
Directory /src/golang.org/x

Name Synopsis
context Package context defines the Context type, which carries deadlines, cancelation signals, and other request-scoped values across API boundaries and between processes.
ctxhttp Package ctxhttp provides helper functions for performing context-aware HTTP requests.
html Package html implements an HTML5-compliant tokenizer and parser.
atom Package atom provides integer codes (also known as atoms) for a fixed set of frequently occurring HTML strings: tag names and attribute keys such as "p" and "id".
charset Package charset provides common text encodings for HTML documents.
oauth2 Package oauth2 provides support for making OAuth2 authorized and authenticated HTTP requests.
bitbucket Package bitbucket provides constants for using OAuth2 to access Bitbucket.
clientcredentials Package clientcredentials implements the OAuth2.0 "client credentials" token flow, also known as the "two-legged OAuth 2.0".
facebook Package facebook provides constants for using OAuth2 to access Facebook.
fitbit Package fitbit provides constants for using OAuth2 to access the Fitbit API.
github Package github provides constants for using OAuth2 to access Github.
google Package google provides support for making OAuth2 authorized and authenticated HTTP requests to Google APIs.
hipchat Package hipchat provides constants for using OAuth2 to access HipChat.
jws Package jws provides encoding and decoding utilities for signed JWS messages.
jwt Package jwt implements the OAuth 2.0 JSON Web Token flow, commonly known as "two-legged OAuth 2.0".
linkedin Package linkedin provides constants for using OAuth2 to access LinkedIn.
microsoft Package microsoft provides constants for using OAuth2 to access Windows Live ID.
odnoklassniki Package odnoklassniki provides constants for using OAuth2 to access Odnoklassniki.
paypal Package paypal provides constants for using OAuth2 to access PayPal.
slack Package slack provides constants for using OAuth2 to access Slack.
vk Package vk provides constants for using OAuth2 to access VK.com.
encoding Package encoding defines an interface for character encodings, such as Shift JIS and Windows 1252, that can convert to and from UTF-8.
charmap Package charmap provides simple character encodings such as IBM Code Page 437 and Windows 1252.
htmlindex Package htmlindex maps character set encoding names to Encodings as recommended by the W3C for use in HTML 5.
ianaindex Package ianaindex maps names to Encodings as specified by the IANA registry.
japanese Package japanese provides Japanese encodings such as EUC-JP and Shift JIS.
korean Package korean provides Korean encodings such as EUC-KR.
simplifiedchinese Package simplifiedchinese provides Simplified Chinese encodings such as GBK.
traditionalchinese Package traditionalchinese provides Traditional Chinese encodings such as Big5.
unicode Package unicode provides Unicode encodings such as UTF-16.
utf32 Package utf32 provides the UTF-32 Unicode encoding.
language Package language implements BCP 47 language tags and related functionality.
display Package display provides display names for languages, scripts and regions in a requested language.
runes Package runes provide transforms for UTF-8 encoded text.
transform Package transform provides reader and writer wrappers that transform the bytes passing through as well as various transformations.