Browse Source
Improving the Resume
Improving the Resume
Added a cover letter for Mozilla Added some dynamic calculation to the time at jobsenvironments/production/deployments/9
5 changed files with 629 additions and 2 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ |
% Cover letter using letter.sty |
\documentclass{letter} % Uses 10pt |
%Use \documentstyle[newcent]{letter} for New Century Schoolbook postscript font |
% the following commands control the margins: |
\topmargin=-1in % Make letterhead start about 1 inch from top of page |
\textheight=8in % text height can be bigger for a longer letter |
\oddsidemargin=0pt % leftmargin is 1 inch |
\textwidth=6.5in % textwidth of 6.5in leaves 1 inch for right margin |
\begin{document} |
\signature{Drew P. Short} % name for signature |
\longindentation=0pt % needed to get closing flush left |
\let\raggedleft\raggedright % needed to get date flush left |
\begin{letter}{ |
Mozilla Corporation \\ |
331 E. Evelyn Avenue \\ |
Mountain View, CA 94041} |
\begin{flushleft} |
{\large\bf Drew P. Short} |
\end{flushleft} |
\medskip\hrule height 1pt |
\begin{flushright} |
\hfill 1430 Taylor Ave W, Saint Paul, MN 55104 \\ |
\hfill (651) 285-4565 |
\end{flushright} |
\vfill % forces letterhead to top of page |
\opening{Dear Hiring Manager for the Research Engineer Position:} |
\noindent I found your open Research Engineer position through the |
Mozilla career site and am applying because this role aligns with my |
future goals as a software engineer. As a loyal user of Mozilla |
products I deeply resonate with Mozilla's goal of building a better |
Internet and am excited about the possibility to work for a company |
that has changed the Internet so profoundly. |
\noindent For the past 3 years I have been expanding and maintaining |
a large Java Spring web application for Cargill Inc. Risk Management. |
This has made me sensitive to the difficulties in providing a unified |
experience on the web. I would like to use my skills and ambitions |
to make the web a better place for everyone; developers, designers and users |
alike. I have hobbyist experience with Rust and love the work I |
have done in the language so far, I think it has a very bright future |
ahead of it. |
\noindent I would love to have an opportunity to share my experience, |
discuss the position, and explore the unique background I can bring |
to the team. |
\closing{Thanks for your time,} |
%\encl{} % Enclosures |
\end{letter} |
\end{document} |
@ -0,0 +1,356 @@ |
%% |
%% This is file `datenumber.sty', |
%% generated with the docstrip utility. |
%% |
%% The original source files were: |
%% |
%% datenumber.dtx (with options: `datenumber') |
%% |
%% This file is part of the `datenumber' package, |
%% |
%% Copyright (C) 2001 J"org-Michael Schr"oder. |
%% |
%% |
%% This program may be distributed and/or modified under the |
%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.2 |
%% of this license or (at your option) any later version. |
%% The latest version of this license is in |
%% |
%% and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX |
%% version 1999/12/01 or later. |
%% |
%% This program consists of all files listed in README.txt. |
%% |
%% For error reports, or offers to help make this a more powerful |
%% tool, please contact me on |
%% |
\def\fileversion{v0.02} |
\def\filedate{2001/08/06} |
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\ProvidesPackage{datenumber}[\filedate \fileversion] |
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\DeclareOption{french}{\input datenumberfrench.ldf} |
\DeclareOption{italian}{\input datenumberitalian.ldf} |
\DeclareOption{spanish}{\input datenumberspanish.ldf} |
\DeclareOption{german}{\input datenumbergerman.ldf} |
\DeclareOption{ngerman}{\input datenumbergerman.ldf} |
\input datenumberUSenglish.ldf |
\ProcessOptions |
\newcounter{@dayscnt} |
\newcounter{@startyear} |
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\errmessage{Package datenumber: startyear < 1}% |
\fi |
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\setdatetoday |
} |
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\fi |
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\errmessage{Package datenumber: startyear < 1}% |
\fi |
\ifnum#2<\the@startyear |
\errmessage{Package datenumber: datenumber < startyear (#2 < \the@startyear)}% |
\fi |
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\or 90\or 120\or 151 |
\or 181\or 212\or 243 |
\or 273\or 304\or 334 |
\fi |
}% |
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\errmessage{Package datenumber: startyear < 1}% |
\fi |
\ifnum#1<1 |
\errmessage{Package datenumber: datenumber < 1}% |
\fi |
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\@tempcnta=365 |
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\@tempcnta=355 |
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% |
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\addtocounter{@dayscnt}{1}% |
\ifnum\the@dayscnt<#1\relax |
\repeat |
\setmydatenumber{@dayscnt}{\value{#2}}{\value{#3}}{\value{#4}}% |
\fi |
} |
\def\mynextdate#1#2#3{% |
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\else |
\errmessage{\@errmessage}% |
\fi |
\addtocounter{#3}{1}% |
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\@tempcnta=29 |
\else |
\@tempcnta=28 |
\fi |
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\ifcase\value{#2}\or31\or\@tempcnta\or31\or30\or31\or30% |
\or31\or31\or30\or31\or30\else31% |
\fi\relax |
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\addtocounter{#1}{1}% |
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\ifnum\value{#2}=10 |
\ifnum\value{#3}=5 |
\setcounter{#3}{15}% |
\fi |
\fi |
\fi |
} |
\def\myprevdate#1#2#3{% |
\ifvaliddate{\value{#1}}{\value{#2}}{\value{#3}}% |
\else |
\errmessage{\@errmessage}% |
\fi |
\addtocounter{#3}{-1}% |
\ifleapyear{\value{#1}}% |
\@tempcnta=29 |
\else |
\@tempcnta=28 |
\fi |
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\addtocounter{#2}{-1}% |
\ifnum\value{#2}=0 |
\addtocounter{#1}{-1}% |
\setcounter{#2}{12}% |
\fi |
\setcounter{#3}{% |
\ifcase\value{#2}\or 31\or\the\@tempcnta\or 31\or 30\or 31\or 30 |
\or 31\or 31\or 30\or 31\or 30\else 31 |
\fi |
}% |
\fi |
\ifnum\value{#1}=1582 |
\ifnum\value{#2}=10 |
\ifnum\value{#3}=14 |
\setcounter{#3}{4}% |
\fi |
\fi |
\fi |
} |
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\newcounter{datedayname} |
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\setmonthname{\thedatemonth}% |
} |
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} |
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\myprevdate{dateyear}{datemonth}{dateday}% |
\setdate{\thedateyear}{\thedatemonth}{\thedateday}% |
} |
\def\setdate#1#2#3{%#1 year, #2 month, #3 day |
\setdatenumber{#1}{#2}{#3}% |
} |
\def\setdatetoday{% |
\setdatenumber{\the\year}{\the\month}{\the\day}% |
} |
\def\setmonthname#1{% |
\def\datemonthname{\@monthname{#1}}% |
} |
\def\setdayname#1{% |
\def\datedayname{\@dayname{#1}}% |
} |
\def\setdaynamebynumber#1{% |
\@tempcnta=#1\relax |
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\ifnum\the@startyear=1900\advance \@tempcnta by 6\fi |
\ifnum\the@startyear=2000\advance \@tempcnta by 4\fi |
\@modulo{\the\@tempcnta}{7}% |
\setcounter{datedayname}{\the\@den}% |
\addtocounter{datedayname}{1}% |
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} |
\def\datedate{\@datedate}% |
\def\dateselectlanguage#1{% |
\csname @datelanguage#1\endcsname |
\setdayname{\thedatedayname}% |
\setmonthname{\thedatemonth}% |
} |
\def\ifleapyear#1{%#1 year |
\ifnum#1>1500 |
\@modulo{#1}{100}% |
\ifnum\@den=0 |
\@modulo{#1}{400}% |
\else |
\@modulo{#1}{4}% |
\fi |
\else |
\@modulo{#1}{4}% |
\fi |
\ifnum\@den=0 |
} |
\def\ifvaliddate#1#2#3{% |
\ifleapyear{#1}% |
\@tempcnta=29 |
\else |
\@tempcnta=28 |
\fi |
\gdef\@errmessage{}% |
\ifnum#1<1 |
\gdef\@errmessage{Package datenumber: % |
invalid date: year < 1, #1/#2/#3}% |
\fi% |
\ifnum#2<1 |
\gdef\@errmessage{Package datenumber: % |
invalid date: month < 1, #1/#2/#3}% |
\fi% |
\ifnum#2>12 |
\gdef\@errmessage{Package datenumber: % |
invalid date: month > 12, #1/#2/#3}% |
\fi% |
\ifnum#3<1 |
\gdef\@errmessage{Package datenumber: % |
invalid date: day < 1, #1/#2/#3}% |
\fi% |
\@tempcntb= |
\ifcase#2 31\or 31\or\the\@tempcnta\or 31\or 30\or 31\or 30 |
\or 31\or 31\or 30\or 31\or 30\else 31 |
\fi\relax |
\ifnum#3>\@tempcntb |
\gdef\@errmessage{Package datenumber: % |
invalid date: day > \the\@tempcntb, #1/#2/#3}% |
\fi% |
\ifnum#1=1582 |
\ifnum#2=10 |
\ifnum#3>4 |
\ifnum#3<15 |
\gdef\@errmessage{Package datenumber: % |
invalid date: #1/#2/#3}% |
\fi |
\fi |
\fi |
\fi |
\ifx\@errmessage\empty |
} |
\def\@yearloop#1{% |
\@tempcnta=\the@startyear% |
\loop |
\ifleapyear{\@tempcnta}% |
\addtocounter{@dayscnt}{366}% |
\else |
\addtocounter{@dayscnt}{365}% |
\fi |
\ifnum\@tempcnta=1582 |
\addtocounter{@dayscnt}{-10}% |
\fi |
\advance \@tempcnta by 1 |
\ifnum\@tempcnta=#1\else |
\repeat |
} |
\newcount\@nom\newcount\@den |
\def\@modulo#1#2{% |
\@nom=#1\relax |
\@den=#2\relax |
\divide\@nom by \@den% |
\multiply\@nom by \@den% |
\@den=#1% |
\advance\@den by -\@nom% |
} |
\setstartyear{1800} |
\endinput |
%% |
%% End of file `datenumber.sty'. |
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ |
%% |
%% This is file `datenumberUSenglish.ldf', |
%% generated with the docstrip utility. |
%% |
%% The original source files were: |
%% |
%% datenumber.dtx (with options: `USenglish') |
%% |
%% This file is part of the `datenumber' package, |
%% |
%% Copyright (C) 2001 J"org-Michael Schr"oder. |
%% |
%% |
%% This program may be distributed and/or modified under the |
%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.2 |
%% of this license or (at your option) any later version. |
%% The latest version of this license is in |
%% |
%% and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX |
%% version 1999/12/01 or later. |
%% |
%% This program consists of all files listed in README.txt. |
%% |
%% For error reports, or offers to help make this a more powerful |
%% tool, please contact me on |
%% |
\ProvidesFile{datenumberUSenglish.ldf} |
\def\@datelanguageUSenglish{% |
\def\@dayname{\@daynameUSenglish} |
\def\@monthname{\@monthnameUSenglish}% |
\def\@datedate{\@datedateUSenglish}% |
} |
\def\@monthnameUSenglish#1{% |
\ifcase#1\or |
January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or |
July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi}% |
\def\@daynameUSenglish#1{% |
\ifcase#1\or |
Monday\or Tuesday\or Wednesday\or Thursday\or |
Friday\or Saturday\or Sunday\fi} |
\def\@datedateUSenglish{\datemonthname\space\thedateday, \thedateyear} |
\@datelanguageUSenglish |
\endinput |
%% |
%% End of file `datenumberUSenglish.ldf'. |
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ |
%% |
%% This is file `datenumberenglish.ldf', |
%% generated with the docstrip utility. |
%% |
%% The original source files were: |
%% |
%% datenumber.dtx (with options: `english') |
%% |
%% This file is part of the `datenumber' package, |
%% |
%% Copyright (C) 2001 J"org-Michael Schr"oder. |
%% |
%% |
%% This program may be distributed and/or modified under the |
%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.2 |
%% of this license or (at your option) any later version. |
%% The latest version of this license is in |
%% |
%% and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX |
%% version 1999/12/01 or later. |
%% |
%% This program consists of all files listed in README.txt. |
%% |
%% For error reports, or offers to help make this a more powerful |
%% tool, please contact me on |
%% |
\ProvidesFile{datenumberenglish.ldf} |
\def\@datelanguageenglish{% |
\def\@dayname{\@daynameenglish} |
\def\@monthname{\@monthnameenglish}% |
\def\@datedate{\@datedateenglish}% |
} |
\def\@monthnameenglish#1{% |
\ifcase#1\or |
January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or |
July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi}% |
\def\@daynameenglish#1{% |
\ifcase#1\or |
Monday\or Tuesday\or Wednesday\or Thursday\or |
Friday\or Saturday\or Sunday\fi} |
\def\@datedateenglish{\thedateday \ifcase\thedateday \or |
st\or nd\or rd\or th\or th\or th\or th\or th\or th\or th\or |
th\or th\or th\or th\or th\or th\or th\or th\or th\or th\or |
st\or nd\or rd\or th\or th\or th\or th\or th\or th\or th\or |
st\fi~\datemonthname \space\thedateyear} |
\@datelanguageenglish |
\endinput |
%% |
%% End of file `datenumberenglish.ldf'. |
Reference in new issue