type Selector func(*html.Node) bool
A Selector is a function which tells whether a node matches or not.
func Compile(sel string) (Selector, error)
Compile parses a selector and returns, if successful, a Selector object that can be used to match against html.Node objects.
func MustCompile(sel string) Selector
MustCompile is like Compile, but panics instead of returning an error.
func (s Selector) Filter(nodes []*html.Node) (result []*html.Node)
Filter returns the nodes in nodes that match the selector.
func (s Selector) Match(n *html.Node) bool
Match returns true if the node matches the selector.
func (s Selector) MatchAll(n *html.Node) []*html.Node
MatchAll returns a slice of the nodes that match the selector, from n and its children.
func (s Selector) MatchFirst(n *html.Node) *html.Node
MatchFirst returns the first node that matches s, from n and its children.