1 changed files with 124 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env sh |
# Author: non7top@gmail.com (yandex pdd plugin), |
# vos@vos.uz (multitoken support) |
# 07 Jul 2017 (yandex pdd), 03 May 2018 (multitoken) |
# report bugs at https://github.com/non7top/acme.sh (pdd), |
# https://github.com/v0s/acme.sh (multitoken) |
# This plugin supports separate PDD API Tokens for different domains |
# USAGE: |
# export PDD_Multi_Token="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" |
# acme.sh --issue --dns -d example.com |
# After first run, plugin saves the token, no need to export it again. |
# It keeps the tokens in your account.conf by appending the MD5 hash of challenge domain |
# (e.g. for _acme-challenge.example.com: PDD_Multi_Token_7f5e9f17430f06a79f380bb1d457ff6f='xxxxx') |
######## Public functions ##################### |
#Usage: dns_myapi_add _acme-challenge.www.domain.com "XKrxpRBosdIKFzxW_CT3KLZNf6q0HG9i01zxXp5CPBs" |
dns_yandex_multitoken_add() { |
fulldomain="${1}" |
txtvalue="${2}" |
_debug "Calling: dns_yandex_multitoken_add() '${fulldomain}' '${txtvalue}'" |
_PDD_credentials "$fulldomain" || return 1 |
export _H1="PddToken: $PDD_Multi_Token" |
_PDD_get_domain "$fulldomain" || return 1 |
_debug "Found suitable domain in pdd: $curDomain" |
curData="domain=${curDomain}&type=TXT&subdomain=${curSubdomain}&ttl=90&content=${txtvalue}" |
curUri="https://pddimp.yandex.ru/api2/admin/dns/add" |
curResult="$(_post "${curData}" "${curUri}")" |
_debug "Result: $curResult" |
} |
#Usage: dns_myapi_rm _acme-challenge.www.domain.com |
dns_yandex_multitoken_rm() { |
fulldomain="${1}" |
_debug "Calling: dns_yandex_multitoken_rm() '${fulldomain}'" |
_PDD_credentials "$fulldomain" || return 1 |
export _H1="PddToken: $PDD_Multi_Token" |
_PDD_get_domain "$fulldomain" || return 1 |
_debug "Found suitable domain in pdd: $curDomain" |
record_id=$(pdd_get_record_id "${fulldomain}") |
_debug "Result: $record_id" |
for rec_i in $record_id; do |
curUri="https://pddimp.yandex.ru/api2/admin/dns/del" |
curData="domain=${curDomain}&record_id=${rec_i}" |
curResult="$(_post "${curData}" "${curUri}")" |
_debug "Result: $curResult" |
done |
} |
#################### Private functions below ################################## |
_PDD_get_domain() { |
fulldomain="${1}" |
__page=1 |
__last=0 |
while [ $__last -eq 0 ]; do |
uri1="https://pddimp.yandex.ru/api2/admin/domain/domains?page=${__page}&on_page=20" |
res1="$(_get "$uri1" | _normalizeJson)" |
_debug2 "res1" "$res1" |
__found="$(echo "$res1" | sed -n -e 's#.* "found": \([^,]*\),.*#\1#p')" |
_debug "found: $__found results on page" |
if [ "0$__found" -lt 20 ]; then |
_debug "last page: $__page" |
__last=1 |
fi |
__all_domains="$__all_domains $(echo "$res1" | tr "," "\n" | grep '"name"' | cut -d: -f2 | sed -e 's@"@@g')" |
__page=$(_math $__page + 1) |
done |
k=2 |
while [ $k -lt 10 ]; do |
__t=$(echo "$fulldomain" | cut -d . -f $k-100) |
_debug "finding zone for domain $__t" |
for d in $__all_domains; do |
if [ "$d" = "$__t" ]; then |
p=$(_math $k - 1) |
curSubdomain="$(echo "$fulldomain" | cut -d . -f "1-$p")" |
curDomain="$__t" |
return 0 |
fi |
done |
k=$(_math $k + 1) |
done |
_err "No suitable domain found in your account" |
_err "Export PDD_Multi_Token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx for correct domain" |
_err "You can get it at https://pddimp.yandex.ru/api2/admin/get_token" |
return 1 |
} |
_PDD_credentials() { |
fulldomain="${1}" |
domainhash="$(echo -n "$fulldomain" | openssl md5 | cut -d ' ' -f2)" |
if [ -z "${PDD_Multi_Token}" ]; then |
eval PDD_Multi_Token=\$PDD_Multi_Token_$domainhash |
if [ -z "${PDD_Multi_Token}" ]; then |
PDD_Multi_Token="" |
_err "You need to export PDD_Multi_Token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" |
_err "You can get it at https://pddimp.yandex.ru/api2/admin/get_token" |
return 1 |
fi |
else |
_saveaccountconf PDD_Multi_Token_$domainhash "${PDD_Multi_Token}" |
fi |
} |
pdd_get_record_id() { |
fulldomain="${1}" |
_PDD_get_domain "$fulldomain" |
_debug "Found suitable domain in pdd: $curDomain" |
curUri="https://pddimp.yandex.ru/api2/admin/dns/list?domain=${curDomain}" |
curResult="$(_get "${curUri}" | _normalizeJson)" |
_debug "Result: $curResult" |
echo "$curResult" | _egrep_o "{[^{]*\"content\":[^{]*\"subdomain\":\"${curSubdomain}\"" | sed -n -e 's#.* "record_id": \(.*\),[^,]*#\1#p' |
} |
Reference in new issue