Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Functions
fuse_lowlevel.h File Reference
#include "fuse_common.h"
#include <utime.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/statvfs.h>
#include <sys/uio.h>
#include "fuse_lowlevel_compat.h"

Data Structures

struct  fuse_entry_param
struct  fuse_ctx
struct  fuse_lowlevel_ops
struct  fuse_session_ops
struct  fuse_chan_ops


#define FUSE_ROOT_ID   1


typedef unsigned long fuse_ino_t
typedef struct fuse_req * fuse_req_t
typedef void(* fuse_interrupt_func_t )(fuse_req_t req, void *data)


int fuse_reply_err (fuse_req_t req, int err)
void fuse_reply_none (fuse_req_t req)
int fuse_reply_entry (fuse_req_t req, const struct fuse_entry_param *e)
int fuse_reply_create (fuse_req_t req, const struct fuse_entry_param *e, const struct fuse_file_info *fi)
int fuse_reply_attr (fuse_req_t req, const struct stat *attr, double attr_timeout)
int fuse_reply_readlink (fuse_req_t req, const char *link)
int fuse_reply_open (fuse_req_t req, const struct fuse_file_info *fi)
int fuse_reply_write (fuse_req_t req, size_t count)
int fuse_reply_buf (fuse_req_t req, const char *buf, size_t size)
int fuse_reply_data (fuse_req_t req, struct fuse_bufvec *bufv, enum fuse_buf_copy_flags flags)
int fuse_reply_iov (fuse_req_t req, const struct iovec *iov, int count)
int fuse_reply_statfs (fuse_req_t req, const struct statvfs *stbuf)
int fuse_reply_xattr (fuse_req_t req, size_t count)
int fuse_reply_lock (fuse_req_t req, const struct flock *lock)
int fuse_reply_bmap (fuse_req_t req, uint64_t idx)
size_t fuse_add_direntry (fuse_req_t req, char *buf, size_t bufsize, const char *name, const struct stat *stbuf, off_t off)
int fuse_reply_ioctl_retry (fuse_req_t req, const struct iovec *in_iov, size_t in_count, const struct iovec *out_iov, size_t out_count)
int fuse_reply_ioctl (fuse_req_t req, int result, const void *buf, size_t size)
int fuse_reply_ioctl_iov (fuse_req_t req, int result, const struct iovec *iov, int count)
int fuse_reply_poll (fuse_req_t req, unsigned revents)
int fuse_lowlevel_notify_poll (struct fuse_pollhandle *ph)
int fuse_lowlevel_notify_inval_inode (struct fuse_chan *ch, fuse_ino_t ino, off_t off, off_t len)
int fuse_lowlevel_notify_inval_entry (struct fuse_chan *ch, fuse_ino_t parent, const char *name, size_t namelen)
int fuse_lowlevel_notify_delete (struct fuse_chan *ch, fuse_ino_t parent, fuse_ino_t child, const char *name, size_t namelen)
int fuse_lowlevel_notify_store (struct fuse_chan *ch, fuse_ino_t ino, off_t offset, struct fuse_bufvec *bufv, enum fuse_buf_copy_flags flags)
int fuse_lowlevel_notify_retrieve (struct fuse_chan *ch, fuse_ino_t ino, size_t size, off_t offset, void *cookie)
void * fuse_req_userdata (fuse_req_t req)
const struct fuse_ctxfuse_req_ctx (fuse_req_t req)
int fuse_req_getgroups (fuse_req_t req, int size, gid_t list[])
void fuse_req_interrupt_func (fuse_req_t req, fuse_interrupt_func_t func, void *data)
int fuse_req_interrupted (fuse_req_t req)
struct fuse_session * fuse_lowlevel_new (struct fuse_args *args, const struct fuse_lowlevel_ops *op, size_t op_size, void *userdata)
struct fuse_session * fuse_session_new (struct fuse_session_ops *op, void *data)
void fuse_session_add_chan (struct fuse_session *se, struct fuse_chan *ch)
void fuse_session_remove_chan (struct fuse_chan *ch)
struct fuse_chan * fuse_session_next_chan (struct fuse_session *se, struct fuse_chan *ch)
void fuse_session_process (struct fuse_session *se, const char *buf, size_t len, struct fuse_chan *ch)
void fuse_session_process_buf (struct fuse_session *se, const struct fuse_buf *buf, struct fuse_chan *ch)
int fuse_session_receive_buf (struct fuse_session *se, struct fuse_buf *buf, struct fuse_chan **chp)
void fuse_session_destroy (struct fuse_session *se)
void fuse_session_exit (struct fuse_session *se)
void fuse_session_reset (struct fuse_session *se)
int fuse_session_exited (struct fuse_session *se)
void * fuse_session_data (struct fuse_session *se)
int fuse_session_loop (struct fuse_session *se)
int fuse_session_loop_mt (struct fuse_session *se)
struct fuse_chan * fuse_chan_new (struct fuse_chan_ops *op, int fd, size_t bufsize, void *data)
int fuse_chan_fd (struct fuse_chan *ch)
size_t fuse_chan_bufsize (struct fuse_chan *ch)
void * fuse_chan_data (struct fuse_chan *ch)
struct fuse_session * fuse_chan_session (struct fuse_chan *ch)
int fuse_chan_recv (struct fuse_chan **ch, char *buf, size_t size)
int fuse_chan_send (struct fuse_chan *ch, const struct iovec iov[], size_t count)
void fuse_chan_destroy (struct fuse_chan *ch)

Detailed Description

Low level API

IMPORTANT: you should define FUSE_USE_VERSION before including this header. To use the newest API define it to 26 (recommended for any new application), to use the old API define it to 24 (default) or 25

Macro Definition Documentation

#define FUSE_ROOT_ID   1

The node ID of the root inode

Typedef Documentation

typedef unsigned long fuse_ino_t

Inode number type

typedef void(* fuse_interrupt_func_t)(fuse_req_t req, void *data)

Callback function for an interrupt

reqinterrupted request
datauser data
typedef struct fuse_req* fuse_req_t

Request pointer type

Function Documentation

size_t fuse_add_direntry ( fuse_req_t  req,
char *  buf,
size_t  bufsize,
const char *  name,
const struct stat *  stbuf,
off_t  off 

Add a directory entry to the buffer

Buffer needs to be large enough to hold the entry. If it's not, then the entry is not filled in but the size of the entry is still returned. The caller can check this by comparing the bufsize parameter with the returned entry size. If the entry size is larger than the buffer size, the operation failed.

From the 'stbuf' argument the st_ino field and bits 12-15 of the st_mode field are used. The other fields are ignored.

Note: offsets do not necessarily represent physical offsets, and could be any marker, that enables the implementation to find a specific point in the directory stream.

reqrequest handle
bufthe point where the new entry will be added to the buffer
bufsizeremaining size of the buffer
namethe name of the entry
stbufthe file attributes
offthe offset of the next entry
the space needed for the entry
size_t fuse_chan_bufsize ( struct fuse_chan *  ch)

Query the minimal receive buffer size

chthe channel
the buffer size passed to fuse_chan_new()
void* fuse_chan_data ( struct fuse_chan *  ch)

Query the user data

chthe channel
the user data passed to fuse_chan_new()
void fuse_chan_destroy ( struct fuse_chan *  ch)

Destroy a channel

chthe channel
int fuse_chan_fd ( struct fuse_chan *  ch)

Query the file descriptor of the channel

chthe channel
the file descriptor passed to fuse_chan_new()
struct fuse_chan* fuse_chan_new ( struct fuse_chan_ops op,
int  fd,
size_t  bufsize,
void *  data 

Create a new channel

opchannel operations
fdfile descriptor of the channel
bufsizethe minimal receive buffer size
datauser data
the new channel object, or NULL on failure
int fuse_chan_recv ( struct fuse_chan **  ch,
char *  buf,
size_t  size 

Receive a raw request

A return value of -ENODEV means, that the filesystem was unmounted

chpointer to the channel
bufthe buffer to store the request in
sizethe size of the buffer
the actual size of the raw request, or -errno on error
int fuse_chan_send ( struct fuse_chan *  ch,
const struct iovec  iov[],
size_t  count 

Send a raw reply

A return value of -ENOENT means, that the request was interrupted, and the reply was discarded

chthe channel
iovvector of blocks
countthe number of blocks in vector
zero on success, -errno on failure
struct fuse_session* fuse_chan_session ( struct fuse_chan *  ch)

Query the session to which this channel is assigned

chthe channel
the session, or NULL if the channel is not assigned
struct fuse_session* fuse_lowlevel_new ( struct fuse_args args,
const struct fuse_lowlevel_ops op,
size_t  op_size,
void *  userdata 

Create a low level session

argsargument vector
opthe low level filesystem operations
op_sizesizeof(struct fuse_lowlevel_ops)
userdatauser data
the created session object, or NULL on failure
int fuse_lowlevel_notify_delete ( struct fuse_chan *  ch,
fuse_ino_t  parent,
fuse_ino_t  child,
const char *  name,
size_t  namelen 

Notify to invalidate parent attributes and delete the dentry matching parent/name if the dentry's inode number matches child (otherwise it will invalidate the matching dentry).

To avoid a deadlock don't call this function from a filesystem operation and don't call it with a lock held that can also be held by a filesystem operation.

chthe channel through which to send the notification
parentinode number
childinode number
namefile name
namelenstrlen() of file name
zero for success, -errno for failure
int fuse_lowlevel_notify_inval_entry ( struct fuse_chan *  ch,
fuse_ino_t  parent,
const char *  name,
size_t  namelen 

Notify to invalidate parent attributes and the dentry matching parent/name

To avoid a deadlock don't call this function from a filesystem operation and don't call it with a lock held that can also be held by a filesystem operation.

chthe channel through which to send the invalidation
parentinode number
namefile name
namelenstrlen() of file name
zero for success, -errno for failure
int fuse_lowlevel_notify_inval_inode ( struct fuse_chan *  ch,
fuse_ino_t  ino,
off_t  off,
off_t  len 

Notify to invalidate cache for an inode

chthe channel through which to send the invalidation
inothe inode number
offthe offset in the inode where to start invalidating or negative to invalidate attributes only
lenthe amount of cache to invalidate or 0 for all
zero for success, -errno for failure
int fuse_lowlevel_notify_poll ( struct fuse_pollhandle *  ph)

Notify IO readiness event

For more information, please read comment for poll operation.

phpoll handle to notify IO readiness event for
int fuse_lowlevel_notify_retrieve ( struct fuse_chan *  ch,
fuse_ino_t  ino,
size_t  size,
off_t  offset,
void *  cookie 

Retrieve data from the kernel buffers

Retrieve data in the kernel buffers belonging to the given inode. If successful then the retrieve_reply() method will be called with the returned data.

Only present pages are returned in the retrieve reply. Retrieving stops when it finds a non-present page and only data prior to that is returned.

If this function returns an error, then the retrieve will not be completed and no reply will be sent.

This function doesn't change the dirty state of pages in the kernel buffer. For dirty pages the write() method will be called regardless of having been retrieved previously.

chthe channel through which to send the invalidation
inothe inode number
sizethe number of bytes to retrieve
offsetthe starting offset into the file to retrieve from
cookieuser data to supply to the reply callback
zero for success, -errno for failure
int fuse_lowlevel_notify_store ( struct fuse_chan *  ch,
fuse_ino_t  ino,
off_t  offset,
struct fuse_bufvec bufv,
enum fuse_buf_copy_flags  flags 

Store data to the kernel buffers

Synchronously store data in the kernel buffers belonging to the given inode. The stored data is marked up-to-date (no read will be performed against it, unless it's invalidated or evicted from the cache).

If the stored data overflows the current file size, then the size is extended, similarly to a write(2) on the filesystem.

If this function returns an error, then the store wasn't fully completed, but it may have been partially completed.

chthe channel through which to send the invalidation
inothe inode number
offsetthe starting offset into the file to store to
bufvbuffer vector
flagsflags controlling the copy
zero for success, -errno for failure
int fuse_reply_attr ( fuse_req_t  req,
const struct stat *  attr,
double  attr_timeout 

Reply with attributes

Possible requests: getattr, setattr

reqrequest handle
attrthe attributes
attr_timeoutvalidity timeout (in seconds) for the attributes
zero for success, -errno for failure to send reply
int fuse_reply_bmap ( fuse_req_t  req,
uint64_t  idx 

Reply with block index

Possible requests: bmap

reqrequest handle
idxblock index within device
zero for success, -errno for failure to send reply
int fuse_reply_buf ( fuse_req_t  req,
const char *  buf,
size_t  size 

Reply with data

Possible requests: read, readdir, getxattr, listxattr

reqrequest handle
bufbuffer containing data
sizethe size of data in bytes
zero for success, -errno for failure to send reply
int fuse_reply_create ( fuse_req_t  req,
const struct fuse_entry_param e,
const struct fuse_file_info fi 

Reply with a directory entry and open parameters

currently the following members of 'fi' are used: fh, direct_io, keep_cache

Possible requests: create

Side effects: increments the lookup count on success

reqrequest handle
ethe entry parameters
fifile information
zero for success, -errno for failure to send reply
int fuse_reply_data ( fuse_req_t  req,
struct fuse_bufvec bufv,
enum fuse_buf_copy_flags  flags 

Reply with data copied/moved from buffer(s)

Possible requests: read, readdir, getxattr, listxattr

reqrequest handle
bufvbuffer vector
flagsflags controlling the copy
zero for success, -errno for failure to send reply
int fuse_reply_entry ( fuse_req_t  req,
const struct fuse_entry_param e 

Reply with a directory entry

Possible requests: lookup, mknod, mkdir, symlink, link

Side effects: increments the lookup count on success

reqrequest handle
ethe entry parameters
zero for success, -errno for failure to send reply
int fuse_reply_err ( fuse_req_t  req,
int  err 

Reply with an error code or success

Possible requests: all except forget

unlink, rmdir, rename, flush, release, fsync, fsyncdir, setxattr, removexattr and setlk may send a zero code

reqrequest handle
errthe positive error value, or zero for success
zero for success, -errno for failure to send reply
int fuse_reply_ioctl ( fuse_req_t  req,
int  result,
const void *  buf,
size_t  size 

Reply to finish ioctl

Possible requests: ioctl

reqrequest handle
resultresult to be passed to the caller
bufbuffer containing output data
sizelength of output data
int fuse_reply_ioctl_iov ( fuse_req_t  req,
int  result,
const struct iovec *  iov,
int  count 

Reply to finish ioctl with iov buffer

Possible requests: ioctl

reqrequest handle
resultresult to be passed to the caller
iovthe vector containing the data
countthe size of vector
int fuse_reply_ioctl_retry ( fuse_req_t  req,
const struct iovec *  in_iov,
size_t  in_count,
const struct iovec *  out_iov,
size_t  out_count 

Reply to ask for data fetch and output buffer preparation. ioctl will be retried with the specified input data fetched and output buffer prepared.

Possible requests: ioctl

reqrequest handle
in_ioviovec specifying data to fetch from the caller
in_countnumber of entries in in_iov
out_ioviovec specifying addresses to write output to
out_countnumber of entries in out_iov
zero for success, -errno for failure to send reply
int fuse_reply_iov ( fuse_req_t  req,
const struct iovec *  iov,
int  count 

Reply with data vector

Possible requests: read, readdir, getxattr, listxattr

reqrequest handle
iovthe vector containing the data
countthe size of vector
zero for success, -errno for failure to send reply
int fuse_reply_lock ( fuse_req_t  req,
const struct flock *  lock 

Reply with file lock information

Possible requests: getlk

reqrequest handle
lockthe lock information
zero for success, -errno for failure to send reply
void fuse_reply_none ( fuse_req_t  req)

Don't send reply

Possible requests: forget

reqrequest handle
int fuse_reply_open ( fuse_req_t  req,
const struct fuse_file_info fi 

Reply with open parameters

currently the following members of 'fi' are used: fh, direct_io, keep_cache

Possible requests: open, opendir

reqrequest handle
fifile information
zero for success, -errno for failure to send reply
int fuse_reply_poll ( fuse_req_t  req,
unsigned  revents 

Reply with poll result event mask

reqrequest handle
reventspoll result event mask
int fuse_reply_readlink ( fuse_req_t  req,
const char *  link 

Reply with the contents of a symbolic link

Possible requests: readlink

reqrequest handle
linksymbolic link contents
zero for success, -errno for failure to send reply
int fuse_reply_statfs ( fuse_req_t  req,
const struct statvfs *  stbuf 

Reply with filesystem statistics

Possible requests: statfs

reqrequest handle
stbuffilesystem statistics
zero for success, -errno for failure to send reply
int fuse_reply_write ( fuse_req_t  req,
size_t  count 

Reply with number of bytes written

Possible requests: write

reqrequest handle
countthe number of bytes written
zero for success, -errno for failure to send reply
int fuse_reply_xattr ( fuse_req_t  req,
size_t  count 

Reply with needed buffer size

Possible requests: getxattr, listxattr

reqrequest handle
countthe buffer size needed in bytes
zero for success, -errno for failure to send reply
const struct fuse_ctx* fuse_req_ctx ( fuse_req_t  req)

Get the context from the request

The pointer returned by this function will only be valid for the request's lifetime

reqrequest handle
the context structure
int fuse_req_getgroups ( fuse_req_t  req,
int  size,
gid_t  list[] 

Get the current supplementary group IDs for the specified request

Similar to the getgroups(2) system call, except the return value is always the total number of group IDs, even if it is larger than the specified size.

The current fuse kernel module in linux (as of 2.6.30) doesn't pass the group list to userspace, hence this function needs to parse "/proc/$TID/task/$TID/status" to get the group IDs.

This feature may not be supported on all operating systems. In such a case this function will return -ENOSYS.

reqrequest handle
sizesize of given array
listarray of group IDs to be filled in
the total number of supplementary group IDs or -errno on failure
void fuse_req_interrupt_func ( fuse_req_t  req,
fuse_interrupt_func_t  func,
void *  data 

Register/unregister callback for an interrupt

If an interrupt has already happened, then the callback function is called from within this function, hence it's not possible for interrupts to be lost.

reqrequest handle
functhe callback function or NULL for unregister
datauser data passed to the callback function
int fuse_req_interrupted ( fuse_req_t  req)

Check if a request has already been interrupted

reqrequest handle
1 if the request has been interrupted, 0 otherwise
void* fuse_req_userdata ( fuse_req_t  req)

Get the userdata from the request

reqrequest handle
the user data passed to fuse_lowlevel_new()
void fuse_session_add_chan ( struct fuse_session *  se,
struct fuse_chan *  ch 

Assign a channel to a session

Note: currently only a single channel may be assigned. This may change in the future

If a session is destroyed, the assigned channel is also destroyed

sethe session
chthe channel
void* fuse_session_data ( struct fuse_session *  se)

Get the user data provided to the session

sethe session
the user data
void fuse_session_destroy ( struct fuse_session *  se)

Destroy a session

sethe session
void fuse_session_exit ( struct fuse_session *  se)

Exit a session

sethe session
int fuse_session_exited ( struct fuse_session *  se)

Query the exited status of a session

sethe session
1 if exited, 0 if not exited
int fuse_session_loop ( struct fuse_session *  se)

Enter a single threaded event loop

sethe session
0 on success, -1 on error
int fuse_session_loop_mt ( struct fuse_session *  se)

Enter a multi-threaded event loop

sethe session
0 on success, -1 on error
struct fuse_session* fuse_session_new ( struct fuse_session_ops op,
void *  data 

Create a new session

opsession operations
datauser data
new session object, or NULL on failure
struct fuse_chan* fuse_session_next_chan ( struct fuse_session *  se,
struct fuse_chan *  ch 

Iterate over the channels assigned to a session

The iterating function needs to start with a NULL channel, and after that needs to pass the previously returned channel to the function.

sethe session
chthe previous channel, or NULL
the next channel, or NULL if no more channels exist
void fuse_session_process ( struct fuse_session *  se,
const char *  buf,
size_t  len,
struct fuse_chan *  ch 

Process a raw request

sethe session
bufbuffer containing the raw request
lenrequest length
chchannel on which the request was received
void fuse_session_process_buf ( struct fuse_session *  se,
const struct fuse_buf buf,
struct fuse_chan *  ch 

Process a raw request supplied in a generic buffer

This is a more generic version of fuse_session_process(). The fuse_buf may contain a memory buffer or a pipe file descriptor.

sethe session
bufthe fuse_buf containing the request
chchannel on which the request was received
int fuse_session_receive_buf ( struct fuse_session *  se,
struct fuse_buf buf,
struct fuse_chan **  chp 

Receive a raw request supplied in a generic buffer

This is a more generic version of fuse_chan_recv(). The fuse_buf supplied to this function contains a suitably allocated memory buffer. This may be overwritten with a file descriptor buffer.

sethe session
bufthe fuse_buf to store the request in
chppointer to the channel
the actual size of the raw request, or -errno on error
void fuse_session_remove_chan ( struct fuse_chan *  ch)

Remove a channel from a session

If the channel is not assigned to a session, then this is a no-op

chthe channel to remove
void fuse_session_reset ( struct fuse_session *  se)

Reset the exited status of a session

sethe session