======================= Mumble-Django changelog ======================= Version 0.7, 19 May 2009: ------------------------------ * Added copyright information about the Icons in the channel viewer to COPYRIGHT. * Fixed bug that prevented various settings from being applied to Murmur. * Fixed Python 2.4 incompatibility. * Various minor bug fixes. * Added setting users' textures * Added Mumble icon as favicon Version 0.6, 02. May 2009: ------------------------------ * Re-Licensed the complete project under the GPL v2+, added License tags to code files. * Added "default channel", "player name", "channel name", "IP obfuscation" settings to Mumble model, therefore now supporting every one of Murmur's config options. * IMPORTANT: If updating from a version <= 0.5, please run: ./update-v0.5-v0.6.sh in the pyweb directory. That way, you will update the database without losing any data. If you are newly installing Mumble-Django, this does not apply. * Various minor bug fixes. Version 0.5, 18 April 2009: ------------------------------ * Added redirect for / into urls.py, as this is easier than configuring it in the Apache config because it doesn't require the user to do anything. * Completely refurbished the user interface, now using a YAML template and ExtJS for some extra cool stuff. Still, the page does not _require_ JavaScript to be enabled in order to function correctly, users with JS disabled will only see the registration forms and a hint to enable JS. Version 0.4, 10 April 2009: ------------------------------ * Various bug fixes. * Added settings for django-registration to settings.py, so users can actually find them and don't need to figure these out on their own. * Added a form for Server Admins (people added to the Admin group on the root channel) to change a few settings like server password and MOTD. Version 0.3, 25 March 2009: ------------------------------ * added basepath autodetection. * added "Admin on root channel" field that allows editing the ACL of the root channel, to grant or revoke membership in the "admins" group, thereby granting/revoking Administrator privileges. Version 0.2, 24 March 2009: ------------------------------ * Reorganized settings.py, so only one single line needs to be edited in order to configure everything. * Added a syncdb hook that looks for already configured Murmur instances whenever syncdb is run, and writes found instances and users into the database. * Various minor bug fixes. Version 0.1, 21 February 2009: ------------------------------ * Set up a Django project that uses the Mumble application to make use easier for Django inexperienced users * First official Release