# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # kate: space-indent on; indent-width 4; replace-tabs on; """ * Copyright (C) 2010, Michael "Svedrin" Ziegler * * djExtDirect is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. """ import json as json import functools from django import forms from django.http import HttpResponse, Http404 from django.conf.urls.defaults import url from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe from django.core.serializers.json import DjangoJSONEncoder from provider import Provider # Template used for the auto-generated form classes EXT_CLASS_TEMPLATE = """ Ext.namespace('Ext.ux'); Ext.ux.%(clsname)s = function( config ){ Ext.apply( this, config ); Ext.applyIf( this, { defaults: { "anchor": "-20px" }, paramsAsHash: true, baseParams: {}, autoScroll: true, submitButtonText: "Submit" } ); Ext.applyIf( this, { buttons: [{ text: this.submitButtonText, handler: this.submit, id: '%(clsname)s_submit', scope: this }] }); var defaultconf = %(defaultconf)s; Ext.applyIf( this, defaultconf ); this.initialConfig = defaultconf; this.api = %(apiconf)s; for( var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++ ){ if( this.items[i].xtype == "choicescombo" ){ this.items[i].pk = config.pk; this.items[i].api = this.api; } } Ext.ux.%(clsname)s.superclass.constructor.call( this ); this.form.api = this.api; this.form.paramsAsHash = true; if( typeof config.pk != "undefined" ){ this.load(); } this.form.addEvents({ 'submitSuccess': true, 'submitFailure': true }); if( typeof config.listeners != "undefined" ){ if( typeof config.listeners.submitSuccess != "undefined" ) this.form.on("submitSuccess", config.listeners.submitSuccess); if( typeof config.listeners.submitFailure != "undefined" ) this.form.on("submitFailure", config.listeners.submitFailure); } } Ext.extend( Ext.ux.%(clsname)s, Ext.form.FormPanel, { load: function(){ this.getForm().load({ params: Ext.applyIf( {pk: this.pk}, this.baseParams ) }); }, submit: function(){ this.getForm().submit({ params: Ext.applyIf( {pk: this.pk}, this.baseParams ), failure: function( form, action ){ if( action.failureType == Ext.form.Action.SERVER_INVALID && typeof action.result.errors['__all__'] != 'undefined' ){ Ext.Msg.alert( "Error", action.result.errors['__all__'] ); } form.fireEvent("submitFailure", form, action); }, success: function( form, action ){ form.fireEvent("submitSuccess", form, action); } }); }, } ); Ext.reg( '%(clslowername)s', Ext.ux.%(clsname)s ); """ # About the this.form.* lines, see # http://www.sencha.com/forum/showthread.php?96001-solved-Ext.Direct-load-data-in-extended-Form-fails-%28scope-issue%29 EXT_DYNAMICCHOICES_COMBO = """ Ext.namespace('Ext.ux'); Ext.ux.ChoicesCombo = function( config ){ Ext.apply( this, config ); Ext.applyIf( this, { displayField: this.name, valueField: this.name, hiddenName: this.name, autoSelect: false, typeAhead: true, emptyText: 'Select...', triggerAction: 'all', selectOnFocus: true, }); this.triggerAction = 'all'; this.store = new Ext.data.DirectStore({ baseParams: {'pk': this.pk, 'field': this.name}, directFn: this.api.choices, paramOrder: ['pk', 'field'], reader: new Ext.data.JsonReader({ successProperty: 'success', idProperty: this.valueField, root: 'data', fields: [this.valueField, this.displayField] }) }); Ext.ux.ChoicesCombo.superclass.constructor.call( this ); this.store.load(); }; Ext.extend( Ext.ux.ChoicesCombo, Ext.form.ComboBox, { }); Ext.reg( 'choicescombo', Ext.ux.ChoicesCombo ); """ class FormProvider(Provider): """ This class extends the provider class to handle Django forms. To export a form, register it using the ``register_form`` decorator. After registration, you will be able to retrieve an ExtJS form class definition for this form under the URL ".js". Include this script via a