Forked mumble-django project from
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

78 lines
2.7 KiB

// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 4; replace-tabs on;
function render_mumble( divname, urls ){
var mainpanel = new Ext.Panel({
renderTo: divname,
height: 600,
layout: "border",
items: [{
xtype: "mumblechannelviewer",
region: "west",
width: 350,
split: true,
}, {
xtype: "tabpanel",
region: "center",
activeTab: 0,
items: [{
title: gettext("Registration"),
xtype: "form",
items: [{
name: "username",
fieldLabel: gettext("User name"),
xtype: "textfield",
}, {
name: "password",
fieldLabel: gettext("Password"),
xtype: "textfield",
inputType: "password",
}, {
title: gettext("Administration"),
xtype: "form",
items: [{
name: "test",
fieldLabel: "testing",
xtype: "textfield",
}, {
title: gettext("User texture"),
layout: "border",
items: [{
region: "north",
layout: "hbox",
height: 220,
items: [{
flex: 1,
height: 200,
title: gettext("Texture"),
html: String.format('<img src="{0}" alt="Avatar" />', urls.myavatar),
}, {
flex: 1,
height: 200,
title: gettext("Gravatar"),
html: String.format('<img src="{0}" alt="grAvatar" />', urls.gravatar),
}, {
region: "center",
xtype: "form",
items: [{
name: "usegravatar",
fieldLabel: gettext("Use Gravatar"),
xtype: "checkbox",
}, {
name: "uploadpic",
fieldLabel: gettext("Upload Avatar"),
xtype: "textfield",
inputType: "file",
}, {
xtype: "userEditorPanel",
django_users_url: urls.django_users,
mumble_users_url: urls.mumble_users,
} ],