- [389 Directory Server](https://www.port389.org/) - Enterprise-class Open Source LDAP server for Linux.
- [389 Directory Server](https://www.port389.org/) - Enterprise-class Open Source LDAP server for Linux. ([Source Code](https://github.com/389ds/389-ds-base))
- [Apache Directory Server](https://directory.apache.org/apacheds/) - Extensible and embeddable directory server, certified LDAPv3 compatible, with Kerberos 5 and Change Password Protocol support, triggers, stored procedures, queues and views. `Java`
- [Apache Directory Server](https://directory.apache.org/apacheds/) - Extensible and embeddable directory server, certified LDAPv3 compatible, with Kerberos 5 and Change Password Protocol support, triggers, stored procedures, queues and views. `Java`
- [FreeIPA](https://www.freeipa.org/) - Integrated security information management solution combining Linux (Fedora), 389 Directory Server, Kerberos, NTP, DNS, and Dogtag Certificate System (web interface and command-line administration tools).
- [FreeIPA](https://www.freeipa.org/) - Integrated security information management solution combining Linux (Fedora), 389 Directory Server, Kerberos, NTP, DNS, and Dogtag Certificate System (web interface and command-line administration tools).
- [FreeRADIUS](https://freeradius.org/) - Multi-protocol policy server (radiusd) that implements RADIUS, DHCP, BFD, and ARP and associated client/PAM library/Apache module.
- [FreeRADIUS](https://freeradius.org/) - Multi-protocol policy server (radiusd) that implements RADIUS, DHCP, BFD, and ARP and associated client/PAM library/Apache module.