Forked mumble-django project from
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

39 lines
1.8 KiB

{% comment %}
<!-- kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on; -->
{% endcomment %}
{% load mumble_extras %}
{% load i18n %}
<div class="mumble" style="background-image: url( {{MUMBLE_MEDIA_PREFIX}}/img/linie_v.png )">
<span class="mumble">
{% if Player.isAuthed %}
<img src="{{MUMBLE_MEDIA_PREFIX}}/img/authenticated.png" alt="authed" title="{% trans "Authenticated" %}" />
{% endif %}
{% if Player.mute %}
<img src="{{MUMBLE_MEDIA_PREFIX}}/img/muted_server.png" alt="muted" title="{% trans "Muted" %}" />
{% endif %}
{% if Player.suppress %}
<img src="{{MUMBLE_MEDIA_PREFIX}}/img/muted_suppressed.png" alt="muted" title="{% trans "Suppressed" %}" />
{% endif %}
{% if Player.deaf %}
<img src="{{MUMBLE_MEDIA_PREFIX}}/img/deafened_server.png" alt="deafened" title="{% trans "Deafened" %}" />
{% endif %}
{% if Player.selfMute %}
<img src="{{MUMBLE_MEDIA_PREFIX}}/img/muted_self.png" alt="self-muted" title="{% trans "Muted by self" %}" />
{% endif %}
{% if Player.selfDeaf %}
<img src="{{MUMBLE_MEDIA_PREFIX}}/img/deafened_self.png" alt="self-deafened" title="{% trans "Deafened by self" %}" />
{% endif %}
{% if Player.hasComment %}
<img src="{{MUMBLE_MEDIA_PREFIX}}/img/comment.png" alt="has comment" title="{% trans "has a User Comment set" %}" />
{% endif %}
<img src="{{MUMBLE_MEDIA_PREFIX}}/img/knoten_v.png" alt="" />
{% if Player.isTalking %}
<img src="{{MUMBLE_MEDIA_PREFIX}}/img/talking_on.png" alt="Player" />
{% else %}
<img src="{{MUMBLE_MEDIA_PREFIX}}/img/talking_off.png" alt="Player" />
{% endif %}
<a id="link_{{ }}" class="mumble" href="#" title="{{ }}">{{|trunc:30 }}</a>