@ -81,31 +81,32 @@ f5_bigip_tmsh() {
_next_chain = " ${ _domain } -chain- ${ _now } "
if [ " ${ DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE_DISABLE } " = "no" ] ; then
_current_cert = $( tmsh list ltm profile client-ssl ${ DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE } cert 2>/dev/null | grep cert | awk '{print $2}' )
_current_key = $( tmsh list ltm profile client-ssl ${ DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE } key 2>/dev/null | grep key | awk '{print $2}' )
_current_chain = $( tmsh list ltm profile client-ssl ${ DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE } chain 2>/dev/null | grep chain | awk '{print $2}' )
_current_cert = $( tmsh list ltm profile client-ssl " ${ DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE } " cert 2>/dev/null | grep cert | awk '{print $2}' )
_current_key = $( tmsh list ltm profile client-ssl " ${ DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE } " key 2>/dev/null | grep key | awk '{print $2}' )
_current_chain = $( tmsh list ltm profile client-ssl " ${ DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE } " chain 2>/dev/null | grep chain | awk '{print $2}' )
_info "Installing new cert/key/chain into store"
${ TMSH_CMD } install sys crypto cert ${ _next_cert } from-local-file " ${ _ccert } "
${ TMSH_CMD } install sys crypto key ${ _next_key } from-local-file " ${ _ckey } "
${ TMSH_CMD } install sys crypto cert ${ _next_chain } from-local-file " ${ _cfullchain } "
${ TMSH_CMD } install sys crypto cert " ${ _next_cert } " from-local-file " ${ _ccert } "
${ TMSH_CMD } install sys crypto key " ${ _next_key } " from-local-file " ${ _ckey } "
${ TMSH_CMD } install sys crypto cert " ${ _next_chain } " from-local-file " ${ _cfullchain } "
if [ " ${ DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE_DISABLE } " = "no" ] ; then
_info "Cleaning up old cert/key/chain from the store"
f5_bigip_cleanup "cert" "cert" ${ _current_cert }
f5_bigip_cleanup "key" "key" ${ _current_key }
f5_bigip_cleanup "cert" "chain" ${ _current_chain }
f5_bigip_cleanup "cert" "cert" " ${ _current_cert } "
f5_bigip_cleanup "key" "key" " ${ _current_key } "
f5_bigip_cleanup "cert" "chain" " ${ _current_chain } "
if [ -z " $( ${ TMSH_CMD } list ltm profile client-ssl ${ DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE } 2>/dev/null) " ] ; then
if [ -z " $( ${ TMSH_CMD } list ltm profile client-ssl " ${ DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE } " 2>/dev/null) " ] ; then
_info " Creating new ${ DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE } ClientSSL profile "
${ TMSH_CMD } create ltm profile client-ssl ${ DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE } \
cert-key-chain add { ACME { cert ${ _next_cert } key ${ _next_key } chain ${ _next_chain } } } \
# shellcheck disable=SC2029 - this has to be disabled because of ${DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE_SETTINGS}, otherwise it will throw an unknown property error
${ TMSH_CMD } create ltm profile client-ssl " ${ DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE } " \
cert-key-chain add "{" ACME "{" cert " ${ _next_cert } " key " ${ _next_key } " chain " ${ _next_chain } " "}" "}" \
_info " Updating ${ DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE } ClientSSL profile with new cert/key/chain "
${ TMSH_CMD } modify ltm profile client-ssl ${ DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE } \
cert-key-chain replace-all-with { ACME { cert ${ _next_cert } key ${ _next_key } chain ${ _next_chain } } }
${ TMSH_CMD } modify ltm profile client-ssl " ${ DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE } " \
cert-key-chain replace-all-with "{" ACME "{" cert " ${ _next_cert } " key " ${ _next_key } " chain " ${ _next_chain } " "}" "}"
${ TMSH_CMD } save sys config
@ -119,18 +120,18 @@ f5_bigip_cleanup() {
if [ -n " $_current " ] ; then
if [ " $DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_BACKUP " = "yes" ] ; then
# Backup enabled leave 1 previous type as backup and delete everything older than it
_old_date_list = $( ${ TMSH_CMD } list sys crypto ${ _cert_mgmt_type } | grep ${ _domain } -${ _cert_type } | awk '{print $4}' | awk -F'-' '{print $(NF-2) "-" $(NF-1) "-" $NF}' | sort -r | tail -n +3)
_old_date_list = $( ${ TMSH_CMD } list sys crypto " ${ _cert_mgmt_type } " | grep " ${ _domain } " -" ${ _cert_type } " | awk '{print $4}' | awk -F'-' '{print $(NF-2) "-" $(NF-1) "-" $NF}' | sort -r | tail -n +3)
if [ -n " ${ _old_date_list } " ] ; then
while IFS = read -r _old_date; do
echo " ${ _old_date_list } " | while IFS = read -r _old_date; do
_old_name = " ${ _domain } - ${ _cert_type } - ${ _old_date } "
_debug " Deleting ${ _cert_mgmt_type } ${ _old_name } "
${ TMSH_CMD } delete sys crypto ${ _cert_mgmt_type } ${ _old_name }
done <<< " ${ _old_date_list } "
${ TMSH_CMD } delete sys crypto " ${ _cert_mgmt_type } " " ${ _old_name } "
# Backup disabled, remove current type
_debug " Deleting ${ _cert_mgmt_type } ${ _current } "
${ TMSH_CMD } delete sys crypto ${ _cert_mgmt_type } ${ _current }
${ TMSH_CMD } delete sys crypto " ${ _cert_mgmt_type } " " ${ _current } "