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Short} % \address used twice to have two lines of address \address{1430 Taylor Ave W, St. Paul, MN 55104} \address{ \Mobilefone \hspace{1 pt} (651)-285-4565 | \Letter \hspace{1 pt} \href{mailto:drew@sothr.com?subject=Concerning Your Resume}{drew@sothr.com} | \Mundus \hspace{1 pt} \url{https://www.sothr.com} } \begin{resume} \section{SOFTWARE ENGINEER} Object Oriented Design and Development | Relational Database Systems \begin{itemize} \itemsep -0.5pt \item \emph{Exceptional Software Engineer} - 6+ years of experience with the entire software development lifcycle. Dedicated to the delivery of innovative solutions for today's problems, using tomorrow's tools. \item \emph{Excellent troubleshooting and analysis skills} - Quick to analyze the root cause of issues and work towards both immediate and long term solutions. \item \emph{Expert in backend/middle system design \& implementation} - Years of experience in validating, processing, and marshalling data across varied systems. \end{itemize} \section{COMPUTER \\ SKILLS} {\bf Languages \& Software:} Java, Groovy, SQL, Javascript, Ruby, Python, Spring Framework, Docker, Tomcat, JEE, Hibernate, Maven, Gradle, JUnit, Spock, Apache Camel, Log4J, Logback, SLF4J, Backbone.js, JQuery, Bootstrap, Nginx, Oracle, MySQL, SQLite. \\ {\bf Operating Systems:} Windows, Linux (Fedora, Ubuntu, RHEL, OpenSuse), OSX. \section{EXPERIENCE} {\bf Senior Software Engineer} \hfill (Under Contract To) Optum \\ \begin{tabular*}{1.0\linewidth}{@{}c@{\extracolsep{\fill}}r@{}} Eden Prairie, MN & 2016 - {\the\year} (\difftoday{2016}{12}{12}) \\ \hline \end{tabular*} \begin{itemize} \itemsep -0.5pt % reduce space between items \item Improved a code generation feature of an internal framework built on top of Spring Framework. Easing life for developers. \item Led the coversion work of inline JSON deserialization to Jackson enhanced DTO for the communication of internal datastructures via web API and message queues. \item Involved in the early work to replace standalone legacy REST API services with versions built on the latest Spring Boot. \end{itemize} \vspace*{-0.5pt} {\bf Software Engineer} \hfill Cargill Incorporated, Risk Management \\ \begin{tabular*}{1.0\linewidth}{@{}c@{\extracolsep{\fill}}r@{}} Hopkins, MN & 2013 - 2016 (\diffdates{2013}{06}{01}{2016}{12}{9}) \\ \hline \end{tabular*} \begin{itemize} \itemsep -0.5pt % reduce space between items \item Lead a small (3-5 person) team to retool and support a migration system in preperation of an extended cutover testing period. \item Architected a Python REST API to integrate an Oracle data source with a thirdparty suite of back, middle and front office tools. \item Redesigned management system for '\emph{Risk Products}', delivering improved control over the individual components. \item Maintained/upgraded a 10+ year Spring web application. Modernized interface, improved the back end, started work to move to modern build tools/process. \end{itemize} \vspace*{-0.5pt} {\bf Software Engineer Intern} \hfill (Under Contract To) FPX LLC \\ \begin{tabular*}{1.0\linewidth}{@{}c@{\extracolsep{\fill}}r@{}} Mankato, MN & 2011 - 2013 (\diffdates{2011}{04}{01}{2013}{05}{03}) \\ \hline \end{tabular*} \begin{itemize} \itemsep -0.5pt %reduce space between items \item Expanded a REST API and implemented continuous integration testing. \item Developed a DSL and tooling for internal auditing, testing and reporting. \item Developed a '\emph{playback}' system that facilitated debugging of client systems. \item Quality assurance, code coverage and regression unit testing. \end{itemize} \section{EDUCATION} {\sl Bachelor of Science}, IT (May 2013) \hfill Minnesota State University \\ % \sl will be bold italic in New Century Schoolbook (or % any postscript font) and just slanted in % Computer Modern (default) font Software Engineering \& Ethics \hfill Mankato, MN \section{NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENTS} \begin{itemize} \itemsep -0.5pt %reduce space between items-2pt %reduce space between items \item \textbf{\emph{Eagle Scout \hfill 2007}} \item BSA Leadership Instructor \hfill Summers 2004-2007 \end{itemize} \section{REFERENCES} \centering Available Upon Request \end{resume} \end{document}