Forked mumble-django project from
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
* Copyright (C) 2009, Michael "Svedrin" Ziegler <>
* Mumble-Django is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
import models
import dbus
from django.db.models import signals
def find_in_dicts( keys, conf, default, valueIfNotFound=None ):
if not isinstance( keys, tuple ):
keys = ( keys, );
for keyword in keys:
if keyword in conf:
if isinstance( conf[keyword], dbus.String ):
return unicode(conf[keyword]);
elif isinstance( conf[keyword], dbus.Int32 ):
return int(conf[keyword]);
return conf[keyword];
for keyword in keys:
keyword = keyword.lower();
if keyword in default:
if isinstance( default[keyword], dbus.String ):
return unicode(default[keyword]);
elif isinstance( default[keyword], dbus.Int32 ):
return int(default[keyword]);
return default[keyword];
return valueIfNotFound;
def find_existing_instances( **kwargs ):
bus = dbus.SystemBus();
if "verbosity" in kwargs:
v = kwargs['verbosity'];
v = 1;
if v > 1:
print "Starting Mumble servers and players detection now.";
dbusName = 'net.sourceforge.mumble.murmur';
online = False;
while not online:
murmur = dbus.Interface( bus.get_object( dbusName, '/' ), 'net.sourceforge.mumble.Meta' );
except dbus.exceptions.DBusException:
if v:
print "Unable to connect to DBus using name %s. Is Murmur even running!?" % dbusName;
dbusName = raw_input( "DBus Service name (or empty to skip Servers/Players detection): " );
if not dbusName:
if v:
print 'Be sure to run "python syncdb" with Murmur running before trying to use this app! Otherwise, existing Murmur servers won\'t be configurable!';
return False;
online = True;
if v > 1:
print "Successfully connected to Murmur via DBus (%s)." % dbusName;
default = murmur.getDefaultConf();
servIDs = murmur.getAllServers();
bootedIDs = murmur.getBootedServers();
for id in servIDs:
if v > 1:
print "Checking Murmur instance with id %d." % id;
# first check that the server has not yet been inserted into the DB
instance = models.Mumble.objects.get( srvid=id );
except models.Mumble.DoesNotExist:
conf = murmur.getAllConf( dbus.Int32( id ) );
servername = find_in_dicts( "registername", conf, default, "noname" );
if not servername:
# RegistrationName was found in the dicts, but is an empty string
servername = "noname";
values = {
"name": servername,
"srvid": id,
"dbus": dbusName,
"addr": find_in_dicts( ( "registerhostame", "host" ), conf, default, "" ),
"port": find_in_dicts( "port", conf, default ),
"url": find_in_dicts( "registerurl", conf, default ),
"motd": find_in_dicts( "welcometext", conf, default ),
"passwd": find_in_dicts( "password", conf, default ),
"supw": '',
"users": find_in_dicts( "users", conf, default ),
"bwidth": find_in_dicts( "bandwidth", conf, default ),
"sslcrt": find_in_dicts( "certificate", conf, default ),
"sslkey": find_in_dicts( "key", conf, default ),
"booted": ( id in bootedIDs ),
if values['addr'].find( ':' ) != -1:
# The addr is a hostname which actually contains a port number, but we already got that from
# the port field, so we can simply drop it.
values['addr'] = values['addr'].split(':')[0];
if v:
print 'Found new Murmur "%s" running on %s:%s.' % ( values['name'], values['addr'], values['port'] );
# now create a model for the record set.
instance = models.Mumble( **values );
| dontConfigureMurmur=True );
if v > 1:
print "This instance is already listed in the database.";
# Now search for players on this server that have not yet been registered
if v > 1:
print "Looking for registered Players on Server id %d." % id;
if id in bootedIDs:
murmurinstance = dbus.Interface(
bus.get_object( 'net.sourceforge.mumble.murmur', '/%d'%id ),
players = murmurinstance.getRegisteredPlayers('');
for playerdata in players:
if playerdata[0] == 0:
if v > 1:
print "Checking Player with id %d and name '%s'." % playerdata[:2];
models.MumbleUser.objects.get( server=instance, mumbleid=playerdata[0] );
except models.MumbleUser.DoesNotExist:
if v:
print 'Found new Player "%s".' % playerdata[1];
playerinstance = models.MumbleUser(
mumbleid = playerdata[0],
name = playerdata[1],
password = '',
server = instance,
owner = None
playerinstance.isAdmin = playerinstance.getAdmin();
| dontConfigureMurmur=True );
if v > 1:
print "This player is already listed in the database.";
if v > 1:
print "Successfully finished Servers and Players detection.";
return True;
signals.post_syncdb.connect( find_existing_instances, sender=models );