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@charset "UTF-8";
* "Yet Another Multicolumn Layout" - (X)HTML/CSS Framework
* (en) CSS-component for creating vertical forms
* (de) CSS-Baustein zur Erstellung von Formularen mit untereinander angeordneten Elementen
* @note Many thanks to Ansgar Hein ( for contribution
* @copyright Copyright 2005-2009, Dirk Jesse
* @license CC-A 2.0 (,
* YAML-C (
* @link
* @package yaml
* @version 3.1
* @revision $Revision: 343 $
* @lastmodified $Date: 2009-01-19 23:41:32 +0100 (Mo, 19. Jan 2009) $
@media all
* YAML Forms - visual styling
* (en) visual form styling area
* (de) Festlegung des optischen Erscheinungsbildes
form.yform {
background: #f4f4f4;
border: 1px #ddd solid;
margin: 0 0 1em 0;
padding: 10px;
form.yform fieldset {
border: 1px #ddd solid;
background: #fafafa;
margin: 0 0 1em 0;
padding: 0.5em 1em;
form.yform legend {
font-size: 125%; font-weight: normal; color: #000;
form.yform label {
color: #666;
form.yform .type-text input,
form.yform .type-text textarea,
form.yform .type-select select {
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; /* proportional fonts for all form elements */
border: 1px solid #ddd;
/* :hover and :focus status on form fields | Effekt zur Hervorhebung von Formularfeldern bei :hover oder :focus */
form.yform div input:focus,
form.yform div select:focus,
form.yform div textarea:focus,
form.yform div input:hover,
form.yform div select:hover,
form.yform div textarea:hover,
form.yform div input:active,
form.yform div select:active,
form.yform div textarea:active {
border: 1px #a66 solid;
background: #fff;
/* Styling of buttons | Gestaltung von Buttons */
form.yform .type-button input {
border-top: 1px #ddd solid;
border-left: 1px #ddd solid;
border-right: 1px #444 solid;
border-bottom: 1px #444 solid;
color: #000;
background: #454545 url(images/button_gray.png) top left repeat-x;
padding: .5em 1.2em;
form.yform .type-button input#reset { color: #300; background: #661717 url(images/button_red.png) top left repeat-x; }
form.yform .type-button input#submit { color: #330; background: #5e5607 url(images/button_yellow.png) top left repeat-x; }
/* :hover and :focus status on buttons | Effekt zur Hervorhebung von Schaltern bei :hover oder :focus */
form.yform div.type-button input:focus,
form.yform div.type-button input:hover,
form.yform div.type-button input:active {
border-top: 1px #444 solid;
border-left: 1px #444 solid;
border-right: 1px #ddd solid;
border-bottom: 1px #ddd solid;
color: #fff;
background: #555;
form.yform div.type-button input#reset:focus,
form.yform div.type-button input#reset:hover,
form.yform div.type-button input#reset:active {
background: #800; color: #fff;
form.yform div.type-button input#submit:focus,
form.yform div.type-button input#submit:hover,
form.yform div.type-button input#submit:active {
background: #880; color: #fff;
* Vertical-Forms - technical base (standard)
* |-------------------------------|
* | fieldset |
* |-------------------------------|
* | label |
* | input / select / textarea |
* |-------------------------------|
* | /fieldset |
* |-------------------------------|
* (en) Styling of forms where both label and input/select/textarea are styled with display: block;
* (de) Formulargestaltung, bei der sowohl label als auch input/select/textarea mit display: block; gestaltet werden
* WARNING: This part contains several IE-stability-fixes. Don't edit this part if you are not sure, what you're doing!
/* General form styling | Allgemeine Formatierung des Formulars */
form.yform { overflow: hidden; }
form.yform fieldset { overflow: hidden; }
form.yform legend { background: transparent; border: 0; }
form.yform label { display:block; cursor: pointer; }
form.yform .message { display: block; margin-bottom: 0.5em; color: #666; }
/* Hiding of hidden fields (otherwise ugly spaces in Firefox) | Versteckte Felder wirklich verstecken (sonst ggf. häßliche Lücken im Firefox) */
form.yform input[type=hidden] { display: none !important; }
/* Highlight mandatory fields | Pflichtfeldkennzeichnung hervorheben */
form.yform sup { color: #800; font-weight: bold; }
/* styling containing DIV elements | Gestaltung der kapselnden DIV-Elemente */
form.yform div.type-text,
form.yform div.type-select,
form.yform div.type-check,
form.yform div.type-button {
margin: 0.5em 0;
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
/* styling standard form elements with 'almost' equal flexible width | Gestaltung der einzelnen Formularelemente mit annähend gleicher Breite */
form.yform .type-text input,
form.yform .type-text textarea {
display: block;
position: relative;
padding: 0.3em 0.3em;
width: 58.5%;
form.yform .type-select select {
display: block;
position: relative;
padding: 0.3em 2px 0.3em 1px;
width: 60%;
cursor: pointer;
form.yform .type-select select optgroup {
font-style: normal;
font-weight: bold;
form.yform .type-check input { cursor: pointer; }
form.yform .type-check label { display: inline; }
/* Styling of buttons | Gestaltung von Buttons */
form.yform .type-button input {
width: auto;
cursor: pointer;
/* Styling of error-messages | Fehlermeldungen */
form.yform div.error {
border: 1px #a00 dashed;
background: #faf4f4;
padding: 0.5em;
form.yform div.error label { color: #000; font-weight:bold; }
form.yform div.error .message { color: #800; }
* Columnar forms display - technical base (optional)
* |-------------------------------------------|
* | fieldset |
* |-------------------------------------------|
* | |
* | label | input / select / textarea |
* | |
* |-------------------------------------------|
* | /fieldset |
* |-------------------------------------------|
* (en) Styling of forms where label floats left of form-elements
* (de) Formulargestaltung, bei der die label-Elemente nach links fließen
* WARNING: This part contains several IE-stability-fixes. Don't edit this part if you are not sure, what you're doing!
/* Columnar display | Spalten-Darstellung */
.columnar .type-text label,
.columnar .type-select label {
float: left;
width: 30%; /* Can be fixed width too | Kann auch eine fixe Angabe sein */
/* Indent Checkbox fields to match label-width | Checkboxen um den gleichen Wert einrücken, wie die Breite der labels */
.columnar div.type-check { padding-left: 30%; }
.columnar div.error .message { margin-left: 30%; }
.columnar div.type-text input,
.columnar div.type-text textarea { width: 67.8%; }
.columnar div.type-select select { width: 69.4%; }
/* width adjustments for IE 5.x & IE6 | Breitenanpassung für Internet Explorer 5.x und 6.0 */
* html .columnar div.type-text input,
* html .columnar div.type-text textarea { width: 67.2%; }
* html .columnar div.type-select select { width: 68.8%; }
* Forms Fieldset/Legend-Bug in IE
* @see
* @workaround
* @affected IE 5.x/Win, IE6, IE7
* @css-for IE 5.x/Win, IE6, IE7
* @valid yes
/* IE5.x & IE6 */
* html form.yform legend { position:absolute; top: -.5em; left: .5em; }
* html form.yform fieldset { overflow:visible; height: 1%; margin-top:1.5em; padding-top:1.5em; }
/* IE7 */
*+html form.yform legend { position:absolute; top: -.5em; left: .5em; }
*+html form.yform fieldset { overflow:visible; height:1%; margin-top:1.5em; padding-top:1.5em; }