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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# kate: space-indent on; indent-width 4; replace-tabs on;
* Copyright © 2009-2010, Michael "Svedrin" Ziegler <>
* Mumble-Django is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
import socket
import datetime
import re
from time import time
from django.utils.http import urlquote
from django.conf import settings
def cmp_channels( left, rite ):
""" Compare two channels, first by position, and if that equals, by name. """
if hasattr( left, "position" ) and hasattr( rite, "position" ):
byorder = cmp( left.position, rite.position )
if byorder != 0:
return byorder
return cmp_names( left, rite )
def cmp_names( left, rite ):
""" Compare two objects by their name property. """
return cmp(, )
class mmChannel( object ):
""" Represents a channel in Murmur. """
def __init__( self, server, channel_obj, parent_chan = None ):
self.server = server
self.players = list()
self.subchans = list()
self.linked = list()
self.channel_obj = channel_obj
self.chanid =
self.parent = parent_chan
if self.parent is not None:
self.parent.subchans.append( self )
self._acl = None
# Lookup unknown attributes in self.channel_obj to automatically include Murmur's fields
def __getattr__( self, key ):
if hasattr( self.channel_obj, key ):
return getattr( self.channel_obj, key )
raise AttributeError( "'%s' object has no attribute '%s'" % ( self.__class__.__name__, key ) )
def parent_channels( self ):
""" Return the names of this channel's parents in the channel tree. """
if self.parent is None or self.parent.is_server or self.parent.chanid == 0:
return []
return self.parent.parent_channels() + []
def getACL( self ):
""" Retrieve the ACL for this channel. """
if not self._acl:
self._acl = mmACL( self, self.server.ctl.getACL( self.server.srvid, self.chanid ) )
return self._acl
acl = property( getACL )
is_server = False
is_channel = True
is_player = False
playerCount = property(
lambda self: len( self.players ) + sum( [ chan.playerCount for chan in self.subchans ] ),
doc="The number of players in this channel."
id = property(
lambda self: "channel_%d"%self.chanid,
doc="A string ready to be used in an id property of an HTML tag."
top_or_not_empty = property(
lambda self: self.parent is None or self.parent.chanid == 0 or self.playerCount > 0,
doc="True if this channel needs to be shown because it is root, a child of root, or has players."
show = property( lambda self: settings.SHOW_EMPTY_SUBCHANS or self.top_or_not_empty )
def __str__( self ):
return '<Channel "%s" (%d)>' % (, self.chanid )
def sort( self ):
""" Sort my subchannels and players, and then iterate over them and sort them recursively. """
self.subchans.sort( cmp_channels )
self.players.sort( cmp_names )
for subc in self.subchans:
def visit( self, callback, lvl = 0 ):
""" Call callback on myself, then visit my subchans, then my players. """
callback( self, lvl )
for subc in self.subchans:
subc.visit( callback, lvl + 1 )
for plr in self.players:
plr.visit( callback, lvl + 1 )
def getURL( self, for_user = None ):
""" Create an URL to connect to this channel. The URL is of the form
from urlparse import urlunsplit
versionstr = "version=%s" % self.server.prettyversion
if self.parent is not None:
chanlist = self.parent_channels() + []
chanlist = [ urlquote( chan ) for chan in chanlist ]
urlpath = "/".join( chanlist )
urlpath = ""
if for_user is not None:
netloc = "%s@%s" % (, self.server.netloc )
return urlunsplit(( "mumble", netloc, urlpath, versionstr, "" ))
return urlunsplit(( "mumble", self.server.netloc, urlpath, versionstr, "" ))
connecturl = property( getURL )
def setDefault( self ):
""" Make this the server's default channel. """
self.server.defchan = self.chanid
is_default = property(
lambda self: self.server.defchan == self.chanid,
doc="True if this channel is the server's default channel."
def asDict( self ):
chandata = self.channel_obj.__dict__.copy()
chandata['users'] = [ pl.asDict() for pl in self.players ]
chandata['channels'] = [ sc.asDict() for sc in self.subchans ]
chandata['x-connecturl'] = self.connecturl
return chandata
def asXml( self, parentnode ):
from xml.etree.cElementTree import SubElement
me = SubElement( parentnode, "channel" )
for key in self.channel_obj.__dict__:
me.set( key, unicode( getattr( self.channel_obj, key ) ) )
me.set( "x-connecturl", self.connecturl )
for sc in self.subchans:
for pl in self.players:
def asMvXml( self, parentnode ):
""" Return an XML tree for this channel suitable for MumbleViewer-ng. """
from xml.etree.cElementTree import SubElement
me = SubElement( parentnode, "item" ,, rel='channel' )
content = SubElement( me, "content" )
name = SubElement( content , "name" )
name.text =
for sc in self.subchans:
for pl in self.players:
def asMvJson( self ):
""" Return a Dict for this channel suitable for MumbleViewer-ng. """
return {
"attributes": {
"href": self.connecturl,
"rel": "channel",
"children": [ sc.asMvJson() for sc in self.subchans ] + \
[ pl.asMvJson() for pl in self.players ],
"state": { False: "closed", True: "open" }[self.top_or_not_empty],
class mmPlayer( object ):
""" Represents a Player in Murmur. """
def __init__( self, server, player_obj, player_chan ):
self.player_obj = player_obj
self.onlinesince = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( float( time() - player_obj.onlinesecs ) ) = player_chan self )
if self.isAuthed:
from mumble.models import MumbleUser
self.mumbleuser = MumbleUser.objects.get( mumbleid=self.userid, server=server )
except MumbleUser.DoesNotExist:
self.mumbleuser = None
self.mumbleuser = None
# Lookup unknown attributes in self.player_obj to automatically include Murmur's fields
def __getattr__( self, key ):
if hasattr( self.player_obj, key ):
return getattr( self.player_obj, key )
raise AttributeError( "'%s' object has no attribute '%s'" % ( self.__class__.__name__, key ) )
def __str__( self ):
return '<Player "%s" (%d, %d)>' % (, self.session, self.userid )
hasComment = property(
lambda self: hasattr( self.player_obj, "comment" ) and bool(self.player_obj.comment),
doc="True if this player has a comment set."
isAuthed = property(
lambda self: self.userid != -1,
doc="True if this player is authenticated (+A)."
isAdmin = property(
lambda self: self.mumbleuser and self.mumbleuser.getAdmin(),
doc="True if this player is in the Admin group in the ACL."
is_server = False
is_channel = False
is_player = True
def getIpAsString( self ):
""" Get the client's IPv4 or IPv6 address, in a pretty format. """
addr = self.player_obj.address
if max( addr[:10] ) == 0 and addr[10:12] == (255, 255):
return "%d.%d.%d.%d" % tuple( addr[12:] )
ip6addr = [(hi << 8 | lo) for (hi, lo) in zip(addr[0::2], addr[1::2])]
# colon-separated string:
ipstr = ':'.join([ ("%x" % part) for part in ip6addr ])
# 0:0:0 -> ::
return re.sub( "((^|:)(0:){2,})", '::', ipstr, 1 )
ipaddress = property( getIpAsString )
fqdn = property( lambda self: socket.getfqdn( self.ipaddress ),
doc="The fully qualified domain name of the user's host." )
# kept for compatibility to mmChannel (useful for traversal funcs)
playerCount = property( lambda self: -1, doc="Exists only for compatibility to mmChannel." )
id = property(
lambda self: "player_%d"%self.session,
doc="A string ready to be used in an id property of an HTML tag."
def visit( self, callback, lvl = 0 ):
""" Call callback on myself. """
callback( self, lvl )
def asDict( self ):
pldata = self.player_obj.__dict__.copy()
pldata["x-addrstring"] = self.ipaddress
if self.mumbleuser:
if self.mumbleuser.hasTexture():
pldata['x-texture'] = self.mumbleuser.textureUrl
return pldata
def asXml( self, parentnode ):
from xml.etree.cElementTree import SubElement
me = SubElement( parentnode, "user" )
for key in self.player_obj.__dict__:
me.set( key, unicode( getattr( self.player_obj, key ) ) )
me.set("x-addrstring", self.ipaddress )
if self.mumbleuser:
if self.mumbleuser.hasTexture():
me.set( 'x-texture', self.mumbleuser.textureUrl )
def asMvXml( self, parentnode ):
""" Return an XML node for this player suitable for MumbleViewer-ng. """
from xml.etree.cElementTree import SubElement
me = SubElement( parentnode, "item" ,, rel='user' )
content = SubElement( me, "content" )
name = SubElement( content , "name" )
name.text =
def asMvJson( self ):
""" Return a Dict for this player suitable for MumbleViewer-ng. """
return {
"attributes": {
"rel": "user",
class mmACL( object ):
""" Represents an ACL for a certain channel. """
def __init__( self, channel, acl_obj ): = channel
self.acls, self.groups, self.inherit = acl_obj
self.groups_dict = {}
for group in self.groups:
self.groups_dict[ ] = group
def group_has_member( self, name, userid ):
""" Checks if the given userid is a member of the given group in this channel. """
if name not in self.groups_dict:
raise ReferenceError( "No such group '%s'" % name )
return userid in self.groups_dict[name].add or userid in self.groups_dict[name].members
def group_add_member( self, name, userid ):
""" Make sure this userid is a member of the group in this channel (and subs). """
if name not in self.groups_dict:
raise ReferenceError( "No such group '%s'" % name )
group = self.groups_dict[name]
# if neither inherited nor to be added, add
if userid not in group.members and userid not in group.add:
group.add.append( userid )
# if to be removed, unremove
if userid in group.remove:
group.remove.remove( userid )
def group_remove_member( self, name, userid ):
""" Make sure this userid is NOT a member of the group in this channel (and subs). """
if name not in self.groups_dict:
raise ReferenceError( "No such group '%s'" % name )
group = self.groups_dict[name]
# if added here, unadd
if userid in group.add:
group.add.remove( userid )
# if member and not in remove, add to remove
elif userid in group.members and userid not in group.remove:
group.remove.append( userid )
def save( self ):
""" Send this ACL to Murmur. """
self.acls, self.groups, self.inherit