Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Functions
fuse.h File Reference
#include "fuse_common.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <utime.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/statvfs.h>
#include <sys/uio.h>
#include "fuse_compat.h"

Data Structures

struct  fuse_operations
struct  fuse_context
struct  fuse_module


#define fuse_main(argc, argv, op, user_data)   fuse_main_real(argc, argv, op, sizeof(*(op)), user_data)
#define FUSE_REGISTER_MODULE(name_, factory_)
#define fuse_main   fuse_main_compat2


typedef int(* fuse_fill_dir_t )(void *buf, const char *name, const struct stat *stbuf, off_t off)
typedef void(* fuse_processor_t )(struct fuse *, struct fuse_cmd *, void *)


struct fuse * fuse_new (struct fuse_chan *ch, struct fuse_args *args, const struct fuse_operations *op, size_t op_size, void *user_data)
void fuse_destroy (struct fuse *f)
int fuse_loop (struct fuse *f)
void fuse_exit (struct fuse *f)
int fuse_loop_mt (struct fuse *f)
struct fuse_contextfuse_get_context (void)
int fuse_getgroups (int size, gid_t list[])
int fuse_interrupted (void)
int fuse_invalidate (struct fuse *f, const char *path)
int fuse_main_real (int argc, char *argv[], const struct fuse_operations *op, size_t op_size, void *user_data)
int fuse_start_cleanup_thread (struct fuse *fuse)
void fuse_stop_cleanup_thread (struct fuse *fuse)
int fuse_clean_cache (struct fuse *fuse)
struct fuse_fs * fuse_fs_new (const struct fuse_operations *op, size_t op_size, void *user_data)
void fuse_register_module (struct fuse_module *mod)
struct fuse * fuse_setup (int argc, char *argv[], const struct fuse_operations *op, size_t op_size, char **mountpoint, int *multithreaded, void *user_data)
void fuse_teardown (struct fuse *fuse, char *mountpoint)
struct fuse_cmd * fuse_read_cmd (struct fuse *f)
void fuse_process_cmd (struct fuse *f, struct fuse_cmd *cmd)
int fuse_loop_mt_proc (struct fuse *f, fuse_processor_t proc, void *data)
int fuse_exited (struct fuse *f)
void fuse_set_getcontext_func (struct fuse_context *(*func)(void))
struct fuse_session * fuse_get_session (struct fuse *f)

Detailed Description

This file defines the library interface of FUSE

IMPORTANT: you should define FUSE_USE_VERSION before including this header. To use the newest API define it to 26 (recommended for any new application), to use the old API define it to 21 (default) 22 or 25, to use the even older 1.X API define it to 11.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define fuse_main (   argc,
)    fuse_main_real(argc, argv, op, sizeof(*(op)), user_data)

Main function of FUSE.

This is for the lazy. This is all that has to be called from the main() function.

This function does the following:

  • parses command line options (-d -s and -h)
  • passes relevant mount options to the fuse_mount()
  • installs signal handlers for INT, HUP, TERM and PIPE
  • registers an exit handler to unmount the filesystem on program exit
  • creates a fuse handle
  • registers the operations
  • calls either the single-threaded or the multi-threaded event loop

Note: this is currently implemented as a macro.

argcthe argument counter passed to the main() function
argvthe argument vector passed to the main() function
opthe file system operation
user_datauser data supplied in the context during the init() method
0 on success, nonzero on failure
#define fuse_main   fuse_main_compat2

Main function of FUSE.

This is for the lazy. This is all that has to be called from the main() function.

This function does the following:

  • parses command line options (-d -s and -h)
  • passes relevant mount options to the fuse_mount()
  • installs signal handlers for INT, HUP, TERM and PIPE
  • registers an exit handler to unmount the filesystem on program exit
  • creates a fuse handle
  • registers the operations
  • calls either the single-threaded or the multi-threaded event loop

Note: this is currently implemented as a macro.

argcthe argument counter passed to the main() function
argvthe argument vector passed to the main() function
opthe file system operation
user_datauser data supplied in the context during the init() method
0 on success, nonzero on failure
#define FUSE_REGISTER_MODULE (   name_,
static __attribute__((constructor)) void name_ ## _register(void) \
{ \
static struct fuse_module mod = \
{ #name_, factory_, NULL, NULL, 0 }; \
fuse_register_module(&mod); \

Register filesystem module

For the parameters, see description of the fields in 'struct fuse_module'

Typedef Documentation

typedef int(* fuse_fill_dir_t)(void *buf, const char *name, const struct stat *stbuf, off_t off)

Function to add an entry in a readdir() operation

bufthe buffer passed to the readdir() operation
namethe file name of the directory entry
statfile attributes, can be NULL
offoffset of the next entry or zero
1 if buffer is full, zero otherwise
typedef void(* fuse_processor_t)(struct fuse *, struct fuse_cmd *, void *)

Function type used to process commands

Function Documentation

int fuse_clean_cache ( struct fuse *  fuse)

Iterate over cache removing stale entries use in conjunction with "-oremember"

NOTE: This is already done for the standard sessions

fusestruct fuse pointer for fuse instance
the number of seconds until the next cleanup
void fuse_destroy ( struct fuse *  f)

Destroy the FUSE handle.

The communication channel attached to the handle is also destroyed.

NOTE: This function does not unmount the filesystem. If this is needed, call fuse_unmount() before calling this function.

fthe FUSE handle
void fuse_exit ( struct fuse *  f)

Exit from event loop

fthe FUSE handle
int fuse_exited ( struct fuse *  f)

Return the exited flag, which indicates if fuse_exit() has been called

struct fuse_fs* fuse_fs_new ( const struct fuse_operations op,
size_t  op_size,
void *  user_data 

Create a new fuse filesystem object

This is usually called from the factory of a fuse module to create a new instance of a filesystem.

opthe filesystem operations
op_sizethe size of the fuse_operations structure
user_datauser data supplied in the context during the init() method
a new filesystem object
struct fuse_context* fuse_get_context ( void  )

Get the current context

The context is only valid for the duration of a filesystem operation, and thus must not be stored and used later.

the context
struct fuse_session* fuse_get_session ( struct fuse *  f)

Get session from fuse object

int fuse_getgroups ( int  size,
gid_t  list[] 

Get the current supplementary group IDs for the current request

Similar to the getgroups(2) system call, except the return value is always the total number of group IDs, even if it is larger than the specified size.

The current fuse kernel module in linux (as of 2.6.30) doesn't pass the group list to userspace, hence this function needs to parse "/proc/$TID/task/$TID/status" to get the group IDs.

This feature may not be supported on all operating systems. In such a case this function will return -ENOSYS.

sizesize of given array
listarray of group IDs to be filled in
the total number of supplementary group IDs or -errno on failure
int fuse_interrupted ( void  )

Check if the current request has already been interrupted

1 if the request has been interrupted, 0 otherwise
int fuse_invalidate ( struct fuse *  f,
const char *  path 

Obsolete, doesn't do anything

int fuse_loop ( struct fuse *  f)

FUSE event loop.

Requests from the kernel are processed, and the appropriate operations are called.

fthe FUSE handle
0 if no error occurred, -1 otherwise
int fuse_loop_mt ( struct fuse *  f)

FUSE event loop with multiple threads

Requests from the kernel are processed, and the appropriate operations are called. Request are processed in parallel by distributing them between multiple threads.

Calling this function requires the pthreads library to be linked to the application.

fthe FUSE handle
0 if no error occurred, -1 otherwise
int fuse_loop_mt_proc ( struct fuse *  f,
fuse_processor_t  proc,
void *  data 

Multi threaded event loop, which calls the custom command processor function

int fuse_main_real ( int  argc,
char *  argv[],
const struct fuse_operations op,
size_t  op_size,
void *  user_data 

The real main function

Do not call this directly, use fuse_main()

struct fuse* fuse_new ( struct fuse_chan *  ch,
struct fuse_args args,
const struct fuse_operations op,
size_t  op_size,
void *  user_data 

Create a new FUSE filesystem.

chthe communication channel
argsargument vector
opthe filesystem operations
op_sizethe size of the fuse_operations structure
user_datauser data supplied in the context during the init() method
the created FUSE handle
void fuse_process_cmd ( struct fuse *  f,
struct fuse_cmd *  cmd 

Process a single command

struct fuse_cmd* fuse_read_cmd ( struct fuse *  f)

Read a single command. If none are read, return NULL

void fuse_register_module ( struct fuse_module mod)

Register a filesystem module

This function is used by FUSE_REGISTER_MODULE and there's usually no need to call it directly

void fuse_set_getcontext_func ( struct fuse_context *(*)(void)  func)

This function is obsolete and implemented as a no-op

struct fuse* fuse_setup ( int  argc,
char *  argv[],
const struct fuse_operations op,
size_t  op_size,
char **  mountpoint,
int *  multithreaded,
void *  user_data 

This is the part of fuse_main() before the event loop

int fuse_start_cleanup_thread ( struct fuse *  fuse)

Start the cleanup thread when using option "remember".

This is done automatically by fuse_loop_mt()

fusestruct fuse pointer for fuse instance
0 on success and -1 on error
void fuse_stop_cleanup_thread ( struct fuse *  fuse)

Stop the cleanup thread when using option "remember".

This is done automatically by fuse_loop_mt()

fusestruct fuse pointer for fuse instance
void fuse_teardown ( struct fuse *  fuse,
char *  mountpoint 

This is the part of fuse_main() after the event loop