# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# kate: space-indent on; indent-width 4; replace-tabs on;

 *  Copyright © 2009-2010, Michael "Svedrin" Ziegler <diese-addy@funzt-halt.net>
 *  Mumble-Django is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.

from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib import admin
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

from mumble.forms  import MumbleServerForm, MumbleAdminForm, MumbleUserAdminForm
from mumble.models import MumbleServer, Mumble, MumbleUser

class MumbleServerAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    list_display   = [ 'dbus', 'get_murmur_online', 'get_murmur_version' ]
    search_fields  = [ 'dbus' ]
    ordering       = [ 'dbus' ]

    form = MumbleServerForm

    def get_murmur_online( self, obj ):
        return obj.online

    get_murmur_online.short_description = _('Master is running')
    get_murmur_online.boolean = True

    def get_murmur_version( self, obj ):
        if obj.online:
            return obj.prettyversion
        return "?"

    get_murmur_version.short_description = _("Server version")

class MumbleAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    """ Specification for the "Server administration" admin section. """

    list_display   = [ 'name', 'srvid', 'get_addr', 'get_port', 'get_murmur_online', 'get_booted',
               'get_is_public', 'get_users_online' ]
    list_filter    = [ 'addr', 'server' ]
    search_fields  = [ 'name', 'addr', 'port' ]
    ordering       = [ 'name' ]
    actions        = [ 'start', 'stop', 'restart', 'enable_autoboot', 'disable_autoboot' ]
    form           = MumbleAdminForm

    def get_murmur_online( self, obj ):
        return obj.server.online

    get_murmur_online.short_description = _('Master is running')
    get_murmur_online.boolean = True

    def get_addr( self, obj ):
        if not obj.addr:
            return "*"
        return obj.addr

    get_addr.short_description = _('Server Address')

    def get_port( self, obj ):
        if not obj.port:
            return '< %d >' % (obj.server.defaultPort + obj.srvid - 1)
        return obj.port

    get_port.short_description = _('Server Port')

    def get_booted( self, obj ):
        return obj.booted

    get_booted.short_description = _('Instance is running')
    get_booted.boolean = True

    def get_users_regged( self, obj ):
        """ Populates the "Registered users" column. """
        if obj.booted:
            return obj.users_regged
            return '-'

    get_users_regged.short_description = _( 'Registered users' )

    def get_users_online( self, obj ):
        """ Populates the "Online users" column. """
        if obj.booted:
            return obj.users_online
            return '-'

    get_users_online.short_description = _( 'Online users' )

    def get_channel_count( self, obj ):
        """ Populates the "Channel Count" column. """
        if obj.booted:
            return obj.channel_cnt
            return '-'

    get_channel_count.short_description = _( 'Channel count' )

    def get_is_public( self, obj ):
        """ Populates the "Public" column. """
        if obj.booted:
            if obj.is_public:
                return _( 'Yes' )
                return _( 'No' )
            return '-'

    get_is_public.short_description = _( 'Public' )

    def start(self, request, queryset):
        for mm in queryset:

    start.short_description = _( "Start server instance" )

    def stop(self, request, queryset):
        for mm in queryset:

    stop.short_description = _( "Stop server instance" )

    def restart(self, request, queryset):
        for mm in queryset:

    restart.short_description = _( "Restart server instance" )

    def enable_autoboot(self, request, queryset):
        for mm in queryset:
            mm.autoboot = True

    enable_autoboot.short_description = _( "Enable autoboot" )

    def disable_autoboot(self, request, queryset):
        for mm in queryset:
            mm.autoboot = False

    disable_autoboot.short_description = _( "Disable autoboot" )

class MumbleUserAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    """ Specification for the "Registered users" admin section. """

    list_display   = [ 'name', 'server', 'owner', 'mumbleid', 'get_acl_admin' ]
    list_filter    = [ 'server' ]
    search_fields  = [ 'owner__username', 'name' ]
    actions        = [ 'set_texture_from_gravatar' ]
    ordering       = [ 'owner__username' ]

    form = MumbleUserAdminForm

    def get_acl_admin( self, obj ):
        if obj.server.booted:
            return obj.aclAdmin
        return None

    get_acl_admin.short_description = _('Admin on root channel')
    get_acl_admin.boolean = True

    def set_texture_from_gravatar( self, request, queryset ):
        for mu in queryset:

    set_texture_from_gravatar.short_description = _( "Set Gravatar as Texture" )

admin.site.register( MumbleServer, MumbleServerAdmin )
admin.site.register( Mumble,       MumbleAdmin )
admin.site.register( MumbleUser,   MumbleUserAdmin )