diff --git a/tex_parts/resume_body/experience.tex b/tex_parts/resume_body/experience.tex index abf8c2a..2d7dcae 100644 --- a/tex_parts/resume_body/experience.tex +++ b/tex_parts/resume_body/experience.tex @@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ Minneapolis, MN & 2020 - {\the\year} (\difftoday{2020}{02}{17}) \\ \end{tabular*} \begin{itemize} \itemsep -0.5pt % reduce space between items - \item Lead team meetings, planning sessions, retrospectives, postmortems, and gamedays. - \item Developed a Terraform + Helm + Kubernetes based replacement for existing manual Bash + Docker Compose deployments. + \item Lead team meetings, planning sessions, retrospectives, postmortems, gamedays, and brown bag learning sessions about the tooling and features available for engineers. + \item Developed Terraform + Helm + Kubernetes based replacement for the existing Manual + Bash + Docker Compose deployments. \item Migrated legacy pet VMs to highly available metrics and build Kubernetes clusters managed through Terraform. - \item Lead development effort that moved customer site log collectioninto centralized GCP Stackdriver and customer supplied logging infrastructure. + \item Lead development effort that moved customer site log collection into centralized GCP Stackdriver and customer supplied logging infrastructure. \item Wrote management tooling for support to connect/maintain/upgrade Kubernetes deployments. \item Currated and maintained support documentation for maintaining, upgrading, and migrating customer deployments. - \item Mentored Platform Engineers, Software Engineers, and interns on Terraform, Helm, Kubernetes, Scalable Code Patterns, and monitoring tooling. + \item Mentored platform engineers, software engineers, and interns on Terraform, Helm, Kubernetes, Scalable Code Patterns, and monitoring tooling. \end{itemize} \vspace*{-5pt}