func String(s []byte) string
String returns a string whose contents are equal to s. In that sense, it is equivalent to string(s) but may be more efficient.
type Atom uint32
Atom is an integer code for a string. The zero value maps to "".
const ( A Atom = 0x1 Abbr Atom = 0x4 Accept Atom = 0x2106 AcceptCharset Atom = 0x210e Accesskey Atom = 0x3309 Action Atom = 0x1f606 Address Atom = 0x4f307 Align Atom = 0x1105 Alt Atom = 0x4503 Annotation Atom = 0x1670a AnnotationXml Atom = 0x1670e Applet Atom = 0x2b306 Area Atom = 0x2fa04 Article Atom = 0x38807 Aside Atom = 0x8305 Async Atom = 0x7b05 Audio Atom = 0xa605 Autocomplete Atom = 0x1fc0c Autofocus Atom = 0xb309 Autoplay Atom = 0xce08 B Atom = 0x101 Base Atom = 0xd604 Basefont Atom = 0xd608 Bdi Atom = 0x1a03 Bdo Atom = 0xe703 Bgsound Atom = 0x11807 Big Atom = 0x12403 Blink Atom = 0x12705 Blockquote Atom = 0x12c0a Body Atom = 0x2f04 Br Atom = 0x202 Button Atom = 0x13606 Canvas Atom = 0x7f06 Caption Atom = 0x1bb07 Center Atom = 0x5b506 Challenge Atom = 0x21f09 Charset Atom = 0x2807 Checked Atom = 0x32807 Cite Atom = 0x3c804 Class Atom = 0x4de05 Code Atom = 0x14904 Col Atom = 0x15003 Colgroup Atom = 0x15008 Color Atom = 0x15d05 Cols Atom = 0x16204 Colspan Atom = 0x16207 Command Atom = 0x17507 Content Atom = 0x42307 Contenteditable Atom = 0x4230f Atom = 0x3310b Controls Atom = 0x18808 Coords Atom = 0x19406 Crossorigin Atom = 0x19f0b Data Atom = 0x44a04 Datalist Atom = 0x44a08 Datetime Atom = 0x23c08 Dd Atom = 0x26702 Default Atom = 0x8607 Defer Atom = 0x14b05 Del Atom = 0x3ef03 Desc Atom = 0x4db04 Details Atom = 0x4807 Dfn Atom = 0x6103 Dialog Atom = 0x1b06 Dir Atom = 0x6903 Dirname Atom = 0x6907 Disabled Atom = 0x10c08 Div Atom = 0x11303 Dl Atom = 0x11e02 Download Atom = 0x40008 Draggable Atom = 0x17b09 Dropzone Atom = 0x39108 Dt Atom = 0x50902 Em Atom = 0x6502 Embed Atom = 0x6505 Enctype Atom = 0x21107 Face Atom = 0x5b304 Fieldset Atom = 0x1b008 Figcaption Atom = 0x1b80a Figure Atom = 0x1cc06 Font Atom = 0xda04 Atom = 0x8d06 For Atom = 0x1d803 ForeignObject Atom = 0x1d80d Foreignobject Atom = 0x1e50d Form Atom = 0x1f204 Formaction Atom = 0x1f20a Formenctype Atom = 0x20d0b Formmethod Atom = 0x2280a Formnovalidate Atom = 0x2320e Formtarget Atom = 0x2470a Frame Atom = 0x9a05 Frameset Atom = 0x9a08 H1 Atom = 0x26e02 H2 Atom = 0x29402 H3 Atom = 0x2a702 H4 Atom = 0x2e902 H5 Atom = 0x2f302 H6 Atom = 0x50b02 Head Atom = 0x2d504 Header Atom = 0x2d506 Headers Atom = 0x2d507 Height Atom = 0x25106 Hgroup Atom = 0x25906 Hidden Atom = 0x26506 High Atom = 0x26b04 Hr Atom = 0x27002 Href Atom = 0x27004 Hreflang Atom = 0x27008 Html Atom = 0x25504 HttpEquiv Atom = 0x2780a I Atom = 0x601 Icon Atom = 0x42204 Id Atom = 0x8502 Iframe Atom = 0x29606 Image Atom = 0x29c05 Img Atom = 0x2a103 Input Atom = 0x3e805 Inputmode Atom = 0x3e809 Ins Atom = 0x1a803 Isindex Atom = 0x2a907 Ismap Atom = 0x2b005 Itemid Atom = 0x33c06 Itemprop Atom = 0x3c908 Itemref Atom = 0x5ad07 Itemscope Atom = 0x2b909 Itemtype Atom = 0x2c308 Kbd Atom = 0x1903 Keygen Atom = 0x3906 Keytype Atom = 0x53707 Kind Atom = 0x10904 Label Atom = 0xf005 Lang Atom = 0x27404 Legend Atom = 0x18206 Li Atom = 0x1202 Link Atom = 0x12804 List Atom = 0x44e04 Listing Atom = 0x44e07 Loop Atom = 0xf404 Low Atom = 0x11f03 Malignmark Atom = 0x100a Manifest Atom = 0x5f108 Map Atom = 0x2b203 Mark Atom = 0x1604 Marquee Atom = 0x2cb07 Math Atom = 0x2d204 Max Atom = 0x2e103 Maxlength Atom = 0x2e109 Media Atom = 0x6e05 Mediagroup Atom = 0x6e0a Menu Atom = 0x33804 Menuitem Atom = 0x33808 Meta Atom = 0x45d04 Meter Atom = 0x24205 Method Atom = 0x22c06 Mglyph Atom = 0x2a206 Mi Atom = 0x2eb02 Min Atom = 0x2eb03 Minlength Atom = 0x2eb09 Mn Atom = 0x23502 Mo Atom = 0x3ed02 Ms Atom = 0x2bc02 Mtext Atom = 0x2f505 Multiple Atom = 0x30308 Muted Atom = 0x30b05 Name Atom = 0x6c04 Atom = 0x3e03 Nobr Atom = 0x5704 Noembed Atom = 0x6307 Noframes Atom = 0x9808 Noscript Atom = 0x3d208 Novalidate Atom = 0x2360a Object Atom = 0x1ec06 Ol Atom = 0xc902 Onabort Atom = 0x13a07 Onafterprint Atom = 0x1c00c Onautocomplete Atom = 0x1fa0e Onautocompleteerror Atom = 0x1fa13 Onbeforeprint Atom = 0x6040d Onbeforeunload Atom = 0x4e70e Onblur Atom = 0xaa06 Oncancel Atom = 0xe908 Oncanplay Atom = 0x28509 Oncanplaythrough Atom = 0x28510 Onchange Atom = 0x3a708 Onclick Atom = 0x31007 Onclose Atom = 0x31707 Atom = 0x32f0d Oncuechange Atom = 0x3420b Ondblclick Atom = 0x34d0a Ondrag Atom = 0x35706 Ondragend Atom = 0x35709 Ondragenter Atom = 0x3600b Ondragleave Atom = 0x36b0b Ondragover Atom = 0x3760a Ondragstart Atom = 0x3800b Ondrop Atom = 0x38f06 Ondurationchange Atom = 0x39f10 Onemptied Atom = 0x39609 Onended Atom = 0x3af07 Onerror Atom = 0x3b607 Onfocus Atom = 0x3bd07 Onhashchange Atom = 0x3da0c Oninput Atom = 0x3e607 Oninvalid Atom = 0x3f209 Onkeydown Atom = 0x3fb09 Onkeypress Atom = 0x4080a Onkeyup Atom = 0x41807 Onlanguagechange Atom = 0x43210 Onload Atom = 0x44206 Onloadeddata Atom = 0x4420c Onloadedmetadata Atom = 0x45510 Onloadstart Atom = 0x46b0b Onmessage Atom = 0x47609 Onmousedown Atom = 0x47f0b Onmousemove Atom = 0x48a0b Onmouseout Atom = 0x4950a Onmouseover Atom = 0x4a20b Onmouseup Atom = 0x4ad09 Onmousewheel Atom = 0x4b60c Onoffline Atom = 0x4c209 Ononline Atom = 0x4cb08 Onpagehide Atom = 0x4d30a Onpageshow Atom = 0x4fe0a Onpause Atom = 0x50d07 Onplay Atom = 0x51706 Onplaying Atom = 0x51709 Onpopstate Atom = 0x5200a Onprogress Atom = 0x52a0a Onratechange Atom = 0x53e0c Onreset Atom = 0x54a07 Onresize Atom = 0x55108 Onscroll Atom = 0x55f08 Onseeked Atom = 0x56708 Onseeking Atom = 0x56f09 Onselect Atom = 0x57808 Onshow Atom = 0x58206 Onsort Atom = 0x58b06 Onstalled Atom = 0x59509 Onstorage Atom = 0x59e09 Onsubmit Atom = 0x5a708 Onsuspend Atom = 0x5bb09 Ontimeupdate Atom = 0xdb0c Ontoggle Atom = 0x5c408 Onunload Atom = 0x5cc08 Onvolumechange Atom = 0x5d40e Onwaiting Atom = 0x5e209 Open Atom = 0x3cf04 Optgroup Atom = 0xf608 Optimum Atom = 0x5eb07 Option Atom = 0x60006 Output Atom = 0x49c06 P Atom = 0xc01 Param Atom = 0xc05 Pattern Atom = 0x5107 Ping Atom = 0x7704 Placeholder Atom = 0xc30b Plaintext Atom = 0xfd09 Poster Atom = 0x15706 Pre Atom = 0x25e03 Preload Atom = 0x25e07 Progress Atom = 0x52c08 Prompt Atom = 0x5fa06 Public Atom = 0x41e06 Q Atom = 0x13101 Radiogroup Atom = 0x30a Readonly Atom = 0x2fb08 Rel Atom = 0x25f03 Required Atom = 0x1d008 Reversed Atom = 0x5a08 Rows Atom = 0x9204 Rowspan Atom = 0x9207 Rp Atom = 0x1c602 Rt Atom = 0x13f02 Ruby Atom = 0xaf04 S Atom = 0x2c01 Samp Atom = 0x4e04 Sandbox Atom = 0xbb07 Scope Atom = 0x2bd05 Scoped Atom = 0x2bd06 Script Atom = 0x3d406 Seamless Atom = 0x31c08 Section Atom = 0x4e207 Select Atom = 0x57a06 Selected Atom = 0x57a08 Shape Atom = 0x4f905 Size Atom = 0x55504 Sizes Atom = 0x55505 Small Atom = 0x18f05 Sortable Atom = 0x58d08 Sorted Atom = 0x19906 Source Atom = 0x1aa06 Spacer Atom = 0x2db06 Span Atom = 0x9504 Spellcheck Atom = 0x3230a Src Atom = 0x3c303 Srcdoc Atom = 0x3c306 Srclang Atom = 0x41107 Start Atom = 0x38605 Step Atom = 0x5f704 Strike Atom = 0x53306 Strong Atom = 0x55906 Style Atom = 0x61105 Sub Atom = 0x5a903 Summary Atom = 0x61607 Sup Atom = 0x61d03 Svg Atom = 0x62003 System Atom = 0x62306 Tabindex Atom = 0x46308 Table Atom = 0x42d05 Target Atom = 0x24b06 Tbody Atom = 0x2e05 Td Atom = 0x4702 Template Atom = 0x62608 Textarea Atom = 0x2f608 Tfoot Atom = 0x8c05 Th Atom = 0x22e02 Thead Atom = 0x2d405 Time Atom = 0xdd04 Title Atom = 0xa105 Tr Atom = 0x10502 Track Atom = 0x10505 Translate Atom = 0x14009 Tt Atom = 0x5302 Type Atom = 0x21404 Typemustmatch Atom = 0x2140d U Atom = 0xb01 Ul Atom = 0x8a02 Usemap Atom = 0x51106 Value Atom = 0x4005 Var Atom = 0x11503 Video Atom = 0x28105 Wbr Atom = 0x12103 Width Atom = 0x50705 Wrap Atom = 0x58704 Xmp Atom = 0xc103 )
func Lookup(s []byte) Atom
Lookup returns the atom whose name is s. It returns zero if there is no such atom. The lookup is case sensitive.
func (a Atom) String() string
String returns the atom's name.