@ -5,9 +5,11 @@ To ensure your PR is dealt with swiftly please check the following:
- [ ] Your submissions are formatted according to the following requirements.
``- [Name](http://homepage/) - Short description, less than 250 characters. ([Demo](http://url.to/demo), [Source Code](http://url.of/source/code), [Clients](https://url.to/list/of/related/clients-or-apps)) `License``Language` ``
With proprietary dependencies:
``- [Name](http://homepage/) `⚠` - Short description, less than 250 characters. ([Demo](http://url.to/demo), [Source Code](http://url.of/source/code), [Clients](https://url.to/list/of/related/clients-or-apps)) `License``Language` ``
non-free software in non-free.md
non-free software in non-free.md:
``- [Name](http://homepage/) `⊘ Proprietary` - Short description, less than 250 characters. ([Demo](http://url.to/demo), [Source Code](http://url.of/source/code), [Clients](https://url.to/list/of/related/clients-or-apps)) `Language` ``
- [ ] Your additions are ordered alphabetically.
- [ ] Your additions are [Free software](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_software), or if not they have been added to [non-free](non-free.md) and marked `⊘ Proprietary`.