@ -49,22 +49,32 @@ impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for AcmedConfig { |
D: Deserializer<'de>,
let unchecked = AcmedConfig::deserialize(deserializer)?;
// Checking hooks
for key in unchecked.hook.keys() {
// Hook name must not start with `internal:`
if key.starts_with(crate::INTERNAL_HOOK_PREFIX) {
return Err(de::Error::custom(format!("{key}: invalid hook name")));
// Checking groups
for (key, hook_lst) in &unchecked.group {
// Group name must not start with `internal:`
if key.starts_with(crate::INTERNAL_HOOK_PREFIX) {
return Err(de::Error::custom(format!("{key}: invalid group name")));
// Group must only contain valid hook names
for hook_name in hook_lst {
if !unchecked.hook.contains_key(hook_name) {
return Err(de::Error::custom(format!("{hook_name}: hook not found")));
// Checking accoutns
for account in unchecked.account.values() {
// Account must only contain valid hook/group names
for hook_name in &account.hooks {
if !unchecked.hook.contains_key(hook_name)
&& !unchecked.group.contains_key(hook_name)
@ -73,6 +83,34 @@ impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for AcmedConfig { |
// Checking certificates
for cert in &unchecked.certificate {
// Certificate must contain a valid account name
if !unchecked.account.contains_key(&cert.account) {
return Err(de::Error::custom(format!(
"{}: account not found",
// Certificate must contain a valid endpoint name
if !unchecked.endpoint.contains_key(&cert.endpoint) {
return Err(de::Error::custom(format!(
"{}: endpoint not found",
// Certificate must only contain valid hook/group names
for hook_name in &cert.hooks {
if !unchecked.hook.contains_key(hook_name)
&& !unchecked.group.contains_key(hook_name)
return Err(de::Error::custom(format!("{hook_name}: hook not found")));
// All tests passed
@ -307,6 +345,102 @@ contacts = [ |
{ mailto = "acme@example.org" },
hooks = ["not-found"]
let res = load_str::<AcmedConfig>(cfg);
fn certificate() {
let cfg = r#"
contacts = [
{ mailto = "acme@example.org" },
cmd = "cat"
type = ["challenge-http-01"]
url = "https://acme-v02.ac1.example.org/directory"
account = "toto"
endpoint = "my-ca"
identifiers = [
{ dns = "example.org", challenge = "http-01"},
hooks = ["my-hook"]
let res = load_str::<AcmedConfig>(cfg);
fn account_404_certificate() {
let cfg = r#"
cmd = "cat"
type = ["challenge-http-01"]
url = "https://acme-v02.ac1.example.org/directory"
account = "toto"
endpoint = "my-ca"
identifiers = [
{ dns = "example.org", challenge = "http-01"},
hooks = ["my-hook"]
let res = load_str::<AcmedConfig>(cfg);
fn endpoint_404_certificate() {
let cfg = r#"
contacts = [
{ mailto = "acme@example.org" },
cmd = "cat"
type = ["challenge-http-01"]
account = "toto"
endpoint = "my-ca"
identifiers = [
{ dns = "example.org", challenge = "http-01"},
hooks = ["my-hook"]
let res = load_str::<AcmedConfig>(cfg);
fn hook_404_certificate() {
let cfg = r#"
contacts = [
{ mailto = "acme@example.org" },
url = "https://acme-v02.ac1.example.org/directory"
account = "toto"
endpoint = "my-ca"
identifiers = [
{ dns = "example.org", challenge = "http-01"},
hooks = ["my-hook"]
let res = load_str::<AcmedConfig>(cfg);