The public sources for my resume. These sources are auto compiled and published upon changes.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

103 lines
3.2 KiB

  1. ---
  2. resources:
  3. - name: resume-git
  4. type: git
  5. icon: git
  6. source:
  7. uri: ssh://
  8. private_key: |
  9. ((pull_key))
  10. ignore_paths:
  11. - pipeline.yml
  12. -
  13. -
  14. - name: resume-github-gh-pages
  15. type: git
  16. icon: github-circle
  17. source:
  18. uri:
  19. private_key: |
  20. ((push_key_github))
  21. branch: gh-pages
  22. jobs:
  23. - name: publish
  24. plan:
  25. - get: resume-git
  26. trigger: true
  27. - get: resume-github-gh-pages
  28. - task: build-resume-pdf
  29. config:
  30. platform: linux
  31. image_resource:
  32. type: registry-image
  33. source: { repository: schickling/latex, tag: "latest" }
  34. inputs:
  35. - name: resume-git
  36. outputs:
  37. - name: resume-pdf
  38. run:
  39. path: /bin/sh
  40. args:
  41. - -c
  42. - |
  43. cd resume-git
  44. latex --output-format pdf resume.tex
  45. latex --output-format pdf resume_for_recruiters.tex
  46. mv resume.pdf ../resume-pdf/
  47. mv resume_for_recruiters.pdf ../resume-pdf/
  48. - task: build-resume-html
  49. config:
  50. platform: linux
  51. image_resource:
  52. type: registry-image
  53. source:
  54. repository: ((
  55. tag: "stable"
  56. username: ((nexus_docker_read.username))
  57. password: ((nexus_docker_read.password))
  58. inputs:
  59. - name: resume-pdf
  60. outputs:
  61. - name: resume-html
  62. run:
  63. path: /bin/sh
  64. args:
  65. - -c
  66. - |
  67. cd resume-pdf
  68. pdf2htmlEX --zoom 1.5 --embed cfijo --dest-dir out resume.pdf
  69. mv out/resume.html out/index.html
  70. tar -czvf resume_site.tgz -C out/ .
  71. mv resume_site.tgz ../resume-html/
  72. - task: publish-gh-pages
  73. config:
  74. platform: linux
  75. image_resource:
  76. type: registry-image
  77. source: { repository: alpine/git }
  78. inputs:
  79. - name: resume-pdf
  80. - name: resume-html
  81. - name: resume-github-gh-pages
  82. outputs:
  83. - name: updated-resume-github-gh-pages
  84. run:
  85. path: /bin/sh
  86. args:
  87. - -c
  88. - |
  89. git config --global ""
  90. git config --global "Concourse"
  91. git clone resume-github-gh-pages updated-resume-github-gh-pages
  92. cd resume-html
  93. mkdir -p /tmp/resume_site
  94. tar -zxvf resume_site.tgz -C /tmp/resume_site
  95. cd ../updated-resume-github-gh-pages
  96. rm -rf *
  97. mv /tmp/resume_site/* .
  98. cp ../resume-pdf/*.pdf .
  99. git add .
  100. git commit -m"Auto update of resume page"
  101. - put: resume-github-gh-pages
  102. params:
  103. repository: updated-resume-github-gh-pages