# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # kate: space-indent on; indent-width 4; replace-tabs on; """ * Copyright © 2009-2010, Michael "Svedrin" Ziegler <diese-addy@funzt-halt.net> * * Mumble-Django is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. """ import base64 import socket import datetime import re from time import time from django.contrib.sites.models import Site from django.utils.http import urlquote from django.conf import settings def cmp_channels( left, rite ): """ Compare two channels, first by position, and if that equals, by name. """ if hasattr( left, "position" ) and hasattr( rite, "position" ): byorder = cmp( left.position, rite.position ) if byorder != 0: return byorder return cmp_names( left, rite ) def cmp_names( left, rite ): """ Compare two objects by their name property. """ return cmp( left.name, rite.name ) def xmlpopulate( node, srcobj ): """ Read all instance variables from srcobj and set them as attributes on the given node. """ for key in srcobj.__dict__: val = getattr( srcobj, key ) if isinstance( val, bool ): encoded = unicode(val).lower() elif isinstance( val, list ) or isinstance( val, tuple ): encoded = ' '.join( ( unicode(elem) for elem in val ) ) elif isinstance( val, str ): encoded = unicode(val, "utf8") else: encoded = unicode(val) if "\x00" in encoded: # user::context. no kidding. complain to pcgod plzkthx. node.set( key, base64.encodestring( encoded ) ) else: node.set( key, encoded ) class mmChannel( object ): """ Represents a channel in Murmur. """ def __init__( self, server, channel_obj, parent_chan = None ): self.server = server self.players = list() self.subchans = list() self.linked = list() self.channel_obj = channel_obj self.chanid = channel_obj.id self.parent = parent_chan if self.parent is not None: self.parent.subchans.append( self ) self._acl = None def __repr__( self ): return "mmChannel <%d: %s>" % ( self.chanid, self.name ) # Lookup unknown attributes in self.channel_obj to automatically include Murmur's fields def __getattr__( self, key ): if hasattr( self.channel_obj, key ): return getattr( self.channel_obj, key ) else: raise AttributeError( "'%s' object has no attribute '%s'" % ( self.__class__.__name__, key ) ) def parent_channels( self ): """ Return the names of this channel's parents in the channel tree. """ if self.parent is None or self.parent.is_server or self.parent.chanid == 0: return [] return self.parent.parent_channels() + [self.parent.name] def getACL( self ): """ Retrieve the ACL for this channel. """ if not self._acl: self._acl = mmACL( self, self.server.ctl.getACL( self.server.srvid, self.chanid ) ) return self._acl acl = property( getACL ) is_server = False is_channel = True is_player = False playerCount = property( lambda self: len( self.players ) + sum( [ chan.playerCount for chan in self.subchans ] ), doc="The number of players in this channel." ) id = property( lambda self: "channel_%d"%self.chanid, doc="A string ready to be used in an id property of an HTML tag." ) top_or_not_empty = property( lambda self: self.parent is None or self.parent.chanid == 0 or self.playerCount > 0, doc="True if this channel needs to be shown because it is root, a child of root, or has players." ) show = property( lambda self: settings.SHOW_EMPTY_SUBCHANS or self.top_or_not_empty ) def __str__( self ): return '<Channel "%s" (%d)>' % ( self.name, self.chanid ) def sort( self ): """ Sort my subchannels and players, and then iterate over them and sort them recursively. """ self.subchans.sort( cmp_channels ) self.players.sort( cmp_names ) for subc in self.subchans: subc.sort() def visit( self, callback, lvl = 0 ): """ Call callback on myself, then visit my subchans, then my players. """ callback( self, lvl ) for subc in self.subchans: subc.visit( callback, lvl + 1 ) for plr in self.players: plr.visit( callback, lvl + 1 ) def getURL( self, for_user = None ): """ Create an URL to connect to this channel. The URL is of the form mumble://username@host:port/parentchans/self.name """ from urlparse import urlunsplit versionstr = "version=%s" % self.server.prettyversion if self.parent is not None: chanlist = self.parent_channels() + [self.name] chanlist = [ urlquote( chan ) for chan in chanlist ] urlpath = "/".join( chanlist ) else: urlpath = "" if for_user is not None: netloc = "%s@%s" % ( for_user.name, self.server.netloc ) return urlunsplit(( "mumble", netloc, urlpath, versionstr, "" )) else: return urlunsplit(( "mumble", self.server.netloc, urlpath, versionstr, "" )) connecturl = property( getURL ) def setDefault( self ): """ Make this the server's default channel. """ self.server.defchan = self.chanid self.server.save() is_default = property( lambda self: self.server.defchan == self.chanid, doc="True if this channel is the server's default channel." ) def asDict( self, authed=False ): chandata = self.channel_obj.__dict__.copy() chandata['users'] = [ pl.asDict( authed ) for pl in self.players ] chandata['channels'] = [ sc.asDict( authed ) for sc in self.subchans ] chandata['x_connecturl'] = self.connecturl return chandata def asXml( self, parentnode, authed=False ): from xml.etree.cElementTree import SubElement me = SubElement( parentnode, "channel" ) xmlpopulate( me, self.channel_obj ) me.set( "x_connecturl", self.connecturl ) for sc in self.subchans: sc.asXml(me, authed) for pl in self.players: pl.asXml(me, authed) def asMvXml( self, parentnode ): """ Return an XML tree for this channel suitable for MumbleViewer-ng. """ from xml.etree.cElementTree import SubElement me = SubElement( parentnode, "item" , id=self.id, rel='channel' ) content = SubElement( me, "content" ) name = SubElement( content , "name" ) name.text = self.name for sc in self.subchans: sc.asMvXml(me) for pl in self.players: pl.asMvXml(me) def asMvJson( self ): """ Return a Dict for this channel suitable for MumbleViewer-ng. """ return { "attributes": { "href": self.connecturl, "id": self.id, "rel": "channel", }, "data": self.name, "children": [ sc.asMvJson() for sc in self.subchans ] + \ [ pl.asMvJson() for pl in self.players ], "state": { False: "closed", True: "open" }[self.top_or_not_empty], } class mmPlayer( object ): """ Represents a Player in Murmur. """ def __init__( self, server, player_obj, player_chan ): self.player_obj = player_obj self.onlinesince = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( float( time() - player_obj.onlinesecs ) ) self.channel = player_chan self.channel.players.append( self ) if self.isAuthed: from mumble.models import MumbleUser try: self.mumbleuser = MumbleUser.objects.get( mumbleid=self.userid, server=server ) except MumbleUser.DoesNotExist: self.mumbleuser = None else: self.mumbleuser = None def __repr__( self ): return "mmPlayer <%d: %s (%d)>" % ( self.session, self.name, self.userid ) # Lookup unknown attributes in self.player_obj to automatically include Murmur's fields def __getattr__( self, key ): if hasattr( self.player_obj, key ): return getattr( self.player_obj, key ) else: raise AttributeError( "'%s' object has no attribute '%s'" % ( self.__class__.__name__, key ) ) def __str__( self ): return '<Player "%s" (%d, %d)>' % ( self.name, self.session, self.userid ) hasComment = property( lambda self: hasattr( self.player_obj, "comment" ) and bool(self.player_obj.comment), doc="True if this player has a comment set." ) isAuthed = property( lambda self: self.userid != -1, doc="True if this player is authenticated (+A)." ) isAdmin = property( lambda self: self.mumbleuser and self.mumbleuser.getAdmin(), doc="True if this player is in the Admin group in the ACL." ) # Totally ripped from Pimmetje isTalking = property( lambda self: self.idlesecs == 0, doc="True if this player is currently talking." ) is_server = False is_channel = False is_player = True def getIpAsString( self ): """ Get the client's IPv4 or IPv6 address, in a pretty format. """ addr = self.player_obj.address if max( addr[:10] ) == 0 and addr[10:12] == (255, 255): return "%d.%d.%d.%d" % tuple( addr[12:] ) ip6addr = [(hi << 8 | lo) for (hi, lo) in zip(addr[0::2], addr[1::2])] # colon-separated string: ipstr = ':'.join([ ("%x" % part) for part in ip6addr ]) # 0:0:0 -> :: return re.sub( "((^|:)(0:){2,})", '::', ipstr, 1 ) ipaddress = property( getIpAsString ) fqdn = property( lambda self: socket.getfqdn( self.ipaddress ), doc="The fully qualified domain name of the user's host." ) # kept for compatibility to mmChannel (useful for traversal funcs) playerCount = property( lambda self: -1, doc="Exists only for compatibility to mmChannel." ) id = property( lambda self: "player_%d"%self.session, doc="A string ready to be used in an id property of an HTML tag." ) def visit( self, callback, lvl = 0 ): """ Call callback on myself. """ callback( self, lvl ) def asDict( self, authed=False ): pldata = self.player_obj.__dict__.copy() if authed: pldata["x_addrstring"] = self.ipaddress else: del pldata["address"] if self.mumbleuser and self.mumbleuser.hasTexture(): pldata['x_texture'] = "http://" + Site.objects.get_current().domain + self.mumbleuser.textureUrl return pldata def asXml( self, parentnode, authed=False ): from xml.etree.cElementTree import SubElement me = SubElement( parentnode, "user" ) xmlpopulate( me, self.player_obj ) if authed: me.set( "x_addrstring", self.ipaddress ) else: me.set( "address", "" ) if self.mumbleuser and self.mumbleuser.hasTexture(): me.set( 'x_texture', "http://" + Site.objects.get_current().domain + self.mumbleuser.textureUrl ) def asMvXml( self, parentnode ): """ Return an XML node for this player suitable for MumbleViewer-ng. """ from xml.etree.cElementTree import SubElement me = SubElement( parentnode, "item" , id=self.id, rel='user' ) content = SubElement( me, "content" ) name = SubElement( content , "name" ) name.text = self.name def asMvJson( self ): """ Return a Dict for this player suitable for MumbleViewer-ng. """ return { "attributes": { "id": self.id, "rel": "user", }, 'data': self.name, } class mmACL( object ): """ Represents an ACL for a certain channel. """ def __init__( self, channel, acl_obj ): self.channel = channel self.acls, self.groups, self.inherit = acl_obj self.groups_dict = {} for group in self.groups: self.groups_dict[ group.name ] = group def group_has_member( self, name, userid ): """ Checks if the given userid is a member of the given group in this channel. """ if name not in self.groups_dict: raise ReferenceError( "No such group '%s'" % name ) return userid in self.groups_dict[name].add or userid in self.groups_dict[name].members def group_add_member( self, name, userid ): """ Make sure this userid is a member of the group in this channel (and subs). """ if name not in self.groups_dict: raise ReferenceError( "No such group '%s'" % name ) group = self.groups_dict[name] # if neither inherited nor to be added, add if userid not in group.members and userid not in group.add: group.add.append( userid ) # if to be removed, unremove if userid in group.remove: group.remove.remove( userid ) def group_remove_member( self, name, userid ): """ Make sure this userid is NOT a member of the group in this channel (and subs). """ if name not in self.groups_dict: raise ReferenceError( "No such group '%s'" % name ) group = self.groups_dict[name] # if added here, unadd if userid in group.add: group.add.remove( userid ) # if member and not in remove, add to remove elif userid in group.members and userid not in group.remove: group.remove.append( userid ) def save( self ): """ Send this ACL to Murmur. """ return self.channel.server.ctl.setACL( self.channel.server.srvid, self.channel.chanid, self.acls, self.groups, self.inherit )