diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 3f4c507..7ea9902 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -102,4 +102,5 @@ ENV/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/keycloak/__init__.py b/keycloak/__init__.py
index aec53e7..cf1f955 100644
--- a/keycloak/__init__.py
+++ b/keycloak/__init__.py
@@ -14,352 +14,6 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
-from .authorization import Authorization
-from .exceptions import raise_error_from_response, KeycloakGetError, KeycloakSecretNotFound, \
- KeycloakRPTNotFound, KeycloakAuthorizationConfigError, KeycloakInvalidTokenError
-from .urls_patterns import (
-from .connection import ConnectionManager
-from jose import jwt
-import json
-class Keycloak:
- def __init__(self, server_url, client_id, realm_name, client_secret_key=None):
- self._client_id = client_id
- self._client_secret_key = client_secret_key
- self._realm_name = realm_name
- self._connection = ConnectionManager(base_url=server_url,
- headers={},
- timeout=60)
- self._authorization = Authorization()
- @property
- def client_id(self):
- return self._client_id
- @client_id.setter
- def client_id(self, value):
- self._client_id = value
- @property
- def client_secret_key(self):
- return self._client_secret_key
- @client_secret_key.setter
- def client_secret_key(self, value):
- self._client_secret_key = value
- @property
- def realm_name(self):
- return self._realm_name
- @realm_name.setter
- def realm_name(self, value):
- self._realm_name = value
- @property
- def connection(self):
- return self._connection
- @connection.setter
- def connection(self, value):
- self._connection = value
- @property
- def authorization(self):
- return self._authorization
- @authorization.setter
- def authorization(self, value):
- self._authorization = value
- def _add_secret_key(self, payload):
- """
- Add secret key if exist.
- :param payload:
- :return:
- """
- if self.client_secret_key:
- payload.update({"client_secret": self.client_secret_key})
- return payload
- def _build_name_role(self, role):
- """
- :param role:
- :return:
- """
- return self.client_id + "/" + role
- def _token_info(self, token, method_token_info, **kwargs):
- """
- :param token:
- :param method_token_info:
- :param kwargs:
- :return:
- """
- if method_token_info == 'introspect':
- token_info = self.introspect(token)
- else:
- token_info = self.decode_token(token, **kwargs)
- return token_info
- def well_know(self):
- """ The most important endpoint to understand is the well-known configuration
- endpoint. It lists endpoints and other configuration options relevant to
- the OpenID Connect implementation in Keycloak.
- :return It lists endpoints and other configuration options relevant.
- """
- params_path = {"realm-name": self.realm_name}
- data_raw = self.connection.raw_get(URL_WELL_KNOWN.format(**params_path))
- return raise_error_from_response(data_raw, KeycloakGetError)
- def auth_url(self, redirect_uri):
- """
- http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#AuthorizationEndpoint
- :return:
- """
- return NotImplemented
- def token(self, username, password, grant_type=["password"]):
- """
- The token endpoint is used to obtain tokens. Tokens can either be obtained by
- exchanging an authorization code or by supplying credentials directly depending on
- what flow is used. The token endpoint is also used to obtain new access tokens
- when they expire.
- http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#TokenEndpoint
- :param username:
- :param password:
- :param grant_type:
- :return:
- """
- params_path = {"realm-name": self.realm_name}
- payload = {"username": username, "password": password,
- "client_id": self.client_id, "grant_type": grant_type}
- payload = self._add_secret_key(payload)
- data_raw = self.connection.raw_post(URL_TOKEN.format(**params_path),
- data=payload)
- return raise_error_from_response(data_raw, KeycloakGetError)
- def userinfo(self, token):
- """
- The userinfo endpoint returns standard claims about the authenticated user,
- and is protected by a bearer token.
- http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#UserInfo
- :param token:
- :return:
- """
- self.connection.add_param_headers("Authorization", "Bearer " + token)
- params_path = {"realm-name": self.realm_name}
- data_raw = self.connection.raw_get(URL_USERINFO.format(**params_path))
- return raise_error_from_response(data_raw, KeycloakGetError)
- def logout(self, refresh_token):
- """
- The logout endpoint logs out the authenticated user.
- :param refresh_token:
- :return:
- """
- params_path = {"realm-name": self.realm_name}
- payload = {"client_id": self.client_id, "refresh_token": refresh_token}
- payload = self._add_secret_key(payload)
- data_raw = self.connection.raw_post(URL_LOGOUT.format(**params_path),
- data=payload)
- return raise_error_from_response(data_raw, KeycloakGetError, expected_code=204)
- def certs(self):
- """
- The certificate endpoint returns the public keys enabled by the realm, encoded as a
- JSON Web Key (JWK). Depending on the realm settings there can be one or more keys enabled
- for verifying tokens.
- https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7517
- :return:
- """
- params_path = {"realm-name": self.realm_name}
- data_raw = self.connection.raw_get(URL_CERTS.format(**params_path))
- return raise_error_from_response(data_raw, KeycloakGetError)
- def entitlement(self, token, resource_server_id):
- """
- Client applications can use a specific endpoint to obtain a special security token
- called a requesting party token (RPT). This token consists of all the entitlements
- (or permissions) for a user as a result of the evaluation of the permissions and authorization
- policies associated with the resources being requested. With an RPT, client applications can
- gain access to protected resources at the resource server.
- :return:
- """
- self.connection.add_param_headers("Authorization", "Bearer " + token)
- params_path = {"realm-name": self.realm_name, "resource-server-id": resource_server_id}
- data_raw = self.connection.raw_get(URL_ENTITLEMENT.format(**params_path))
- return raise_error_from_response(data_raw, KeycloakGetError)
- def introspect(self, token, rpt=None, token_type_hint=None):
- """
- The introspection endpoint is used to retrieve the active state of a token. It is can only be
- invoked by confidential clients.
- https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7662
- :param token:
- :param rpt:
- :param token_type_hint:
- :return:
- """
- params_path = {"realm-name": self.realm_name}
- payload = {"client_id": self.client_id, "token": token}
- if token_type_hint == 'requesting_party_token':
- if rpt:
- payload.update({"token": rpt, "token_type_hint": token_type_hint})
- self.connection.add_param_headers("Authorization", "Bearer " + token)
- else:
- raise KeycloakRPTNotFound("Can't found RPT.")
- payload = self._add_secret_key(payload)
- data_raw = self.connection.raw_post(URL_INTROSPECT.format(**params_path),
- data=payload)
- return raise_error_from_response(data_raw, KeycloakGetError)
- def decode_token(self, token, key, algorithms=['RS256'], **kwargs):
- """
- A JSON Web Key (JWK) is a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data
- structure that represents a cryptographic key. This specification
- also defines a JWK Set JSON data structure that represents a set of
- JWKs. Cryptographic algorithms and identifiers for use with this
- specification are described in the separate JSON Web Algorithms (JWA)
- specification and IANA registries established by that specification.
- https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7517
- :param token:
- :param key:
- :param algorithms:
- :return:
- """
- return jwt.decode(token, key, algorithms=algorithms,
- audience=self.client_id, **kwargs)
- def load_authorization_config(self, path):
- """
- Load Keycloak settings (authorization)
- :param path: settings file (json)
- :return:
- """
- authorization_file = open(path, 'r')
- authorization_json = json.loads(authorization_file.read())
- self.authorization.load_config(authorization_json)
- authorization_file.close()
- def get_policies(self, token, method_token_info='introspect', **kwargs):
- """
- Get policies by user token
- :param token: user token
- :return: policies list
- """
- if not self.authorization.policies:
- raise KeycloakAuthorizationConfigError(
- "Keycloak settings not found. Load Authorization Keycloak settings."
- )
- token_info = self._token_info(token, method_token_info, **kwargs)
- if method_token_info == 'introspect' and not token_info['active']:
- raise KeycloakInvalidTokenError(
- "Token expired or invalid."
- )
- user_resources = token_info['resource_access'].get(self.client_id)
- if not user_resources:
- return None
- policies = []
- for policy_name, policy in self.authorization.policies.items():
- for role in user_resources['roles']:
- if self._build_name_role(role) in policy.roles:
- policies.append(policy)
- return list(set(policies))
- def get_permissions(self, token, method_token_info='introspect', **kwargs):
- """
- Get permission by user token
- :param token: user token
- :param method_token_info: Decode token method
- :param kwargs: parameters for decode
- :return: permissions list
- """
- if not self.authorization.policies:
- raise KeycloakAuthorizationConfigError(
- "Keycloak settings not found. Load Authorization Keycloak settings."
- )
- token_info = self._token_info(token, method_token_info, **kwargs)
- if method_token_info == 'introspect' and not token_info['active']:
- raise KeycloakInvalidTokenError(
- "Token expired or invalid."
- )
- user_resources = token_info['resource_access'].get(self.client_id)
- if not user_resources:
- return None
- permissions = []
- for policy_name, policy in self.authorization.policies.items():
- for role in user_resources['roles']:
- if self._build_name_role(role) in policy.roles:
- permissions += policy.permissions
- return list(set(permissions))
+from .keycloak_openid import *
+from .keycloak_admin import *
diff --git a/keycloak/keycloak_admin.py b/keycloak/keycloak_admin.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c3a9d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keycloak/keycloak_admin.py
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2017 Marcos Pereira
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+from keycloak.urls_patterns import URL_ADMIN_USERS_COUNT, URL_ADMIN_USER
+from .keycloak_openid import KeycloakOpenID
+from .exceptions import raise_error_from_response, KeycloakGetError, KeycloakSecretNotFound, \
+ KeycloakRPTNotFound, KeycloakAuthorizationConfigError, KeycloakInvalidTokenError
+from .urls_patterns import (
+from .connection import ConnectionManager
+from jose import jwt
+import json
+class KeycloakAdmin:
+ def __init__(self, server_url, username, password, realm_name='master', client_id='admin-cli'):
+ self._username = username
+ self._password = password
+ self._client_id = client_id
+ self._realm_name = realm_name
+ # Get token Admin
+ keycloak_openid = KeycloakOpenID(server_url, client_id, realm_name)
+ self._token = keycloak_openid.token(username, password)
+ self._connection = ConnectionManager(base_url=server_url,
+ headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + self.token.get('access_token'),
+ 'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
+ timeout=60)
+ @property
+ def realm_name(self):
+ return self._realm_name
+ @realm_name.setter
+ def realm_name(self, value):
+ self._realm_name = value
+ @property
+ def connection(self):
+ return self._connection
+ @connection.setter
+ def connection(self, value):
+ self._connection = value
+ @property
+ def client_id(self):
+ return self._client_id
+ @client_id.setter
+ def client_id(self, value):
+ self._client_id = value
+ @property
+ def username(self):
+ return self._username
+ @username.setter
+ def username(self, value):
+ self._username = value
+ @property
+ def password(self):
+ return self._password
+ @password.setter
+ def password(self, value):
+ self._password = value
+ @property
+ def token(self):
+ return self._token
+ @token.setter
+ def token(self, value):
+ self._token = value
+ def list_users(self, query=None):
+ """
+ Get users Returns a list of users, filtered according to query parameters
+ :return: users list
+ """
+ params_path = {"realm-name": self.realm_name}
+ data_raw = self.connection.raw_get(URL_ADMIN_USERS.format(**params_path), **query)
+ return raise_error_from_response(data_raw, KeycloakGetError)
+ def create_user(self, payload):
+ """
+ Create a new user Username must be unique
+ UserRepresentation
+ http://www.keycloak.org/docs-api/3.3/rest-api/index.html#_userrepresentation
+ :return: UserRepresentation
+ """
+ params_path = {"realm-name": self.realm_name}
+ data_raw = self.connection.raw_post(URL_ADMIN_USERS.format(**params_path),
+ data=json.dumps(payload))
+ return raise_error_from_response(data_raw, KeycloakGetError, expected_code=201)
+ def count_users(self):
+ """
+ User counter
+ :return: counter
+ """
+ params_path = {"realm-name": self.realm_name}
+ data_raw = self.connection.raw_get(URL_ADMIN_USERS_COUNT.format(**params_path))
+ return raise_error_from_response(data_raw, KeycloakGetError)
+ def get_user(self, user_id):
+ """
+ Get representation of the user
+ UserRepresentation
+ http://www.keycloak.org/docs-api/3.3/rest-api/index.html#_userrepresentation
+ :return: UserRepresentation
+ """
+ params_path = {"realm-name": self.realm_name, "id": user_id}
+ data_raw = self.connection.raw_get(URL_ADMIN_USER.format(**params_path))
+ return raise_error_from_response(data_raw, KeycloakGetError)
diff --git a/keycloak/keycloak_openid.py b/keycloak/keycloak_openid.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..669d5e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keycloak/keycloak_openid.py
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2017 Marcos Pereira
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+from .authorization import Authorization
+from .exceptions import raise_error_from_response, KeycloakGetError, \
+ KeycloakRPTNotFound, KeycloakAuthorizationConfigError, KeycloakInvalidTokenError
+from .urls_patterns import (
+from .connection import ConnectionManager
+from jose import jwt
+import json
+class KeycloakOpenID:
+ def __init__(self, server_url, client_id, realm_name, client_secret_key=None):
+ self._client_id = client_id
+ self._client_secret_key = client_secret_key
+ self._realm_name = realm_name
+ self._connection = ConnectionManager(base_url=server_url,
+ headers={},
+ timeout=60)
+ self._authorization = Authorization()
+ @property
+ def client_id(self):
+ return self._client_id
+ @client_id.setter
+ def client_id(self, value):
+ self._client_id = value
+ @property
+ def client_secret_key(self):
+ return self._client_secret_key
+ @client_secret_key.setter
+ def client_secret_key(self, value):
+ self._client_secret_key = value
+ @property
+ def realm_name(self):
+ return self._realm_name
+ @realm_name.setter
+ def realm_name(self, value):
+ self._realm_name = value
+ @property
+ def connection(self):
+ return self._connection
+ @connection.setter
+ def connection(self, value):
+ self._connection = value
+ @property
+ def authorization(self):
+ return self._authorization
+ @authorization.setter
+ def authorization(self, value):
+ self._authorization = value
+ def _add_secret_key(self, payload):
+ """
+ Add secret key if exist.
+ :param payload:
+ :return:
+ """
+ if self.client_secret_key:
+ payload.update({"client_secret": self.client_secret_key})
+ return payload
+ def _build_name_role(self, role):
+ """
+ :param role:
+ :return:
+ """
+ return self.client_id + "/" + role
+ def _token_info(self, token, method_token_info, **kwargs):
+ """
+ :param token:
+ :param method_token_info:
+ :param kwargs:
+ :return:
+ """
+ if method_token_info == 'introspect':
+ token_info = self.introspect(token)
+ else:
+ token_info = self.decode_token(token, **kwargs)
+ return token_info
+ def well_know(self):
+ """ The most important endpoint to understand is the well-known configuration
+ endpoint. It lists endpoints and other configuration options relevant to
+ the OpenID Connect implementation in Keycloak.
+ :return It lists endpoints and other configuration options relevant.
+ """
+ params_path = {"realm-name": self.realm_name}
+ data_raw = self.connection.raw_get(URL_WELL_KNOWN.format(**params_path))
+ return raise_error_from_response(data_raw, KeycloakGetError)
+ def auth_url(self, redirect_uri):
+ """
+ http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#AuthorizationEndpoint
+ :return:
+ """
+ return NotImplemented
+ def token(self, username, password, grant_type=["password"]):
+ """
+ The token endpoint is used to obtain tokens. Tokens can either be obtained by
+ exchanging an authorization code or by supplying credentials directly depending on
+ what flow is used. The token endpoint is also used to obtain new access tokens
+ when they expire.
+ http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#TokenEndpoint
+ :param username:
+ :param password:
+ :param grant_type:
+ :return:
+ """
+ params_path = {"realm-name": self.realm_name}
+ payload = {"username": username, "password": password,
+ "client_id": self.client_id, "grant_type": grant_type}
+ payload = self._add_secret_key(payload)
+ data_raw = self.connection.raw_post(URL_TOKEN.format(**params_path),
+ data=payload)
+ return raise_error_from_response(data_raw, KeycloakGetError)
+ def userinfo(self, token):
+ """
+ The userinfo endpoint returns standard claims about the authenticated user,
+ and is protected by a bearer token.
+ http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#UserInfo
+ :param token:
+ :return:
+ """
+ self.connection.add_param_headers("Authorization", "Bearer " + token)
+ params_path = {"realm-name": self.realm_name}
+ data_raw = self.connection.raw_get(URL_USERINFO.format(**params_path))
+ return raise_error_from_response(data_raw, KeycloakGetError)
+ def logout(self, refresh_token):
+ """
+ The logout endpoint logs out the authenticated user.
+ :param refresh_token:
+ :return:
+ """
+ params_path = {"realm-name": self.realm_name}
+ payload = {"client_id": self.client_id, "refresh_token": refresh_token}
+ payload = self._add_secret_key(payload)
+ data_raw = self.connection.raw_post(URL_LOGOUT.format(**params_path),
+ data=payload)
+ return raise_error_from_response(data_raw, KeycloakGetError, expected_code=204)
+ def certs(self):
+ """
+ The certificate endpoint returns the public keys enabled by the realm, encoded as a
+ JSON Web Key (JWK). Depending on the realm settings there can be one or more keys enabled
+ for verifying tokens.
+ https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7517
+ :return:
+ """
+ params_path = {"realm-name": self.realm_name}
+ data_raw = self.connection.raw_get(URL_CERTS.format(**params_path))
+ return raise_error_from_response(data_raw, KeycloakGetError)
+ def entitlement(self, token, resource_server_id):
+ """
+ Client applications can use a specific endpoint to obtain a special security token
+ called a requesting party token (RPT). This token consists of all the entitlements
+ (or permissions) for a user as a result of the evaluation of the permissions and authorization
+ policies associated with the resources being requested. With an RPT, client applications can
+ gain access to protected resources at the resource server.
+ :return:
+ """
+ self.connection.add_param_headers("Authorization", "Bearer " + token)
+ params_path = {"realm-name": self.realm_name, "resource-server-id": resource_server_id}
+ data_raw = self.connection.raw_get(URL_ENTITLEMENT.format(**params_path))
+ return raise_error_from_response(data_raw, KeycloakGetError)
+ def introspect(self, token, rpt=None, token_type_hint=None):
+ """
+ The introspection endpoint is used to retrieve the active state of a token. It is can only be
+ invoked by confidential clients.
+ https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7662
+ :param token:
+ :param rpt:
+ :param token_type_hint:
+ :return:
+ """
+ params_path = {"realm-name": self.realm_name}
+ payload = {"client_id": self.client_id, "token": token}
+ if token_type_hint == 'requesting_party_token':
+ if rpt:
+ payload.update({"token": rpt, "token_type_hint": token_type_hint})
+ self.connection.add_param_headers("Authorization", "Bearer " + token)
+ else:
+ raise KeycloakRPTNotFound("Can't found RPT.")
+ payload = self._add_secret_key(payload)
+ data_raw = self.connection.raw_post(URL_INTROSPECT.format(**params_path),
+ data=payload)
+ return raise_error_from_response(data_raw, KeycloakGetError)
+ def decode_token(self, token, key, algorithms=['RS256'], **kwargs):
+ """
+ A JSON Web Key (JWK) is a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data
+ structure that represents a cryptographic key. This specification
+ also defines a JWK Set JSON data structure that represents a set of
+ JWKs. Cryptographic algorithms and identifiers for use with this
+ specification are described in the separate JSON Web Algorithms (JWA)
+ specification and IANA registries established by that specification.
+ https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7517
+ :param token:
+ :param key:
+ :param algorithms:
+ :return:
+ """
+ return jwt.decode(token, key, algorithms=algorithms,
+ audience=self.client_id, **kwargs)
+ def load_authorization_config(self, path):
+ """
+ Load Keycloak settings (authorization)
+ :param path: settings file (json)
+ :return:
+ """
+ authorization_file = open(path, 'r')
+ authorization_json = json.loads(authorization_file.read())
+ self.authorization.load_config(authorization_json)
+ authorization_file.close()
+ def get_policies(self, token, method_token_info='introspect', **kwargs):
+ """
+ Get policies by user token
+ :param token: user token
+ :return: policies list
+ """
+ if not self.authorization.policies:
+ raise KeycloakAuthorizationConfigError(
+ "Keycloak settings not found. Load Authorization Keycloak settings."
+ )
+ token_info = self._token_info(token, method_token_info, **kwargs)
+ if method_token_info == 'introspect' and not token_info['active']:
+ raise KeycloakInvalidTokenError(
+ "Token expired or invalid."
+ )
+ user_resources = token_info['resource_access'].get(self.client_id)
+ if not user_resources:
+ return None
+ policies = []
+ for policy_name, policy in self.authorization.policies.items():
+ for role in user_resources['roles']:
+ if self._build_name_role(role) in policy.roles:
+ policies.append(policy)
+ return list(set(policies))
+ def get_permissions(self, token, method_token_info='introspect', **kwargs):
+ """
+ Get permission by user token
+ :param token: user token
+ :param method_token_info: Decode token method
+ :param kwargs: parameters for decode
+ :return: permissions list
+ """
+ if not self.authorization.policies:
+ raise KeycloakAuthorizationConfigError(
+ "Keycloak settings not found. Load Authorization Keycloak settings."
+ )
+ token_info = self._token_info(token, method_token_info, **kwargs)
+ if method_token_info == 'introspect' and not token_info['active']:
+ raise KeycloakInvalidTokenError(
+ "Token expired or invalid."
+ )
+ user_resources = token_info['resource_access'].get(self.client_id)
+ if not user_resources:
+ return None
+ permissions = []
+ for policy_name, policy in self.authorization.policies.items():
+ for role in user_resources['roles']:
+ if self._build_name_role(role) in policy.roles:
+ permissions += policy.permissions
+ return list(set(permissions))
diff --git a/keycloak/urls_patterns.py b/keycloak/urls_patterns.py
index d43b006..bfbf563 100644
--- a/keycloak/urls_patterns.py
+++ b/keycloak/urls_patterns.py
@@ -15,12 +15,16 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
URL_WELL_KNOWN = "realms/{realm-name}/.well-known/openid-configuration"
-URL_AUTH = "realms/{realm-name}/protocol/openid-connect/auth"
URL_TOKEN = "realms/{realm-name}/protocol/openid-connect/token"
URL_USERINFO = "realms/{realm-name}/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo"
URL_LOGOUT = "realms/{realm-name}/protocol/openid-connect/logout"
URL_CERTS = "realms/{realm-name}/protocol/openid-connect/certs"
URL_INTROSPECT = "realms/{realm-name}/protocol/openid-connect/token/introspect"
URL_ENTITLEMENT = "realms/{realm-name}/authz/entitlement/{resource-server-id}"
+URL_ADMIN_USERS = "admin/realms/{realm-name}/users"
+URL_ADMIN_USERS_COUNT = "admin/realms/{realm-name}/users/count"
+URL_ADMIN_USER = "admin/realms/{realm-name}/users/{id}"