Color"
"message":"Độ mờ",
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Show the number of distinct requests on the icon",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Collapse placeholder of blocked elements",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Privacy",
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; Riêng tư",
"message":"Delete blocked cookies.",
"message":"Xoá cookie đã chặn.",
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>µMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>µMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>µMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>uMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>uMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>uMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
"message":"Delete non-blocked session cookies ",
"message":"Xoá cookie phiên làm việc không được chặn ",
"description":"First part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"message":" minutes after the last time they have been used.",
"message":" phút sau lần cuối chúng được dùng.",
"description":"Second part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> when using a Chromium-based browser. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: &ldquo;A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.&rdquo;<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> in some browsers. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
@ -324,15 +340,15 @@
"message":"Clear browser cache every",
"message":"Xoá bộ đệm trình duyệt mỗi",
"description":"First part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"description":"Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>µMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup style='font-size:smaller'>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>uMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p style='font-size:smaller'>[1] <a href='https:\/\/\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>&ldquo;Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache&rdquo;<\/a><br>[2] <a href='http:\/\/\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>&ldquo;Cookieless cookies&rdquo;<\/a><\/p>",
@ -340,11 +356,11 @@
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>µMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
"message":"<p>From Wikipedia:<\/p><blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote><p>If this setting is checked, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
"message":"Strict HTTPS: forbid mixed content.",
"message":"HTTPS nghiêm ngặt: chặn nội dung hỗn hợp.",
@ -364,7 +380,7 @@
"description":"First part of UA-spoofing prompt"
"description":"Second part"
@ -372,51 +388,51 @@
"message":"Chromium: behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"Behind-the-scene requests",
"message":"<p>According to <a href='https:\/\/\/intl\/en\/chrome\/browser\/privacy\/whitepaper.html'>Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper<\/a>, <i>Chromium<\/i> might send HTTP requests to <i>Google<\/i> without the user expressly visiting a web page. Let's call these special requests <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests. Also, other installed browser extensions can send <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> HTTP requests.<\/p><p><i>µMatrix<\/i> lets you intercept and treat these requests like any other request: they can be processed in order to allow\/block them as per your whitelist\/blacklist.<\/p><p>Click the extension icon while viewing this page to get started. Required reading: <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Behind-the-scene-requests'>Behind-the-scene requests<\/a>.<\/p><div class='warn'><p><span style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>Beware!<\/span> Blocking <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> net requests is potentially causing <a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/issues\/27'>an issue<\/a> when the user wants to install an extension from the Chrome store (including maybe preventing extensions from being updated), hence the ability to disable the feature here. Blocking can also cause other installed extensions to not work properly (those querying for remote data).<\/p><p>Even if this feature is not enabled, <strong>behind-the-scene<\/strong> requests are still logged by <i>µMatrix<\/i>. You can inspect these requests on the <a href='dashboard.html#statistics'>Statistics<\/a> page.<\/p>",
"message":"Permanent rules",
"message":"Quy tắc vĩnh viễn",
"message":"Temporary rules",
"message":"Quy tắc tạm thời",
"message":"Phục hồi",
"description":"Will remove all temporary rules"
"message":"Xác nhận",
"description":"Will save all temporary rules"
"description":"Will enable manual-edit mode (textarea)"
"description":"Will save manually-edited content and exit manual-edit mode"
"description":"Will discard manually-edited content and exit manual-edit mode"
"message":"Import from file...",
"message":"Nhập từ tập tin...",
"message":"Export to file...",
"message":"Xuất ra tập tin...",
"message":"See this page for rule syntax.",
"message":"Xem trang này để biết quy tắc cú pháp.",
@ -424,99 +440,103 @@
"description":"default file name to use"
"message":"All hostnames in a hosts file are loaded as blacklisted hostnames in the global scope.",
"message":"Tất cả tên máy chủ trong tập tin máy chủ được nạp là tên máy chủ trong danh sách đen trong phạm vi chung.",
"message":"{{blockedHostnameCount}} distinct blocked hostnames from:",
"message":"{{blockedHostnameCount}} tên máy chủ đã chặn khác biệt từ:",
"message":"{{used}} used out of {{total}}",
"message":"{{used}} được dùng trên tổng {{total}}",
"message":"Last update: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Apply changes",
"message":"Áp dụng thay đổi",
"message":"Auto-update hosts files.",
"message":"Tự động cập nhật tập tin máy chủ.",
"message":"Update now",
"message":"Cập nhật ngay",
"message":"Purge all caches",
"message":"Dọn tất cả bộ đệm",
"message":"One URL per line. Lines prefixed with &lsquo;#&rsquo; will be ignored. Invalid URLs will be silently ignored.",
"message":"Một URL mỗi dòng. Các dòng bắt đầu với &lsquo;#&rsquo; sẽ được bỏ qua. URL không hợp lệ sẽ được tự bỏ qua.",
"message":"Phân tích",
"message":"purge cache",
"message":"dọn bộ đệm",
"message":"new version available",
"message":"có phiên bản mới",
"message":"đã cũ",
"message":"<a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/uMatrix\/releases'>Change log<\/a>",
"message":"<a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/uMatrix\/releases'>Thay đổi<\/a>",
"message":"Storage used: {{storageUsed}} bytes",
"message":"Lưu trữ đã dùng: {{storageUsed}} byte",
"message":"<a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/uMatrix\/wiki'>Documentation<\/a>",
"message":"<a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/uMatrix\/wiki'>Tài liệu<\/a>",
"message":"<a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Permissions'>Permissions<\/a>",
"message":"<a href='https:\/\/\/gorhill\/httpswitchboard\/wiki\/Permissions'>Quyền<\/a>",
"message":"Source code (GPLv3)",
"message":"Mã nguồn (GPLv3)",
"message":"Bugs and issues",
"message":"Lỗi và vấn đề",
"message":"Những người đóng góp",
"description":"English: Contributors"
"message":"Vấn đề:",
"message":"Bản dịch:",
"message":"Your data",
"message":"Dữ liệu của bạn",
"message":"Backup to file...",
"message":"Sao lưu ra tập tin...",
@ -524,47 +544,119 @@
"description":"default filename to use"
"message":"Restore from file...",
"message":"Phục hồi từ tập tin...",
"message":"All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and µMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?",
"message":"Mọi cấu hình của bạn sẽ được thay thế bằng dữ liệu đã sao lưu vào {{time}}, và µMatrix sẽ khởi động lại.\n\nGhi đè tất cả cấu hình hiện tại bằng dữ liệu đã sao lưu?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
"message":"The data could not be read or is invalid",
"message":"Không thể đọc dữ liệu hoặc dữ liệu không hợp lệ",
"message":"... or ...",
"message":"... hoặc ...",
"description":"English: ... or ..."
"message":"Reset to default settings",
"message":"Phục hồi cấu hình mặc định",
"description":"English: Reset to default settings"
"message":"Caution! this will remove all your custom settings. Are you sure you want to proceed?",
"message":"Cẩn trọng! Điều này sẽ xoá tất cả cấu hình tuỳ chỉnh của bạn. Bạn chắc muốn tiến hành?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"filter expression(s)",
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"message":"spoofing user agent with: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"cookie deleted: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"browser cache cleared",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"failed to delete cookie: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"asset updated: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"Because of the following rule",
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"message":"Go back",
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"Remove all temporary changes",
"message":"Xoá tất cả thay đổi tạm thời",
"message":"Temporarily whitelist page domain",
"message":"Tạm thời thêm tên miền trang vào danh sách an toàn",
"message":"Temporarily whitelist all",
"message":"Tạm thời thêm tất cả vào danh sách an toàn",
"message":"Open dashboard",
"message":"Mở bảng điều khiển",
"message":"a minute ago",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} minutes ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"an hour ago",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"{{value}} hours ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"a day ago",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"{{value}} days ago",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"Network error: Unable to connect to {{url}}",
"message":"Lỗi mạng: Không thể kết nối đến {{url}}",


@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
"description":"HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
"description":"HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
@ -68,16 +68,16 @@
"description":"HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
"description":"HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!"
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests."
"message":"在此作用域下禁用\/启用 matrix 过滤功能。\n此页面上已被 matrix 过滤所阻止的请求共计:{{count}}个。",
"description":"Tool tip for matrix button"
@ -87,10 +87,6 @@
"description":"Tool tip for the revert local permission button"
"description":"Tool tip for the revert all permissions button"
"description":"Tool tip for the reload button"
@ -105,34 +101,46 @@
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"伪装User agent",
"message":"伪装 User Agent",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"伪装 Referrer",
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"description":"A menu entry in the matrix popup"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; 统计",
"message":"已阻止的<a href='http:\/\/\/wiki\/Cookie'>HTTP cookie<\/a>请求头:{{count}}",
"message":"已阻止<a href='http:\/\/\/wiki\/Cookie'>HTTP Cookie<\/a>请求头:{{count}}次",
"message":"已阻止<a href='http:\/\/\/wiki\/HTTP%E5%8F%82%E7%85%A7%E4%BD%8D%E5%9D%80'>HTTP来源地址<\/a>请求头:{{count}}",
"message":"已阻止<a href='http:\/\/\/wiki\/HTTP%E5%8F%82%E7%85%A7%E4%BD%8D%E5%9D%80'>HTTP来源地址<\/a>请求头:{{count}}",
"message":"已阻止<a href='http:\/\/\/specs\/web-apps\/current-work\/multipage\/links.html#hyperlink-auditing'>超链接审计<\/a>尝试:{{count}}",
"message":"已阻止<a href='http:\/\/\/specs\/web-apps\/current-work\/multipage\/links.html#hyperlink-auditing'>超链接审计<\/a>尝试:{{count}}",
@ -204,7 +212,7 @@
@ -291,12 +299,20 @@
"description":"English: Opacity"
"message":"Show the number of distinct requests on the icon",
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"µMatrix &ndash; 隐私",
@ -435,6 +451,10 @@
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
@ -547,6 +567,46 @@
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"Cookie 已删除:{{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"删除 Cookie 失败:{{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"asset updated: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix 已阻止下列页面被载入:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"description":"English: Because of the following rule"
"description":"English: Go back"
"description":"English: Close"
@ -563,6 +623,38 @@
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} 分钟前",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"{{value}} 小时前",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"{{value}} 天前",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"网络错误:无法连接到 {{url}}",


@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ rm -r $ARCDIR
unzip -q $DLDIR/ -d $ARCDIR
# Add-on strings
cp $SRCDIR/am_ET/messages.json $DESDIR/am/messages.json
