1 changed files with 205 additions and 205 deletions
@ -1,205 +1,205 @@ |
% LaTeX resume using res.cls |
\documentclass[line,margin]{res} |
\usepackage{helvetica} % uses helvetica postscript font (download helvetica.sty) |
\usepackage{newcent} % uses new century schoolbook postscript font |
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\newcounter{diffdays} |
% Function curtesy of Martin Scharrer |
% http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/14518/difference-between-two-dates |
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% |
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, |
\fi |
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\fi |
\fi |
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\def\diffafter{}% |
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% |
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\fi |
\ifnum\value{diffmonths}=0 |
\else |
\ifnum\value{diffyears}>0 |
, |
\fi |
\ifnum\value{diffmonths}>1 |
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\fi |
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% Hyperref setup |
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\rfoot{Last Updated: \today} % set the right footer |
\rhead{\vspace{7.7pt}\textbf{\Resume}} % Put Resume in the lower left corner |
\pagenumbering{gobble} % Hide page numbering |
\begin{document} |
\name{Drew P. Short} |
% \address used twice to have two lines of address |
\address{1430 Taylor Ave W, St. Paul, MN 55104} |
\address{ |
\Mobilefone \hspace{1 pt} (651)-285-4565 | |
\Letter \hspace{1 pt} \href{mailto:drew@sothr.com?subject=Concerning Your Resume}{drew@sothr.com} | |
\Mundus \hspace{1 pt} \url{https://www.sothr.com} |
} |
\begin{resume} |
Object Oriented Design and Development | Relational Database Systems |
\begin{itemize} \itemsep -0.5pt |
\item \emph{Exceptional Software Engineer} - 6+ years of experience with the entire software development lifcycle. Dedicated to the delivery of innovative solutions for today's problems, using tomorrow's tools. |
\item \emph{Excellent troubleshooting and analysis skills} - Quick to analyze the root cause of issues and work towards both immediate and long term solutions. |
\item \emph{Expert in backend/middle system design \& implementation} - Years of experience in validating, processing, and marshalling data across varied systems. |
\end{itemize} |
\section{COMPUTER \\ SKILLS} |
{\bf Languages \& Software:} Java, Groovy, SQL, Javascript, |
Python, Spring Framework, Docker, Tomcat, JEE, |
Hibernate, Maven, Gradle, JUnit, Spock, Apache Camel, |
Log4J, Logback, SLF4J, Backbone.js, JQuery, Bootstrap, |
Nginx, Oracle, MySQL, SQLite. \\ |
{\bf Operating Systems:} Windows, Linux (Fedora, Ubuntu, RHEL, OpenSuse), OSX. |
\section{EXPERIENCE} |
{\bf Senior Software Engineer} \hfill (Under Contract To) Optum \\ |
\begin{tabular*}{1.0\linewidth}{@{}c@{\extracolsep{\fill}}r@{}} |
Eden Prairie, MN & 2016 - {\the\year} (\difftoday{2016}{12}{12}) \\ |
\hline |
\end{tabular*} |
\begin{itemize} \itemsep -0.5pt % reduce space between items |
\item Improved a code generation feature of an internal framework built on top of Spring Framework. Easing life for developers. |
\item Led the coversion work of inline JSON deserialization to Jackson enhanced DTO for the communication of internal datastructures via web API and message queues. |
\item Involved in the early work to replace standalone legacy REST API services with versions built on the latest Spring Boot. |
\end{itemize} |
\vspace*{-5pt} |
{\bf Software Engineer} \hfill Cargill Incorporated, Risk Management \\ |
\begin{tabular*}{1.0\linewidth}{@{}c@{\extracolsep{\fill}}r@{}} |
Hopkins, MN & 2013 - 2016 (\diffdates{2013}{06}{01}{2016}{12}{9}) \\ |
\hline |
\end{tabular*} |
\begin{itemize} \itemsep -0.5pt % reduce space between items |
\item Lead a small (3-5 person) team to retool and support a migration system in preperation of an extended cutover testing period. |
\item Architected a Python REST API to integrate an Oracle data source with a thirdparty suite of back, middle and front office tools. |
\item Redesigned management system for '\emph{Risk Products}', delivering improved control over the individual components. |
\item Maintained/upgraded a 10+ year Spring web application. Modernized interface, improved the back end, started work to move to modern build tools/process. |
\end{itemize} |
\vspace*{-5pt} |
{\bf Software Engineer Intern} \hfill (Under Contract To) FPX LLC \\ |
\begin{tabular*}{1.0\linewidth}{@{}c@{\extracolsep{\fill}}r@{}} |
Mankato, MN & 2011 - 2013 (\diffdates{2011}{04}{01}{2013}{05}{03}) \\ |
\hline |
\end{tabular*} |
\begin{itemize} \itemsep -0.5pt %reduce space between items |
\item Expanded a REST API and implemented continuous integration testing. |
\item Developed a DSL and tooling for internal auditing, testing and reporting. |
\item Developed a '\emph{playback}' system that facilitated debugging of client systems. |
\end{itemize} |
\section{EDUCATION} |
{\sl Bachelor of Science}, IT (May 2013) \hfill Minnesota State University \\ |
% \sl will be bold italic in New Century Schoolbook (or |
% any postscript font) and just slanted in |
% Computer Modern (default) font |
Software Engineering \& Ethics \hfill Mankato, MN |
\begin{itemize} \itemsep -0.5pt %reduce space between items-2pt %reduce space between items |
\item \textbf{\emph{Eagle Scout \hfill 2007}} |
\item BSA Leadership Instructor \hfill Summers 2004-2007 |
\end{itemize} |
\section{REFERENCES} |
\centering |
Available Upon Request |
\end{resume} |
\end{document} |
% LaTeX resume using res.cls |
\documentclass[line,margin]{res} |
\usepackage{helvetica} % uses helvetica postscript font (download helvetica.sty) |
\usepackage{newcent} % uses new century schoolbook postscript font |
\usepackage{fancyhdr} % FancyHDR package for footers |
\usepackage{hyperref} % HyperRef package to get fancy hyperlinks |
\usepackage{marvosym} % Symbol library |
\usepackage{ctable} % For special line rules |
\usepackage{datenumber} % For date calculations |
\usepackage{calc} |
\newcounter{datetoday} |
\newcounter{diffyears} |
\newcounter{diffmonths} |
\newcounter{diffdays} |
% Function curtesy of Martin Scharrer |
% http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/14518/difference-between-two-dates |
\newcommand{\difftoday}[3]{% |
\setmydatenumber{datetoday}{\the\year}{\the\month}{\the\day}% |
\setmydatenumber{diffdays}{#1}{#2}{#3}% |
\addtocounter{diffdays}{-\thedatetoday}% |
\ifnum\value{diffdays}>0 |
\def\diffbefore{in }% |
\def\diffafter{}% |
\else |
\def\diffbefore{}% |
\def\diffafter{}% |
\setcounter{diffdays}{-\value{diffdays}}% |
\fi |
\setcounter{diffyears}{\value{diffdays}/365}% |
\setcounter{diffdays}{\value{diffdays}-365*\value{diffyears}}% |
\setcounter{diffmonths}{\value{diffdays}/30}% |
\setcounter{diffdays}{\value{diffdays}-30*\value{diffmonths}}% |
% |
\diffbefore |
\ifnum\value{diffyears}=0 |
\else |
\ifnum\value{diffyears}>1 |
\thediffyears\space years\ignorespacesafterend |
\else |
\thediffyears\space year\ignorespacesafterend |
\fi |
\fi |
\ifnum\value{diffmonths}=0 |
\else |
\ifnum\value{diffyears}>0 |
, |
\fi |
\ifnum\value{diffmonths}>1 |
\thediffmonths\space months\ignorespacesafterend |
\else |
\thediffmonths\space month\ignorespacesafterend |
\fi |
\fi |
\diffafter |
} |
\newcommand{\diffdates}[6]{% |
\setmydatenumber{datetoday}{#4}{#5}{#6}% |
\setmydatenumber{diffdays}{#1}{#2}{#3}% |
\addtocounter{diffdays}{-\thedatetoday}% |
\ifnum\value{diffdays}>0 |
\def\diffbefore{in }% |
\def\diffafter{}% |
\else |
\def\diffbefore{}% |
\def\diffafter{}% |
\setcounter{diffdays}{-\value{diffdays}}% |
\fi |
\setcounter{diffyears}{\value{diffdays}/365}% |
\setcounter{diffdays}{\value{diffdays}-365*\value{diffyears}}% |
\setcounter{diffmonths}{\value{diffdays}/30}% |
\setcounter{diffdays}{\value{diffdays}-30*\value{diffmonths}}% |
% |
\diffbefore |
\ifnum\value{diffyears}=0 |
\else |
\ifnum\value{diffyears}>1 |
\thediffyears\space years\ignorespacesafterend |
\else |
\thediffyears\space year\ignorespacesafterend |
\fi |
\fi |
\ifnum\value{diffmonths}=0 |
\else |
\ifnum\value{diffyears}>0 |
, |
\fi |
\ifnum\value{diffmonths}>1 |
\thediffmonths\space months\ignorespacesafterend |
\else |
\thediffmonths\space month\ignorespacesafterend |
\fi |
\fi |
\diffafter |
} |
% Hyperref setup |
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colorlinks=true, |
urlcolor=blue |
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\pagestyle{fancy} % Makes sure we have footers |
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} % clear the header |
\rfoot{Last Updated: \today} % set the right footer |
\rhead{\vspace{7.7pt}\textbf{\Resume}} % Put Resume in the lower left corner |
\pagenumbering{gobble} % Hide page numbering |
\begin{document} |
\name{Drew P. Short} |
% \address used twice to have two lines of address |
\address{1430 Taylor Ave W, St. Paul, MN 55104} |
\address{ |
\Mobilefone \hspace{1 pt} (651)-285-4565 | |
\Letter \hspace{1 pt} \href{mailto:drew@sothr.com?subject=Concerning Your Resume}{drew@sothr.com} | |
\Mundus \hspace{1 pt} \url{https://www.sothr.com} |
} |
\begin{resume} |
Object Oriented Design and Development | Relational Database Systems |
\begin{itemize} \itemsep -0.5pt |
\item \emph{Exceptional Software Engineer} - 6+ years of experience with the entire software development lifcycle. Dedicated to the delivery of innovative solutions for today's problems, using tomorrow's tools. |
\item \emph{Excellent troubleshooting and analysis skills} - Quick to analyze the root cause of issues and work towards both immediate and long term solutions. |
\item \emph{Expert in backend/middle system design \& implementation} - Years of experience in validating, processing, and marshalling data across varied systems. |
\end{itemize} |
\section{COMPUTER \\ SKILLS} |
{\bf Languages \& Software:} Java, Groovy, SQL, Javascript, |
Python, Spring Framework, Docker, Tomcat, JEE, |
Hibernate, Maven, Gradle, JUnit, Spock, Apache Camel, |
Log4J, Logback, SLF4J, Backbone.js, JQuery, Bootstrap, |
Nginx, Oracle, MySQL, SQLite. \\ |
{\bf Operating Systems:} Windows, Linux (Fedora, Ubuntu, RHEL, OpenSuse), OSX. |
\section{EXPERIENCE} |
{\bf Senior Software Engineer} \hfill (Under Contract To) Optum \\ |
\begin{tabular*}{1.0\linewidth}{@{}c@{\extracolsep{\fill}}r@{}} |
Eden Prairie, MN & 2016 - {\the\year} (\difftoday{2016}{12}{12}) \\ |
\hline |
\end{tabular*} |
\begin{itemize} \itemsep -0.5pt % reduce space between items |
\item Improved a code generation feature of an internal framework built on top of Spring Framework. Easing life for developers. |
\item Led the coversion work of inline JSON deserialization to Jackson enhanced DTO for the communication of internal datastructures via web API and message queues. |
\item Involved in the early work to replace standalone legacy REST API services with versions built on the latest Spring Boot. |
\end{itemize} |
\vspace*{-5pt} |
{\bf Software Engineer} \hfill Cargill Incorporated, Risk Management \\ |
\begin{tabular*}{1.0\linewidth}{@{}c@{\extracolsep{\fill}}r@{}} |
Hopkins, MN & 2013 - 2016 (\diffdates{2013}{06}{01}{2016}{12}{9}) \\ |
\hline |
\end{tabular*} |
\begin{itemize} \itemsep -0.5pt % reduce space between items |
\item Led a small (3-5 person) team to retool and support a migration system in preperation of an extended cutover testing period. |
\item Architected a Python REST API to integrate an Oracle data source with a thirdparty suite of back, middle and front office tools. |
\item Redesigned management system for '\emph{Risk Products}', delivering improved control over the individual components. |
\item Maintained/upgraded a 10+ year Spring web application. Modernized interface, improved the back end, started work to move to modern build tools/process. |
\end{itemize} |
\vspace*{-5pt} |
{\bf Software Engineer Intern} \hfill (Under Contract To) FPX LLC \\ |
\begin{tabular*}{1.0\linewidth}{@{}c@{\extracolsep{\fill}}r@{}} |
Mankato, MN & 2011 - 2013 (\diffdates{2011}{04}{01}{2013}{05}{03}) \\ |
\hline |
\end{tabular*} |
\begin{itemize} \itemsep -0.5pt %reduce space between items |
\item Expanded a REST API and implemented continuous integration testing. |
\item Developed a DSL and tooling for internal auditing, testing and reporting. |
\item Developed a '\emph{playback}' system that facilitated debugging of client systems. |
\end{itemize} |
\section{EDUCATION} |
{\sl Bachelor of Science}, IT (May 2013) \hfill Minnesota State University \\ |
% \sl will be bold italic in New Century Schoolbook (or |
% any postscript font) and just slanted in |
% Computer Modern (default) font |
Software Engineering \& Ethics \hfill Mankato, MN |
\begin{itemize} \itemsep -0.5pt %reduce space between items-2pt %reduce space between items |
\item \textbf{\emph{Eagle Scout \hfill 2007}} |
\item BSA Leadership Instructor \hfill Summers 2004-2007 |
\end{itemize} |
\section{REFERENCES} |
\centering |
Available Upon Request |
\end{resume} |
\end{document} |
Reference in new issue