# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # kate: space-indent on; indent-width 4; replace-tabs on; """ * Copyright © 2009-2010, Michael "Svedrin" Ziegler <diese-addy@funzt-halt.net> * * Mumble-Django is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. """ # Privs: # # Unauthed users: # * Registration: no Anon_MumbleUser{,Link}FormTestCase # * Administration: no Anon_MumbleFormTestCase # * User texture: no # * User list: no # * Log messages: no # * Instance scope: ALL # # Authed users, unregistered: # * Registration: self, User{,Password,Link}Form User_MumbleUserLinkFormTestCase # * Administration: no # * User texture: no # * User list: no # * Log messages: no # * Instance scope: CURRENT # # Authed users, not admins: # * Registration: self, UserForm # * Administration: no # * User texture: self # * User list: no # * Log messages: no # * Instance scope: CURRENT # # Authed users, admins: # * Registration: everyone # * Administration: yes # * User texture: everyone # * User list: yes # * Log messages: yes # * Instance scope: CURRENT # # Authed users, superadmins: # * Registration: everyone Super_MumbleUser{,Link}FormTestCase # * Administration: yes Super_MumbleFormTestCase # * User texture: everyone # * User list: yes # * Log messages: yes # * Instance scope: ALL try: import simplejson except ImportError: import json as simplejson from django.conf import settings from django.test import TestCase from django.test.client import Client from django.contrib.auth.models import User from models import Mumble, MumbleUser from utils import ObjectInfo class ExtDirectFormTestMixin(object): """ Methods for testing a Form exported via Ext.Direct. These only define the methods, you will need to inherit your TestCase from this class and set the following class attributes: api_baseurl: The URL under which the Ext.Direct provider has been registered. formname: The name of the exported form class. """ def setUp(self): self.cl = Client() super(ExtDirectFormTestMixin, self).setUp() self.tid = 1 def testFormApi(self): rawr = self.cl.get( "%s/%s.js" % ( self.api_baseurl, self.formname.lower() ) ) self.assertEquals( rawr.status_code, 200 ) def formGet( self, data=[] ): rawr = self.cl.post( self.api_baseurl+'/router', data=simplejson.dumps({ 'tid': self.tid, 'action': ('XD_%s' % self.formname), 'method': 'get', 'data': data, 'type': 'rpc' }), content_type='application/json' ) self.tid += 1 response = simplejson.loads(rawr.content) if response['type'] == "exception": raise Exception( response["message"] ) self.assert_( "result" in response ) return response['result'] def formPost( self, data={} ): postdata={ 'extAction': ('XD_%s' % self.formname), 'extMethod': 'update', 'extTID': self.tid, 'extType': 'rpc', 'extUpload': 'false', } self.tid += 1 postdata.update( data ) rawr = self.cl.post( self.api_baseurl+'/router', data=postdata ) response = simplejson.loads(rawr.content) if response['type'] == "exception": raise Exception( response["message"] ) self.assert_( "result" in response ) return response['result'] def generateTestCase( name, formname, data, login=None ): attrs = { 'fixtures': ['testdb.json'], 'formname': formname, 'api_baseurl': '/mumble/forms', } if login: def setUp( self ): ExtDirectFormTestMixin.setUp( self ) if not self.cl.login( **login ): raise Exception( "Login failed" ) attrs['setUp'] = setUp def mkGet( data, result ): def testFormGet( self ): callresult = self.formGet( [{ 'pk': data['pk'] }] ) if "data" in callresult: del callresult['data'] # don't care self.assertEquals( callresult, result ) return testFormGet def mkPost( data, result ): def testFormPost( self ): callresult = self.formPost( data ) self.assertEquals( callresult, result, ("errors" in callresult and callresult['errors'] or None) ) return testFormPost for testname in data: if len(data[testname]) == 3: testdata, getresult, postresult = data[testname] else: testdata, getresult = data[testname] postresult = getresult attrs.update({ ('testForm%sGet' % testname): mkGet( testdata, getresult ), ('testForm%sPost' % testname): mkPost( testdata, postresult ), }) return type( name, (ExtDirectFormTestMixin, TestCase), attrs ) RES_SUCCESS = {'success': True} RES_ACCESSDENIED = {'success': False, 'errors': {'__all__': 'access denied'}} RES_PREVALFAIL = {'success': False, 'errors': {'__all__': 'pre-validation failed'}} LOGIN_SUPERADMIN = {'username': 'svedrin', 'password': 'passwort'} LOGIN_UNREGUSER = {'username': 'unreg', 'password': 'passwort'} LOGIN_USER = {'username': 'user', 'password': 'passwort'} LOGIN_ADMIN = {'username': 'admin', 'password': 'passwort'} ############################################################# ### ANON: Unauthed (not logged in) users ### ############################################################# Anon_Registration = generateTestCase( name = "Anon_Registration", formname = "MumbleUserForm", data = { 'My': ( {'pk': 1, 'name': "svedrin", 'password': 'passwort', 'serverid': 1}, RES_ACCESSDENIED ), 'Other': ( {'pk': 1, 'name': "svedrin", 'password': 'passwort'}, RES_ACCESSDENIED ) } ) Anon_Administration = generateTestCase( name = "Anon_Administration", formname = "MumbleForm", data = { 'My': ( {'pk': 1, 'url': '', 'player': ''}, RES_ACCESSDENIED ) }, ) Anon_UserLink = generateTestCase( name = "Anon_UserLink", formname = "MumbleUserLinkForm", data = { 'My': ( {'pk': 1, 'name': "ohai", 'password': 'failfail', 'serverid': 1}, RES_ACCESSDENIED ), } ) ############################################################# ### UNREG: Authenticated but no MumbleUser avail ### ############################################################# Unreg_Registration = generateTestCase( name = "Unreg_Registration", formname = "MumbleUserForm", data = { 'My': ( {'pk': -1, 'name': "neueruser", 'password': 'passwort', 'serverid': 1}, RES_SUCCESS ), 'Taken': ( {'pk': -1, 'name': "svedrin", 'password': 'passwort', 'serverid': 1}, RES_SUCCESS, {'success': False, 'errors': {'name': 'Another player already registered that name.'}} ), 'Other': ( {'pk': 1, 'name': "svedrin", 'password': 'passwort'}, RES_ACCESSDENIED ) }, login = LOGIN_UNREGUSER ) if settings.ALLOW_ACCOUNT_LINKING and settings.ALLOW_ACCOUNT_LINKING_ADMINS: unreg_adminlinkresult = RES_SUCCESS else: unreg_adminlinkresult = {'success': False, 'errors': {'__all__': 'Linking Admin accounts is not allowed.'}} Unreg_UserLink = generateTestCase( name = "User_UserLink", formname = "MumbleUserLinkForm", data = { 'My': ( {'pk': -1, 'name': "nichtadmin", 'password': 'nichtadmin', 'serverid': 1, 'linkacc': 'on'}, RES_ACCESSDENIED, RES_SUCCESS if settings.ALLOW_ACCOUNT_LINKING else RES_ACCESSDENIED ), 'Admin': ( {'pk': -1, 'name': "dochadmin", 'password': 'dochadmin', 'serverid': 1, 'linkacc': 'on'}, RES_ACCESSDENIED, unreg_adminlinkresult ), 'Other': ( {'pk': 1, 'name': "svedrin", 'password': 'passwort', 'serverid': 1}, RES_ACCESSDENIED ), 'Taken': ( {'pk': -1, 'name': "svedrin", 'password': 'passwort', 'serverid': 1}, RES_ACCESSDENIED, {'success': False, 'errors':{'name': 'Another player already registered that name.'}} ), }, login = LOGIN_UNREGUSER ) Unreg_Administration = generateTestCase( name = "Unreg_Administration", formname = "MumbleForm", data = { 'My': ( {'pk': 1, 'name': 'test server', 'url': '', 'player': ''}, RES_ACCESSDENIED ), 'Other': ( {'pk': 2, 'name': 'alealejandro', 'url': '', 'player': ''}, RES_ACCESSDENIED ), }, login = LOGIN_UNREGUSER, ) ############################################################# ### USER: MumbleUser but not a server admin ### ############################################################# User_Administration = generateTestCase( name = "User_Administration", formname = "MumbleForm", data = { 'My': ( {'pk': 1, 'name': 'test server', 'url': '', 'player': ''}, RES_ACCESSDENIED ), 'Other': ( {'pk': 2, 'name': 'alealejandro', 'url': '', 'player': ''}, RES_ACCESSDENIED ), }, login = LOGIN_USER, ) ############################################################# ### ADMIN: MumbleUser is a server admin ### ############################################################# Admin_Administration = generateTestCase( name = "Admin_Administration", formname = "MumbleForm", data = { 'My': ( {'pk': 1, 'name': 'test server', 'url': '', 'player': ''}, RES_SUCCESS ), 'Other': ( {'pk': 2, 'name': 'alealejandro', 'url': '', 'player': ''}, RES_ACCESSDENIED ), }, login = LOGIN_ADMIN, ) ############################################################# ### SUPER: User is superadmin, MumbleUser irrelevant ### ############################################################# Super_Registration = generateTestCase( name = "Super_Registration", formname = "MumbleUserForm", data = { 'My': ( {'pk': 1, 'name': "svedrin", 'password': 'passwort', 'serverid': 1}, RES_SUCCESS ), 'Fail': ( {'pk': 1, 'name': "svedrin", 'password': 'passwort'}, RES_SUCCESS, RES_PREVALFAIL ), }, login = LOGIN_SUPERADMIN ) Super_Administration = generateTestCase( name = "Super_Administration", formname = "MumbleForm", data = { 'My': ( {'pk': 1, 'name': 'test server', 'url': '', 'player': ''}, RES_SUCCESS ), 'Other': ( {'pk': 2, 'name': 'alealejandro', 'url': '', 'player': ''}, RES_SUCCESS ), }, login = LOGIN_SUPERADMIN, ) Super_UserLink = generateTestCase( name = "Super_UserLink", formname = "MumbleUserLinkForm", data = { 'My': ( {'pk': 1, 'name': "svedrin", 'password': 'passwort', 'serverid': 1}, RES_ACCESSDENIED ), 'Link': ( {'pk': 1, 'name': "svedrin", 'password': 'passwort', 'serverid': 1, 'linkacc': 'on'}, RES_ACCESSDENIED ) }, ) class ExportedForms(TestCase): """ Makes sure needed forms are exported, and admin forms are not. """ def setUp(self): self.cl = Client() def testMumbleUserFormApi(self): rawr = self.cl.get( '/mumble/forms/mumbleuserform.js' ) self.assertEquals( rawr.status_code, 200 ) def testMumbleUserPasswordFormApi(self): rawr = self.cl.get( '/mumble/forms/mumbleuserpasswordform.js' ) self.assertEquals( rawr.status_code, 200 ) def testMumbleUserLinkFormApi(self): rawr = self.cl.get( '/mumble/forms/mumbleuserlinkform.js' ) self.assertEquals( rawr.status_code, 200 ) def testMumbleAdminFormApi(self): # This form is NOT exported (and shouldn't be) because it's only used in the admin rawr = self.cl.get( '/mumble/forms/mumbleadminform.js' ) self.assertEquals( rawr.status_code, 404 ) def testMumbleUserAdminFormApi(self): # This form is NOT exported (and shouldn't be) because it's only used in the admin rawr = self.cl.get( '/mumble/forms/mumbleuseradminform.js' ) self.assertEquals( rawr.status_code, 404 )