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\begin{letter}{Elastic \\
3300 N Interstate 35, 7th Floor \\
Austin, TX 78705}
{\large\bf Drew Short}
\medskip\hrule height 1pt
\begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{@{}l@{\extracolsep{\fill}}r@{}} & 1430 Taylor Ave W \\
(651) 285-4565 & Saint Paul, MN 55104
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\opening{Dear Hiring Manager for the Senior Java Engineer - Security Position:}
\noindent I've been an avid supporter of Elastic products stretching back to my push for the ELK stack as a log aggregation, searching, and data visualization platform within Cargill Risk Management. So, when I found your open Senior Java Engineer position through the LinkedIn job boards I was excited to consider the possibility of directly contributing to the Elasticsearch platform.
\noindent In my 8 years of professional software engineering experience, I've moved through testing, development, mentoring and leadership roles and have spent a significant amount of that time addressing performance and security issues within both large Spring applications and Spring Boot microservices. I recently transitioned to a lead role within a DevOps group as part of a long term initiative to align the operations team with the technical architecture team. As a result of that role change I've also been responsible for the technical analysis, triaging, and assignment of security issues to domain teams. Security is a complicated field and often a series of innocuous choices lead to a vulnerabilities. I believe with my varied experience I can offer unique insights and solutions.
\noindent I look forward to connecting about this opportunity. Please feel free to reach out to me at (651) 285-4565 or
\closing{Thank you for your time,}
%\encl{} % Enclosures