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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# kate: space-indent on; indent-width 4; replace-tabs on;
* Copyright © 2009-2010, Michael "Svedrin" Ziegler <>
* Mumble-Django is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
import os, subprocess, signal
from select import select
from os.path import join, exists
from shutil import copyfile
from django.conf import settings
from utils import ObjectInfo
def get_available_versions():
""" Return murmur versions installed inside the LAB_DIR. """
dirs = os.listdir( settings.TEST_MURMUR_LAB_DIR )
return dirs
def run_callback( version, callback, *args, **kwargs ):
""" Initialize the database and run murmur, then call the callback.
After the callback has returned, kill murmur.
The callback will be passed the Popen object that wraps murmur,
and any arguments that were passed to run_callback.
If the callback raises an exception, murmur will still be properly
shutdown and the exception will be reraised.
The callback can either return an arbitrary value, or a tuple.
If it returns a tuple, it must be of the form:
( <any> intended_return_value, <bool> call_update_dbase )
That means: If the second value evaluates to True, update_dbase
will be called; the first value will be returned by run_callback.
If the callback returns anything other than a tuple, that value
will be returned directly.
So, If run_callback should return a tuple, you will need to return
the tuple form mentioned above in the callback, and put your tuple
into the first parameter.
murmur_root = join( settings.TEST_MURMUR_LAB_DIR, version )
if not exists( murmur_root ):
raise EnvironmentError( "This version could not be found: '%s' does not exist!" % murmur_root )
init_dbase( version )
process = run_murmur( version )
result = callback( process, *args, **kwargs )
if type(result) == tuple:
if result[1]:
update_dbase( version )
return result[0]
return result
kill_murmur( process )
def init_dbase( version ):
""" Initialize Murmur's database by copying the one from FILES_DIR. """
dbasefile = join( settings.TEST_MURMUR_FILES_DIR, "murmur-%s.db3" % version )
if not exists( dbasefile ):
raise EnvironmentError( "This version could not be found: '%s' does not exist!" % dbasefile )
murmurfile = join( settings.TEST_MURMUR_LAB_DIR, version, "murmur.sqlite" )
copyfile( dbasefile, murmurfile )
def update_dbase( version ):
""" Copy Murmur's database to FILES_DIR (the inverse of init_dbase). """
murmurfile = join( settings.TEST_MURMUR_LAB_DIR, version, "murmur.sqlite" )
if not exists( murmurfile ):
raise EnvironmentError( "Murmur's database could not be found: '%s' does not exist!" % murmurfile )
dbasefile = join( settings.TEST_MURMUR_FILES_DIR, "murmur-%s.db3" % version )
copyfile( murmurfile, dbasefile )
def run_murmur( version ):
""" Run the given Murmur version as a subprocess.
Either returns a Popen object or raises an EnvironmentError.
murmur_root = join( settings.TEST_MURMUR_LAB_DIR, version )
if not exists( murmur_root ):
raise EnvironmentError( "This version could not be found: '%s' does not exist!" % murmur_root )
binary_candidates = ( 'murmur.64', 'murmur.x86', 'murmurd' )
for binname in binary_candidates:
if exists( join( murmur_root, binname ) ):
process = subprocess.Popen(
( join( murmur_root, binname ), '-fg' ),
stdin=None, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
# Check capabilities by waiting for certain lines to show up.
capa = ObjectInfo( has_dbus=False, has_ice=False, has_instance=False, has_users=False )
def canRead( self, timeout=1 ):
rdy_read, rdy_write, rdy_other = select( [self.stdout], [], [], timeout )
return self.stdout in rdy_read
setattr(subprocess.Popen, 'canRead', canRead)
while process.canRead(0.5):
line = process.stdout.readline()
#print "read line:", line
if line == 'DBus registration succeeded\n':
capa.has_dbus = True
elif line == 'MurmurIce: Endpoint "tcp -h -p 6502" running\n':
capa.has_ice = True
elif line == '1 => Server listening on\n':
capa.has_instance = True
elif "> Authenticated\n" in line:
capa.has_users = True
process.capabilities = capa
return process
raise EnvironmentError( "Murmur binary not found. (Tried %s)" % unicode(binary_candidates) )
def wait_for_user( process, timeout=1 ):
""" Wait for a user to connect. This call will consume any output from murmur
until a line indicating a user's attempt to connect has been found.
The timeout parameter specifies how long (in seconds) to wait for input.
It defaults to 1 second. If you set this to 0 it will return at the end
of input (and thereby tell you if a player has already connected). If
you set this to None, the call will block until a player has connected.
Returns True if a user has connected before the timeout has been hit,
False otherwise.
while process.canRead( timeout ):
line = process.stdout.readline()
if "> Authenticated\n" in line:
process.capabilities.has_users = True
return True
return False
def kill_murmur( process ):
""" Send a sigterm to the given process. """
return os.kill(, signal.SIGTERM )
class MumbleCommandWrapper_noargs( object ):
""" Mixin used to run a standard Django command inside MurmurEnvUtils.
To modify a standard Django command for MEU, you will need to create
a new command and derive its Command class from the wrapper, and the
Command class of the original command:
from import Command as ShellCommand
from mumble.murmurenvutils import MumbleCommandWrapper
class Command( MumbleCommandWrapper, ShellCommand ):
That will run the original command, after the user has had the chance to
select the version of Murmur to run.
def _choose_version( self ):
print "Choose version:"
vv = get_available_versions()
for idx in range(len(vv)):
print " #%d %s" % ( idx, vv[idx] )
chosen = int( raw_input("#> ") )
return vv[chosen]
def handle_noargs( self, **options ):
self.origOpts = options
run_callback( self._choose_version(), self.runOrig )
def runOrig( self, proc ):
super( MumbleCommandWrapper_noargs, self ).handle_noargs( **self.origOpts )
class MumbleCommandWrapper( object ):
""" Mixin used to run a standard Django command inside MurmurEnvUtils.
To modify a standard Django command for MEU, you will need to create
a new command and derive its Command class from the wrapper, and the
Command class of the original command:
from import Command as ShellCommand
from mumble.murmurenvutils import MumbleCommandWrapper
class Command( MumbleCommandWrapper, ShellCommand ):
That will run the original command, after the user has had the chance to
select the version of Murmur to run.
def _choose_version( self ):
print "Choose version:"
vv = get_available_versions()
for idx in range(len(vv)):
print " #%d %s" % ( idx, vv[idx] )
chosen = int( raw_input("#> ") )
return vv[chosen]
def handle( self, *args, **options ):
self.origArgs = args
self.origOpts = options
run_callback( self._choose_version(), self.runOrig )
def runOrig( self, proc ):
super( MumbleCommandWrapper, self ).handle( *self.origArgs, **self.origOpts )