- [Personal management system](https://github.com/Volmarg/personal-management-system) - Central point for managing personal data (billings, payments, job holidays, notes etc.). ([Demo](http://personal-management-system.pl/)) `MIT``PHP`
- [simple-dash](https://github.com/kutyla-philipp/simple-dash) - A simple, fully responsive Dashboard to forward to the services of your choice. ([Demo](https://kutyla-philipp.github.io/simple-dash/)) `MIT``Javascript`
- [Smashing](https://smashing.github.io/) - Smashing, the spiritual successor to Dashing, is a Sinatra based framework that lets you build excellent dashboards. It looks especially great on TVs. ([Source Code](https://github.com/Smashing/smashing)) `MIT``Ruby`
- [web-portal](https://github.com/enchant97/web-portal) - Web app that aims to provide an easy and fast way to manage the links to all of your web services. `GPL-3.0``Python`
- [wger](https://wger.de/) - Web-based personal workout, fitness and weight logger/tracker. It can also be used as a simple gym management utility and offers a full REST API as well. ([Demo](https://wger.de/en/dashboard), [Source Code](https://github.com/wger-project/wger)) `AGPL-3.0``Python`
- [Your Spotify](https://github.com/Yooooomi/your_spotify) `⚠` - Allows you to record your Spotify listening activity and have statistics about them served through a Web application. `MIT``Nodejs/Docker`