# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ * Copyright (C) 2009, Michael "Svedrin" Ziegler * * Mumble-Django is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. """ import mctl import datetime from time import time from os.path import join from django.utils.http import urlquote from django.conf import settings def cmp_names( a, b ): return cmp( a.name, b.name ); class mmChannel( object ): """Represents a channel in Murmur.""" # channels = list(); # subchans = list(); # chanid = int(); # name = str(); # parent = mmChannel(); # linked = list(); # linkedIDs = list(); def __init__( self, server, channelObj, parentChan = None ): self.server = server; self.players = list(); self.subchans = list(); self.linked = list(); self.chanid = channelObj[0]; self.name = channelObj[1]; parent = channelObj[2]; self.linkedIDs = channelObj[3]; if len( channelObj ) == 5: self.description = channelObj[4]; else: self.description = ""; self.parent = parentChan; if self.parent is not None: self.parent.subchans.append( self ); def parentChannels( self ): """Return the names of this channel's parents in the channel tree.""" if self.parent is None or self.parent.is_server or self.parent.chanid == 0: return []; return self.parent.parentChannels() + [self.parent.name]; is_server = False; is_channel = True; is_player = False; playerCount = property( lambda self: len( self.players ) + sum( [ chan.playerCount for chan in self.subchans ] ), doc="The number of players in this channel." ); id = property( lambda self: "channel_%d"%self.chanid, doc="A string ready to be used in an id property of an HTML tag." ); top_or_not_empty = property( lambda self: self.parent is None or self.parent.chanid == 0 or self.playerCount > 0, doc="True if this channel needs to be shown because it is root, a child of root, or has players." ); show = property( lambda self: settings.SHOW_EMPTY_SUBCHANS or self.top_or_not_empty ); def __str__( self ): return '' % ( self.name, self.chanid ); def sort( self ): """Sort my subchannels and players, and then iterate over them and sort them recursively.""" self.subchans.sort( cmp_names ); self.players.sort( cmp_names ); for sc in self.subchans: sc.sort(); def visit( self, callback, lvl = 0 ): """Call callback on myself, then visit my subchans, then my players.""" callback( self, lvl ); for sc in self.subchans: sc.visit( callback, lvl + 1 ); for pl in self.players: pl.visit( callback, lvl + 1 ); def getURL( self, forUser = None ): """ Create an URL to connect to this channel. The URL is of the form mumble://username@host:port/parentchans/self.name """ userstr = ""; if forUser is not None: userstr = "%s@" % forUser.name; # create list of all my parents and myself chanlist = self.parentChannels() + [self.name]; # urlencode channel names chanlist = [ urlquote( chan ) for chan in chanlist ]; # create a path by joining the channel names chanpath = join( *chanlist ); if self.server.port != settings.MUMBLE_DEFAULT_PORT: return "mumble://%s%s:%d/%s" % ( userstr, self.server.addr, self.server.port, chanpath ); return "mumble://%s%s/%s" % ( userstr, self.server.addr, chanpath ); connecturl = property( getURL, doc="A convenience wrapper for getURL." ); def setDefault( self ): "Make this the server's default channel." self.server.defchan = self.chanid; self.server.save(); is_default = property( lambda self: self.server.defchan == self.chanid, doc="True if this channel is the server's default channel." ); class mmPlayer( object ): """Represents a Player in Murmur.""" # muted = bool; # deafened = bool; # suppressed = bool; # selfmuted = bool; # selfdeafened = bool; # channel = mmChannel(); # dbaseid = int(); # userid = int(); # name = str(); # onlinesince = time(); # bytesPerSec = int(); # mumbleuser = models.MumbleUser(); def __init__( self, srvInstance, playerObj, playerChan ): ( self.userid, self.muted, self.deafened, self.suppressed, self.selfmuted, self.selfdeafened, chanID, self.dbaseid, self.name, onlinetime, self.bytesPerSec ) = playerObj; self.onlinesince = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( float( time() - onlinetime ) ); self.channel = playerChan; self.channel.players.append( self ); if self.isAuthed: from models import Mumble, MumbleUser try: self.mumbleuser = MumbleUser.objects.get( mumbleid=self.dbaseid, server=srvInstance ); except MumbleUser.DoesNotExist: self.mumbleuser = None; else: self.mumbleuser = None; def __str__( self ): return '' % ( self.name, self.userid, self.dbaseid ); isAuthed = property( lambda self: self.dbaseid != -1, doc="True if this player is authenticated (+A)." ); isAdmin = property( lambda self: self.mumbleuser and self.mumbleuser.getAdmin(), doc="True if this player is in the Admin group in the ACL." ); is_server = False; is_channel = False; is_player = True; # kept for compatibility to mmChannel (useful for traversal funcs) playerCount = property( lambda self: -1, doc="Exists only for compatibility to mmChannel." ); id = property( lambda self: "player_%d"%self.userid, doc="A string ready to be used in an id property of an HTML tag." ); def visit( self, callback, lvl = 0 ): """ Call callback on myself. """ callback( self, lvl ); class mmACL: """Represents an ACL for a certain channel.""" def __init__( self, channelId, aclObj ): aclsrc, groupsrc, inherit = aclObj; self.channelId = channelId; self.acls = []; for line in aclsrc: acl = {}; acl['applyHere'], acl['applySubs'], acl['inherited'], acl['playerid'], acl['group'], acl['allow'], acl['deny'] = line; self.acls.append( acl ); self.groups = []; for line in groupsrc: group = {}; group['name'], group['inherited'], group['inherit'], group['inheritable'], group['add'], group['remove'], group['members'] = line; self.groups.append( group ); if group['name'] == "admin": self.admingroup = group; self.inherit = inherit; def pack( self ): """ Pack the information in this ACL up in a way that it can be passed to DBus. """ return ( self.channelId, [( acl['applyHere'], acl['applySubs'], acl['inherited'], acl['playerid'], acl['group'], acl['allow'], acl['deny'] ) for acl in self.acls ], [( group['name'], group['inherited'], group['inherit'], group['inheritable'], group['add'], group['remove'], group['members'] ) for group in self.groups ], self.inherit );