Forked mumble-django project from
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242 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
* Copyright (C) 2009, Michael "Svedrin" Ziegler <>
* Mumble-Django is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
import dbus
import datetime
from time import time
# base = ice.stringToProxy( "Meta:tcp -h -p 6502" );
# srv = Murmur.ServerPrx.checkedCast( base );
# met = Murmur.MetaPrx.checkedCast( base );
class mmServer( object ):
# channels = dict();
# players = dict();
# id = int();
# rootName = str();
def __init__( self, serverID, serverObj, rootName = '' ):
self.dbusObj = serverObj;
self.channels = dict();
self.players = dict();
| = serverID;
self.rootName = rootName;
links = dict();
for theChan in serverObj.getChannels():
# Channels - Fields: 0 = ID, 1 = Name, 2 = Parent-ID, 3 = Links
if( theChan[2] == -1 ):
# No parent
self.channels[theChan[0]] = mmChannel( theChan );
self.channels[theChan[0]] = mmChannel( theChan, self.channels[theChan[2]] );
self.channels[theChan[0]].serverId =;
# process links - if the linked channels are known, link; else save their ids to link later
for linked in theChan[3]:
if linked in self.channels:
self.channels[theChan[0]].linked.append( self.channels[linked] );
if linked not in links:
links[linked] = list();
links[linked].append( self.channels[theChan[0]] );
#print "Saving link: %s <- %s" % ( linked, self.channels[theChan[0]] );
# check if earlier round trips saved channel ids to be linked to the current channel
if theChan[0] in links:
for targetChan in links[theChan[0]]:
targetChan.linked.append( self.channels[theChan[0]] );
if self.rootName:
self.channels[0].name = self.rootName;
for thePlayer in serverObj.getPlayers():
# Players - Fields: 0 = UserID, 6 = ChannelID
self.players[ thePlayer[0] ] = mmPlayer( thePlayer, self.channels[ thePlayer[6] ] );
playerCount = property(
lambda self: len( self.players ),
def is_server( self ):
return True;
def is_channel( self ):
return False;
def is_player( self ):
return False;
def __str__( self ):
return '<Server "%s" (%d)>' % ( self.rootName, );
def visit( self, callback, lvl = 0 ):
if not callable( callback ):
raise Exception, "a callback should be callable...";
# call callback first on myself, then visit my root chan
callback( self, lvl );
self.channels[0].visit( callback, lvl + 1 );
class mmChannel( object ):
# channels = list();
# subchans = list();
# chanid = int();
# name = str();
# parent = mmChannel();
# linked = list();
# linkedIDs = list();
def __init__( self, channelObj, parentChan = None ):
self.players = list();
self.subchans = list();
self.linked = list();
(self.chanid,, parent, self.linkedIDs ) = channelObj;
self.parent = parentChan;
if self.parent is not None:
self.parent.subchans.append( self );
self.serverId = self.parent.serverId;
def parentChannels( self ):
if self.parent is None or self.parent.is_server() or self.parent.chanid == 0:
return [];
return self.parent.parentChannels() + [];
def is_server( self ):
return False;
def is_channel( self ):
return True;
def is_player( self ):
return False;
playerCount = property(
lambda self: len( self.players ) + sum( [ chan.playerCount for chan in self.subchans ] ),
id = property( lambda self: "channel_%d"%self.chanid, None );
def __str__( self ):
return '<Channel "%s" (%d)>' % (, self.chanid );
def visit( self, callback, lvl = 0 ):
# call callback on myself, then visit my subchans, then my players
callback( self, lvl );
for sc in self.subchans:
sc.visit( callback, lvl + 1 );
for pl in self.players:
pl.visit( callback, lvl + 1 );
class mmPlayer( object ):
# muted = bool;
# deafened = bool;
# suppressed = bool;
# selfmuted = bool;
# selfdeafened = bool;
# channel = mmChannel();
# dbaseid = int();
# userid = int();
# name = str();
# onlinesince = time();
# bytesPerSec = int();
# mumbleuser = models.MumbleUser();
def __init__( self, playerObj, playerChan ):
( self.userid, self.muted, self.deafened, self.suppressed, self.selfmuted, self.selfdeafened, chanID, self.dbaseid,, onlinetime, self.bytesPerSec ) = playerObj;
self.onlinesince = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( float( time() - onlinetime ) );
| = playerChan;
| self );
if self.isAuthed():
from models import Mumble, MumbleUser
srvInstance = Mumble.objects.get( );
self.mumbleuser = MumbleUser.objects.get( mumbleid=self.dbaseid, server=srvInstance );
except MumbleUser.DoesNotExist:
self.mumbleuser = None;
self.mumbleuser = None;
def __str__( self ):
return '<Player "%s" (%d, %d)>' % (, self.userid, self.dbaseid );
def isAuthed( self ):
return self.dbaseid != -1;
isAdmin = property(
lambda self: self.mumbleuser and self.mumbleuser.getAdmin(),
def is_server( self ):
return False;
def is_channel( self ):
return False;
def is_player( self ):
return True;
# kept for compatibility to mmChannel (useful for traversal funcs)
playerCount = property( lambda self: -1, None );
id = property( lambda self: "player_%d"%self.userid, None );
def visit( self, callback, lvl = 0 ):
callback( self, lvl );
class mmACL:
def __init__( self, channelId, aclObj ):
aclsrc, groupsrc, inherit = aclObj;
self.channelId = channelId;
self.acls = [];
for line in aclsrc:
acl = {};
acl['applyHere'], acl['applySubs'], acl['inherited'], acl['playerid'], acl['group'], acl['allow'], acl['deny'] = line;
self.acls.append( acl );
self.groups = [];
for line in groupsrc:
group = {};
group['name'], group['inherited'], group['inherit'], group['inheritable'], group['add'], group['remove'], group['members'] = line;
self.groups.append( group );
if group['name'] == "admin":
self.admingroup = group;
self.inherit = inherit;
def pack( self ):
return (
[( acl['applyHere'], acl['applySubs'], acl['inherited'], acl['playerid'], acl['group'], acl['allow'], acl['deny'] ) for acl in self.acls ],
[( group['name'], group['inherited'], group['inherit'], group['inheritable'], group['add'], group['remove'], group['members'] ) for group in self.groups ],