Compare commits
merge into: warricksothr:master
pull from: warricksothr:gh-pages
No commits in common. 'master' and 'gh-pages' have entirely different histories.
61 changed files with 299 additions and 2343 deletions
@ -1,145 +0,0 @@ |
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@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ |
# Drew's Resume |
[]( |
# Github Links |
## [View Resume]( |
## [Download Resume]( |
# Personal Site |
## [Site]( |
## [View Resume]( |
## [Download Resume]( |
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Apachine License Version 2.0 |
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\signature{\vspace{-30pt} Drew Short} % name for signature |
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\begin{letter}{Elastic \\ |
3300 N Interstate 35, 7th Floor \\ |
Austin, TX 78705} |
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{\large\bf Drew Short} |
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\medskip\hrule height 1pt |
\begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{@{}l@{\extracolsep{\fill}}r@{}} |
|||| & 1430 Taylor Ave W \\ |
(651) 285-4565 & Saint Paul, MN 55104 |
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\opening{Dear Hiring Manager for the Senior Java Engineer - Security Position:} |
\noindent I've been an avid supporter of Elastic products stretching back to my push for the ELK stack as a log aggregation, searching, and data visualization platform within Cargill Risk Management. So, when I found your open Senior Java Engineer position through the LinkedIn job boards I was excited to consider the possibility of directly contributing to the Elasticsearch platform. |
\noindent In my 8 years of professional software engineering experience, I've moved through testing, development, mentoring and leadership roles and have spent a significant amount of that time addressing performance and security issues within both large Spring applications and Spring Boot microservices. I recently transitioned to a lead role within a DevOps group as part of a long term initiative to align the operations team with the technical architecture team. As a result of that role change I've also been responsible for the technical analysis, triaging, and assignment of security issues to domain teams. Security is a complicated field and often a series of innocuous choices lead to a vulnerabilities. I believe with my varied experience I can offer unique insights and solutions. |
\noindent I look forward to connecting about this opportunity. Please feel free to reach out to me at (651) 285-4565 or |
\closing{Thank you for your time,} |
%\encl{} % Enclosures |
\end{letter} |
\end{document} |
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\signature{Drew P. Short} % name for signature |
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Mozilla Corporation \\ |
331 E. Evelyn Avenue \\ |
Mountain View, CA 94041} |
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{\large\bf Drew P. Short} |
\end{flushleft} |
\medskip\hrule height 1pt |
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\hfill 1430 Taylor Ave W, Saint Paul, MN 55104 \\ |
\hfill (651) 285-4565 |
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\opening{Dear Hiring Manager for the Research Engineer Position:} |
\noindent I found your open Research Engineer position through the |
Mozilla career site and am applying because this role aligns with my |
future goals as a software engineer. As a loyal user of Mozilla |
products I deeply resonate with Mozilla's goal of building a better |
Internet and am excited about the possibility to work for a company |
that has changed the Internet so profoundly. |
\noindent For the past 3 years I have been expanding and maintaining |
a large Java Spring web application for Cargill Inc. Risk Management. |
This has made me sensitive to the difficulties in providing a unified |
experience on the web. I would like to use my skills and ambitions |
to make the web a better place for everyone; developers, designers and users |
alike. I have hobbyist experience with Rust and love the work I |
have done in the language so far, I think it has a very bright future |
ahead of it. |
\noindent I would love to have an opportunity to share my experience, |
discuss the position, and explore the unique background I can bring |
to the team. |
\closing{Thanks for your time,} |
%\encl{} % Enclosures |
\end{letter} |
\end{document} |
@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ |
% Cover letter using letter.sty |
\documentclass{letter} % Uses 10pt |
%Use \documentstyle[newcent]{letter} for New Century Schoolbook postscript font |
% the following commands control the margins: |
\topmargin=-1in % Make letterhead start about 1 inch from top of page |
\textheight=8in % text height can be bigger for a longer letter |
\oddsidemargin=0pt % leftmargin is 1 inch |
\textwidth=6.5in % textwidth of 6.5in leaves 1 inch for right margin |
\begin{document} |
\signature{\vspace{-30pt} Drew Short} % name for signature |
\longindentation=0pt % needed to get closing flush left |
\let\raggedleft\raggedright % needed to get date flush left |
\begin{letter}{Ms. Terri Roberts \\ |
Senior Staff Recruiter \\ |
XYZ Corporation \\ |
Rt. 56 \\ |
Anytown, New Jersey 05867} |
\begin{flushleft} |
{\large\bf Susan R. Bumpershoot} |
\end{flushleft} |
\medskip\hrule height 1pt |
\begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{@{}l@{\extracolsep{\fill}}r@{}} |
|||| & 1430 Taylor Ave W \\ |
(651) 285-4565 & Saint Paul, MN 55104 |
\end{tabular*} |
\vfill % forces letterhead to top of page |
\opening{Dear Ms. Roberts:} |
\noindent PARAGRAPH ONE: State reason for letter, name the position or type |
of work you are applying for and identify source from which you |
learned of the opening. (i.e. Career Development Center, |
newspaper, employment service, personal contact). |
\noindent PARAGRAPH TWO: Indicate why you are interested in the position, |
the company, its products, services - above all, stress what you |
can do for the employer. If you are a recent graduate, explain |
how your academic background makes you a qualified candidate for |
the position. If you have practical work experience, point out |
specific achievements or unique qualifications. Try not to repeat |
the same information the reader will find in the resume. Refer |
the reader to the enclosed resume or application which summarizes |
your qualifications, training, and experiences. The purpose of |
this section is to strengthen your resume by providing details |
which bring your experiences to life. |
\noindent PARAGRAPH THREE: Request a personal interview and indicate your |
flexibility as to the time and place. Repeat your phone number in |
the letter and offer assistance to help in a speedy response. For |
example, state that you will be in the city where the company is |
located on a certain date and would like to set up an interview. |
Or, state that you will call on a certain date to set up an |
interview. End the letter by thanking the employer for taking |
time to consider your credentials. |
\closing{Sincerely yours,} |
\encl{} % Enclosures |
\end{letter} |
\end{document} |
@ -1,356 +0,0 @@ |
%% |
%% This is file `datenumber.sty', |
%% generated with the docstrip utility. |
%% |
%% The original source files were: |
%% |
%% datenumber.dtx (with options: `datenumber') |
%% |
%% This file is part of the `datenumber' package, |
%% |
%% Copyright (C) 2001 J"org-Michael Schr"oder. |
%% |
%% |
%% This program may be distributed and/or modified under the |
%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.2 |
%% of this license or (at your option) any later version. |
%% The latest version of this license is in |
%% |
%% and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX |
%% version 1999/12/01 or later. |
%% |
%% This program consists of all files listed in README.txt. |
%% |
%% For error reports, or offers to help make this a more powerful |
%% tool, please contact me on |
%% |
\def\fileversion{v0.02} |
\def\filedate{2001/08/06} |
\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} |
\ProvidesPackage{datenumber}[\filedate \fileversion] |
\DeclareOption{english}{\input datenumberenglish.ldf} |
\DeclareOption{USenglish}{\input datenumberUSenglish.ldf} |
\DeclareOption{french}{\input datenumberfrench.ldf} |
\DeclareOption{italian}{\input datenumberitalian.ldf} |
\DeclareOption{spanish}{\input datenumberspanish.ldf} |
\DeclareOption{german}{\input datenumbergerman.ldf} |
\DeclareOption{ngerman}{\input datenumbergerman.ldf} |
\input datenumberUSenglish.ldf |
\ProcessOptions |
\newcounter{@dayscnt} |
\newcounter{@startyear} |
\def\setstartyear#1{% |
\ifnum#1<1 |
\errmessage{Package datenumber: startyear < 1}% |
\fi |
\setcounter{@startyear}{#1}% |
\setdatetoday |
} |
\def\thestartyear{\the@startyear} |
\def\setmydatenumber#1#2#3#4{% |
\ifvaliddate{#2}{#3}{#4}% |
\else |
\errmessage{\@errmessage}% |
\fi |
\ifnum\the@startyear<1 |
\errmessage{Package datenumber: startyear < 1}% |
\fi |
\ifnum#2<\the@startyear |
\errmessage{Package datenumber: datenumber < startyear (#2 < \the@startyear)}% |
\fi |
\setcounter{@dayscnt}{0}% |
\ifnum#2>\the@startyear |
\relax\@yearloop{#2}% |
\fi |
\addtocounter{@dayscnt}{% |
\ifcase #3% |
\or 0\or 31\or 59 |
\or 90\or 120\or 151 |
\or 181\or 212\or 243 |
\or 273\or 304\or 334 |
\fi |
}% |
\ifleapyear{#2}% |
\ifnum#3>2 |
\addtocounter{@dayscnt}{1}% |
\fi |
\fi |
\ifnum#2=1582 |
\ifnum#3>10 |
\addtocounter{@dayscnt}{-10}% |
\fi |
\ifnum#3=10 |
\ifnum#4>14 |
\addtocounter{@dayscnt}{-10}% |
\fi |
\fi |
\fi |
\addtocounter{@dayscnt}{#4}% |
\setcounter{#1}{\the@dayscnt}% |
} |
\def\setmydatebynumber#1#2#3#4{% |
\ifnum\the@startyear<1 |
\errmessage{Package datenumber: startyear < 1}% |
\fi |
\ifnum#1<1 |
\errmessage{Package datenumber: datenumber < 1}% |
\fi |
\setcounter{#2}{\the@startyear}% |
\setcounter{@dayscnt}{1}% |
\loop |
\ifleapyear{\thedateyear}% |
\@tempcnta=366 |
\else |
\@tempcnta=365 |
\fi |
\ifnum\thedateyear=1582 |
\@tempcnta=355 |
\fi |
\addtocounter{@dayscnt}{\the\@tempcnta}% |
\ifnum\the@dayscnt<#1\addtocounter{dateyear}{1}% |
\repeat |
\addtocounter{@dayscnt}{-\the\@tempcnta}% |
% |
\setcounter{#3}{1}% |
\setcounter{#4}{1}% |
\setmydatenumber{@dayscnt}{\value{#2}}{\value{#3}}{\value{#4}}% |
\ifnum#1>\the@dayscnt\relax |
\loop |
\mynextdate{#2}{#3}{#4}% |
\addtocounter{@dayscnt}{1}% |
\ifnum\the@dayscnt<#1\relax |
\repeat |
\setmydatenumber{@dayscnt}{\value{#2}}{\value{#3}}{\value{#4}}% |
\fi |
} |
\def\mynextdate#1#2#3{% |
\ifvaliddate{\value{#1}}{\value{#2}}{\value{#3}}% |
\else |
\errmessage{\@errmessage}% |
\fi |
\addtocounter{#3}{1}% |
\ifleapyear{\value{#1}}% |
\@tempcnta=29 |
\else |
\@tempcnta=28 |
\fi |
\ifnum\value{#3}>% |
\ifcase\value{#2}\or31\or\@tempcnta\or31\or30\or31\or30% |
\or31\or31\or30\or31\or30\else31% |
\fi\relax |
\setcounter{#3}{1}% |
\addtocounter{#2}{1}% |
\ifnum\value{#2}>12 |
\setcounter{#2}{1}% |
\addtocounter{#1}{1}% |
\fi |
\fi |
\ifnum\value{#1}=1582 |
\ifnum\value{#2}=10 |
\ifnum\value{#3}=5 |
\setcounter{#3}{15}% |
\fi |
\fi |
\fi |
} |
\def\myprevdate#1#2#3{% |
\ifvaliddate{\value{#1}}{\value{#2}}{\value{#3}}% |
\else |
\errmessage{\@errmessage}% |
\fi |
\addtocounter{#3}{-1}% |
\ifleapyear{\value{#1}}% |
\@tempcnta=29 |
\else |
\@tempcnta=28 |
\fi |
\ifnum\value{#3}=0 |
\addtocounter{#2}{-1}% |
\ifnum\value{#2}=0 |
\addtocounter{#1}{-1}% |
\setcounter{#2}{12}% |
\fi |
\setcounter{#3}{% |
\ifcase\value{#2}\or 31\or\the\@tempcnta\or 31\or 30\or 31\or 30 |
\or 31\or 31\or 30\or 31\or 30\else 31 |
\fi |
}% |
\fi |
\ifnum\value{#1}=1582 |
\ifnum\value{#2}=10 |
\ifnum\value{#3}=14 |
\setcounter{#3}{4}% |
\fi |
\fi |
\fi |
} |
\newcounter{datenumber} |
\newcounter{dateyear} |
\newcounter{datemonth} |
\newcounter{dateday} |
\newcounter{datedayname} |
\def\setdatenumber#1#2#3{% |
\setmydatenumber{datenumber}{#1}{#2}{#3}% |
\setcounter{dateyear}{#1}% |
\setcounter{datemonth}{#2}% |
\setcounter{dateday}{#3}% |
\setdaynamebynumber{\thedatenumber}% |
\setmonthname{\thedatemonth}% |
} |
\def\setdatebynumber#1{% |
\setmydatebynumber{#1}{dateyear}{datemonth}{dateday}% |
\setcounter{datenumber}{#1}% |
\setdaynamebynumber{\thedatenumber}% |
\setmonthname{\thedatemonth}% |
} |
\def\nextdate{% |
\mynextdate{dateyear}{datemonth}{dateday}% |
\setdate{\thedateyear}{\thedatemonth}{\thedateday}% |
} |
\def\prevdate{% |
\myprevdate{dateyear}{datemonth}{dateday}% |
\setdate{\thedateyear}{\thedatemonth}{\thedateday}% |
} |
\def\setdate#1#2#3{%#1 year, #2 month, #3 day |
\setdatenumber{#1}{#2}{#3}% |
} |
\def\setdatetoday{% |
\setdatenumber{\the\year}{\the\month}{\the\day}% |
} |
\def\setmonthname#1{% |
\def\datemonthname{\@monthname{#1}}% |
} |
\def\setdayname#1{% |
\def\datedayname{\@dayname{#1}}% |
} |
\def\setdaynamebynumber#1{% |
\@tempcnta=#1\relax |
\ifnum\the@startyear=1800\advance \@tempcnta by 1\fi |
\ifnum\the@startyear=1900\advance \@tempcnta by 6\fi |
\ifnum\the@startyear=2000\advance \@tempcnta by 4\fi |
\@modulo{\the\@tempcnta}{7}% |
\setcounter{datedayname}{\the\@den}% |
\addtocounter{datedayname}{1}% |
\setdayname{\thedatedayname}% |
} |
\def\datedate{\@datedate}% |
\def\dateselectlanguage#1{% |
\csname @datelanguage#1\endcsname |
\setdayname{\thedatedayname}% |
\setmonthname{\thedatemonth}% |
} |
\def\ifleapyear#1{%#1 year |
\ifnum#1>1500 |
\@modulo{#1}{100}% |
\ifnum\@den=0 |
\@modulo{#1}{400}% |
\else |
\@modulo{#1}{4}% |
\fi |
\else |
\@modulo{#1}{4}% |
\fi |
\ifnum\@den=0 |
} |
\def\ifvaliddate#1#2#3{% |
\ifleapyear{#1}% |
\@tempcnta=29 |
\else |
\@tempcnta=28 |
\fi |
\gdef\@errmessage{}% |
\ifnum#1<1 |
\gdef\@errmessage{Package datenumber: % |
invalid date: year < 1, #1/#2/#3}% |
\fi% |
\ifnum#2<1 |
\gdef\@errmessage{Package datenumber: % |
invalid date: month < 1, #1/#2/#3}% |
\fi% |
\ifnum#2>12 |
\gdef\@errmessage{Package datenumber: % |
invalid date: month > 12, #1/#2/#3}% |
\fi% |
\ifnum#3<1 |
\gdef\@errmessage{Package datenumber: % |
invalid date: day < 1, #1/#2/#3}% |
\fi% |
\@tempcntb= |
\ifcase#2 31\or 31\or\the\@tempcnta\or 31\or 30\or 31\or 30 |
\or 31\or 31\or 30\or 31\or 30\else 31 |
\fi\relax |
\ifnum#3>\@tempcntb |
\gdef\@errmessage{Package datenumber: % |
invalid date: day > \the\@tempcntb, #1/#2/#3}% |
\fi% |
\ifnum#1=1582 |
\ifnum#2=10 |
\ifnum#3>4 |
\ifnum#3<15 |
\gdef\@errmessage{Package datenumber: % |
invalid date: #1/#2/#3}% |
\fi |
\fi |
\fi |
\fi |
\ifx\@errmessage\empty |
} |
\def\@yearloop#1{% |
\@tempcnta=\the@startyear% |
\loop |
\ifleapyear{\@tempcnta}% |
\addtocounter{@dayscnt}{366}% |
\else |
\addtocounter{@dayscnt}{365}% |
\fi |
\ifnum\@tempcnta=1582 |
\addtocounter{@dayscnt}{-10}% |
\fi |
\advance \@tempcnta by 1 |
\ifnum\@tempcnta=#1\else |
\repeat |
} |
\newcount\@nom\newcount\@den |
\def\@modulo#1#2{% |
\@nom=#1\relax |
\@den=#2\relax |
\divide\@nom by \@den% |
\multiply\@nom by \@den% |
\@den=#1% |
\advance\@den by -\@nom% |
} |
\setstartyear{1800} |
\endinput |
%% |
%% End of file `datenumber.sty'. |
@ -1,53 +0,0 @@ |
%% |
%% This is file `datenumberUSenglish.ldf', |
%% generated with the docstrip utility. |
%% |
%% The original source files were: |
%% |
%% datenumber.dtx (with options: `USenglish') |
%% |
%% This file is part of the `datenumber' package, |
%% |
%% Copyright (C) 2001 J"org-Michael Schr"oder. |
%% |
%% |
%% This program may be distributed and/or modified under the |
%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.2 |
%% of this license or (at your option) any later version. |
%% The latest version of this license is in |
%% |
%% and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX |
%% version 1999/12/01 or later. |
%% |
%% This program consists of all files listed in README.txt. |
%% |
%% For error reports, or offers to help make this a more powerful |
%% tool, please contact me on |
%% |
\ProvidesFile{datenumberUSenglish.ldf} |
\def\@datelanguageUSenglish{% |
\def\@dayname{\@daynameUSenglish} |
\def\@monthname{\@monthnameUSenglish}% |
\def\@datedate{\@datedateUSenglish}% |
} |
\def\@monthnameUSenglish#1{% |
\ifcase#1\or |
January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or |
July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi}% |
\def\@daynameUSenglish#1{% |
\ifcase#1\or |
Monday\or Tuesday\or Wednesday\or Thursday\or |
Friday\or Saturday\or Sunday\fi} |
\def\@datedateUSenglish{\datemonthname\space\thedateday, \thedateyear} |
\@datelanguageUSenglish |
\endinput |
%% |
%% End of file `datenumberUSenglish.ldf'. |
@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ |
%% |
%% This is file `datenumberenglish.ldf', |
%% generated with the docstrip utility. |
%% |
%% The original source files were: |
%% |
%% datenumber.dtx (with options: `english') |
%% |
%% This file is part of the `datenumber' package, |
%% |
%% Copyright (C) 2001 J"org-Michael Schr"oder. |
%% |
%% |
%% This program may be distributed and/or modified under the |
%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.2 |
%% of this license or (at your option) any later version. |
%% The latest version of this license is in |
%% |
%% and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX |
%% version 1999/12/01 or later. |
%% |
%% This program consists of all files listed in README.txt. |
%% |
%% For error reports, or offers to help make this a more powerful |
%% tool, please contact me on |
%% |
\ProvidesFile{datenumberenglish.ldf} |
\def\@datelanguageenglish{% |
\def\@dayname{\@daynameenglish} |
\def\@monthname{\@monthnameenglish}% |
\def\@datedate{\@datedateenglish}% |
} |
\def\@monthnameenglish#1{% |
\ifcase#1\or |
January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or |
July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi}% |
\def\@daynameenglish#1{% |
\ifcase#1\or |
Monday\or Tuesday\or Wednesday\or Thursday\or |
Friday\or Saturday\or Sunday\fi} |
\def\@datedateenglish{\thedateday \ifcase\thedateday \or |
st\or nd\or rd\or th\or th\or th\or th\or th\or th\or th\or |
th\or th\or th\or th\or th\or th\or th\or th\or th\or th\or |
st\or nd\or rd\or th\or th\or th\or th\or th\or th\or th\or |
st\fi~\datemonthname \space\thedateyear} |
\@datelanguageenglish |
\endinput |
%% |
%% End of file `datenumberenglish.ldf'. |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
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* Fancy styles for pdf2htmlEX |
* Copyright 2012,2013 Lu Wang <> |
* |
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@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ |
%% |
%% This is file `helvetica.sty', based on helvet.sty extended to include |
%% definitions for rm and tt. This means commands such as \textbf, \textit, |
%% etc. will appear in Helvetica. |
%% Changes added by Harriet Borton on <1995/12/11> |
%% |
%% The original source files were: |
%% |
%% psfonts.dtx (with options: `helvet') |
%% |
%% Copyright (C) 1994 Sebastian Rahtz |
%% All rights reserved. |
%% |
%% The original file is part of the PSNFSS2e package. |
%% ----------------------------------------- |
%% |
%% This is a generated file. Permission is granted to to customize the |
%% declarations in this file to serve the needs of your installation. |
%% However, no permission is granted to distribute a modified version of |
%% this file under its original name. |
\def\fileversion{4.2} |
\def\filedate{94/11/11} |
\def\docdate {94/11/06} |
\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} |
\ProvidesPackage{helvetica}[\filedate\space\fileversion\space |
Helvetica PSNFSS2e package] |
\renewcommand{\sfdefault}{phv} |
\renewcommand{\rmdefault}{phv} |
\renewcommand{\ttdefault}{pcr} |
\endinput |
%% |
%% End of file `helvetica.sty'. |
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@ -1,137 +0,0 @@ |
--- |
resources: |
- name: resume-git |
type: git |
icon: git |
source: |
uri: ssh:// |
private_key: | |
((pull_key)) |
ignore_paths: |
- pipeline.yml |
- |
- |
- name: resume-github-gh-pages |
type: git |
icon: github-circle |
source: |
uri: |
private_key: | |
((push_key_github)) |
branch: gh-pages |
jobs: |
- name: publish |
plan: |
- get: resume-git |
trigger: true |
- get: resume-github-gh-pages |
- task: build-resume-pdf |
config: |
platform: linux |
image_resource: |
type: registry-image |
source: { repository: schickling/latex, tag: "latest" } |
inputs: |
- name: resume-git |
outputs: |
- name: resume-pdf |
run: |
path: /bin/sh |
args: |
- -c |
- | |
cd resume-git |
latex --output-format pdf resume.tex |
latex --output-format pdf resume_for_recruiters.tex |
mv resume.pdf ../resume-pdf/ |
mv resume_for_recruiters.pdf ../resume-pdf/ |
- task: build-resume-html |
config: |
platform: linux |
image_resource: |
type: registry-image |
source: |
repository: (( |
tag: "stable" |
username: ((nexus_docker_read.username)) |
password: ((nexus_docker_read.password)) |
inputs: |
- name: resume-pdf |
outputs: |
- name: resume-html |
run: |
path: /bin/sh |
args: |
- -c |
- | |
cd resume-pdf |
pdf2htmlEX --zoom 1.5 --embed cfijo --dest-dir out resume.pdf |
mv out/resume.html out/index.html |
tar -czvf resume_site.tgz -C out/ . |
mv resume_site.tgz ../resume-html/ |
- task: publish-site |
config: |
platform: linux |
image_resource: |
type: registry-image |
source: |
repository: (( |
tag: "stable" |
username: ((nexus_docker_read.username)) |
password: ((nexus_docker_read.password)) |
inputs: |
- name: resume-pdf |
- name: resume-html |
params: |
DEPLOY_KEY: ((deploy.key)) |
DEPLOY_PORT: ((deploy.port)) |
DEPLOY_USER: ((deploy.user)) |
run: |
path: /bin/bash |
args: |
- -c |
- | |
eval `ssh-agent -s` |
ssh-add <(echo "${DEPLOY_KEY}") |
mkdir -p ~/.ssh |
ssh-keyscan -p ${DEPLOY_PORT} ${DEPLOY_HOST} >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts |
mkdir /tmp/deploy |
tar -xzvf resume-html/resume_site.tgz -C /tmp/deploy |
cp resume-pdf/resume.pdf /tmp/deploy |
cp resume-pdf/resume_for_recruiters.pdf /tmp/deploy |
rsync -avz --delete-delay -e "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -p ${DEPLOY_PORT}" --progress /tmp/deploy/* ${DEPLOY_USER}@${DEPLOY_HOST}:${DEPLOY_TARGET} |
- task: publish-gh-pages |
config: |
platform: linux |
image_resource: |
type: registry-image |
source: { repository: alpine/git } |
inputs: |
- name: resume-pdf |
- name: resume-html |
- name: resume-github-gh-pages |
outputs: |
- name: updated-resume-github-gh-pages |
run: |
path: /bin/sh |
args: |
- -c |
- | |
git config --global "" |
git config --global "Concourse" |
git clone resume-github-gh-pages updated-resume-github-gh-pages |
cd resume-html |
mkdir -p /tmp/resume_site |
tar -zxvf resume_site.tgz -C /tmp/resume_site |
cd ../updated-resume-github-gh-pages |
rm -rf * |
mv /tmp/resume_site/* . |
cp ../resume-pdf/*.pdf . |
git add . |
git commit -m"Auto update of resume page" |
- put: resume-github-gh-pages |
params: |
repository: updated-resume-github-gh-pages |
@ -1,805 +0,0 @@ |
% RESUME DOCUMENT STYLE -- Released 23 Nov 1989 |
% for LaTeX version 2.09 |
% Copyright (C) 1988,1989 by Michael DeCorte |
\typeout{Document Style `res' <26 Sep 89>.} |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
% res.sty |
% |
% \documentstyle{res} |
% |
% Copyright (c) 1988 by Michael DeCorte |
% Permission to copy all or part of this work is granted, provided |
% that the copies are not made or distributed for resale, and that |
% the copyright notice and this notice are retained. |
% |
% |
% If you make any improvements, I'd like to hear about them. |
% |
% Michael DeCorte |
% P.O. Box 652 |
% Potsdam NY 13676 |
% |
% mrd@clutx.bitnet |
% |
% Changes for LaTeX2e -- Venkat Krishnamurthy (Aug 7, 2001) |
% |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
% You can have multiple style options the legal options ones are: |
% |
% centered the name and address are centered at the top of the |
% page (default) |
% |
% line the name is the left with a horizontal line then |
% the address to the right |
% |
% overlapped the section titles overlap the body text (default) |
% |
% margin the section titles are to the left of the body text |
% |
% 11pt use 11 point fonts instead of 10 point fonts |
% |
% 12pt use 12 point fonts instead of 10 point fonts |
% |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
% Commands |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
% \Resume prints the word resume but typeset nicely |
% |
% \newsectionwidth{dimen} |
% defines the amount of space the labels extend |
% into the left margin. |
% DO NOT TRY to change any of the dimensions |
% yourself. You will probably confuse the style file. |
% |
% \name{text} defines your name |
% |
% \address{text} |
% defines your address |
% this can be called twice if you have two addresses |
% use \\'s to indicate where either line breaks or |
% comas should go |
% |
% \opening this prints your name and address at that spot |
% this is not normally needed, as \begin{resume} |
% does this but is provided just in case you need |
% to do something odd |
% |
% \begin{resume} ... \end{resume} |
% all of the resume should go inside of this |
% environment |
% |
% \section{text} |
% This prints 'text' in the left hand margin. |
% Its exact placement depends on what the style |
% options has been set to. (overlapped or margin) |
% You should use \\ to start a new line. If the |
% style option is margin, the \\ is converted |
% to a space. |
% To use this in any of the list environments, put |
% the \section after the \item[] but before the |
% text. |
% Eg. |
% \begin{itemize} |
% \item\section{text} |
% text |
% \end{itemize} |
% |
% \begin{ncolumn}{n} ... \end{ncolumn} |
% creates a tabular environment with n equally |
% spaced columns. Separate columns by & and |
% end them with \\ |
% |
% \begin{position} ... \end{position} |
% this is used to print a job description. There should |
% be only one job description in it. Information |
% related to the job (such as title, dates...) will |
% be printed. |
% |
% \begin{format} ... \end{format} |
% used to change the default format for the position |
% environment. Within it the recognized commands are: |
% \title{option} |
% \employer{option} |
% \location{option} |
% \dates{option} |
% \body |
% \\ |
% where option is one of l,r,c standing for left, right, center. |
% The format will eventually be used to make several |
% tabular environments and you are defining the number of columns |
% and the placement of text within the columns of the tabulars. |
% Each row is terminated by a \\. Any number of options can |
% be on a line, they will each be set in their own columns. |
% Any of the options except \body may be left out. |
% |
% Eg. |
% \begin{format} |
% \title{l}\employer{r}\\ |
% \dates{r}\\ |
% \body\\ |
% \location{l}\\ |
% \end{format} |
% |
% In this example the title and employer information |
% are set in 2 columns left justified and right justified |
% respectively. Then the date is set right justified. |
% Then the body is set. Then the location is set left |
% justified. |
% |
% \employer{text} |
% \title{text} |
% \dates{text} |
% \location{text} |
% declare text for the next invocation of the position |
% environment |
% |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
% Glue |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
% |
% sectionskip the amount of horizontal before a section |
% |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
% Dimensions |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
% |
% sectionwidth the amount that the section titles go in the |
% left margin |
% |
% resumewidth the width of the total resume from the left |
% margin to the right. Don't use textwidth |
% |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
% Definitions |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
% |
% sectionfont the font used to print section titles |
% use \renewcommand to change it |
% |
% namefont the font used to print your name |
% use \renewcommand to change it |
% |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
% |
% add lm,rm options to format style to allow things to be placed |
% in the left or right margin respectivly |
% |
% add capability so that \body doesn't have to be proceeded (followed) |
% by a \\ allowing part of the description (eg. location) to be the |
% first (last) thing of the body |
% |
% clean up the list building procedures |
% |
% write docs to tell people how to use this |
\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1995/12/01] |
\ProvidesClass{res}[2000/05/19 v1.4b Resume class] |
%\DeclareOption{11pt}{\renewcommand\@ptsize{1}} |
%\DeclareOption{12pt}{\renewcommand\@ptsize{2}} |
\PassOptionsToClass{11pt,12pt}{article} |
\LoadClassWithOptions{article} |
\newif\if@line |
\newif\if@margin |
\DeclareOption{line}{\@linetrue} |
\DeclareOption{centered}{\@linefalse} |
\DeclareOption{margin}{\@margintrue} |
\DeclareOption{overlapped}{\@marginfalse} |
\ExecuteOptions{overlapped,centered} |
\ProcessOptions\relax |
\nofiles % resume's don't need .aux files |
\newtoks\tabular@text % holds the current list being processed |
\newtoks\tabular@head % holds the head tabular list |
\newtoks\tabular@tail % holds the tail tabular list |
\newtoks\@ta % used by \@append |
\newtoks\undefined@token\undefined@token={} |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
% prints a centered name with the address centered |
% or the two address on opposite sides of the page |
% |
\def\@printcentername{\begingroup |
% print the name centered |
\leavevmode\hbox to \textwidth{\hfil\@tablebox{\namefont\@name}\hfil}\par |
\@ifundefined{@addressone}{% |
% do nothing |
}{% |
\@ifundefined{@addresstwo}{ |
% only one address |
\leavevmode\hbox to \textwidth{\hfil\@tablebox{\@addressone}\hfil}\par |
}{ |
% two addresses |
\leavevmode\hbox to \textwidth{\@tablebox{\@addressone}\hfil |
\@tablebox{\@addresstwo}}\par |
}% |
}% |
\endgroup} |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
% this is used to print the name and address at the top of |
% the page with a hline in between |
% |
\def\namefont{\large\bf} |
\def\@linename{\begingroup |
\def\\{, } |
{\namefont\@name} |
\vskip 2pt |
\fullline |
\vskip 4pt |
% where do you live? |
\@ifundefined{@addressone}{% |
% do nothing |
}{% |
\leavevmode\hbox to \textwidth |
{\hfill\vbox{\hbox{\@addressone} |
\hbox{\@addresstwo} |
}% |
}\par |
} |
\endgroup} |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
% There are two types of headings: |
% 1) one with the name centered and the address centered or |
% in the left and right side if there are two address |
% 2) one where the name is in the upper left corner |
% the a line accross the paper |
% then the address all on one line in the right corner |
% the second address will be directly below the first if defined |
% |
\let\print@name\relax |
\def\ds@centered{\ifx\print@name\relax\let\print@name\@printcentername\fi} |
\def\ds@line{\ifx\print@name\relax\let\print@name\@linename\fi} |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
% Use this to set the sectionwidth. |
% It adjust the width of the text as well as the hoffset |
% You probably shouldn't touch any of the size paramaters |
% unless you really understand all of this but it is not |
% hard. Either way, it can only be executed once |
% |
\def\sectionfont{\bf} |
\newdimen\sectionwidth |
\newskip\sectionskip |
\newdimen\resumewidth |
%\resumewidth=6.75in |
%\sectionskip=3.5ex plus 1ex minus -.2ex % values stolen from LaTeX |
\resumewidth=6.75in |
\sectionskip=3.0ex plus 1ex minus -.2ex % values stolen from LaTeX |
\def\newsectionwidth#1{% |
\sectionwidth=#1 |
\textwidth=\resumewidth |
\advance\textwidth-\sectionwidth |
\hsize=\textwidth |
\hoffset=\sectionwidth |
} |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
% This is for sectiontitles that are entirely in the left margin. |
% multiline sectiontitles are permited and will be broken by |
% \TeX{} to fit into a box \verb|\sectionwidth| wide. It is advised |
% that \verb|\\| be used to break the lines by hand as \TeX{} will |
% probably not do what you want. |
% |
% When using this with {\tt tabbing} and {\tt list} (or anything |
% that is made out of {\tt list}) put the \section's inside of |
% the \verb|\begin{}| and the \verb|\item|Eg. |
% \begin{verbatim} |
% \begin{trivlist} |
% \item[] |
% \section{foo} |
% text |
% \end{trivlist} |
% \end{verbatim} |
% |
\def\boxed@sectiontitle#1{% |
% this macro may be called in a tabular. Special code must be written |
% to accomodate this. In LaTeX, a tabular is made out of hboxes. |
% TeX never goes into horizontal mode because of this; it only |
% gets into vertical mode and restricted horizontal mode. Certain |
% indenting problems must be handled because of this. They |
% are delt with at the end of this routine. |
% It is also necessary to close the hbox that was created before |
% the \section and create a new one when this macro has ended. |
% This macro therefore simulates a \kill, so that any text before |
% the \section not be printed. The proper use is therefore |
% ... |
% text\\ |
% \section{foo} |
% more text\\ |
% ... |
\ifx\\\@tabcr % is this in a tabular? (this *should* work but is a cludge) |
\@stopfield % the is the first part of a \kill |
\else |
\@@par % This will end the previous paragraph if needed and |
% go into vertical mode. If this was already in |
% vertical mode then the \par does nothing. |
\fi |
\begingroup |
\everypar={}% |
\def\par{\@@par}% |
\let\\=\@normalcr |
\addpenalty{\@secpenalty} % this would be a good place for a page break |
% \@secpenalty is what LaTeX uses before its |
% section's. It happens to be -300 |
\addvspace{\sectionskip} % put in a bit of glue |
% The following hbox will be contributed to the page list without going |
% into horizontal mode. Therefore, any \parindent's, \parshape's, \leftskip |
% will be ignored but \hoffset's are not. The result is that the box will |
% only by \hoffset. This is what I want |
\hbox to 0pt{% |
\hss % this is an llap. In other words, this glue |
% will shrink by the width of the stuff in the vbox |
% (\sectionwidth) into the left margin and then |
% insert the contents of the vbox. |
\vtop to 0pt{% make a 0pt height paragraph, with the baseline at the |
% lined up with the baseline of the first box in the list |
\leftskip=0pt |
\hsize=\sectionwidth |
\textwidth=\sectionwidth |
\raggedright % you don't want this filled out to the right margin |
\sectionfont |
#1\vss % Go into horizontal mode; do the paragraph; |
% go into vertical mode; add some negative glue |
% to give a box of 0pt height and depth |
}% |
}% |
\addpenalty{-\@secpenalty} % this would be a bad place for a page break |
\vskip-\baselineskip % when the next box is processed, baselineskip glue |
% glue will be added (the box has no depth because of |
% the \vss; therefore, we don't have to worry about |
% \lineskiplimit). This -\baselineskip glue |
% is to undo this. \nointerlineskip doesn't |
% work because the baseline of this line would be lined |
% up with the top of the top of the next box. We |
% want the baselines lined up. |
% |
% It may have been possible to do this by forcing the |
% baseline of this box to be the top of the box but |
% then the interline skip between this box and the |
% previous box would be off as the baselines of the |
% this box (the one that being made above) and the |
% previous line would be separated by \baselineskip |
% (probably, it may be separted by the depth of the |
% previous box + \lineskip) but as the baseline of |
% this box has been moved to the top, the box's would |
% separted by to much glue. The exact amount being |
% the height of this box. |
\endgroup |
\ifx\\\@tabcr % is this in a tabular? (this *should* work but is a cludge) |
% this is the second part of the \kill; it starts the next tabbing line |
% Because this routine will never get into paragraph mode when used in |
% tabbing the \parskip that is discussed below will never be inserted. |
% Therefore it should not be negated as done below. |
\@startline |
\ignorespaces |
\else |
\vskip-\parskip % The next thing to be contributed will be a paragraph. |
% Right before being contributed though a \vskip\parskip |
% will be inserted. This is to negate it. |
% |
% I do consider this to be a bit of a cludge but |
% I can not find a way to write \unskipfutureskip |
% or a way to make TeX think that nothing has |
% been contributed to the page list. |
\fi |
} |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
% This is for sectiontitles that are entirely above the section text |
% |
\def\unboxed@sectiontitle#1{% |
\ifx\\\@tabcr % see boxed@sectiontitle for explation |
\@stopfield |
\else |
\@@par |
\fi |
\begingroup |
\everypar={}% |
\def\par{\@@par}% |
\def\\{ } |
\addpenalty{\@secpenalty} |
\addvspace{\sectionskip} |
\hbox to 0pt{\hss\hbox to \sectionwidth{\sectionfont#1\hss}} |
\addpenalty{-\@secpenalty} % this would be a bad place for a page break |
\endgroup |
\ifx\\\@tabcr % see boxed@sectiontitle for explation |
\@startline |
\else |
\vskip-\parskip |
\fi |
\ignorespaces |
} |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
% There are two types of section headings: |
% 1) the section heading is all on one line and directly |
% below it, is the body of the text |
% 2) the section heading is entirely in the left margin |
% (possibly taking multiple lines) with the body of |
% the text next to it |
% |
\let\@@section\relax |
\def\ds@overlapped{\ifx\@@section\relax\newsectionwidth{0.5in}\let |
\@@section\unboxed@sectiontitle\fi} |
\def\ds@margin{\ifx\@@section\relax\newsectionwidth{1.3in}\let |
\@@section\boxed@sectiontitle\fi} |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
% DEFAULTS: (some of them) |
% |
% centered name |
% overlapped section titles |
% |
% format is: |
% title employer |
% location dates |
% body |
% with everything in the left of its column |
%\input article.sty |
\if@line\ds@line\else\ds@centered\fi |
\if@margin\ds@margin\else\ds@overlapped\fi |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
% typeset resume all nice and pretty |
% |
\def\Resume{{R\'{e}sum\'{e}}} |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
% makes a line of width \textwidth starting at -\hoffset |
% |
\def\fullline{ % hrules only listen to \hoffset |
\nointerlineskip % so I have this code |
\moveleft\hoffset\vbox{\hrule width\textwidth} |
\nointerlineskip |
} |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
% create a multiline box. |
% |
\def\@tablebox#1{\begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l@{\extracolsep{\fill}}}#1\end{tabular}} |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
% use this to define your name |
% |
\def\name#1{\def\@name{#1}} |
\def\@name{} |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
% use this to define your address, this may be called more than once. |
% |
\let\@addressone\relax |
\let\@addresstwo\relax |
\def\address#1{ |
\@ifundefined{@addressone}{\def\@addressone{#1}}{\def\@addresstwo{#1}}} |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
% if you want to print your name and address is a slightly |
% different format than sugessted, then this can be used |
% to place it exactly where you want |
% |
\def\opening{\def\@opening{} |
\begingroup |
\leftskip=-\hoffset % I use leftskip to move things to the left as |
\advance\textwidth\hoffset % changing hoffset doesn't work. But this |
\hsize=\textwidth % doesn't really work as hboxes are rules |
% are unaffeted |
\let\par=\@@par |
\parindent=0pt |
\parskip=0pt |
\print@name |
\endgroup |
} |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
% all of the resume goes in the resume environment |
% |
\newenvironment{resume}{\begingroup |
\@ifundefined{@opening}{\opening}{} |
}{\endgroup} |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
% gives you a tabular environment with n equally spaced columns |
% \begin{ncolumn}{#} ... \end{ncolumn} |
% |
% The p option of LaTeX is broken in all but the newest verion |
% of latex.tex, this is how to fix it |
% |
\def\@endpbox{\par\egroup\hfil} |
\let\@@endpbox=\@endpbox |
\newdimen\@columnwidth % the width of each column equal to |
\def\ncolumn#1{% |
% \@columnwidth = \textwidth / #1 |
\@columnwidth=\textwidth \divide\@columnwidth by #1 |
\begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}[t]% |
{*{#1}{@{}p{\@columnwidth}@{\extracolsep{\fill}}}} |
} |
\def\endncolumn{\end{tabular*}} |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
% \employer{text} defines employer to be text |
% \location{text} defines location to be text |
% \dates{text} defines dates to be text |
% \title{text} defines title to be text |
% \body |
% |
\def\employer#1{\def\@employer{\print@employer{#1}}} |
\def\location#1{\def\@location{\print@location{#1}}} |
\def\dates#1{\def\@dates{\print@dates{#1}}} |
\def\title#1{\def\@title{\print@title{#1}}} |
\let\l@justify\raggedright |
\let\r@justify\raggedleft |
\let\c@justify\centering |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
% \@format{name}{justify} |
% will define \print@#1 to print it's one argument |
% justified according to #2 which can be |
% l = left |
% r = right |
% c = center |
% |
% eg. |
% \@format{employer}{c} |
% is the same as \def\print@employer#1{{\centering #1\par}} |
% |
\def\@format#1#2{% |
\expandafter\gdef\csname print@#1\endcsname##1{% |
{\csname#2@justify\endcsname##1\par}} |
} |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
% this is used to define how the position environment should |
% formated. |
% |
% \begin{format} positioning text \end{format} |
% where positioning text may be |
% \employer{pos} |
% \location{pos} |
% \dates{pos} |
% \title{pos} |
% \body (for the body of the position environment) |
% where pos is |
% l for left |
% r for right |
% c for center |
% use \\ to break the line |
% you don't have to use all of the options. |
% on any one line, you should indicate what you want on that line |
% and where it should go within its column. |
% eg. |
% the following prints the employer in the left with the location |
% centered within that its column. It then prints the date on the |
% right. Then it prints the body of the position environment. Then |
% it prints the title centered within its column; as there is only |
% one column here it is really just centered. |
% |
% \begin{format} |
% \employer{l}\location{c}\\ |
% \dates{r}\\ |
% \body\\ |
% \title{c}\\ |
% \end{format} |
\newcounter{numberofcolumns} |
\newenvironment{format}{% |
\def\end@line@head{\append@tabular@head{tabular@text}\tabular@text={}% |
\c@numberofcolumns 0} |
\def\end@line@tail{\append@tabular@tail{tabular@text}\tabular@text={}% |
\c@numberofcolumns 0} |
\tabular@text={} |
\tabular@head={} |
\tabular@tail={} |
\c@numberofcolumns 0 |
\let\\=\end@line@head |
\def\employer##1{\advance\c@numberofcolumns 1 |
\@format{employer}{##1} |
\append@tabular@text{employer}} |
\def\location##1{\advance\c@numberofcolumns 1 |
\@format{location}{##1} |
\append@tabular@text{location}} |
\def\dates##1{\advance\c@numberofcolumns 1 |
\@format{dates}{##1} |
\append@tabular@text{dates}} |
\def\title##1{\advance\c@numberofcolumns 1 |
\@format{title}{##1} |
\append@tabular@text{title}} |
\def\body{\iftoks\tabular@head\undefined@token\then |
\else |
\@append{\noexpand\\}\to\tabular@head |
\skotfi |
\let\\=\end@line@tail}}{} |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
%taken from page 378 of TeXbook but freely hacked |
% |
% appends the expansion of #1 to the token list #2 |
\def\@append#1\to#2{% |
\@ta=\expandafter{#1}% |
\xdef\@append@temp{\the#2\the\@ta} |
\global#2=\expandafter{\@append@temp}% |
} |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
% |
% texhax.88.078 |
% is used to see if two token lists are equal |
% there must be a better way |
% |
\let \then = \empty |
\def \iftoks #1#2\then #3\else #4\skotfi{ |
\edef \1{\the #1} |
\edef \2{\the #2} |
\ifx \1\2\then #3\else #4\fi} |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
% \append@tabular@text{command} |
% |
% appends command to the end of \tabular@text. |
% NOTE: command MUST be a command but without the \ |
% Eg. \append@tabular@text{relax} |
% |
% used to define \tabular@text for the tabular environment |
% used by append@tabular@head and append@tabular@tail |
% |
\def\append@tabular@text#1{% |
\iftoks\tabular@text\undefined@token\then |
\global\tabular@text=\expandafter{\csname @#1\endcsname} |
\else |
\@append{&}\to\tabular@text |
\@append{\csname @#1\endcsname}\to\tabular@text |
\skotfi |
} |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
% append@tabular@head |
% |
% appends command to the end of \tabular@text@head |
% NOTE: command MUST be a command but without the \ |
% Eg. \append@tabular@head{relax} |
% |
% used to define \tabular@head for the tabular environment |
% used by the position environment |
% |
\def\append@tabular@head#1{% |
\ifnum\the\c@numberofcolumns=0\relax |
\else |
\iftoks\tabular@head\undefined@token\then |
\relax |
\else |
\@append{\noexpand\\}\to\tabular@head |
\@append{\noexpand\penalty-\@secpenalty}\to\tabular@head |
\skotfi |
\@append{\noexpand\begin{ncolumn}}\to\tabular@head |
\@append{\expandafter{\the\c@numberofcolumns}}\to\tabular@head |
\@append{\the\csname#1\endcsname}\to\tabular@head |
\@append{\noexpand\end{ncolumn}}\to\tabular@head |
\fi |
} |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
% append@tabular@tail |
% |
% appends command to the end of \tabular@text@htail |
% NOTE: command MUST be a command but without the \ |
% Eg. \append@tabular@tail{relax} |
% |
% used to define \tabular@tail for the tabular environment |
% used by the position environment |
% |
\def\append@tabular@tail#1{% |
\ifnum\the\c@numberofcolumns=0\relax |
\else |
\iftoks\tabular@tail\undefined@token\then |
\else |
\@append{\noexpand\\}\to\tabular@tail |
\@append{\noexpand\penalty-\@secpenalty}\to\tabular@tail |
\skotfi |
\@append{\noexpand\begin{ncolumn}}\to\tabular@tail |
\@append{\expandafter{\the\c@numberofcolumns}}\to\tabular@tail |
\@append{\the\csname#1\endcsname}\to\tabular@tail |
\@append{\noexpand\end{ncolumn}}\to\tabular@tail |
\fi |
} |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
% put the actual job descriptions here |
% \begin{postion} ... \end{position} |
% in the ... describe the position. |
% don't put the \dates \location etc in here. define them before hand |
\newenvironment{position}% |
{% |
\begingroup |
\par |
\the\tabular@head |
% \addpenalty{-\@secpenalty}% bad place for a page break |
\penalty -\@secpenalty % bad place for a page break |
\penalty 10000 |
\ignorespaces |
}{% |
\the\tabular@tail |
% \addpenalty{\@secpenalty}% good place for a page break |
\penalty \@secpenalty % good place for a page break |
\endgroup |
} |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
% DEFAULTS: (the rest of them) |
% |
% centered name |
% overlapped section titles |
% |
% format is: |
% title employer |
% location dates |
% body |
% with everything in the left of its column |
\@secpenalty = -500 |
\topmargin 0pt |
\headheight 12pt |
\headsep 0pt |
\textheight 9in |
\parindent 0pt |
\topmargin 0in |
\oddsidemargin -10pt |
\evensidemargin -10pt |
\marginparwidth -10pt |
\parindent 0pt |
\parskip \baselineskip |
\setcounter{secnumdepth}{0} |
\def\@listI{\leftmargin\leftmargini |
\topsep 0pt |
\parskip 0pt |
\partopsep 2pt plus 2pt |
\parsep 2pt plus 2pt |
\itemsep \parsep} |
\pagestyle{empty} % don't want page numbers |
\begin{format} |
\title{l}\employer{r}\\ |
\location{l}\dates{r}\\ |
\body\\ |
\end{format} |
\let\section\@@section |
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ |
\input{tex_parts/resume_head.tex} |
\begin{document} |
\input{tex_parts/resume_address.tex} |
\input{tex_parts/resume_body.tex} |
\end{document} |
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ |
\input{tex_parts/resume_head.tex} |
\begin{document} |
\input{tex_parts/resume_address_recruiters.tex} |
\input{tex_parts/resume_body.tex} |
\end{document} |
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env bash |
function print_help { |
echo "Resume Build Utility" |
echo "usage: ./build resume pdf" |
echo "usage: ./build resume html [package, deploy]" |
echo "usage: ./build coverletter pdf <cover letter file name>" |
echo "usage: ./build combined pdf <cover letter file name>" |
} |
if [ -z "$1" ]; then |
echo "Must supply a build command" |
print_help |
fi |
case "$1" in |
"resume") |
;; |
"coverletter") |
;; |
"combined") |
;; |
*) |
print_help |
;; |
esac |
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env bash |
# Simple script to build he PDF, build the html, and deploy them to the gh-pages branch |
./ && ./ && ./ && ./ |
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env bash |
cd /source |
userid="$(cat" |
# Script to build an HTML site from the PDF source |
pdf2htmlEX --zoom 1.5 --embed cfijo --dest-dir out resume.pdf |
chown -R $userid:$userid out/ |
chmod -R 666 out/ |
chmod u+x out/ |
mv out/resume.html out/index.html |
tar -czvf ResumeSite.tar.gz -C out/ . |
chown $userid:$userid ResumeSite.tar.gz |
chmod 666 ResumeSite.tar.gz |
rm -rf out |
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env bash |
echo "$(id -u)" > |
# Script to build an HTML site from the PDF source |
docker run \ |
-v $(pwd):/source \ |
sothr/pdf2htmlex \ |
/usr/bin/env bash /source/scripts/ |
./scripts/ |
rm |
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env bash |
set -e |
set -x |
cd /source |
userid="$(cat" |
# Script to build a PDF from the latex source |
latex --output-format pdf "${1}" |
outfile="$(basename -- ${1} | cut -f1 -d'.')" |
chown $userid:$userid ${outfile}.pdf |
chmod 666 ${outfile}.pdf |
mv "${outfile}.pdf" "cover_letters/${outfile}.pdf" |
rm ${outfile}.log |
rm ${outfile}.aux |
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env bash |
set -e |
set -x |
echo "$(id -u)" > |
# Script to build a PDF from the latex source |
docker run -it \ |
-v $(pwd):/source \ |
schickling/latex \ |
/usr/bin/env bash /source/scripts/ $1 |
./scripts/ |
rm |
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env bash |
cd /source |
userid="$(cat" |
# Script to build a PDF from the latex source |
latex --output-format pdf resume.tex |
chown $userid:$userid resume.pdf |
chmod 666 resume.pdf |
rm resume.log |
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env bash |
cd /source |
userid="$(cat" |
# Script to build a PDF from the latex source |
latex --output-format pdf resume_for_recruiters.tex |
chown $userid:$userid resume_for_recruiters.pdf |
chmod 666 resume_for_recruiters.pdf |
rm resume_for_recruiters.log |
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env bash |
echo "$(id -u)" > |
# Script to build a PDF from the latex source |
docker run \ |
-v $(pwd):/source:Z \ |
schickling/latex \ |
/usr/bin/env bash /source/scripts/ |
./scripts/ |
rm |
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env bash |
cd /source |
userid="$(cat" |
# Get PDFJam to combine the pdf's |
#curl -LSO |
#tar -zxvf pdfjam_latest.tgz |
#export PATH="$PWD/pdfjam/bin:$PATH" |
# Script to build a PDF from the latex source |
latex --output-format pdf resume.tex |
chown $userid:$userid resume.pdf |
chmod 666 resume.pdf |
latex --output-format pdf ${1}.tex |
chown $userid:$userid ${1}.pdf |
chmod 666 ${1}.pdf |
outfile="${1}_with_resume.pdf" |
pdfjam --fitpaper 'true' --rotateoversize 'false' --suffix joined --no-landscape --outfile $outfile ${1}.pdf resume.pdf |
#pdfjoin ${1}.pdf DPSResume.pdf --no-landscape --outfile $outfile |
chown $userid:$userid $outfile |
chmod 666 $outfile |
rm resume.log |
rm ${1}.log |
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env bash |
echo "$(id -u)" > |
# Script to build a PDF from the latex source |
docker run \ |
-v $(pwd):/source \ |
schickling/latex \ |
/usr/bin/env bash /source/scripts/ $1 |
./scripts/ |
rm |
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env bash |
echo "$(id -u)" > |
# Script to build a PDF from the latex source |
docker run \ |
-v $(pwd):/source:Z \ |
schickling/latex \ |
/usr/bin/env bash /source/scripts/ |
./scripts/ |
rm |
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env bash |
rm -f *.aux *.4ct *.4tc *.dvi *.idv *.lg *.tmp *.xref |
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env bash |
# Script to package the PDF and the html. |
# Store them. |
# flush the current directory |
# checkout the gh-pages branch |
# extract the updated site over the current |
# add the changes |
# commit the changes |
# push the changes to github |
mkdir -p ~/tmp |
cp resume.pdf ~/tmp |
cp resume_for_recruiters.pdf ~/tmp |
cp ResumeSite.tar.gz ~/tmp |
# Prepare the current directory |
git clean -fq . |
git clean -fXq |
git checkout . |
#Checkout the deployment directory |
git checkout gh-pages |
# Move and extract the files |
tar -zxvf ~/tmp/ResumeSite.tar.gz . |
rm ~/tmp/ResumeSite.tar.gz |
mv ~/tmp/resume.pdf . |
mv ~/tmp/resume_for_recruiters.pdf . |
# Add the files |
git add . |
git commit -m "Auto updating resume site files" |
git push ssh:// HEAD:gh-pages --force |
# Prepare the current directory |
git clean -fq . |
git clean -fdXq |
git checkout master |
git pull |
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ |
\name{Drew Short} |
\address{ |
\textifsymbol{18} St. Paul MN | |
\Mobilefone \hspace{1 pt} (612)-361-1019 | |
\Letter \hspace{1 pt} \href{ Your Resume}{} | |
\Mundus \hspace{1 pt} \url{} |
} |
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ |
\name{Drew Short} |
\address{ |
\textifsymbol{18} Minneapolis/St. Paul MN | |
\Mundus \hspace{1 pt} \href{}{LinkedIn} |
} |
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ |
\begin{resume} |
\input{tex_parts/resume_body/intro.tex} |
\input{tex_parts/resume_body/skills.tex} |
\input{tex_parts/resume_body/experience.tex} |
\input{tex_parts/resume_body/education.tex} |
\input{tex_parts/resume_body/achievements.tex} |
\input{tex_parts/resume_body/references.tex} |
\end{resume} |
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ |
\begin{itemize} \itemsep -0.5pt %reduce space between items-2pt %reduce space between items |
\item \textbf{\emph{Eagle Scout \hfill 2007}} |
\item BSA Leadership Instructor \hfill Summers 2004-2007 |
\end{itemize} |
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ |
\section{EDUCATION} |
{\sl Bachelor of Science}, IT (May 2013) \hfill Minnesota State University \\ |
% \sl will be bold italic in New Century Schoolbook (or |
% any postscript font) and just slanted in |
% Computer Modern (default) font |
Software Engineering \& Ethics \hfill Mankato, MN |
@ -1,64 +0,0 @@ |
\section{EXPERIENCE} |
{\bf Senior Platform Engineer} \hfill {\bf Flywheel Exchange, LLC} \\ |
\begin{tabular*}{1.0\linewidth}{@{}c@{\extracolsep{\fill}}r@{}} |
Minneapolis, MN & 2020 - {\the\year} (\difftoday{2020}{02}{17}) \\ |
\hline |
\end{tabular*} |
\begin{itemize} \itemsep -0.5pt % reduce space between items |
\item Lead team meetings, planning sessions, retrospectives, postmortems, gamedays, and brown bag learning sessions. |
\item Developed Terraform + Helm + Kubernetes based replacement for the existing Manual + Bash + Docker Compose deployments. |
\item Migrated legacy pet VMs to highly available metrics and build Kubernetes clusters managed through Terraform. |
\item Lead development effort that moved customer site log collection into centralized GCP Stackdriver and customer supplied logging infrastructure. |
\item Wrote management tooling for support to connect/maintain/upgrade Kubernetes deployments. |
\item Currated and maintained support documentation for maintaining, upgrading, and migrating customer deployments. |
\item Mentored platform engineers, software engineers, and interns on Terraform, Helm, Kubernetes, Scalable Code Patterns, and monitoring tooling. |
\end{itemize} |
\vspace*{-5pt} |
{\bf Senior Software Engineer} \hfill {\bf Optum} \\ |
\begin{tabular*}{1.0\linewidth}{@{}c@{\extracolsep{\fill}}r@{}} |
Eden Prairie, MN & 2017 - 2020 (\diffdates{2017}{08}{01}{2020}{01}{30}) \\ |
& (Contracted) 2016 - 2017 (\diffdates{2016}{12}{12}{2017}{07}{30}) \\ |
\hline |
\end{tabular*} |
\begin{itemize} \itemsep -0.5pt % reduce space between items |
\item Replaced slow legacy REST API services with hoizontally scaling services and provided guidance and support for the migration process. |
\item Led efforts to triage critical security issues in production Spring services, taking accountability for identified issues and assigning security work to engineers. |
\item Developed report tooling to group and assign security issues to domain teams, reducing touch time and missed assignments. |
\item Led the conversion work of legacy in-line JSON deserialization to Jackson powered DTO for the communication of internal data structures via web API and message queues between services managed by the team. |
\item Improved code generation of an internal framework built on top of Spring. Significantly reducing configuration required for engineers to leverage message based workflows. |
\end{itemize} |
% manually split the page here. TODO fix this so layout is less manual |
\newpage |
\vspace*{5pt} |
\vspace*{-5pt} |
{\bf Software Engineer} \hfill {\bf Cargill Incorporated, Risk Management} \\ |
\begin{tabular*}{1.0\linewidth}{@{}c@{\extracolsep{\fill}}r@{}} |
Hopkins, MN & 2013 - 2016 (\diffdates{2013}{06}{01}{2016}{12}{9}) \\ |
\hline |
\end{tabular*} |
\begin{itemize} \itemsep -0.5pt % reduce space between items |
\item Led a small (3-5 person) team to retool and support a migration system in preparation of an extended cut-over testing period. |
\item Architected a Python REST API to integrate an Oracle data source with a third-party suite of back, middle and front office tools. |
\item Redesigned management system for '\emph{Risk Products}', delivering improved control over the individual components. |
\item Maintained/upgraded a 10+ year Spring web application. Modernized interface, improved the back end, started work to move to modern build tools/process. |
\end{itemize} |
\vspace*{-5pt} |
{\bf Software Engineer Intern} \hfill (Under Contract To) {\bf FPX LLC} \\ |
\begin{tabular*}{1.0\linewidth}{@{}c@{\extracolsep{\fill}}r@{}} |
Mankato, MN & 2011 - 2013 (\diffdates{2011}{04}{01}{2013}{05}{03}) \\ |
\hline |
\end{tabular*} |
\begin{itemize} \itemsep -0.5pt %reduce space between items |
\item Expanded a REST API and implemented continuous integration testing. |
\item Developed a DSL and tooling for internal auditing, testing and reporting. |
\item Developed a '\emph{playback}' system that facilitated debugging of client systems. |
\end{itemize} |
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ |
Object Oriented Design and Development | Relational Database Systems |
\begin{itemize} \itemsep -0.5pt |
\item \emph{Exceptional Software Engineer} - 11+ years of experience with the entire software development lifcycle. Dedicated to the delivery of innovative solutions for today's problems, using tomorrow's tools. |
\item \emph{Excellent troubleshooting and analysis skills} - Quick to analyze the root cause of issues and work towards both immediate and long term solutions. |
\item \emph{Expert in backend/middle system design \& implementation} - Years of experience in validating, processing, and marshalling data across varied systems. |
\end{itemize} |
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\section{REFERENCES} |
\centering |
Available Upon Request |
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ |
\section{COMPUTER \\ SKILLS} |
{\bf Languages \& Software:} Go, Python, Java, Kotlin, Groovy, SQL, |
Poetry, Maven, Gradle, |
pytest, JUnit, Spock, |
Spring Framework, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud Stream, Hibernate, |
Kubernetes, Helm, Terraform, |
GitLab CI/CD, Jenkins, Concourse, |
Docker, Tomcat, Nginx, |
Oracle, MySQL, SQLite. \\ |
{\bf Cloud Providers:} GCP, AWS, Azure. \\ |
{\bf Operating Systems:} Windows, Linux (Ubuntu, Fedora, RHEL), OSX. |
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% |
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\ifnum\value{diffyears}>0 |
, |
\fi |
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Reference in new issue