# Croatian translation file for Mumble-Django.
# Copyright (C) 2009, Vid "Night" Marić <nightcooki3@gmail.com>
# Mumble-Django is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Mumble-Django v0.8\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Michael Ziegler\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-07-18 17:26+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Vid Marić <vid_maric@yahoo.com>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: admin.py:30
msgid "Registered users"
msgstr "Registrirani korisnici"

#: admin.py:34
msgid "Online users"
msgstr "Korisnici na serveru"

#: admin.py:38
msgid "Channel count"
msgstr "Sobe"

#: admin.py:42
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Da"

#: admin.py:43
msgid "No"
msgstr "Ne"

#: admin.py:44
msgid "Public"
msgstr "Javni server"

#: models.py:47
msgid "Server Name"
msgstr "Ime servera"

#: models.py:48
msgid "DBus or ICE base"
msgstr "DBus ili ICE"

#: models.py:49
msgid "Server ID"
msgstr "Server-ID"

#: models.py:50
msgid "Server Address"
msgstr "Adresa servera"

#: models.py:51
msgid "Server Port"
msgstr "Port"

#: models.py:52
msgid "Website URL"
msgstr "URL internet stranice"

#: models.py:53
msgid "Welcome Message"
msgstr "Poruka dobrodošlice"

#: models.py:54
msgid "Server Password"
msgstr "Lozinka servera"

#: models.py:55
msgid "Superuser Password"
msgstr "Lozinka Superusera (administrator)"

#: models.py:56
msgid "Max. Users"
msgstr "Maksimalan broj korisnika"

#: models.py:57
msgid "Bandwidth [Bps]"
msgstr "Promet [Bps]"

#: models.py:58
msgid "SSL Certificate"
msgstr "SSL certifikat"

#: models.py:59
msgid "SSL Key"
msgstr "SSL ključ"

#: models.py:60
msgid "IP Obfuscation"
msgstr "Bilježi IP adrese korisnika"

#: models.py:61
msgid "Player name regex"
msgstr "Dozvoljena korisnička imena"

#: models.py:62
msgid "Channel name regex"
msgstr "Dozvoljeni nazivi soba"

#: models.py:63
msgid "Default channel"
msgstr "Početni kanal"

#: models.py:64
msgid "Boot Server"
msgstr "Pokreni server"

#: models.py:68 models.py:282
msgid "Server instance"
msgstr "Instanca servera"

#: models.py:69
msgid "Server instances"
msgstr "Instance servera"

#: models.py:279
msgid "Mumble player_id"
msgstr "ID korisnika na Mumbleu"

#: models.py:280
msgid "User name and Login"
msgstr "Korisničko ime"

#: models.py:281
msgid "Login password"
msgstr "Lozinka"

#: models.py:283
msgid "Account owner"
msgstr "Vlasnik računa"

#: models.py:284
msgid "Admin on root channel"
msgstr "Administrator u glavnoj sobi"

#: models.py:288
msgid "User account"
msgstr "Korisnički račun"

#: models.py:289
msgid "User accounts"
msgstr "Korisnički računi"

#: models.py:296
#, python-format
msgid "Mumble user %(mu)s on %(srv)s owned by Django user %(du)s"
msgstr "Django korisniku %(du)s pripada Mumble račun %(mu)s na serveru %(srv)s"

#: models.py:315
msgid "Another player already registered that name."
msgstr "Ovo ime je zauzeto, probajte neko drugo."

#: models.py:317
msgid "Cannot register player without a password!"
msgstr "Odaberite lozinku i probajte ponovno!"

#: models.py:347 models.py:356
msgid "The admin group was not found in the ACL's groups list!"
msgstr "Grupa administratora nije pronađena u ACL listi grupa!"

#: models.py:396
msgid "This field must not be updated once the record has been saved."
msgstr "Ovo polje ne smije biti obnovljeno nakon što je zapis spremljen."

#: mumble.htm:13
msgid ""
"      <b>Hint:</b><br />\n"
"      This area is used to display additional information for each channel "
"and player, but requires JavaScript to be\n"
"      displayed correctly. You will not see the detail pages, but you can "
"use all links and forms\n"
"      that are displayed.\n"
"\t  "
msgstr ""
"      <b>Savjet:</b><br />\n"
"      Ovdje se prikazuju dodatne informacije za svaki kanal"
"i svakog igrača te zahtjeva JavaScript kako bi\n"
"      se informacije pravilno prikazale. Nećete vidjeti stranicu s detaljima, ali možete "
"koristiti sve linkove i forme.\n"
"\t  "

#: mumble.htm:26
msgid "Website"
msgstr "Internet stranica"

#: mumble.htm:28
msgid "Server version"
msgstr "Verzija servera"

#: mumble.htm:31
msgid "Welcome message"
msgstr "Poruka dobrodošlice"

#: mumble.htm:37
msgid "Server registration"
msgstr "Registracija servera"

#: mumble.htm:40
msgid "You are registered on this server"
msgstr "Registrirani ste na ovom serveru"

#: mumble.htm:42
msgid "You do not have an account on this server"
msgstr "Nemate račun na ovom serveru"

#: mumble.htm:51
msgid ""
"      <p>You need to be <a href=\"/accounts/login?next=%2Fmumble%2F%"
"(serverid)s\">logged in</a> to be able to register an account on this Mumble "
msgstr ""
"      <p>Morate biti <a href=\"/accounts/login?next=%2Fmumble%2F%"
"(serverid)s\">prijavljeni (ulogirani)</a> kako bi ste napravili račun "
"na ovom Mumble serveru.</p>\n"

#: mumble.htm:59 mumble.htm.py:161
msgid "User Texture"
msgstr "Korisnička slika"

#: mumble.htm:61
#, python-format
msgid ""
"          You can upload an image that you would like to use as your user "
"texture here.<br />\n"
"          Your current texture is:<br />\n"
"          <img src=\"/mumble/%(serverid)s/texture.png\" alt=\"user texture"
"\" /><br />\n"
"          Hint: The texture image <b>needs</b> to be 600x60 in size. If you "
"upload an image with\n"
"          a different size, it will be resized accordingly.<br />\n"
msgstr ""
"          Možete postaviti sliku za koju bi htjeli da zamjeni vaše"
"korisničko ime u Mumble transparentu (overlay).<br />\n"
"          Vaša trenutačna slika je:<br />\n"
"          <img src=\"/mumble/%(serverid)s/texture.png\" alt=\"user texture"
"\" /><br />\n"
"          Savjet: Slika <b>mora</b> biti veličine 600x60. Ako odaberete "
"sliku drugačije veličine, veličina će biti promjenjena u 600x60.<br />\n"

#: mumble.htm:81
msgid "Server administration"
msgstr "Administracija servera"

#: mumble.htm:95
msgid "Player"
msgstr "Korisnik"

#: mumble.htm:97
msgid "Online since"
msgstr "Na serveru od"

#: mumble.htm:98 mumble.htm.py:99 mumble.htm.py:100 mumble.htm.py:101
#: mumble.htm:102 mumble.htm.py:103
msgid "yes,no"
msgstr "da,ne"

#: mumble.htm:98
#, python-format
msgid "Authenticated:    %(authed)s"
msgstr "Registriran korisnik: %(authed)s"

#: mumble.htm:99
#, python-format
msgid "Admin:            %(admin)s"
msgstr "Administrator:   %(admin)s"

#: mumble.htm:100
#, python-format
msgid "Muted:            %(muted)s"
msgstr "Utišan mikrofon:   %(muted)s"

#: mumble.htm:101
#, python-format
msgid "Deafened:         %(deafened)s"
msgstr "Utišani zvučnici / slušalice:    %(deafened)s"

#: mumble.htm:102
#, python-format
msgid "Muted by self:    %(selfmuted)s"
msgstr "Samo-utišan mikrofon: %(selfmuted)s"

#: mumble.htm:103
#, python-format
msgid "Deafened by self: %(selfdeafened)s"
msgstr "Samo-utišani zvučnici / slušalice: %(selfdeafened)s"

#: mumble.htm:106
msgid "User"
msgstr "Korisnik"

#: mumble.htm:109
msgid "Full Name"
msgstr "Puno ime"

#: mumble.htm:111
msgid "Admin"
msgstr "Administrator"

#: mumble.htm:112
msgid "Sign-up date"
msgstr "Datum registracije"

#: mumble.htm:118
msgid "Channel"
msgstr "Soba"

#: mumble.htm:119
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Spoji se"

#: mumble.htm:122
msgid "Channel description"
msgstr "Opis kanala"

#: mumble.htm:155
msgid "Server Info"
msgstr "Informacije o serveru"

#: mumble.htm:156
msgid "Registration"
msgstr "Registracija"

#: mumble.htm:158
msgid "Administration"
msgstr "Administracija"