# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # kate: space-indent on; indent-width 4; replace-tabs on; """ * Copyright © 2009, withgod * 2009-2010, Michael "Svedrin" Ziegler * * Mumble-Django is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. """ from time import time from functools import wraps from StringIO import StringIO from os.path import exists, join from os import unlink, name as os_name from PIL import Image from struct import pack, unpack from zlib import compress, decompress, error from mctl import MumbleCtlBase from utils import ObjectInfo import Ice, IcePy, tempfile def loadSlice( slicefile ): """ Load the slice file with the correct include dir set, if possible. """ if hasattr( Ice, "getSliceDir" ): icepath = Ice.getSliceDir() else: from django.conf import settings icepath = settings.SLICEDIR if not exists( join( icepath, "Ice", "SliceChecksumDict.ice" ) ): icepath = None if not icepath: # last resort, let's hope to christ this works (won't for >=1.2.3) Ice.loadSlice( slicefile ) else: Ice.loadSlice( '', ['-I' + icepath, slicefile ] ) def protectDjangoErrPage( func ): """ Catch and reraise Ice exceptions to prevent the Django page from failing. Since I need to "import Murmur", Django would try to read a murmur.py file which doesn't exist, and thereby produce an IndexError exception. This method erases the exception's traceback, preventing Django from trying to read any non-existant files and borking. """ @wraps(func) def protection_wrapper( self, *args, **kwargs ): """ Call the original function and catch Ice exceptions. """ try: return func( self, *args, **kwargs ) except Ice.Exception, err: raise err protection_wrapper.innerfunc = func return protection_wrapper @protectDjangoErrPage def MumbleCtlIce( connstring, slicefile=None, icesecret=None ): """ Choose the correct Ice handler to use (1.1.8 or 1.2.x), and make sure the Murmur version matches the slice Version. Optional parameters are the path to the slice file and the Ice secret necessary to authenticate to Murmur. The path can be omitted only if running Murmur 1.2.3 or later, which exports a getSlice method to retrieve the Slice from. """ prop = Ice.createProperties([]) prop.setProperty("Ice.ImplicitContext", "Shared") idd = Ice.InitializationData() idd.properties = prop ice = Ice.initialize(idd) if icesecret: ice.getImplicitContext().put( "secret", icesecret.encode("utf-8") ) prx = ice.stringToProxy( connstring.encode("utf-8") ) try: prx.ice_ping() except Ice.Exception: raise EnvironmentError( "Murmur does not appear to be listening on this address (Ice ping failed)." ) try: import Murmur except ImportError: # Try loading the Slice from Murmur directly via its getSlice method. # See scripts/testdynamic.py in Mumble's Git repository. try: slice = IcePy.Operation( 'getSlice', Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent, True, (), (), (), IcePy._t_string, () ).invoke(prx, ((), None)) except (TypeError, Ice.OperationNotExistException): if not slicefile: raise EnvironmentError( "You didn't configure a slice file. Please set the SLICE variable in settings.py." ) if not exists( slicefile ): raise EnvironmentError( "The slice file does not exist: '%s' - please check the settings." % slicefile ) if " " in slicefile: raise EnvironmentError( "You have a space char in your Slice path. This will confuse Ice, please check." ) if not slicefile.endswith( ".ice" ): raise EnvironmentError( "The slice file name MUST end with '.ice'." ) try: loadSlice( slicefile ) except RuntimeError: raise RuntimeError( "Slice preprocessing failed. Please check your server's error log." ) else: if os_name == "nt": # It weren't Windows if it didn't need to be treated differently. *sigh* temppath = join( tempfile.gettempdir(), "Murmur.ice" ) slicetemp = open( temppath, "w+b" ) try: slicetemp.write( slice ) finally: slicetemp.close() try: loadSlice( temppath ) except RuntimeError: raise RuntimeError( "Slice preprocessing failed. Please check your server's error log." ) finally: unlink(temppath) else: slicetemp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( suffix='.ice' ) try: slicetemp.write( slice ) slicetemp.flush() loadSlice( slicetemp.name ) except RuntimeError: raise RuntimeError( "Slice preprocessing failed. Please check your server's error log." ) finally: slicetemp.close() import Murmur meta = Murmur.MetaPrx.checkedCast(prx) murmurversion = meta.getVersion()[:3] if murmurversion == (1, 1, 8): return MumbleCtlIce_118( connstring, meta ) elif murmurversion[:2] == (1, 2): if murmurversion[2] < 2: return MumbleCtlIce_120( connstring, meta ) elif murmurversion[2] == 2: return MumbleCtlIce_122( connstring, meta ) elif murmurversion[2] == 3: return MumbleCtlIce_123( connstring, meta ) raise NotImplementedError( "No ctl object available for Murmur version %d.%d.%d" % tuple(murmurversion) ) class MumbleCtlIce_118(MumbleCtlBase): method = "ICE" def __init__( self, connstring, meta ): self.proxy = connstring self.meta = meta @protectDjangoErrPage def _getIceServerObject(self, srvid): return self.meta.getServer(srvid) @protectDjangoErrPage def getBootedServers(self): ret = [] for x in self.meta.getBootedServers(): ret.append(x.id()) return ret @protectDjangoErrPage def getVersion( self ): return self.meta.getVersion() @protectDjangoErrPage def getAllServers(self): ret = [] for x in self.meta.getAllServers(): ret.append(x.id()) return ret @protectDjangoErrPage def getRegisteredPlayers(self, srvid, filter = ''): users = self._getIceServerObject(srvid).getRegisteredPlayers( filter.encode( "UTF-8" ) ) ret = {} for user in users: ret[user.playerid] = ObjectInfo( userid = int( user.playerid ), name = unicode( user.name, "utf8" ), email = unicode( user.email, "utf8" ), pw = unicode( user.pw, "utf8" ) ) return ret @protectDjangoErrPage def getChannels(self, srvid): return self._getIceServerObject(srvid).getChannels() @protectDjangoErrPage def getPlayers(self, srvid): users = self._getIceServerObject(srvid).getPlayers() ret = {} for useridx in users: user = users[useridx] ret[ user.session ] = ObjectInfo( session = user.session, userid = user.playerid, mute = user.mute, deaf = user.deaf, suppress = user.suppressed, selfMute = user.selfMute, selfDeaf = user.selfDeaf, channel = user.channel, name = user.name, onlinesecs = user.onlinesecs, bytespersec = user.bytespersec ) return ret @protectDjangoErrPage def getDefaultConf(self): return self.setUnicodeFlag(self.meta.getDefaultConf()) @protectDjangoErrPage def getAllConf(self, srvid): conf = self.setUnicodeFlag(self._getIceServerObject(srvid).getAllConf()) info = {} for key in conf: if key == "playername": info['username'] = conf[key] else: info[str(key)] = conf[key] return info @protectDjangoErrPage def newServer(self): return self.meta.newServer().id() @protectDjangoErrPage def isBooted( self, srvid ): return bool( self._getIceServerObject(srvid).isRunning() ) @protectDjangoErrPage def start( self, srvid ): self._getIceServerObject(srvid).start() @protectDjangoErrPage def stop( self, srvid ): self._getIceServerObject(srvid).stop() @protectDjangoErrPage def deleteServer( self, srvid ): if self._getIceServerObject(srvid).isRunning(): self._getIceServerObject(srvid).stop() self._getIceServerObject(srvid).delete() @protectDjangoErrPage def setSuperUserPassword(self, srvid, value): self._getIceServerObject(srvid).setSuperuserPassword( value.encode( "UTF-8" ) ) @protectDjangoErrPage def getConf(self, srvid, key): if key == "username": key = "playername" return self._getIceServerObject(srvid).getConf( key ) @protectDjangoErrPage def setConf(self, srvid, key, value): if key == "username": key = "playername" if value is None: value = '' self._getIceServerObject(srvid).setConf( key, value.encode( "UTF-8" ) ) @protectDjangoErrPage def registerPlayer(self, srvid, name, email, password): mumbleid = self._getIceServerObject(srvid).registerPlayer( name.encode( "UTF-8" ) ) self.setRegistration( srvid, mumbleid, name, email, password ) return mumbleid @protectDjangoErrPage def unregisterPlayer(self, srvid, mumbleid): self._getIceServerObject(srvid).unregisterPlayer(mumbleid) @protectDjangoErrPage def getRegistration(self, srvid, mumbleid): user = self._getIceServerObject(srvid).getRegistration(mumbleid) return ObjectInfo( userid = mumbleid, name = user.name, email = user.email, pw = '', ) @protectDjangoErrPage def setRegistration(self, srvid, mumbleid, name, email, password): import Murmur user = Murmur.RegisteredPlayer() user.playerid = mumbleid user.name = name.encode( "UTF-8" ) user.email = email.encode( "UTF-8" ) user.pw = password.encode( "UTF-8" ) # update*r*egistration r is lowercase... return self._getIceServerObject(srvid).updateregistration(user) @protectDjangoErrPage def getACL(self, srvid, channelid): # need to convert acls to say "userid" instead of "playerid". meh. raw_acls, raw_groups, raw_inherit = self._getIceServerObject(srvid).getACL(channelid) acls = [ ObjectInfo( applyHere = rule.applyHere, applySubs = rule.applySubs, inherited = rule.inherited, userid = rule.playerid, group = rule.group, allow = rule.allow, deny = rule.deny, ) for rule in raw_acls ] return acls, raw_groups, raw_inherit @protectDjangoErrPage def setACL(self, srvid, channelid, acls, groups, inherit): import Murmur ice_acls = [] for rule in acls: ice_rule = Murmur.ACL() ice_rule.applyHere = rule.applyHere ice_rule.applySubs = rule.applySubs ice_rule.inherited = rule.inherited ice_rule.playerid = rule.userid ice_rule.group = rule.group ice_rule.allow = rule.allow ice_rule.deny = rule.deny ice_acls.append(ice_rule) return self._getIceServerObject(srvid).setACL( channelid, ice_acls, groups, inherit ) @protectDjangoErrPage def getTexture(self, srvid, mumbleid): texture = self._getIceServerObject(srvid).getTexture(mumbleid) if len(texture) == 0: raise ValueError( "No Texture has been set." ) # this returns a list of bytes. try: decompressed = decompress( texture ) except error, err: raise ValueError( err ) # iterate over 4 byte chunks of the string imgdata = "" for idx in range( 0, len(decompressed), 4 ): # read 4 bytes = BGRA and convert to RGBA # manual wrote getTexture returns "Textures are stored as zlib compress()ed 600x60 32-bit RGBA data." # http://mumble.sourceforge.net/slice/Murmur/Server.html#getTexture # but return values BGRA X( bgra = unpack( "4B", decompressed[idx:idx+4] ) imgdata += pack( "4B", bgra[2], bgra[1], bgra[0], bgra[3] ) # return an 600x60 RGBA image object created from the data return Image.fromstring( "RGBA", ( 600, 60 ), imgdata ) @protectDjangoErrPage def setTexture(self, srvid, mumbleid, infile): # open image, convert to RGBA, and resize to 600x60 img = infile.convert( "RGBA" ).transform( ( 600, 60 ), Image.EXTENT, ( 0, 0, 600, 60 ) ) # iterate over the list and pack everything into a string bgrastring = "" for ent in list( img.getdata() ): # ent is in RGBA format, but Murmur wants BGRA (ARGB inverse), so stuff needs # to be reordered when passed to pack() bgrastring += pack( "4B", ent[2], ent[1], ent[0], ent[3] ) # compress using zlib compressed = compress( bgrastring ) # pack the original length in 4 byte big endian, and concat the compressed # data to it to emulate qCompress(). texture = pack( ">L", len(bgrastring) ) + compressed # finally call murmur and set the texture self._getIceServerObject(srvid).setTexture(mumbleid, texture) @protectDjangoErrPage def verifyPassword(self, srvid, username, password): return self._getIceServerObject(srvid).verifyPassword(username, password) @staticmethod def setUnicodeFlag(data): ret = '' if isinstance(data, tuple) or isinstance(data, list) or isinstance(data, dict): ret = {} for key in data.keys(): ret[MumbleCtlIce_118.setUnicodeFlag(key)] = MumbleCtlIce_118.setUnicodeFlag(data[key]) else: ret = unicode(data, 'utf-8') return ret def getUptime(self, srvid): return None @protectDjangoErrPage def getBans( self, srvid ): return self._getIceServerObject(srvid).getBans() @protectDjangoErrPage def getLog( self, srvid, first=0, last=100 ): return self._getIceServerObject(srvid).getLog( first, last ) @protectDjangoErrPage def addChannel( self, srvid, name, parentid ): return self._getIceServerObject(srvid).addChannel( name.encode( "UTF-8" ), parentid ) @protectDjangoErrPage def removeChannel( self, srvid, channelid ): return self._getIceServerObject(srvid).removeChannel( channelid ) @protectDjangoErrPage def renameChannel( self, srvid, channelid, name, description ): srv = self._getIceServerObject(srvid) state = srv.getChannelState(channelid) state.name = name.encode("UTF-8") srv.setChannelState(state) @protectDjangoErrPage def moveChannel(self, srvid, channelid, parentid): srv = self._getIceServerObject(srvid) state = srv.getChannelState(channelid) state.parent = parentid srv.setChannelState(state) @protectDjangoErrPage def moveUser(self, srvid, sessionid, channelid): srv = self._getIceServerObject(srvid) state = srv.getState(sessionid) state.channel = channelid srv.setState(state) @protectDjangoErrPage def muteUser(self, srvid, sessionid, mute=True): srv = self._getIceServerObject(srvid) state = srv.getState(sessionid) state.mute = mute srv.setState(state) @protectDjangoErrPage def deafenUser(self, srvid, sessionid, deaf=True): srv = self._getIceServerObject(srvid) state = srv.getState(sessionid) state.deaf = deaf srv.setState(state) @protectDjangoErrPage def kickUser(self, srvid, userid, reason=""): return self._getIceServerObject(srvid).kickPlayer( userid, reason.encode("UTF-8") ) @protectDjangoErrPage def sendMessage(self, srvid, sessionid, message): return self._getIceServerObject(srvid).sendMessage( sessionid, message.encode( "UTF-8" ) ) @protectDjangoErrPage def sendMessageChannel(self, srvid, channelid, tree, message): return self._getIceServerObject(srvid).sendMessageChannel( channelid, tree, message.encode( "UTF-8" ) ) class MumbleCtlIce_120(MumbleCtlIce_118): @protectDjangoErrPage def getRegisteredPlayers(self, srvid, filter = ''): users = self._getIceServerObject( srvid ).getRegisteredUsers( filter.encode( "UTF-8" ) ) ret = {} for id in users: ret[id] = ObjectInfo( userid = id, name = unicode( users[id], "utf8" ), email = '', pw = '' ) return ret @protectDjangoErrPage def getPlayers(self, srvid): userdata = self._getIceServerObject(srvid).getUsers() for key in userdata: if isinstance( userdata[key], str ): userdata[key] = userdata[key].decode( "UTF-8" ) return userdata @protectDjangoErrPage def getState(self, srvid, sessionid): userdata = self._getIceServerObject(srvid).getState(sessionid) for key in userdata.__dict__: attr = getattr( userdata, key ) if isinstance( attr, str ): setattr( userdata, key, attr.decode( "UTF-8" ) ) return userdata @protectDjangoErrPage def registerPlayer(self, srvid, name, email, password): # To get the real values of these ENUM entries, try # Murmur.UserInfo.UserX.value import Murmur user = { Murmur.UserInfo.UserName: name.encode( "UTF-8" ), Murmur.UserInfo.UserEmail: email.encode( "UTF-8" ), Murmur.UserInfo.UserPassword: password.encode( "UTF-8" ), } return self._getIceServerObject(srvid).registerUser( user ) @protectDjangoErrPage def unregisterPlayer(self, srvid, mumbleid): self._getIceServerObject(srvid).unregisterUser(mumbleid) @protectDjangoErrPage def getRegistration(self, srvid, mumbleid): reg = self._getIceServerObject( srvid ).getRegistration( mumbleid ) user = ObjectInfo( userid=mumbleid, name="", email="", comment="", hash="", pw="" ) import Murmur if Murmur.UserInfo.UserName in reg: user.name = reg[Murmur.UserInfo.UserName] if Murmur.UserInfo.UserEmail in reg: user.email = reg[Murmur.UserInfo.UserEmail] if Murmur.UserInfo.UserComment in reg: user.comment = reg[Murmur.UserInfo.UserComment] if Murmur.UserInfo.UserHash in reg: user.hash = reg[Murmur.UserInfo.UserHash] return user @protectDjangoErrPage def setRegistration(self, srvid, mumbleid, name, email, password): import Murmur user = { Murmur.UserInfo.UserName: name.encode( "UTF-8" ), Murmur.UserInfo.UserEmail: email.encode( "UTF-8" ), Murmur.UserInfo.UserPassword: password.encode( "UTF-8" ), } return self._getIceServerObject( srvid ).updateRegistration( mumbleid, user ) @protectDjangoErrPage def getAllConf(self, srvid): conf = self.setUnicodeFlag(self._getIceServerObject(srvid).getAllConf()) info = {} for key in conf: if key == "playername" and conf[key]: # Buggy database transition from 1.1.8 -> 1.2.0 # Store username as "username" field and set playername field to empty info['username'] = conf[key] self.setConf( srvid, "playername", "" ) self.setConf( srvid, "username", conf[key] ) else: info[str(key)] = conf[key] return info @protectDjangoErrPage def getConf(self, srvid, key): return self._getIceServerObject(srvid).getConf( key ) @protectDjangoErrPage def setConf(self, srvid, key, value): if value is None: value = '' self._getIceServerObject(srvid).setConf( key, value.encode( "UTF-8" ) ) @protectDjangoErrPage def getACL(self, srvid, channelid): return self._getIceServerObject(srvid).getACL(channelid) @protectDjangoErrPage def setACL(self, srvid, channelid, acls, groups, inherit): return self._getIceServerObject(srvid).setACL( channelid, acls, groups, inherit ) @protectDjangoErrPage def getBans(self, srvid): return self._getIceServerObject(srvid).getBans() @protectDjangoErrPage def setBans(self, srvid, bans): return self._getIceServerObject(srvid).setBans(bans) @protectDjangoErrPage def addBanForSession(self, srvid, sessionid, **kwargs): session = self.getState(srvid, sessionid) if "bits" not in kwargs: kwargs["bits"] = 128 if "start" not in kwargs: kwargs["start"] = int(time()) if "duration" not in kwargs: kwargs["duration"] = 3600 return self.addBan(srvid, address=session.address, **kwargs) @protectDjangoErrPage def addBan(self, srvid, **kwargs): for key in kwargs: if isinstance( kwargs[key], unicode ): kwargs[key] = kwargs[key].encode("UTF-8") from Murmur import Ban srvbans = self.getBans(srvid) srvbans.append( Ban( **kwargs ) ) return self.setBans(srvid, srvbans) @protectDjangoErrPage def removeBan(self, srvid, **kwargs): return self.setBans(srvid, [ # keep all bans which don't match exactly the one we're looking for ban for ban in self.getBans(srvid) # if one of those attr checks fails (-> False), min() is False -> keep the thing if not min([ getattr(ban, kw) == kwargs[kw] for kw in kwargs ]) ]) @protectDjangoErrPage def kickUser(self, srvid, userid, reason=""): return self._getIceServerObject(srvid).kickUser( userid, reason.encode("UTF-8") ) @protectDjangoErrPage def renameChannel( self, srvid, channelid, name, description ): srv = self._getIceServerObject(srvid) state = srv.getChannelState(channelid) state.name = name.encode("UTF-8") state.description = description.encode("UTF-8") srv.setChannelState(state) @protectDjangoErrPage def getUptime(self, srvid): return None class MumbleCtlIce_122(MumbleCtlIce_120): @protectDjangoErrPage def getTexture(self, srvid, mumbleid): raise ValueError( "This method is buggy in 1.2.2, sorry dude." ) @protectDjangoErrPage def setTexture(self, srvid, mumbleid, infile): buf = StringIO() infile.save( buf, "PNG" ) buf.seek(0) self._getIceServerObject(srvid).setTexture(mumbleid, buf.read()) @protectDjangoErrPage def getUptime(self, srvid): return self._getIceServerObject(srvid).getUptime() class MumbleCtlIce_123(MumbleCtlIce_120): @protectDjangoErrPage def getRawTexture(self, srvid, mumbleid): return self._getIceServerObject(srvid).getTexture(mumbleid) @protectDjangoErrPage def getTexture(self, srvid, mumbleid): texture = self.getRawTexture(srvid, mumbleid) if len(texture) == 0: raise ValueError( "No Texture has been set." ) from StringIO import StringIO try: return Image.open( StringIO( texture ) ) except IOError, err: raise ValueError( err ) @protectDjangoErrPage def setTexture(self, srvid, mumbleid, infile): buf = StringIO() infile.save( buf, "PNG" ) buf.seek(0) self._getIceServerObject(srvid).setTexture(mumbleid, buf.read()) @protectDjangoErrPage def getUptime(self, srvid): return self._getIceServerObject(srvid).getUptime()