The public sources for my resume. These sources are auto compiled and published upon changes.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

28 lines
792 B

#!/usr/bin/env bash
cd /source
# Get PDFJam to combine the pdf's
#curl -LSO
#tar -zxvf pdfjam_latest.tgz
#export PATH="$PWD/pdfjam/bin:$PATH"
# Script to build a PDF from the latex source
latex --output-format pdf resume.tex
chown $userid:$userid resume.pdf
chmod 666 resume.pdf
latex --output-format pdf ${1}.tex
chown $userid:$userid ${1}.pdf
chmod 666 ${1}.pdf
pdfjam --fitpaper 'true' --rotateoversize 'false' --suffix joined --no-landscape --outfile $outfile ${1}.pdf resume.pdf
#pdfjoin ${1}.pdf DPSResume.pdf --no-landscape --outfile $outfile
chown $userid:$userid $outfile
chmod 666 $outfile
rm resume.log
rm ${1}.log