@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
< meta name = "viewport" content = "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" >
< meta name = "theme-color" content = "#375EAB" >
< title > re alms - The Go Programming Language< / title >
< title > ji ra - The Go Programming Language< / title >
< link type = "text/css" rel = "stylesheet" href = "../../../../../../lib/godoc/style.css" >
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
< div class = "container" >
< h1 > Package re alms < / h1 >
< h1 > Package ji ra< / h1 >
@ -89,6 +89,9 @@
< / div >
< div class = "expanded" >
< h2 class = "toggleButton" title = "Click to hide Overview section" > Overview ▾< / h2 >
< p >
Package jira implements OAuth1.0a support for arbitrary JIRA installations.
< / p >
< / div >
< / div >
@ -105,59 +108,71 @@
< div id = "manual-nav" >
< dl >
< dd > < a href = "index.html#pkg-constants" > Constants< / a > < / dd >
< dd > < a href = "index.html#AuthRequest" > type AuthRequest< / a > < / dd >
< dd > < a href = "index.html#AuthResponse" > type AuthResponse< / a > < / dd >
< dd > < a href = "index.html#JIRARealm" > type JIRARealm< / a > < / dd >
< dd > < a href = "index.html#JIRA Realm.AuthSession " > func (r *JIRARealm) AuthSession(id, userID, realmID string) types.AuthSession < / a > < / dd >
< dd > < a href = "index.html#Realm" > type Realm < / a > < / dd >
< dd > < a href = "index.html#JIRARealm.ID" > func (r *JIRARealm) ID() string< / a > < / dd >
< dd > < a href = "index.html#Realm.AuthSession" > func (r *Realm) AuthSession(id, userID, realmID string) types.AuthSession< / a > < / dd >
< dd > < a href = "index.html#JIRARealm.Init" > func (r *JIRARealm) Init() error< / a > < / dd >
< dd > < a href = "index.html#Realm.ID" > func (r *Realm) ID() string< / a > < / dd >
< dd > < a href = "index.html#JIRARealm.JIRAClient" > func (r *JIRARealm) JIRAClient(userID string, allowUnauth bool) (*jira.Client, error)< / a > < / dd >
< dd > < a href = "index.html#Realm.Init" > func (r *Realm) Init() error< / a > < / dd >
< dd > < a href = "index.html#JIRARealm.OnReceiveRedirect" > func (r *JIRARealm) OnReceiveRedirect(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)< / a > < / dd >
< dd > < a href = "index.html#Realm.JIRAClient" > func (r *Realm) JIRAClient(userID string, allowUnauth bool) (*jira.Client, error)< / a > < / dd >
< dd > < a href = "index.html#JIRARealm.ProjectKeyExists" > func (r *JIRARealm) ProjectKeyExists(userID, projectKey string) (bool, error)< / a > < / dd >
< dd > < a href = "index.html#Realm.OnReceiveRedirect" > func (r *Realm) OnReceiveRedirect(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)< / a > < / dd >
< dd > < a href = "index.html#JIRARealm.Register" > func (r *JIRARealm) Register() error< / a > < / dd >
< dd > < a href = "index.html#Realm.ProjectKeyExists" > func (r *Realm) ProjectKeyExists(userID, projectKey string) (bool, error)< / a > < / dd >
< dd > < a href = "index.html#JIRARealm.RequestAuthSession" > func (r *JIRARealm) RequestAuthSession(userID string, req json.RawMessage) interface{}< / a > < / dd >
< dd > < a href = "index.html#Realm.Register" > func (r *Realm) Register() error< / a > < / dd >
< dd > < a href = "index.html#JIRARealm.Type" > func (r *JIRARealm) Type() string< / a > < / dd >
< dd > < a href = "index.html#Realm.RequestAuthSession" > func (r *Realm) RequestAuthSession(userID string, req json.RawMessage) interface{}< / a > < / dd >
< dd > < a href = "index.html#JIRASession" > type JIRASession < / a > < / dd >
< dd > < a href = "index.html#Realm.Type" > func (r *Realm) Type() string < / a > < / dd >
< dd > < a href = "index.html#JIRA Session.Authenticated " > func (s *JIRASession) Authenticated() bool < / a > < / dd >
< dd > < a href = "index.html#Session" > type Session < / a > < / dd >
< dd > < a href = "index.html#JIRASession.ID" > func (s *JIRASession) ID() string< / a > < / dd >
< dd > < a href = "index.html#Session.Authenticated" > func (s *Session) Authenticated() bool< / a > < / dd >
< dd > < a href = "index.html#JIRASession.Info" > func (s *JIRASession) Info() interface{}< / a > < / dd >
< dd > < a href = "index.html#Session.ID" > func (s *Session) ID() string< / a > < / dd >
< dd > < a href = "index.html#JIRASession.RealmID" > func (s *JIRASession) RealmID() string< / a > < / dd >
< dd > < a href = "index.html#Session.Info" > func (s *Session) Info() interface{}< / a > < / dd >
< dd > < a href = "index.html#JIRASession.UserID" > func (s *JIRASession) UserID() string< / a > < / dd >
< dd > < a href = "index.html#Session.RealmID" > func (s *Session) RealmID() string< / a > < / dd >
< dd > < a href = "index.html#Session.UserID" > func (s *Session) UserID() string< / a > < / dd >
@ -217,28 +232,125 @@
< / div > <!-- #pkg - callgraph -->
< h2 id = "pkg-constants" > Constants< / h2 >
< pre > const < span id = "RealmType" > RealmType< / span > = " jira" < / pre >
< p >
RealmType of the JIRA realm
< / p >
< h2 id = "AuthRequest" > type < a href = "http://localhost:6060/src/github.com/matrix-org/go-neb/realms/jira/jira.go?s=3573:3679#L92" > AuthRequest< / a > < / h2 >
< pre > type AuthRequest struct {
< span class = "comment" > // Optional. The URL to redirect to after authentication.< / span >
RedirectURL < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#string" > string< / a >
}< / pre >
< p >
AuthRequest is a request for authenticating with JIRA
< / p >
< h2 id = "JIRARealm" > type < a href = "http://localhost:6060/src/github.com/matrix-org/go-neb/realms/jira/jira.go?s=467:944#L13" > JIRARealm< / a > < / h2 >
< pre > type JIRARealm struct {
< h2 id = "AuthResponse" > type < a href = "http://localhost:6060/src/github.com/matrix-org/go-neb/realms/jira/jira.go?s=3730:3835#L98" > AuthResponse< / a > < / h2 >
< pre > type AuthResponse struct {
< span class = "comment" > // The URL to visit to perform OAuth on this JIRA installation.< / span >
URL < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#string" > string< / a >
}< / pre >
< p >
AuthResponse is a response to an AuthRequest.
< / p >
< h2 id = "Realm" > type < a href = "http://localhost:6060/src/github.com/matrix-org/go-neb/realms/jira/jira.go?s=971:2932#L27" > Realm< / a > < / h2 >
< pre > type Realm struct {
< span class = "comment" > // The HTTPS URL of the JIRA installation to authenticate with.< / span >
JIRAEndpoint < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#string" > string< / a >
Server < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#string" > string< / a > < span class = "comment" > // clobbered based on /serverInfo request< / span >
Version < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#string" > string< / a > < span class = "comment" > // clobbered based on /serverInfo request< / span >
< span class = "comment" > // The desired " Consumer Name" field of the " Application Links" admin page on JIRA.< / span >
< span class = "comment" > // Generally this is the name of the service. Users will need to enter this string< / span >
< span class = "comment" > // into their JIRA admin web form.< / span >
ConsumerName < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#string" > string< / a >
< span class = "comment" > // The desired " Consumer Key" field of the " Application Links" admin page on JIRA.< / span >
< span class = "comment" > // Generally this is the name of the service. Users will need to enter this string< / span >
< span class = "comment" > // into their JIRA admin web form.< / span >
ConsumerKey < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#string" > string< / a >
< span class = "comment" > // The desired " Consumer Secret" field of the " Application Links" admin page on JIRA.< / span >
< span class = "comment" > // This should be a random long string. Users will need to enter this string into< / span >
< span class = "comment" > // their JIRA admin web form.< / span >
ConsumerSecret < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#string" > string< / a >
PublicKeyPEM < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#string" > string< / a > < span class = "comment" > // clobbered based on PrivateKeyPEM< / span >
< span class = "comment" > // A string which contains the private key for performing OAuth 1.0 requests.< / span >
< span class = "comment" > // This MUST be in PEM format. It must NOT have a password. Go-NEB will convert this< / span >
< span class = "comment" > // into a public key in PEM format and return this to users. Users will need to enter< / span >
< span class = "comment" > // the *public* key into their JIRA admin web form.< / span >
< span class = "comment" > //< / span >
< span class = "comment" > // To generate a private key PEM: (JIRA does not support bit lengths > 2048):< / span >
< span class = "comment" > // $ openssl genrsa -out privkey.pem 2048< / span >
< span class = "comment" > // $ cat privkey.pem< / span >
PrivateKeyPEM < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#string" > string< / a >
HasWebhook < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#bool" > bool< / a > < span class = "comment" > // clobbered based on NEB< / span >
< span class = "comment" > // Optional. If supplied, !jira commands will return this link whenever someone is< / span >
< span class = "comment" > // prompted to login to JIRA.< / span >
StarterLink < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#string" > string< / a >
< span class = "comment" > // The server name of the JIRA installation from /serverInfo.< / span >
< span class = "comment" > // This is an informational field populated by Go-NEB post-creation.< / span >
Server < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#string" > string< / a >
< span class = "comment" > // The JIRA version string from /serverInfo.< / span >
< span class = "comment" > // This is an informational field populated by Go-NEB post-creation.< / span >
Version < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#string" > string< / a >
< span class = "comment" > // The public key for the given private key. This is populated by Go-NEB.< / span >
PublicKeyPEM < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#string" > string< / a >
< span class = "comment" > // Internal field. True if this realm has already registered a webhook with the JIRA installation.< / span >
HasWebhook < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#bool" > bool< / a >
< span class = "comment" > // contains filtered or unexported fields< / span >
}< / pre >
< p >
JIRARealm is an AuthRealm which can process JIRA installations
Realm is an AuthRealm which can process JIRA installations.
< / p >
< p >
Example request:
< / p >
< pre > {
" JIRAEndpoint" : " matrix.org/jira/" ,
" ConsumerName" : " goneb" ,
" ConsumerKey" : " goneb" ,
" ConsumerSecret" : " random_long_string" ,
" PrivateKeyPEM" : " -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\r\nMIIEowIBAAKCAQEA39UhbOvQHEkBP9fGnhU+eSObTAwX9req2l1NiuNaPU9rE7tf6Bk\r\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----"
< / pre >
@ -253,8 +365,8 @@ JIRARealm is an AuthRealm which can process JIRA installations
< h3 id = "JIRA Realm.AuthSession" > func (*JIRA Realm) < a href = "http://localhost:6060/src/github.com/matrix-org/go-neb/realms/jira/jira.go?s=6730:6807#L223 " > AuthSession< / a > < / h3 >
< pre > func (r *< a href = "index.html#JIRA Realm" > JIRA Realm< / a > ) AuthSession(id, userID, realmID < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#string" > string< / a > ) < a href = "../../types/index.html" > types< / a > .< a href = "../../types/index.html#AuthSession" > AuthSession< / a > < / pre >
< h3 id = "Realm.AuthSession" > func (*Realm) < a href = "http://localhost:6060/src/github.com/matrix-org/go-neb/realms/jira/jira.go?s=9437:9510#L291 " > AuthSession< / a > < / h3 >
< pre > func (r *< a href = "index.html#Realm" > Realm< / a > ) AuthSession(id, userID, realmID < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#string" > string< / a > ) < a href = "../../types/index.html" > types< / a > .< a href = "../../types/index.html#AuthSession" > AuthSession< / a > < / pre >
< p >
AuthSession returns a JIRASession with the given parameters
< / p >
@ -264,8 +376,8 @@ AuthSession returns a JIRASession with the given parameters
< h3 id = "JIRA Realm.ID" > func (*JIRA Realm) < a href = "http://localhost:6060/src/github.com/matrix-org/go-neb/realms/jira/jira.go?s=2075:2106#L68 " > ID< / a > < / h3 >
< pre > func (r *< a href = "index.html#JIRA Realm" > JIRA Realm< / a > ) ID() < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#string" > string< / a > < / pre >
< h3 id = "Realm.ID" > func (*Realm) < a href = "http://localhost:6060/src/github.com/matrix-org/go-neb/realms/jira/jira.go?s=4526:4553#L130 " > ID< / a > < / h3 >
< pre > func (r *< a href = "index.html#Realm" > Realm< / a > ) ID() < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#string" > string< / a > < / pre >
< p >
ID returns the ID of this JIRA realm.
< / p >
@ -275,8 +387,8 @@ ID returns the ID of this JIRA realm.
< h3 id = "JIRA Realm.Init" > func (*JIRA Realm) < a href = "http://localhost:6060/src/github.com/matrix-org/go-neb/realms/jira/jira.go?s=2279:2311#L78 " > Init< / a > < / h3 >
< pre > func (r *< a href = "index.html#JIRA Realm" > JIRA Realm< / a > ) Init() < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#error" > error< / a > < / pre >
< h3 id = "Realm.Init" > func (*Realm) < a href = "http://localhost:6060/src/github.com/matrix-org/go-neb/realms/jira/jira.go?s=4725:4753#L140 " > Init< / a > < / h3 >
< pre > func (r *< a href = "index.html#Realm" > Realm< / a > ) Init() < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#error" > error< / a > < / pre >
< p >
Init initialises the private key for this JIRA realm.
< / p >
@ -286,8 +398,8 @@ Init initialises the private key for this JIRA realm.
< h3 id = "JIRA Realm.JIRAClient" > func (*JIRA Realm) < a href = "http://localhost:6060/src/github.com/matrix-org/go-neb/realms/jira/jira.go?s=8077:8162#L269 " > JIRAClient< / a > < / h3 >
< pre > func (r *< a href = "index.html#JIRA Realm" > JIRA Realm< / a > ) JIRAClient(userID < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#string" > string< / a > , allowUnauth < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#bool" > bool< / a > ) (*jira. < a href = "index.html#Client" > Client< / a > , < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#error" > error< / a > )< / pre >
< h3 id = "Realm.JIRAClient" > func (*Realm) < a href = "http://localhost:6060/src/github.com/matrix-org/go-neb/realms/jira/jira.go?s=10772:10853#L337 " > JIRAClient< / a > < / h3 >
< pre > func (r *< a href = "index.html#Realm" > Realm< / a > ) JIRAClient(userID < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#string" > string< / a > , allowUnauth < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#bool" > bool< / a > ) (*< a href = "../../../../andygrunwald/go-jira/index.html" > jira< / a > .< a href = "../../../../andygrunwald/go-jira/ index.html#Client" > Client< / a > , < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#error" > error< / a > )< / pre >
< p >
JIRAClient returns an authenticated jira.Client for the given userID. Returns an unauthenticated
client if allowUnauth is true and no authenticated session is found, else returns an error.
@ -298,8 +410,8 @@ client if allowUnauth is true and no authenticated session is found, else return
< h3 id = "JIRA Realm.OnReceiveRedirect" > func (*JIRA Realm) < a href = "http://localhost:6060/src/github.com/matrix-org/go-neb/realms/jira/jira.go?s=4893:4972#L167 " > OnReceiveRedirect< / a > < / h3 >
< pre > func (r *< a href = "index.html#JIRA Realm" > JIRA Realm< / a > ) OnReceiveRedirect(w < a href = "../../../../../net/http/index.html" > http< / a > .< a href = "../../../../../net/http/index.html#ResponseWriter" > ResponseWriter< / a > , req *< a href = "../../../../../net/http/index.html" > http< / a > .< a href = "../../../../../net/http/index.html#Request" > Request< / a > )< / pre >
< h3 id = "Realm.OnReceiveRedirect" > func (*Realm) < a href = "http://localhost:6060/src/github.com/matrix-org/go-neb/realms/jira/jira.go?s=7608:7683#L235 " > OnReceiveRedirect< / a > < / h3 >
< pre > func (r *< a href = "index.html#Realm" > Realm< / a > ) OnReceiveRedirect(w < a href = "../../../../../net/http/index.html" > http< / a > .< a href = "../../../../../net/http/index.html#ResponseWriter" > ResponseWriter< / a > , req *< a href = "../../../../../net/http/index.html" > http< / a > .< a href = "../../../../../net/http/index.html#Request" > Request< / a > )< / pre >
< p >
OnReceiveRedirect is called when JIRA installations redirect back to NEB
< / p >
@ -309,8 +421,8 @@ OnReceiveRedirect is called when JIRA installations redirect back to NEB
< h3 id = "JIRA Realm.ProjectKeyExists" > func (*JIRA Realm) < a href = "http://localhost:6060/src/github.com/matrix-org/go-neb/realms/jira/jira.go?s=7154:7231#L235 " > ProjectKeyExists< / a > < / h3 >
< pre > func (r *< a href = "index.html#JIRA Realm" > JIRA Realm< / a > ) ProjectKeyExists(userID, projectKey < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#string" > string< / a > ) (< a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#bool" > bool< / a > , < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#error" > error< / a > )< / pre >
< h3 id = "Realm.ProjectKeyExists" > func (*Realm) < a href = "http://localhost:6060/src/github.com/matrix-org/go-neb/realms/jira/jira.go?s=9853:9926#L303 " > ProjectKeyExists< / a > < / h3 >
< pre > func (r *< a href = "index.html#Realm" > Realm< / a > ) ProjectKeyExists(userID, projectKey < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#string" > string< / a > ) (< a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#bool" > bool< / a > , < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#error" > error< / a > )< / pre >
< p >
ProjectKeyExists returns true if the given project key exists on this JIRA realm.
An authenticated client for userID will be used if one exists, else an
@ -323,8 +435,8 @@ of projects.
< h3 id = "JIRA Realm.Register" > func (*JIRA Realm) < a href = "http://localhost:6060/src/github.com/matrix-org/go-neb/realms/jira/jira.go?s=2749:2785#L94 " > Register< / a > < / h3 >
< pre > func (r *< a href = "index.html#JIRA Realm" > JIRA Realm< / a > ) Register() < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#error" > error< / a > < / pre >
< h3 id = "Realm.Register" > func (*Realm) < a href = "http://localhost:6060/src/github.com/matrix-org/go-neb/realms/jira/jira.go?s=5191:5223#L156 " > Register< / a > < / h3 >
< pre > func (r *< a href = "index.html#Realm" > Realm< / a > ) Register() < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#error" > error< / a > < / pre >
< p >
Register is called when this realm is being created from an external entity
< / p >
@ -334,19 +446,34 @@ Register is called when this realm is being created from an external entity
< h3 id = "JIRA Realm.RequestAuthSession" > func (*JIRA Realm) < a href = "http://localhost:6060/src/github.com/matrix-org/go-neb/realms/jira/jira.go?s=3647:3733#L124 " > RequestAuthSession< / a > < / h3 >
< pre > func (r *< a href = "index.html#JIRA Realm" > JIRA Realm< / a > ) RequestAuthSession(userID < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#string" > string< / a > , req < a href = "../../../../../encoding/json/index.html" > json< / a > .< a href = "../../../../../encoding/json/index.html#RawMessage" > RawMessage< / a > ) interface{}< / pre >
< h3 id = "Realm.RequestAuthSession" > func (*Realm) < a href = "http://localhost:6060/src/github.com/matrix-org/go-neb/realms/jira/jira.go?s=6403:6485#L196 " > RequestAuthSession< / a > < / h3 >
< pre > func (r *< a href = "index.html#Realm" > Realm< / a > ) RequestAuthSession(userID < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#string" > string< / a > , req < a href = "../../../../../encoding/json/index.html" > json< / a > .< a href = "../../../../../encoding/json/index.html#RawMessage" > RawMessage< / a > ) interface{}< / pre >
< p >
RequestAuthSession is called by a user wishing to auth with this JIRA realm
RequestAuthSession is called by a user wishing to auth with this JIRA realm.
The request body is of type " jira.AuthRequest" . Returns a " jira.AuthResponse" .
< / p >
< p >
Request example:
< / p >
< pre > {
" RedirectURL" : " < a href = "https://somewhere.somehow" > https://somewhere.somehow< / a > "
< / pre >
< p >
Response example:
< / p >
< pre > {
" URL" : " < a href = "https://jira.somewhere.com/plugins/servlet/oauth/authorize?oauth_token=7yeuierbgweguiegrTbOT" > https://jira.somewhere.com/plugins/servlet/oauth/authorize?oauth_token=7yeuierbgweguiegrTbOT< / a > "
< / pre >
< h3 id = "JIRARealm.Type" > func (*JIRARealm) < a href = "http://localhost:6060/src/github.com/matrix-org/go-neb/realms/jira/jira.go?s=2168:2201#L73" > Type< / a > < / h3 >
< pre > func (r *< a href = "index.html#JIRARealm" > JIRARealm< / a > ) Type() < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#string" > string< / a > < / pre >
< h3 id = "Realm.Type" > func (*Realm) < a href = "http://localhost:6060/src/github.com/matrix-org/go-neb/realms/jira/jira.go?s=4615:4644#L135 " > Type< / a > < / h3 >
< pre > func (r *< a href = "index.html#Realm" > Realm< / a > ) Type() < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#string" > string< / a > < / pre >
< p >
Type returns the type of realm this is.
< / p >
@ -358,16 +485,21 @@ Type returns the type of realm this is.
< h2 id = "JIRASession" > type < a href = "http://localhost:6060/src/github.com/matrix-org/go-neb/realms/jira/jira.go?s=1085:1364#L31" > JIRASession< / a > < / h2 >
< pre > type JIRASession struct {
< h2 id = "Session" > type < a href = "http://localhost:6060/src/github.com/matrix-org/go-neb/realms/jira/jira.go?s=3069:3514#L74" > Session< / a > < / h2 >
< pre > type Session struct {
< span class = "comment" > // The secret obtained when requesting an authentication session with JIRA.< / span >
RequestSecret < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#string" > string< / a >
< span class = "comment" > // A JIRA access token for a Matrix user ID.< / span >
AccessToken < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#string" > string< / a >
< span class = "comment" > // A JIRA access secret for a Matrix user ID.< / span >
AccessSecret < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#string" > string< / a >
ClientsRedirectURL < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#string" > string< / a > < span class = "comment" > // where to redirect the client to after auth< / span >
< span class = "comment" > // Optional. The URL to redirect the client to after authentication.< / span >
ClientsRedirectURL < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#string" > string< / a >
< span class = "comment" > // contains filtered or unexported fields< / span >
}< / pre >
< p >
JIRA Session represents a single authentication session between a user and a JIRA endpoint.
Session represents a single authentication session between a user and a JIRA endpoint.
The endpoint is dictated by the realm ID.
< / p >
@ -384,8 +516,8 @@ The endpoint is dictated by the realm ID.
< h3 id = "JIRA Session.Authenticated" > func (*JIRA Session) < a href = "http://localhost:6060/src/github.com/matrix-org/go-neb/realms/jira/jira.go?s=1439:1481#L42 " > Authenticated< / a > < / h3 >
< pre > func (s *< a href = "index.html#JIRA Session" > JIRA Session< / a > ) Authenticated() < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#bool" > bool< / a > < / pre >
< h3 id = "Session.Authenticated" > func (*Session) < a href = "http://localhost:6060/src/github.com/matrix-org/go-neb/realms/jira/jira.go?s=3910:3948#L104 " > Authenticated< / a > < / h3 >
< pre > func (s *< a href = "index.html#Session" > Session< / a > ) Authenticated() < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#bool" > bool< / a > < / pre >
< p >
Authenticated returns true if the user has completed the auth process
< / p >
@ -395,8 +527,8 @@ Authenticated returns true if the user has completed the auth process
< h3 id = "JIRA Session.ID" > func (*JIRA Session) < a href = "http://localhost:6060/src/github.com/matrix-org/go-neb/realms/jira/jira.go?s=198 2:201 5#L63 " > ID< / a > < / h3 >
< pre > func (s *< a href = "index.html#JIRA Session" > JIRA Session< / a > ) ID() < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#string" > string< / a > < / pre >
< h3 id = "Session.ID" > func (*Session) < a href = "http://localhost:6060/src/github.com/matrix-org/go-neb/realms/jira/jira.go?s=4437:4466#L 125" > ID< / a > < / h3 >
< pre > func (s *< a href = "index.html#Session" > Session< / a > ) ID() < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#string" > string< / a > < / pre >
< p >
ID returns the OAuth1 request_token which is used when looking up sessions in the redirect
@ -407,8 +539,8 @@ handler.
< h3 id = "JIRA Session.Info" > func (*JIRA Session) < a href = "http://localhost:6060/src/github.com/matrix-org/go-neb/realms/jira/jira.go?s=1563:1603#L47 " > Info< / a > < / h3 >
< pre > func (s *< a href = "index.html#JIRA Session" > JIRA Session< / a > ) Info() interface{}< / pre >
< h3 id = "Session.Info" > func (*Session) < a href = "http://localhost:6060/src/github.com/matrix-org/go-neb/realms/jira/jira.go?s=4030:4066#L109 " > Info< / a > < / h3 >
< pre > func (s *< a href = "index.html#Session" > Session< / a > ) Info() interface{}< / pre >
< p >
Info returns nothing
< / p >
@ -418,8 +550,8 @@ Info returns nothing
< h3 id = "JIRA Session.RealmID" > func (*JIRA Session) < a href = "http://localhost:6060/src/github.com/matrix-org/go-neb/realms/jira/jira.go?s=1814:1852#L57 " > RealmID< / a > < / h3 >
< pre > func (s *< a href = "index.html#JIRA Session" > JIRA Session< / a > ) RealmID() < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#string" > string< / a > < / pre >
< h3 id = "Session.RealmID" > func (*Session) < a href = "http://localhost:6060/src/github.com/matrix-org/go-neb/realms/jira/jira.go?s=4273:4307#L119 " > RealmID< / a > < / h3 >
< pre > func (s *< a href = "index.html#Session" > Session< / a > ) RealmID() < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#string" > string< / a > < / pre >
< p >
RealmID returns the JIRA realm ID which created this session.
< / p >
@ -429,8 +561,8 @@ RealmID returns the JIRA realm ID which created this session.
< h3 id = "JIRA Session.UserID" > func (*JIRA Session) < a href = "http://localhost:6060/src/github.com/matrix-org/go-neb/realms/jira/jira.go?s=1689:1726#L52 " > UserID< / a > < / h3 >
< pre > func (s *< a href = "index.html#JIRA Session" > JIRA Session< / a > ) UserID() < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#string" > string< / a > < / pre >
< h3 id = "Session.UserID" > func (*Session) < a href = "http://localhost:6060/src/github.com/matrix-org/go-neb/realms/jira/jira.go?s=4152:4185#L114 " > UserID< / a > < / h3 >
< pre > func (s *< a href = "index.html#Session" > Session< / a > ) UserID() < a href = "../../../../../builtin/index.html#string" > string< / a > < / pre >
< p >
UserID returns the ID of the user performing the authentication.
< / p >