body:'Please upgrade to the latest code and try again first. Maybe it's already fixed. ``` --upgrade``` If it's still not working, please provide the log with `--debug 2`, otherwise, nobody can help you.'
body:"Please upgrade to the latest code and try again first. Maybe it's already fixed. ``` --upgrade``` If it's still not working, please provide the log with `--debug 2`, otherwise, nobody can help you."
_info "[KAS] -> Response was empty, please check manually."
elif _contains "$response""<SOAP-ENV:Fault>";then
faultstring="$(echo"$response"| tr -d '\n\r'| sed "s/<faultstring>/\n=> /g"| sed "s/<\/faultstring>/\n/g"| grep "=>"| sed "s/=> //g")"
_err "[KAS] -> Could not retrieve login token or antoher error =>$faultstring<= occurred, please check manually."
_credential_token="$(echo"$response"| tr '\n'' '| sed 's/.*return xsi:type="xsd:string">\(.*\)<\/return>/\1/'| sed 's/<\/ns1:KasAuthResponse\(.*\)Envelope>.*//')"
_credential_token="$(echo"$response"| tr '\n'' '| sed 's/.*return xsi:type="xsd:string">\(.*\)<\/return>/\1/'| sed 's/<\/ns1:KasAuthResponse\(.*\)Envelope>.*//')"